01063新確科技 中期报告.ppt

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《01063新確科技 中期报告.ppt》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《01063新確科技 中期报告.ppt(20页珍藏版)》请在三一办公上搜索。

1、2,11,3,5,4,22,6,INTERIM REPORT 中期報告新 確 科 技 有 限 公 司(Incorporated in Bermuda with limited liability)(於百慕達註冊成立之有限公司)(Stock Code:1063)(股份代號:1063)For the six months ended 30 June 2011截至二零一一年六月三十日止六個月,UNAUDITED INTERIM RESULTSThe board of directors(the“Board”or“Directors”)of Suncorp TechnologiesLimited(th

2、e“Company”)presents the unaudited condensed consolidatedinterim results of the Company and its subsidiaries(collectively the“Group”)for the six months ended 30 June 2011 together with the comparative figuresin 2010,as follows:CONDENSED CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF COMPREHENSIVE INCOMEFor the six months

3、 ended 30 June 2011,未經審核中期業績新確科技有限公司(本公司)董事會(董事會或董事)謹提呈本公司及其附屬公司(統稱本 集 團)截 至 二 零 一 一 年 六 月 三 十 日 止六 個 月 之 未 經 審 核 簡 明 綜 合 中 期 業 績,連 同二零一零年之比較數字如下:簡明綜合全面收益表截至二零一一年六月三十日止六個月,Notes附註,2011(Unaudited)二零一一年(未經審核)HK$000千港元,2010(Unaudited)二零一零年(未經審核)HK$000千港元,RevenueCost of salesGross profitOther incomeDist

4、ribution and selling expensesOperating expensesFair value change on financial assetsclassified as held for tradingFair value change on conversion optionsembedded in convertible loan notesFair value change on convertiblenotes designated as at fair valuethrough profit or lossFinance costsProfit/(loss)

5、before taxIncome tax expenseLoss for the periodOther comprehensive incomeExchange differences arisingon translation of foreign operationsTotal comprehensive income for the periodLoss per share Basic(HK cents per share)Diluted(HK cents per share),收益銷售成本毛利其他收入銷售及分銷開支經營開支分類為持有作買賣之金融資產之公平值變動可換股貸款票據之內在換股


7、0,CONDENSED CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL POSITION,簡明綜合財務狀況表,Non-current assets,非流動資產,Notes附註,At 30 June2011(Unaudited)於二零一一年六月三十日(未經審核)HK$000千港元,At 31 December2010(Audited)於二零一零年十二月三十一日(經審核)HK$000千港元,Property,plant and equipmentInterest in a jointly controlled entityCurrent assetsTrade,bill a

8、nd other receivablesTrade receivables with insurance coverageBill receivables discounted withfull recourseHeld-for-trading investmentsBank balances and cashCurrent liabilitiesTrade and other payablesAdvance drawn on bill receivablediscounted with full recourseAmount due to a jointly controlled entit

9、yAmounts due to a former directorConversion notes designated as,物業、廠房及設備於一間合營公司之權益流動資產應收貿易賬款、應收票據及其他應收款項已投保之應收貿易賬款附有全面追索權之應收貼現票據持有作買賣之投資銀行結餘及現金流動負債應付貿易賬款及其他應付款項預支附有全面追索權之應收貼現票據之墊款應付一間合營公司款項應付一名前董事款項指定為按公平值列入,12,43912,43922,4264,96311,3855,92839,63684,33820,23811,38529,99832,080,9,9479,94724,9208,554

10、5,73525,36164,57044,4035,73537,732,at fair value through profit or loss,損益賬之可換股票據,11,397,26,830,94,098,114,700,Net current liabilitiesNet assets/(liabilities)Capital and reserves,流動負債淨額流動資產(負債)淨額股本及儲備,(9,760)2,679,(50,130)(40,183),Share capitalReservesTotal equity,股本儲備總權益,12,3922,2872,679,273,279(31

11、3,462)(40,183),2,CONDENSED CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN EQUITY UNAUDITED,簡明綜合權益變動報表未經審核Attributable to equity holders of the Company本公司股本持有人應佔,Sharecapital,Sharepremium,Othercapital Translationreserve reserve,Shareoption Accumulatedreserve losses Total equity,股份,其他,換算,購股權,累計,股本HK$000千港元,溢價HK

