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1、英语中考命题的基本理论与实践,第一部分 英语测试的基本理论,一、英语测试的类型1、常模参照考试将某个学生的成绩与其他学生的成绩进行比较;(不适合用于平时课堂测验,因为课堂测验的目的不是把学生分为三六九等。),2、标准参照考试将考生的成绩与事先制定的标准进行对比,不受其他考生成绩的影响。即用一个既定标准/尺度来衡量学生的学习结果。,二、试题命制应注意的“四度”,1、难度题目难度是题目的难易程度,它是题目对被试者知识和能力水平的适合程度的指标。测验难度水平的适当与否取决于考试的目的、性质和题目的形成。对于一般的常模参照考试而言其目的是测量个体差异,其题目的平均难度最好为0.50,各题难度可在0.5



4、写音标不等于能正确发音。现在中考中经常使用的间接口语考试的效度也不高。,如果不讲究命题技术,试题也会缺乏效度:Which of the following does paper burn in?A.CO2 B.N2 C.O2 D.H2,三、命题原则,1.基础性原则考试内容:基础知识 基本技能 综合运用语言的能力 交际能力 用英语做事,2.客观性原则,测试理论分离测试:一般以词、句形式呈现,缺乏语用情景,孤立测试某一知识或能力,信度高,效度相对较低。综合测试:一般以语篇形式呈现,具有一定的语境,测试某一知识或能力,信度,效度相对平衡。交际语言测试:以语篇形式呈现,具有较为真实的情景,强调以互动的

5、形式,测试综合运用语言的能力,信度较低,效度高,3.科学性原则,行文准则 无知识性错误 无文字表达错误题型设计 知识 知识运用能力 听力技能等其它部分主、客观题(1)客观性题型:答案唯一的选择题,其整卷权重值不高于0.61。(2)主观性题型:笔录要点、回答问题、摘录信息、汉英互译、情景作文等答案不唯一的题型,其整卷权重值不低于0.39。,4.公平性原则,素材选用面向全体学生学生的实际生活和身心发展水平地域以及文化差异真实、地道、形式多样、内容健康、典型、当代 评分标准目的、重点科学、可行全面、公正、客观、准确鉴定和激励,正面反拨作用,5.友好性原则,卷面设计 为考生服务认知心理、学习习惯,题干

6、语有亲和力,愉悦的心情考出实际水平,第二部分 英语试卷的命题技术,一、试题编写基本规则(1)语言正确、地道、得体、简洁;(2)避免偏颇性,注意中西文化背景的差异;(3)考点明确,且通常只考一个考点;(4)试题设计要具有严密的科学性和严谨性,要保证试题的答案没有争议;(5)题干与备选项之间在逻辑关系或词语使用上应避免有所暗示或包含;,(6)同一套试卷中不能有互为答案的试题;(7)备选项的长度、结构、语言表达要尽量一致;(8)单选题通常只包含阐明问题所需要的条件,没有空白的句子对选项起限制作用,一般没有冗余信息;(9)备选项要求同质,干扰项要有较大的似真性,应与正确选项在逻辑上和语法上跟题干保持一

7、致,不应拼凑明显不合理的选项;(10)试题具有时效性,避免超出时效范围的题目;(11)正确选项出现在各个位置(A、B、C、D)的次数应大致相等。,二、各种题型编制的具体要求,1、听力题(1)选材a)应该为口头英语材料,听起来自然、真实;b)材料应该创设一个较为明确的语境;c)应该是一段完整的语言材料;d)谈话双方的身份应该明确,应尽量选差异较大的两个人进行的一段对话;,e)材料应该有足够的信息量,以供试题设 计之用;f)材料中不应该存在生词;g)材料内容应该尽量符合考生的年龄层 次,不应该使考生这一年龄层次的人感 到过于生疏;h)材料不应该过长或过短。,(2)试题命制的基本原则,a)考查的必须

8、是关键信息,而且必须是只有通过听才能获得的信息。b)题目应按材料中有关内容的先后顺序排列;c)考点对材料内容的覆盖应尽可能全面;,d)试题应测试考生对对话内容、场景等的理解情况,数学运算和一般生活常识类的试题不应该在听力部分出现;e)各选项的长度、难度、句子结构应该基本一致;f)应避免各选项相互牵连与包容。,(3)试题设问技巧,问谈话本身的意思W:Excuse me,would you mind if I used your phone?M:Help yourself.Its on the table over there.Q:What does the man tell the woman

