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1、小学四年级英语下册期末试题一、单选1. The number of _ in our class _ forty-eight. A. the students, are B. the students, is C. students, are2. The little girl was too frightened _ a word. A. not to tell B. to speak C. to say 3. -_ fine weather! Lets go to the park. -All right.A.HowB. WhatC. What a4. -Hello! May I spea

2、k to your father? -Sorry, he _ Xiamen on business. A. has been in B. has been to C. has gone to5. -Mum, I am thirsty. Is there any _ in the bottlbe? -Sorry, there isnt any. A. juice B. bread C. rice6. -When shall we exploere the Ming /tombs? -_ next month. A. Sometime B. Some time C. Sometimes7 How

3、long did it _ the conductor to check the tickets this morning? -Half an hour. A pay B spent C take8 Have you met your classmates?-No, we didnt know how to find them because they didnt tell us _.A which room did they live in B which room they lived in C which room they lived 9.Thereisnoenough_intheco

4、rnertoputthetable. A.place B.room C.ground10.Oursportsmeetingwillbeheld_. A.on24,Tuesday,April B.inApril24,TuesdayC.onTuesday,April2411.-WhatcanIdoforyou? -Idliketwo_. A.boxesofapples B.boxofapplesC.boxesofapple12.Why did the policeman stop us?He told us not _ so fast in this street.A. drive B. to d

5、riving C. to drive 13.The train _ for twenty minutes.A. has left B. is leaving C. has been away14. _ people are members of Greener China in our city. A. Hundred of B. Hundreds of C. Hundred D. Hundreds15. They _ for Shanghai on Friday. Shall we go to see them off at the train station?A.are leaving B

6、. are left C. have left 16. _you dont go to bed earlier, you will feel tired in the morning.A.UnlessB.IfC.Though 17. its hot today, why dont we go swimming? _.A. Thats a good idea B. It doesnt matter C. I dont, either 18.The air in mountain areas is _that in big cities. A. as fresh asB. fresher than C. as dirty as 19.Take your time,_ youll make another mistake.A. thenB. and C. ifD. or20.I find _interesting to play games with children.A. that B. how C. it


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