12、$000千港元,資本儲備HK$000千港元,儲備HK$000千港元,儲備HK$000千港元,虧損HK$000千港元,總權益HK$000千港元,At 1January 2010,於二零一零年一月一日,217,079,358,604,14,945,78,381,(713,197),(122,110),Issue of shares upon conversion,因可換股貸款票據換股,of convertible loan notes,而發行股份,12,500,18,215,30,715,Issue of shares upon conversion ofconvertible notes des

13、ignated as at,因指定為按公平值列入損益賬之可換股,fair value through profit or loss,票據換股而發行股份,38,500,24,975,63,475,Total comprehensive,期間全面收益總額,income for the period,22,(28,765),(28,743),At 30 June 2010At 1 January 2011Capital reorganisationPlacing of sharesTotal comprehensiveincome for the periodAt 30 June 2011,於二零一

14、零年六月三十日於二零一一年一月一日股本重組配售股份期間全面收益總額於二零一一年六月三十日,268,079273,279(273,005)118392,401,794402,72543,572446,297,14,94514,94514,945,100247405652,381107107,(741,962)(731,486)273,005(1,233)(459,714),(56,663)(40,183)43,690(828)2,679,CONDENSED CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF CASH FLOWSFor the six months ended 30 June 2

15、011,簡明綜合現金流量報表截至二零一一年六月三十日止六個月,2011(Unaudited)二零一一年(未經審核)HK$000千港元,2010(Unaudited)二零一零年(未經審核)HK$000千港元,Net cash used in operating activitiesNet cash used in investing activitiesNet cash generated from financing activitiesNet increase in cash and cash equivalentsEffect of foreign exchange rate change

16、sCash and cash equivalents at thebeginning of the periodCash and cash equivalents at the endof the period,representedby bank balances and cash,經營業務動用之現金淨額投資業務動用之現金淨額融資業務所得之現金淨額現金及現金等值項目增加淨額外幣匯率變動之影響期初之現金及現金等值項目期終之現金及現金等值項目,即銀行結餘及現金,(55,364)(4,365)73,68613,95731825,36139,636,(27,269)(289)49,02021,462

17、(16)9,07230,518,3,1.,1.,1,1,2,2,NOTES TO CONDENSED CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTSFOR THE SIX MONTHS ENDED 30 JUNE 2011Basis of preparation and significant accounting policiesThe condensed consolidated financial statements have been prepared in accordancewith the applicable disclosure requirements

18、 of Appendix 16 to the Rules Governingthe Listing of Securities(the“Listing Rules”)on The Stock Exchange of HongKong Limited(the“Stock Exchange”)and with Hong Kong Accounting Standard(“HKAS”)34,“Interim Financial Reporting”.The condensed consolidated financial statements have been prepared on thehis

19、torical cost basis,except for certain financial instruments which are measured atfair values.The accounting policies used in the condensed consolidated interim financialstatements are consistent with those followed in the preparation of the Groupsannual financial statements for the year ended 31 Dec

20、ember 2010.In the current interim period,the Group has applied,for the first time,a number ofnew and revised standards and interpretations(“new and revised HKFRSs”)issuedby the Hong Kong Institute of Certified Public Accountants(“HKICPA”).The application of the new and revised HKFRSs in the current

21、period has nomaterial effect on the amounts reported in these condensed consolidated financialstatements and/or disclosures set out in these condensed consolidated financialstatements.The Group has not early applied the following new or revised standards that havebeen issued but are not yet effectiv

22、e.The following new or revised standards havebeen issued after the date the consolidated financial statements for the year ended31 December 2010 have authorised for issuance and are not yet effective:,簡明綜合財務報表附註截至二零一一年六月三十日止六個月編製基準及主要會計政策簡明綜合財務報表乃按香港聯合交易所有限公 司(聯 交 所)證 券 上 市 規 則(上 市 規 則)附錄十六之適用披露規定及香