9、to do?A.Bring some food to the table.B.Help herself to some food.C.Use the phone on the table.,问从谈话可以推断的情况W:I was at the bus stop at 1:00.Why didnt I see you there?M:I got there at a quarter to 12 and waited a while.But I guess I left before you got there.When did the man probably leave the bus stop

10、?A.11:00.B.12:00.C.1:00.,问谈话的情景或语境W:Sorry,you can only borrow three books at a time.M:OK.But must I put these two books back to the book shelves or I can leave them here?W:Of course you must put them back yourself.Where did this conversation probably take place?In a book store.B.In a library.C.In a


12、度;间距太大则会降低难度,同时增加材料的篇幅和阅读的时间;f)要注意所删词语在文段中确实有上下文线索,使学生能够依据这些线索进行推断。g)不宜把语言知识以外的其他知识作为考查的重点,如一般不把专有名词等挖空。h)完形填空属于阅读理解的范畴,不要考纯语法的项目。,One day,a young man called Tom came 1 see the great artist,Da Vinci(达 芬奇).He wanted 2 drawing.Da Vinci gave him 3 egg and told him 4 it.The young man worked quickly and

13、5.“Draw it again,”said Da Vinci.1.A.in B.at C.to2.A.study B.to study C.to learn3.A.a B.an C.the4.A.to eat B.draw C.to draw5.A.show the artist it B.show it to the artist C.showed it to the artist,The young man drew 6 egg,but Da Vinci made him 7 it again.The young man was very angry.“I can draw an egg

14、 8 two minutes.Why do you keep me 9?Please teach me how to draw.”Da Vinci smiled and said,“Yes,you can.But it 10 you several years to learn to draw a perfect egg.”6.A.another B.the other C.other7.A.draw B.drawing C.drawn8.A.in B.with C.after9.A.to wait B.waiting C.waiting for10.A.will spendB.take C.

15、will take,Once upon a time a poor farmer 1 a bag of wheat to the mill did not know 2 to do when it slipped from his horse and fell into the road.The bag was too heavy 3 him to lift,and his only hope was that presently someone 4 come by and 5 a hand.1.A.bringingB.carryingC.taking2.A.howB.whatC.which3

16、.A.aboutB.forC.of4.A.shallB.shouldC.would5.A.borrowB.lendC.help,Once upon a time a poor farmer was taking a bag of wheat to the mill.When the bag slipped from his 1 and fell to the ground,he didnt know what to do.It was too 2 for him to lift,and his only hope was that 3 someone would come by and 4 a

17、 hand.1.A.handB.shoulderC.horse2.A.wetB.heavyC.loose3.A.presentlyB.at presentC.quickly4.A.borrowB.lend C.help,It was not 6 a rider appeared,but the farmers heart 7 when he recognized him,8 it was the great man who lived in a castle nearby.The farmer would dare to ask another farmer to help,or any po

18、or man 9 might have come along the road,but he could not beg a favor of 10.However,as soon as the great man came up he got 11 his horse,saying,“I see youve had bad luck,friend.How good it is 12 Im here just at the right time.”Then he took one end of the bag,the farmer 13 and between them they lifted

19、 it on the horse.6.A.after longB.before longC.long before7.A.sankB.sankedC.sink8.A.because B.forC.owing to9.A.heB.oneC.who10.A.a great so man B.a so great manC.so great a man11.A.awayB.off C.down12.A.ifB.thatC.when13.A.anotherB.otherC.the other,It was not 5 a rider appeared,but the farmers heart 6 w

20、hen the man came nearer,7 it was the wealthy lord from a nearby town.The farmer would not have hesitated to stop another farmer or any 8 for help.But how could he stop this great lord and ask him to 9 a bag of wheat.10,as soon as the great lord came up he got off his horse without being asked to.“I

21、see youve had bad 11,friend,”he said to the farmer.“What a 12 thing that I came just at the right moment.”Then5.A.before longB.long beforeC.after long6.A.sankB.brokeC.stopped7.A.andB.forC.since8.A.poor man B.rich manC.rider9.A.liftB.takeC.carry10.A.OtherwiseB.On the contraryC.However 11.A.luckB.hors


