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1、第十章供應鏈策略,2,Supply-Chain ManagementMeasuring Supply-Chain PerformanceBullwhip EffectOutsourcingMass Customization,Outline,3,Supply-chain is a term that describes how organizations(suppliers,manufacturers,distributors,and customers)are linked together,What is a Supply Chain?,4,What is Supply Chain Man

2、agement?,Supply-chain management is a total system approach to managing the entire flow of information,materials,and services from raw-material suppliers through factories and warehouses to the end customer,5,Inventory in Supply Chains,6,Formulas for Measuring Supply-Chain Performance,One of the mos

3、t commonly used measures in all of operations management is“Inventory Turnover”In situations where distribution inventory is dominant,“Weeks of Supply”is preferred and measures how many weeks worth of inventory is in the system at a particular time,7,Example of Measuring Supply-Chain Performance,Sup

4、pose a companys new annual report claims their costs of goods sold for the year is$160 million and their total average inventory(production materials+work-in-process)is worth$35 million.This company normally has an inventory turn ratio of 10.What is this years Inventory Turnover ratio?What does it m

5、ean?,8,Example of Measuring Supply-Chain Performance,=$160/$35=4.57Since the companys normal inventory turnover ration is 10,a drop to 4.57 means that the inventory is not turning over as quickly as it had in the past.Without knowing the industry average of turns for this company it is not possible

6、to comment on how they are competitively doing in the industry,but they now have more inventory relative to their cost of goods sold than before.,9,Measuring Supply-Chain Performance,10,Bullwhip Effect,Order Quantity,Time,Retailers Orders,Order Quantity,Time,Wholesalers Orders,Order Quantity,Time,Ma

7、nufacturers Orders,The magnification of variability in orders in the supply-chain,A lot of retailers each with little variability in their orders.,can lead to greater variability for a fewer number of wholesalers,and,can lead to even greater variability for a single manufacturer.,11,訂單變異程度隨供應鏈上游而增加,

8、12,Reasons of Bull Effects,大批量訂購需求預測落差安全存量的設置長的前置時間使用存貨因應價格變動被誇大的訂單,13,Approaches to Reduce Bull Effects,市場資訊的集中管理避免造成顧客需求變異的促銷活動縮短前置時間應用推遲供應策略(postponement),14,Hau Lees Concepts of SCM,Hau Lees approach to supply chain(SC)is one of aligning SCs with the uncertainties revolving around the supply pro

9、cess side of the SCA stable supply process has mature technologies and an evolving supply process has rapidly changing technologiesTypes of SCsEfficient SCsRisk-Hedging SCsResponsive SCsAgile SCs,15,Hau Lees SC Uncertainty Framework,Efficient SCEx.:Grocery,Responsive SCEx.:Computers,Risk-Hedging SCE

10、x.:Hydro-electric power,Agile SCEx.:Telecom,16,What is Outsourcing?,Outsourcing is defined as the act of moving a firms internal activities and decision responsibility to outside providers,17,Reasons to Outsource,Organizationally-drivenImprovement-drivenFinancially-drivenRevenue-drivenCost-drivenEmp

11、loyee-driven,18,A Framework for Structuring Supplier Relationships,19,Global Sourcing,面臨多元化的採購、生產及配送決策的企業,必須同時考量物料、運輸、生產、倉儲及配銷等相關成本,以建立一個最小成本的完整網絡。標竿企業利豐貿易,20,Sourcing/Purchasing-SystemDesign Matrix,21,Mass Customization,Mass customization is a term used to describe the ability of a company to deliv

12、er highly customized products and services to different customersThe key to mass customization is effectively postponing the tasks of differentiating a product for a specific customer until the latest possible point in the supply-chain network,22,Mass Customization,有效的大量客製化計畫,是基於以下三項設計原則 產品須設計為獨立的模組

13、,以便容易且便宜組裝成不同的產品。製造與服務流程應設計為獨立的模組,以易於移動或重組,支援不同配銷網路的設計。供應網路包括存貨的位置、地點與數量,以及服務、製造與通路設施的架構以能具備下列兩項能力須能供應基本的產品,以在成本效率的原則下,執行客製化作業。具備彈性與回應的能力完成個別客戶的訂單、運送成品、與迅速完成客製化作業。,23,Mass Customization,行銷、研發、製造、通路及財務等5個領域的人員必須盡職的扮演下列的角色,以能有效支援大量客製化計畫的達成:行銷必須決定滿足顧客需求的大量客製化程度。(關鍵的20%客戶)研發必須重新設計產品,以能在供應鏈最有效率的位置進行客製化作業

14、。製造與配銷必須相互協調新物料的供應,以在最有效率的位置進行製造或組裝流程。財務必須提供作業導向的總體成本資訊與各方案的財務分析。,24,Conclusions,公司面臨不同的採購來源、生產與配銷決策,應考量物料、運輸、儲存及配銷等成本,以建立完整的網絡,達成總成本之最小化。,25,Homework,Key termsR&D3,4,9,10,12Problems2,3,26,小組報告,P369 BreakthroughP372-373 Breakthrough含公司背景簡介,MajpjMVcyzj21HLfrvy96dv02lPPfYgxUS7IYmZkyEmZ0kGeYZS3bpLCkYH1





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