23、港會計準則(香港會計準則)第34號中期財務報告而編製。簡 明 綜 合 財 務 報 表 乃 按 歷 史 成 本 基 準 編 製,惟若干金融工具按公平值計量。簡明綜合中期財務報表所採用之會計政策與編製本集團截至二零一零年十二月三十一日止年度之全年財務報表所採用者貫徹一致。於 本 中 期 期 間,本 集 團 已 首 次 採 納 由 香 港 會計 師 公 會(香 港 會 計 師 公 會)所 頒 佈 的 若 干新 訂 及 經 修 訂 準 則 及 詮 釋(新 訂 及 經 修 訂 香港財務報告準則)。於本期間應用新訂及經修訂香港財務報告準則對簡明綜合財務報表所呈報的金額及或簡明綜合財務報表所載的披露並無重大

24、影響。本集團並無提前應用以下已頒佈但尚未生效之 新 訂 或 經 修 訂 準 則。以 下 新 訂 或 經 修 訂 準則乃於截至二零一零年十二月三十一日止年度之綜合財務報表獲授權刊行日期後頒佈但尚未生效:,HKAS 1(Amendments)HKAS 19(as revised in 2011)HKAS 27(as revised in 2011)HKAS 28(as revised in 2011)HKFRS 10HKFRS 11HKFRS 12HKFRS 13,Presentation of Items of the Other ComprehensiveIncome 1Employee Be

25、nefits 2Separate Financial Statements 2Investments in Associates and Joint Ventures 2Consolidated Financial Statements 2Joint Arrangements 2Disclosure of Interests in Other Entities 2Fair Value Measurement 2,香港會計準則第1號(修訂條文)香港會計準則第19號(於二零一一年經修訂)香港會計準則第27號(於二零一一年經修訂)香港會計準則第28號(於二零一一年經修訂)香港財務報告準則第10號香港

26、財務報告準則第11號香港財務報告準則第12號香港財務報告準則第13號,呈列其他全面收益之項目 1僱員福利 2獨立財務報表 2投資於聯營公司及合營企業 2綜合財務報表 2合資安排 2披露於其他實體之權益 2公平值計量 2,Effective for annual periods beginning on or after 1 July 2012Effective for annual periods beginning on or after 1 January 2013The five new or revised standards on consolidation,joint arrang

27、ements anddisclosures were issued by the HKICPA in June 2011 and are effective for annualperiods beginning on or after 1 January 2013.Earlier application is permittedprovided that all of these five new or revised standards are applied early at thesame time.The directors of the Company anticipate tha

28、t these new or revisedstandards will be applied in the Groups consolidated financial statements for thefinancial year ending 31 December 2013.The Company is currently evaluatingthe impact of the adoption of these five new or revised standards on its financialstatements.,於二零一二年七月一日或之後開始之年度期間生效於二零一三年一

29、月一日或之後開始之年度期間生效該五項由香港會計師公會於二零一一年六月頒 佈 有 關 合 併、合 資 安 排 及 披 露 之 新 訂 或 經修訂之準則於二零一三年一月一日或之後開 始 之 年 度 期 間 生 效。提 前 應 用 是 允 許 的,但全部五項新訂或經修訂之準則必須同時提前 應 用。本 公 司 董 事 預 期 該 等 新 訂 或 經 修 訂之準則將於本集團截至二零一三年十二月三 十 一 日 止 財 政 年 度 之 綜 合 財 務 報 表 應 用。本公司目前正評估採用該五項新訂或經修訂,之準則對其財務報表之影響。4,2.,2.,1,1,Revenue and segment inform

30、ationThe directors review the Groups internal financial reporting and other informationand also obtain other relevant external information in order to assess performanceand allocate resources and operating segment is identified with reference to these.The directors consider that design,manufacture a

31、nd sale and provision of assemblyservices of telephones and related products is the only major reportable operatingsegment of the Group.Additional disclosure in relation to segment information isnot presented as the directors assess the performance of the only major reportablesegment based on the co

32、nsistent information as disclosed in the condensedconsolidated financial statements.The total net segment income is equivalent to total comprehensive income forthe period as shown in the condensed consolidated statement of comprehensiveincome and the total segment assets and total segment liabilitie