23、命制举例,(1)任务型阅读A)图片B)广告C)表格D)告示与海报E)文章标题F)图书目录,Look at the poster and choose the right one.A.All the students can go to the club on Friday morning.B.It costs you 2.5 a month if you go to the club every weekend.C.A 15-year-old student can go to the club at 21:00 on Saturday.,(2)阅读填空,主要考查学生的阅读策略。它要求学生通读


25、思想进行。初中阶段的书面表达不是真正意义上的作文,命题时必须考虑题材和体裁均是学生熟悉的东西,不要设计新颖的意境和优美的文字,要能激励学生动笔。,(1)单词拼写,命题立意是在阅读理解的基础上考识记。所有的单词都必须根据上下文来确定,首字母和汉语既是提示又是限制。必须注意词形的变化,包括名词的单复数、动词的时态、形容词和副词的比较级(最高级)等。,Dear grandma,Hows it going?I hope that grandpa is well now.I was sorry to hear that he had a cold last week.I hope you are in

26、good(1)健康.Things are fine here.I finished my end-of-year(2)e last week,and got my report card today.I(3)总是 get nervous when I see the envelope from school in the mail,but Im(4)幸运的 that I did OK this time.I had a really hard time with science this semester,and I wasnt surprised to find that my(5)最差的

27、report was from my science teacher.,She said I was(6)懒惰,which isnt true.Its just that I find science really(7)d.Another disappointing result was in history.My history teacher said I could do(8)b.The good news is that my(9)m teacher said I was hard-working.And my Spanish teacher said my listening was

28、 good.Well,thats about all the news I have for now.Mom and(10)D send their love.Love,Alan,(2)摘录要点,A)命题选文时必须考虑是否有足够的信息量;B)表格的设计必须脉络清楚,是文章最主要信息或观点的图表体现C)考点应涉及语言归纳与重组能力;D)考点与答案均不要过于直白。,Courses of American High Schools,(3)完成对话,A)选择材料时应考虑对话的长度适中,信息点充分;B)挖空以问句为主的试题,以利于调控答案的基本一致;C)挖空以答句为主的试题,以利于学生因人而异自由作答,

29、更接近本题型的初衷;D)考点以句而不是以单词或词组为单位;E)所填句子必须受上下文或全篇控制,而不是以常识为依据。,A:Hi,can I help you?B:Yes,please.I want to join a club.A:Good.May I have your name?B:Zhang Yang.A:How old are you?B:1.A:What club do you want to join?B:2.A:Why?B:3.A:How long have you learned it?B:4.A:Do you have an e-mail address?B:5.A:Great

30、.Thanks a lot.B:Thank you!,(4)情景作文,A)体裁应多样化,考生应熟悉命题作文、看图(表)写话、书信、电子邮件、日记等B)书写至少以句为单位;C)评分以达意为基本准则,不宜求全责备,要求过高。,三、题型和素材选取的导向性,体现新课标倡导的教育理念 纠正普遍存在的教学误区引导学生掌握正确的学习方法素材尽可能具有正面的、积极的教育意义将考试变成学习,四、试题命题的流程,(1)选定命题教师,(2)确定考试性质,(3)制定双向细目表,(4)选择语言材料,A)题材广泛、体裁多样,B)有强烈的时代感,C)贴近学生生活实际,(5)命题、审题、校对、制定评分标准,Thanks fo

31、r your attention!,2010.4.,Thanks for your attention!,2010-4-19,_,I would like take an umbrella with me.Had I been youB.I were youC.Were I youD.I had been you,It was ordered that no smoking_ in the library.A.is allowedB.be allowedC.will be allowed,The family ate dinner at the restaurant.cafB.tea hous

32、eC.hospitalD.clinic,I broke my legs and_ in bed for weeks.A.liedB.lainC.layD.laid2.If my legs had not been broken,I should not_ in bed for weeks.lieB.layC.have lainD.have laid3.If my legs had not been broken,I_ in bed for weeks.should have liedB.should not have lainC.should have layD.should not have

33、 laid,The boy is very thirsty.Would you _ him some _,please?A.take,breadB.bring,drink C.get,eggsD.help,cakes,He gained his _ by printing_ of famous writers.A.wealth;workB.wealths;worksC.wealths;workD.wealth;works,Youre going to the movies,_?arent you B.dont weC.arent they D.arent IYoure going to the

