新视野大学英语读写教程(第二版)第一册Unit 7 Section AFace to Face with Guns.ppt

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1、1,1,Text Study,Idea Sharing,Notes to the Text,Words and Expressions,Writing,Understanding,Structure Analysis,Summary,Reproduction,1.Put the Actions in Sequence,1)speed away 2)note details of their faces3)toss my house keys into a bush4)take a description of the robbers5)pull into the garage 6)look t

2、hrough mug shots7)rip the watch from my wrist8)put his pistol between my eyes,I.Understanding,Text StudyUnderstanding,1.pull into the garage(5)2.put his pistol between my eyes(8)3.toss my house keys into a bush(3)4.note details of their faces(2)5.rip the watch from my wrist(7)6.speed away(1)7.take a

3、 description of the robbers(4)8.look through mug shots(6),Text StudyUnderstanding,He wanted to make sure that nothing was unusual and no one would attack or rob him.,II.Question Answering,Why did the writer scan the street and pathways before pulling into the garage that night?,Text StudyUnderstandi

4、ng,wallet,watch,KFC chicken,2.What did the two robbers take away from the writer?,Text StudyUnderstanding,They are bit by bit destroying the basic ideas we hold dear:our freedom to move about;the fruits of labor;our lives andthose of people we value.,3.In the writers eyes,what damage does the out-of

5、-control riverthe young mendo to our society?,Text StudyUnderstanding,“Wheres your money?Wheres your money?”,4.Find some sentences to prove the writer was robbed by young men.,Text StudyUnderstanding,So,last Monday I looked through album-sized books of pictures mostly of young menan amazing number o

6、f them actually children.,I saw eternity;they saw food.,His arms and legs moved unexpectedly,as if attached to unseen wires.,A.The Way to Develop This Passage,II.Structure Analysis,description+narration+dialogue+comment,The text mainly tells about the authors beingrobbed by two young men,contact wit

7、h thepolice and deep concern about the damageof young mens committing crimes.,Text StudyStructure Analysis,To make this story vivid and convincing,the author combines four ways of development:description,narration,dialogue and comment.,Description+Narration+DialogueDescription+Narration_,22728303134

8、,Description,1,Ways of Development,Paragraph(s),Comment,Text StudyStructure Analysis,Time markers for narrating,To narrate the story,the author uses sometime markers to form a sequenced order.Look through the text and find the time markers in pairs.,Text StudyStructure Analysis,Tips,and beforethat n

9、ight asjust then by then suddenly soon on leaving later last Monday some daypresently,Text StudyStructure Analysis,The author describes the details mainly with a series of sequential actions:actions occur one right after the other as they happen.And these actions are not only connected to each other

10、 through some natural order of time sequence,but also help bring out the main idea or the most important message.,2.The Way to Develop Paragraphs,sequential actions,Text StudyStructure Analysis,List the sequential actions of Para.1 and Para.28.,Text StudyStructure Analysis,Analysis:The set of action

11、s leading to the main idea:_Main idea:_,Text StudyStructure Analysis,Analysis:The set of actions leading to the main idea:being cautious;scan the street before pulling in;walk out of the garage;a man emerged and put his gun between my eyes.Main idea:Despite my being careful,someone attacked me.,Text

12、 StudyStructure Analysis,Analysis:The set of actions leading to the main idea:_ _ _Main idea:_,Text StudyStructure Analysis,Analysis:The set of actions leading to the main idea:got to my feet,found the keys,entered my house and called 911;the operator took a description and sent a police car;poured

13、a drink;the policemenarrived and took a report.Main idea:I reported the robbery to the police.,Text StudyStructure Analysis,III.Summary,One night,when walking out of the garage with some KFC in hand,I _ by a young man with a gun.The robber robbed me of my wallet and watch.Later _ appeared,ordering m

14、e not to look at them and forcing me to the ground,their guns at my head.I thought I was about to _.However,they took my KFC instead and _.,was attacked unexpectedly,the robbers partner,be shot to death,speeded away in the darkened night,Text StudySummary,Back at home,I phoned the police and reporte

15、d _.Later I went to the police station to look through a large number of photos to _ _.To my great surprise,a river of youngfaces flew by not with sunny smile but _ _.I _ the riverthe young generation.,the robbery,was deeply concerned about,Text StudySummary,IV.Reproduction,Use original dialogues an

16、d add new ones if necessary.Cover the major plots.Make full use of monologue(独白)or voice-over(旁白)and stage property(道具).,completely and lively,Text StudyReproduction,Adapt the story“Face to Face with Guns”into a play and act it out in class.,Active Expressions,Focus Study,In English,you may find som

17、e expressionsformed by very common words,but theyare active and powerful.,Whats on at the cinema tonight?今晚电影院上演什么?Whats he up to?他忙什么呢?,I.Active Expressions,Notes to the TextActive Expressions,1.That night was no exception.2.Ive seen enough criminal trials to know victims of armed attacks are seldo

18、m able to identify their offenders3.,eating at the foundations of things we hold dear.4.Some day,we will have to face this river and seek the depths of its discontent.5.Presently,all we can do is look at mug shots and stick our fingers in the dam.,Notes to the TextActive Expressions,1.sth./sb.be no