33、s are equivalent tototal assets and total liabilities as shown in the condensed consolidated statementof financial position.Geographical segmentsThe Groups operations are located in Hong Kong and the Peoples Republic ofChina(the“PRC”).The Groups revenue from external customers by geographical locati

34、on of thecustomers and information about its non-current assets by geographical location ofassets are detailed below:,收益及分類資料董事審閱本集團之內部財務報告及其他資料,亦 取 得 其 他 相 關 外 界 資 料,從 而 評 核 表 現 及分 配 資 源,而 營 運 分 類 則 是 參 照 上 文 所 述 而劃分。董 事 認 為,電 話 及 相 關 產 品 的 設 計、製 造 及銷 售 以 及 提 供 相 關 裝 配 服 務,是 本 集 團 的 唯一 主 要 須 予 報 告

35、營 運 分 類。由 於 董 事 根 據 簡明綜合財務報表中披露的一貫資料而評核上述 的 唯 一 主 要 須 予 報 告 分 類 之 表 現,因 此 並無呈列有關分類資料的額外披露。淨分類收入的總額相等於簡明綜合全面收益表 所 示 的 本 期 間 全 面 收 益 總 額,而 分 類 資 產總值及分類負債總額則相等於簡明綜合財務狀況表所示的資產總值及負債總額。地區分類本集團之營運位於香港及中華人民共和國(中國)。本集團按客戶地理位置劃分來自外界客戶之收益以及按資產地理位置劃分之非流動資產之資料詳述如下:Revenue fromexternal customers,Six months ended

36、30 June來自外界客戶之收益截至六月三十日止六個月,Non-current assets非流動資產At 30 June At 31 December,2011二零一一年HK$000千港元,2010二零一零年HK$000千港元,2011於二零一一年六月三十日HK$000千港元,2010於二零一零年十二月三十一日HK$000千港元,AsiaCentral EastCentral EuropeEastern EuropeWestern Europe,亞洲中東中歐東歐西歐,50,4466,5823,0556,25339,680106,016,27,32627,326,12,43912,439,9,

37、9479,947,Information about major customersRevenues from customers of corresponding years contributing over 10%of thetotal sales of the Group are as follows:,有關主要客戶之資料於 相 應 年 度 佔 本 集 團 總 銷 售 逾10%之 客 戶 收益如下:Six months ended 30 June截至六月三十日止六個月,2011二零一一年HK$000千港元,2010二零一零年HK$000千港元,Customer ACustomer BC

38、ustomer C,客戶甲客戶乙客戶丙,27,41411,31711,040,25,279N/A不適用1N/A不適用1,The corresponding revenue did not contribute over 10%of the total sales ofthe Group.5,相應收益並不佔本集團總銷售逾10%。,2,36,5.,3.,Other income,3.,其他收入,Six months ended 30 June截至六月三十日止六個月,2011二零一一年HK$000千港元,2010二零一零年HK$000千港元,Interest income on bank depos

39、its,銀行存款之利息收入,Reversal of allowance for doubtful debts,撥回呆賬撥備,1,802,Sundry income,雜項收入,1591,961,795797,4.,Loss for the period,4.,期間虧損,Six months ended 30 June截至六月三十日止六個月,2011二零一一年HK$000千港元,2010二零一零年HK$000千港元,Loss for the period has been arrived atafter charging/(crediting):Cost of inventories recogn

40、ised as,期間虧損已扣除(計入)下列各項:存貨成本確認為支出,an expensesDepreciation of property,plantand equipmentNet foreign exchange losses/(gains),物業、廠房及設備之折舊匯兌虧損(收益)淨額,29,9201,960,20,4611,698(757),Staff costs including directors remuneration 員工成本,包括董事酬金,24,112,18,374,Income tax expenseCurrent tax:Hong Kong Profits Tax,即期

41、稅項:香港利得稅,5.,所得稅支出,Six months ended 30 June截至六月三十日止六個月20112010二零一一年二零一零年HK$000HK$000千港元千港元,Under-provision in prior year,過去年度撥備不足,2,6012,601,Hong Kong Profits Tax is calculated at 16.5%of the estimated assessable profit forboth periods.PRC subsidiaries are subject to PRC Enterprise Income Tax at 25%f

