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1、2020托福听力要提分的要求 在托福备考过程中,我们用的基本都是类似的备考资料单词书,官方真题Official,OG。但是,由于每个人的基础及水平是不一样的,下面就和大家分享听力要提分:按照分数段对号入座找方法,来欣赏一下吧。听力要提分:按照分数段对号入座找方法60分左右的考生首先,打好基本功,从慢速简单的英语听力入手,打好基本功对于后期听力提分非常重要。这一要求主要针对总分在60分左右的学生,建议使用TOEFLJunior 的听力材料,由于此材料涉及的是高中词汇和四级词汇较多,而且语速比较慢,适合较基础的学生进行逐句听写练习,听写后进行看原文改错和跟读,并背诵听力原文中出现的生词已达到积累基

2、础词汇的目的。在60分左右的阶段,要慢慢的适应和熟悉英语中的表达习惯,同时注意读音的问题。在进行一个月 junior 听写练习之后可以进行官方真题Official的对话听写练习,加大对于听力练习的难度,同时要求对于对话进行跟读和跟翻的练习。所以针对60分左右的阶段要以打好听力和词汇基础,培养语音和语感为目的来进行练习。80分左右的考生其次,针对80分左右的学生要在保证官方真题Official题目练习的同时要注意在听到听力*的主题后,迅速激活自己在该学术领域的相关知识,对可能听到的内容进行积极预测。80分这一阶段的听力程度应该可以掌握托福听力的对话,主要问题在于听力的讲座材料无法很好的把握。针对

3、较长的讲座抓住要点记笔记也非常的重要。记笔记是托福听力的必修课。讲座*篇幅较长,也就是所包含的信息量较大,而*的后面又会考察我们一些细节信息。在这种情况下,光凭大脑记忆是绝对不够的,必须拥有边听边记笔记的能力才能应对后面的题目。在记笔记时,要重点把握*的一些细节信息点,对重要细节信息点要做到熟悉、敏感,并且可以迅速记录。完善的笔记能力需要长期的训练,在平时练习的过程中,要养成边听边记笔记的习惯,摸索笔记的规律,不断总结形成自己的缩写及笔记符号系统。然后配套进行官方真题Official 的听力题目练习,进行相应的错题分析,并进行错题的问题积累。所以针对80分左右的情况,要加大精听和泛听的练习量,

4、才能达到提分的效果。100分以上的考生最后,针对100分以上的学生,听力的主要问题是细节点可能存在漏听或者个别主旨题目理解错误的情况。所以最好的提分技巧是在练习成套题目后,自主进行错题的更改,建议可以在进行一篇*精听的同时进行题目的更改,然后可以看原文进行相应错题出题点的对应,总结错题的原因。同时,熟悉各个科目的听力背景词汇,保证在听到专业词汇时可以尽快的反应出专业词汇的意思。从而不影响其他听力细节的把握。所以针对100分的学员情况,重点在于自己进行错题原因的总结和题目的分析,然后尽可能多的了解专业词汇。托福听力练习对照文本So, why did what is now called mode

5、rn dance begin in the United States?那么,现在被称作“现代舞”的为什么始于美国?To begin to answer this question, Ill need to backtrack a little bit and talk about classical ballet.要开始回答这个问题,我将需要回溯一点点,并且谈谈古典芭蕾。By the late 1800s, ballet had lost a lot of its popularity.在十九世纪晚期,芭蕾舞失去了许多它的普及度。Most of the ballet dancers who

6、performed in the United States were brought over from Europe.大多数在美国表演的芭蕾舞蹈家是从欧洲转入的。They performed using the rigid techniques that had been passed down through the centuries.他们用传承了几个世纪的死板的技巧表演。Audiences and dancers in the United States were eager for their own, contemporary dance form.美国的观众和舞蹈家渴望他们自己