34、 movies,_you?A.arent B.dont C.areD.do,The three months of spring in China are _.A.December,January and February B.March,April and May C.January,February and March D.February,March and April,By the time we got home,I_ all about it.had forgotB.had forgottenC.forgotD.was forgettingYou look hungry.Dont

35、you want _ to eat?A.something B.anything C.nothing D.everything,My father_ me to become a doctor.(78年高考)thinksB.saysC.hopesGreat men never give up_ difficulty.(85MET)in face ofB.in face of theC.in the face ofD.in the face of the,He _ before seven oclock.ate,dressed and washedB.washed,ate and dressed

36、C.washed,dressed and ateD.ate,washed and dressed,This arrangement suits me down to the ground.is exactly as I wanted is the last thing I wanted is against my wishes is not what I want is a burden to me,The frown on the mans face showed that he was displeased.look of fearB.look of angerC.look of deli

37、ghtD.look of surpriseHe thought it was lawful to buy a gun without a permit.allowed by lawB.against the societyC.a pleasureD.necessary,23.He didnt attend the meeting.If he had,you_ him.would seeB.had seen C.would have seen28.If you_ here yesterday,you would have seen his mother.A.were B.had beenC.ca

38、me,That man was dead to all sense of shame.quite dead dead,and could not feel shame any more too ashamed shameless,How long did the meeting_ yesterday afternoon?Not more than two hours.We went home at about 5 oclock.A.stayB.lastC.liveD.do,He hasnt slept at all for three days._he is tired out.AI dont

39、 thinkBIt is impossibleCIt is no wonderDIt is no way,_!Things are not so bad as they seem.A.Happy upB.Get upC.Cheer upD.Sit upMarie_ to the store;youve missed her.A.is just goingB.had just beenC.has just wentD.has just goneSuch an error _this can be avoided,if you are more careful.A.likeB.asC.withD.

40、that,Its too windy to go for a walk.A.swimB.sailC.driveD.stroll,Text(omitted)Questions:Why do so many people become addicted to cigarettes?A.Because they liked the taste of tar.B.Because smoking makes them relaxed.C.Because smoking cures them of cancer.2.What is the substance in cigarettes that caus

41、es cancer?A.Cigarette ashes.B.Nicotine.C.Tar.3.Health experts are trying to persuade people to_.A.buy cigarettes with less tarB.smoke only a few cigarettes a day C.give up smoking entirely4.Smokers welcome low-tar cigarettes because _.A.they are less harmfulB.they cost less C.they taste better,听短文,填

42、写文中所缺的单词。将该词填入答题卡。It is 1 to find your way from the station to the school.When you come 2 of the station,turn left and walk until you 3 the traffic lights.Turn left 4.You will be 5 Flower Street.Keep 6 until you come to the cinema.,Listen to me,boys and girls,Were going to see a film in the Red Moon

43、 Cinema this afternoon.The name of the film is My brothers and Sisters.It starts at 2:30.Please get to school before 2 oclock.We are going to the cinema together.1.Which cinema are the students going to this afternoon?A.The Red Moon Cinema.B.The Blue Star Cinema.C.The Red Sun Cinema.2.What is the na

44、me of the film?A.My Parents.B.My Brothers and Sisters.C.My Uncles and Aunts.3.When does the film start?A.At 2:00.B.At 2:30.C.At 3:00.,W:You speak English very well.How long have you been learning English?M:Ive been learning English for five and a half years.How long has the man been learning English

45、?Four years.B.Five years.C.Five and a half years.,M:Have you heard of a Mr Smith living in this neighborhood?People say hes very old.W:Yes,he was born in 1918.But his sister is even older.She is eight years older than he.How old is Mr Smiths sister now?A.100.B.105.C.110.,Look!That house is on fire.L

46、ets call _ quickly.A.119 B.114 C.120 D.121,W:Mike!How dare you say such words to me?I am your mother!M:Yes,youre my mother,but you dont have the right to read my diary.How does the woman feel?Shes angry.Shes happy.Shes delighted.,Being less clever than Tommy,Jimmy had to work_ than Tommy.A.harder B.

47、less hard C.more quickly D.less steadily,Although the upcoming Olympics is as hot as the summer heat in Beijing,the property market in the capital,is definitely cooling down.A.howeverB.but C.andD.or With less than 2 weeks to go until Beijing Olympics,the focus is the finishing touches to the preparations.toB.inC.atD.on,


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