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1、托福阅读备考原则 托福阅读是托福考试四单项中比较容易提分的部分,但各位考友也绝不能因为容易提分就掉以轻心,须知“最安全的地方反而可能是最危险的地方”。下面就和大家分享托福阅读备考原则,来欣赏一下吧。托福阅读备考原则:循序渐进,由浅入深1.单词多背多记,一定是必须要做的。这里就不多说了。2.语法这一条更多的是针对初级水平的筒子们来说,除了背单词之外,其实就是要打磨语法。我们可以通过一个体系将自己的英语语法梳理一遍,自学能力不是特别好的话可以找一些课程听一听。当大家可以刷10-20套老托福语法真题的时候,其实就已经具备了一个初步做题的能力,就可以尝试直接做官方真题Official,然后再根据里面的

2、错题来分析自己的问题。3.长难句这一项是几乎90% 的考生都被打败的一项,如何提高学生的阅读能力,帮助学员攻克阅读长难句呢?(1)判断是简单还是复杂句?当考生拿到一道句子简化题的时候,首先要做的就是对于题目中出现的长难句进行句类的判断。如果该句只含有一个主谓结构,并且句子各成分都只由单词或者短语构成,那么这个句子就是简单句。如果该句包含分句,那么这个句子就是复杂句。(2)找出主干和句内逻辑。在对长难句的句类判断之后,考生可以分析这个句子内部的逻辑关系。对于简单句来说,只要找出这个句子的主干,即主谓宾语。而对于复杂句来说,考生需要做的就是分析复杂句内部各分句之间的逻辑关系。在句子简化题中最常考的

3、逻辑关系分别有四种:并列、因果、转折、比较。要判断逻辑关系,考生可以在阅读过程中寻找相应的逻辑词,如and、but、because等等。(3)在选项中找到句子主干和逻辑关系。当考生完成对句子的分析之后,考生就要去看选项了。但是这个时候考生不能只是去看选项,考生要做的是在选项里寻找考生刚刚对句子进行分析的结果:主干和逻辑关系。在判断句类和找到主干、逻辑关系后,考生就来看一下选项。如果选项主干和逻辑齐全,就是正确选项。其余都是错的。托福阅读背景素材之富有的人更长寿吗It is a sad fact of socioeconomics that the wealthy tend to lead he

4、althier, longer lives than do the poor. Now scientists have gone a step further, finding a specific hormone that links wealth with a longer life.社会经济学里出现了一个让人难过的事实:有钱人和穷人相比,其生活往往更健康,寿命也更长。如今科学家又为该事实进一步找到依据,他们发现一个人的富裕程度和寿命长短是有关系的,这种关系来自一个特定的激素。The hormone is called DHEAS-or dehydroepiandrosterone sul

5、fate-a natural steroid produced by the brain, adrenal glands and sexual organs. Those with higher levels of DHEAS tend to exercise more, have more hobbies and have closer relationships with friends and family. They also tend to live longer.这种激素被称为脱氢表雄酮硫酸盐,或简称“DHEAS”,是大脑、肾上腺和性器官产生的一种天然类固醇物质。DHEAS激素水平

6、较高的人往往运动量较大,爱好较多,与亲朋的关系也较为紧密。另外,这些人的寿命也往往更长。Researchers from the University College London, working on the English Longitudinal Study of Ageing, studied thousands of people over the age of 50 and found that wealthier people had higher levels of DHEAS.伦敦大学学院(University College London)从事英国老龄化纵向研究(Engl

7、ish Longitudinal Study of Ageing)的工作人员对数千名五十岁以上的老人进行了研究,研究发现人们的富裕程度越高,其DHEAS激素水平也越高。They also found higher levels of a second hormone-growth factor I (IGF-I)-in those who are wealthier. The two hormones help regulate the body and control reactions to stress.此外,研究人员还发现,越有钱的人其第二激素生长因子I(IGF-I)的水平也越高。这两

8、种激素可帮助调节人体机能,控制人体对压力的反应。A striking new finding is that the hormone dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate DHEAS that predicts life expectancy also follows a social gradient: less wealth, lower levels of DHEAS, said Prof. Michael Marmot of the universitys Department of Epidemiology and Public Health.伦敦大学学院流行

9、病学和公共卫生系(Department of Epidemiology and Public Health)教授马尔默特(Michael Marmot)说,一项引人注意的最新研究发现,可预测人们寿命长短的DHEAS激素竟然也遵循一种社会变化规律,即财富越少,激素水平越低。The implication is that wealth brings freedom and time to eat well, exercise, enjoy various past times and stay closer to family and friends.这表明,富裕的人们在合理饮食、运动、打发各种闲