42、or both periods.Taxation arising in other jurisdictions is calculated at the rates prevailing in therelevant jurisdictions.6,香港利得稅乃根據兩段期間之估計應課稅溢利按稅率16.5%計算。中 國 附 屬 公 司 於 兩 段 期 間 須 按25%繳 納 中 國企 業 所 得 稅。其 他 司 法 權 區 產 生 之 稅 項 乃 按相關司法權區之現行稅率計算。,8.,8.,6.,Loss per shareThe calculation of the basic and dil

43、uted loss per share attributable to the owners ofthe Company is based on the following data:,6.,每股虧損本公司擁有人應佔每股基本及攤薄虧損乃根據以下數據計算:,Six months ended 30 June截至六月三十日止六個月,2011二零一一年HK$000千港元,2010二零一零年HK$000千港元,Loss for the purpose of basic loss per share(Loss for the period attributable to,用於計算每股基本虧損之虧損(本公司

44、擁有人應佔期間虧損),owners of the Company)Effect of dilutive potential ordinary shares Fair value change on convertiblenotes designed as at fair valuethrough profit or lossLoss for the purpose of dilutedloss per share,潛在攤薄普通股之影響指定為按公平值列入損益賬之可換股票據之公平值變動用於計算每股攤薄虧損之虧損,(1,233)(26,333)(27,566),(28,765)(28,765),Si

45、x months ended 30 June截至六月三十日止六個月,2011二零一一年,2010二零一零年,Number of sharesWeighted average number of ordinaryshares for the purposeof basic loss,股份數目用於計算每股基本虧損之普通股加權平均數,per shareEffect of dilutive potential ordinary shares,潛在攤薄普通股之影響,2,962,020,935,2,393,015,444,Convertible notes loanWeighted average num

46、ber of ordinaryshares for the purpose of dilutive,可換股貸款票據用於計算每股攤薄虧損之普通股加權平均數,405,000,000,loss per share,3,367,020,935,2,393,015,444,For the period ended 30 June 2010,the computation of diluted loss per share didnot assume the potential conversion of convertible notes which had an anti-dilutiveeffect

47、 on the basic loss per share for the period.For the period ended 30 June 2011 and 2010,the computation of diluted loss pershare did not assume the exercise of the outstanding share options of the exerciseprice of those options was higher than the average market price for shares for theperiods.,就 截 至

48、 二 零 一 零 年 六 月 三 十 日 止 期 間 而 言,由於可換股票據對期間之每股基本虧損具反攤 薄 影 響,因 此 計 算 每 股 攤 薄 虧 損 時 並 不 假設可換股貸款票據之潛在換股。就截至二零一一年及二零一零年六月三十日止 期 間 而 言,由 於 本 公 司 之 未 行 使 購 股 權 之行 使 價 較 期 間 之 股 份 平 均 市 價 為 高,因 此 計算每股攤薄虧損時乃假設該等購股權不會獲行使。,7.,DividendsNo dividend was paid or proposed during the six months ended 30 June 2011 and

49、2010.Property,plant and equipmentDuring the period,the Group spent approximately HK$4,063,000 on additions tomachinery and equipment.,7.,股息截至二零一一年及二零一零年六月三十日止六個月並無派付或建議派付股息。物業、廠房及設備期 內,本 集 團 添 置 機 器 及 設 備 之 開 支 約 為4,063,000港元。,7,9.,9.,10.,Trade and other receivables,應收貿易賬款及其他應收款項,At 30 June2011於二零一一

50、年,At 31 December2010於二零一零年,六月三十日 十二月三十一日,(Unaudited)(未經審核)HK$000千港元,(Audited)(經審核)HK$000千港元,Trade receivablesLess:Allowance for doubtful debtsTax reserve certificates,應收貿易賬款減:呆賬撥備儲稅券,8,838(5,266)3,572,16,098(7,068)9,0302,601,Refundable deposit paid for proposedacquisition of subsidiariesRefundable d


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