7、的 “现代的”舞蹈形式。And so, around 1900, dancers created one.因此,大约到1900,舞蹈家创造了一种(现代舞)。So, how was this modern dance so different from classical ballet?那么,这种“现代”舞蹈同古典芭蕾是多么的不一样?Well, most notably, it wasnt carefully choreographed.好,最显著的是,它不是刻意精心设计的。Instead, the dance depended on the improvisation and free, pe

8、rsonal expression of the dancers.相反,这种舞蹈依靠即兴创作和舞蹈家自由的,个人表现力。Music and scenery were of little importance to the modern dance, and lightness of movement wasnt important either.音乐和舞台布景对“现代”舞不那么重要,而且轻盈的动作也不那么重要。In fact, modern dancers made no attempt at all to conceal the effort involved in a dance step

9、.事实上,当代的舞者根本没有尝试去隐蔽包含在舞步中的力(量感)。But even if improvisation appealed to audiences, many dance critics were less than enthusiastic about the performances.但即使即兴表演对观众有吸引力,许多舞蹈评论家对表演的热情没有那么高。They questioned the artistic integrity of dancers who were not professionally trained and the artistic value of wor

10、ks that had no formal structure.他们怀疑没有受过专业训练的舞者的艺术完整性以及没有正式结构的作品的艺术价值。Loie Fuller, after performing Fire Dance, was described as doing little more than turning round and round like an eggbeater.Loie Fuller, 在表演完火焰舞之后,被描述为比“转来转去的像个打蛋器”强不了多少。Yet, the free, personal expression of the pioneer dancers is

11、 the basis of the controlled freedom of modern dance today.然而,这种舞者先驱们自由的,个人的表达,是今天“受限制的自由”的现代舞的基础。托福听力练习对照文本Not long ago, some of you may have read about a team of mountain-climbing scientists who helped to recalculate the elevation of the highest mountain in the world: Mt. Everest.不久前, 你们中的一些(人)可能已

12、经读过关于一队登山科学家帮助重新计算了世界最高峰:珠穆朗玛峰的海拔。Of course, the elevation of Mt. Everest was determined many years ago, using traditional surveying methods.当然,珠穆朗玛峰的海拔许多年前就被确定了,使用的是传统的调查方法。But these scientists wanted to make a more precise measurement using a new method that takes advantage of recent advances in t

13、echnology.但是这些科学家想要做一个更精确的测量使用一个新的方法利用最近的科技进步。Its called the Global Positioning System.它(科技)被称作全球定位系统。The Global Positioning System uses 24 satellites that circle the Earth.这个全球定位系统使用围绕地球的24颗卫星Each of these satellites is constantly sending out signals.每颗卫星都是在不断地发送信号。And each signal contains importan

14、t information that can be used to determine the longitude, latitude, and elevation of any point on the Earths surface.而且每个信号都包含着重要的信息,能够被用来确定经度,纬度,和地球表面上任意点的海拔。Well, in order to use this system to calculate Mt. Everests elevation, scientists needed to put a special receiver on its summit to receive

15、signals from the satellites.好,为了使用这个系统计算珠穆朗玛峰的海拔,科学家需要在它的顶点放置一个特殊的接收器接收来自卫星的信号。The problem with this was that, in the past, the receivers were much too heavy for climbers to carry.这事儿的问题曾经是,在过去,接收器对于登山者携带来说都太沉重了。But now these receivers have been reduced to about the size and weight of a handheld tel

16、ephone, so climbers were able to take a receiver to the top of Everest and, from there, to access the satellite system signals that would allow them to determine the precise elevation.但是现在这些接收器已经被减小到大约一个手持电话的尺寸和重量,所以攀登者能够带着接收器去珠穆朗玛之巅并且,从那里,接入能够允许他们去确定精确海拔的卫星系统信号And it turns out that the famous peak is actually a few feet higher than was previously thought.结果是这个著名的山峰事实上比之前想的要高几英尺。听力提分


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