10、暇方面拥有自由和时间,且使得他们与亲朋好友相伴的时间也更长。To some, this might seem like another case where money is destiny. Once again the rich seem to be winning the race and widening the gap, not just in financial terms but also in the far more important measure of life expectancy.可能对有些人来说,这好像是在说金钱是万能的。好像有钱人再次赢得了赛跑,并拉大了与穷人之

11、间的距离,不仅是在财富的拥有量上,而且是在更为重要的寿命方面。What is more, people may be able to produce more of their own DHEAS even if they arent wealthy, by leading more DHEAS-friendly lives - more exercise, more friendships and more hobbies-though, as the article notes, production of DHEAS is greatest in childhood and teenag

12、e years, gradually declines thereafter.另外,即使你现在不属于富人行列,或许也可通过多运动、结交更多朋友和增加个人爱好等生活方式提高自身的DHEAS激素水平。研究结果指出,童年和青少年时代产生的DHEAS激素量是最多的,此后就逐渐减少。Of course, if you spend time doing all that, you might not get wealthy.当然,如果你花时间尝试上述每项生活方式,你不一定会因此而富起来。托福阅读真题原题+题目The end of the nineteenth century and the early y

13、ears of the twentieth century were marked by the development of an international Art Nouveau style, characterized by sinuous lines, floral and vegetable motifs, and soft evanescent coloration. The Art Nouveau style was an eclectic one, bringing together elements of Japanese art, motifs of ancient cu

14、ltures, and natural forms. The glass objects of this style were elegant in outline, although often deliberately distorted, with pale or iridescent surfaces. A favored device of the style was to imitate the iridescent surface seen on ancient glass that had been buried. Much of the Art Nouveau glass p

15、roduced during the years of its greatest popularity had been generically termed art glass. Art glass was intended for decorative purposes and relied for its effect upon carefully chosen color combinations and innovative techniques.France produced a number of outstanding exponents of the Art Nouveau

16、style; among the most celebrated was Emile Galle (1846-1904). In the United States, Louis Comfort Tiffany (1843-1933) was the most noted exponent of this style, producing a great variety of glass forms and surfaces, which were widely copied in their time and are highly prized today. Tiffany was a br

17、illiant designer, successfully combining ancient Egyptian, Japanese, and Persian motifs.The Art Nouveau style was a major force in the decorative arts from 1895 until 1915, although its influence continued throughout the mid-1920s. It was eventually to be overtaken by a new school of thought known a

18、s Functionalism that had been present since the turn of the century. At first restricted to a small avant-garde group of architects and designers, Functionalism emerged as the dominant influence upon designers after the First World War. The basic tenet of the movement that function should determine

19、form was not a new concept. Soon a distinct aesthetic code evolved: form should be simple, surfaces plain, and any ornament should be based on geometric relationships. This new design concept, coupled with the sharp postwar reactions to the styles and conventions of the preceding decades, created an

20、 entirely new public taste which caused Art Nouveau types of glass to fall out of favor. The new taste demanded dramatic effects of contrast, stark outline and complex textural surfaces.1. What does paragraph 1 mainly discuss?(A) Design elements in the Art Nouveau style(B) The popularity of the Art

21、Nouveau style(C) Production techniques for art glass(D) Color combinations typical of the Art Nouveau style2. The word one in line 4 refers to(A) century(B) development(C) style(D) coloration3. Paragraph 1 mentions that Art Nouveau glass was sometimes similar to which aspect of ancient buried glass

22、?(A) The distortion of the glass(B) The appearance of the glass surface(C) The shapes of the glass objects(D) The size of the glass objects4. What is the main purpose of paragraph 2?(A) to compare different Art Nouveau styles(B) to give examples of famous Art Nouveau artists(C) to explain why Art No

23、uveau glass was so popular in the United States(D) to show the impact Art Nouveau had on other cultures around the world5. The word prized in line 16 is closest in meaning to(A) valued(B) universal(C) uncommon(D) preserved6. The word overtaken in line 20 is closest in meaning to(A) surpassed(B) incl

24、ined(C) expressed(D) applied7. What does the author mean by stating that function should determine form (lines 23-24)?(A) A useful object should not be attractive.(B) The purpose of an object should influence its form.(C) The design of an object is considered more significant than its function.(D) T

25、he form of an object should not include decorative elements.8. It can be inferred from the passage that one reason Functionalism became popular was that it(A) clearly distinguished between art and design(B) appealed to people who liked complex painted designs(C) reflected a common desire to break fr

26、om the past(D) was easily interpreted by the general public9. Paragraph 3 supports which of the following statements about Functionalism?(A) Its design concept avoided geometric shapes.(B) It started on a small scale and then spread gradually.(C) It was a major force in the decorative arts before the First World War.(D) It was not attractive to architects and designers.10. According to the passage , an object made in the Art Nouveau style would most likely include(A) a flowered design(B) bright colors(C) modern symbols(D) a textured surfacePASSAGE 28 ACBBA ABCBA托福阅读


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