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1、1-7,防损与安全部门,Loss Prevention&Security防损与安全,Protector Line保护者热线,2006年11月第四版,The Protector Line start on 1st March 2006本专线启用时间2006年3月1日What is The Protector Line:-保护者热线是什么:,The protector line is so that you can speak to Hymall/Tesco if you have major concerns about something being legal or in the publi

2、cs interest were you work.保护者热线:当你对某事件的合法性或者公共利益有所疑问时(特别是涉及犯罪违法事件)您可以对乐购公司提出。This service is totally confidential 这项服务是机密的The number for you to call is:021-62053712 it is a 24hr service.您可以拨打24小时热线:021-62053712You can e mail as well on:H 您也可以发送email到:H Why The Need For The Protector Line 为什么需要保护者热线T

3、he company already has an existing grievance procedure that covers employment issues.公司现在已经有关于员工问题的投诉程序The grievance process is unaffected by the introduction of the“protector line”and should continue to be used.该投诉程序不受保护者热线影响继续使用The protector line”enables us to be aware of possible malpractice and

4、take appropriate steps to deal with it immediately.保护者热线使我们能正视可能的不正当犯罪行为并且立即采取应对措施The“Hymall/Tesco Values”encourages an honest&open culture.“乐购公司价值“鼓励一种诚信和开放的文化 Protect object 适用对象:Staff 员工部分:Hymall staff 乐购员工 promoters 促销员 Shop employee 商店街员工 Manufacturer厂商:suppliers 供应商 Equipment suppliers 设备材料商 S

5、hop owner 商店街承租商,2-7,防损与安全部门,2006年11月第四版,Where there are dangers to the public or the environment,or if information about these things is being deliberately concealed the company wants to know.公司想要知道哪里存在对公众和环境的隐患,或者相关信息是否被故意隐瞒。Hymall/Tesco fully supports&encourages employees to speak out if they hav

6、e real concerns about malpractice in their work place&will provide them with legal protection from victimization provided that their concerns are genuine and are not malicious in any way.乐购全力支持和鼓励员工及合作伙伴说出他们对工作场所的不正当犯罪行为的顾虑,并且在供词属实且非恶意的情况下对提供证词者提供法律保护。Hymall/Tesco will support genuine people who dis

7、close information in good faith based on reasonable belief about:criminal offences,a failure to comply with any legal obligation,miscarriages of justice,where health and safety is being compromised,damage to the environment or if any of the above are being concealed.乐购支持人们诚意提供信息,当他们可以有根据的确信下述情况:犯罪攻击

8、,违法行为,不够公平,健康和安全被危害,环境被损害或者任何上述情况被隐瞒。If something fits the above or you have a genuine concern the use this procedure we would rather you raised it rather than wait for absolute proof.如果有上述情况发生或者您对使用这个程序的确有顾虑我们宁可您在得到确凿的证据前提出来。,3-7,2006年11月第四版,防损与安全部门,How To Raise A Concern:如何提出一个疑虑的事项,If you have a

9、concern about a malpractice,you should raise it first with your line manager.This can be done verbally or in writing.如果您对某种不正当犯罪行为有所顾虑,请首先对您的直属店总经理或直属单位最高主管书面或者口头提出。If you feel for whatever reason unable to raise the matter with line manager you can call or e mail the“Protector Line”on:021-62053712

10、or H 如果您觉得因任何原因您无法跟您的经理提出请您拨打专线或者电邮至保护者热线021-62053712 or H All investigations will be investigated in a proper and confidential manner.所有的调查将适当和秘密地进行。,4-7,防损与安全部门,2006年11月第四版,How We Will Handle The Matter:-我们怎么处理事件All reports will be taken seriously and each report will be assessed and appropriate a

11、ction will be taken,this may be involve an internal investigation or a more formal investigation.所有的报告将被严肃对待,合适的行动将在对每一份报告进行评估后采取,这种行动往往涉及到内部调查或者更正式的调查。We will tell you who is handling the matter.我们将告诉您谁处理事件We will ask you how you think the matter might best be resolved.我们将就事件的最佳解决方案征求您的意见We will as

12、k you if you have any personal interest in the matter(if you have you must tell us at the beginning)我们将询问该事件是否涉及到您的个人利益(如果有的话请在一开始就告知我们)We will tell you if your concern falls more appropriately within the grievance procedure 我们将告诉您是否您的顾虑是否更适合于投诉程序Our Promise To You:我们对您的承诺The Hymall/Tesco board is f

13、ully committed to this policy.乐购董事会全面支持此政策。If you raise a concern you will not normally be at risk of losing your job or suffering any form of comeback providing you are acting in good faith,it does not matter if you are mistaken.只要您是基于诚意,在您提出顾虑的时候一般情况下您没有失去工作或者遭受任何形式的报复的风险,您是否有错也是没有关系的We are not ab

14、le to extend this assurance to someone who acts out of malice&raises a matter they know is untrue,or is reporting a matter that they are implicated in as a defensive measure.我们对于出于恶意或者明知是不真实的事件所提出的顾虑,或者隐含有防御动机的报告或黑函,将不提供以上承诺。,5-7,防损与安全部门,2006年11月第四版,Your Confidence:-您的信心If you ask us to protect your

15、 identity we will not disclose it without your consent.如果您需要我们保护您的身份,我们在未取得您许可的情况下,决不会擅自披露。If the situation arises where we are not able to resolve the matter without revealing your identity we will discuss with you how we will proceed.如果在某些情况下事件必须需要披露您的身份才能解决,我们将与您协商进行。Remember if you do not tell u

16、s who you are it will be more difficult for us to look into the matter and/or protect your position.请记住如果您不告诉我们您是谁我们将很难深入事件调查或者保护您。Accordingly,while we will consider anonymous reports,this policy is not wholly appropriate for concerns raised anonymously.相对应的,虽然我们对匿名报告会有所参考,而我们的政策主轴将不采用适用于匿名提出的方式Whil

17、st we cannot guarantee that we will respond to all the matters in the way that you might wish,you have our absolute assurance that all reports will be taken seriously and we will try our hardest to handle the matter fairly&properly.即使我们不能保证我们都按照您希望的方式进行回复,请您绝对坚信您的报告将被严肃对待,并且我们将竭尽全力地公平公正地处理事件。,6-7,防损与安全部门,2006年11月第四版,Protector Line Post,7-7,防损与安全部门,2006年11月第四版,


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