19、exception.毫无例外2.enough+sth.+to do sth.足以3.hold sb./sth.dear 珍爱/珍视某人或某物4.seek the depths of sth.探索的深层原因5.All(that)sb.can/could do is(to)do sth.某人所能做的是,Notes to the TextActive Expressions,Practice,1.大众总会对某个话题进行激烈争论,在校大学生 结婚这个话题也不例外。2.有足够的例子可以证明抽烟对健康有害。3.人类珍爱生命,也珍视道德。4.如今人们得面对并探索青少年暴力犯罪率不断 上升的深层原因。5.作为

20、大学生,我们所能做的就是努力学习。,Notes to the TextActive Expressions,Keys,1.There are always heated discussions about a certain topic among the general public,and college students getting married on campus is no exception.2.There are enough examples to prove that smoking does harm to our health.3.Human beings hold

21、 dear both life and morality.4.Nowadays,people have to face and seek the depths of the increasing rate of violence crime among teenagers.5.As college students,all we can do is to study hard.,Notes to the TextActive Expressions,II.Focus Study,Analyze the structure of the following sentences and compl

22、ete the exercises.,Notes to the TextFocus Study,整句话由两个分句构成。前一分句用了明喻,黑眼睛比喻成擦亮的玻璃。后一分句属连词“as if”(好像,似乎)从句的省略形式,这里省了“they were”,“they”是主句的主语“his arms and legs”。,His dark eyes shone like polished glass;his arms and legs moved unexpectedly,as if attached to unseen wires.,Practice,like sth.;,as if(they we

23、re),Notes to the TextFocus Study,He criticized me as though he were an expert.The little girl cried as if she were in great pain.The woman kept on weeping as if she was very sad.He stretched out his hand as if he were trying to seize something.His arms and legs moved suddenly as if they were connect

24、ed to hidden wires.,as though an expert.,as if in great pain.,Notes to the TextFocus Study,2.Ive seen enough criminal trials to know victims of armed attacks are seldom able to identify their offenders because their attention focuses on the guns,rather than on their users.,本句主干为“Ive seen enough crim

25、inal trials”,用了“enough.to do sth.”结构,to know引出结果状语,know后接一个宾语从句;而宾语从句里又由because 引出一个原因状语从句,rather than并列两个on介词短语。,Ive seen enough criminal trials to know,Notes to the TextFocus Study,turning.与studying.并列作主语,与介词like 的宾语flowing.对应;current后接that引出的定语从句,从句里有两个分隔结构,like Blakes Thames这一状语插入到主语和谓语之间,而mark和

26、它较长的两个宾语marks被状语in every face分隔。,3.Turning those pages and studying their photo-graphs is like flowing on a sad current that,like Blakes Thames,seems to“mark in every face,marks of weakness,marks of woe”.,Doing sth.and doing sth.is like doing sth.,Notes to the TextFocus Study,Theres no report to us

27、of any accident.,名词report和它的定语of any accident被状语tous分隔开,以避免修饰上的歧义accident to us。,no report of any accident.,Notes to the TextFocus Study,Evening had now come,the last of Adolf Hitlers life.,由于evening的同位语the last of Adolf Hitlers life较长,放在句尾,以使句子主谓结构平衡。,Evening,the last of Adolf Hitlers life.,Notes t

28、o the TextFocus Study,The tour races of France and Italy,held each year,cover more than 2,000 miles.,本句的races有两个定语修饰,即介词短语 of France and Italy和过去分词短语held each year。一个名词/代词同时有两个定语,或定语被其它成分(状语、插入语、同位语等)分隔开时,即构成“分隔定语”。,The tour races of France and Italy,cover.,Notes to the TextFocus Study,I must try to

29、 make as logical a survey as I can of this project which I have undertaken.,a survey放在比较结构中(as logicalas I can)成为不可分割的整体,它的后置定语of this project 只好出现在as I can后面。,a survey of this project which I have,Notes to the TextFocus Study,While I was waiting to enter university,I saw advertised in a local newsp

30、aper a teaching post at a school in a suburb of London about ten miles from where I lived.,本句的宾语补足语advertised in a local newspaper放在宾语前,宾语a teaching post后移,由于其带有较长的定语at a school where I lived。,I saw a teaching post at a school where I lived.,Notes to the TextFocus Study,4.these young men are a kind

31、of riverone that is out of control,eating at the foundations of things we hold dear:our freedom to move about;the fruits of labor;our own lives and those of people we value.,这里用暗喻把年轻人比作一条河流。one指代river,后接that引出的定语从句,eating.dear是伴随状语,things后接定语从句we hold dear,people后接定语从句we value;此外,冒号后列举的三项内容说明things。

32、,sb.are sth.,Notes to the TextFocus Study,Word Using,Action Experiencing,Chinese to English,1.exception n.a person or thing that is not included,Most of the buildings in this town are rather unattractive,but this church is an exception.,except 除之外 accept 接受 reception 接待,I.Word Using,Words and Expres

33、sionsWord Using,Make sentences with the above phrases.,with the exception of(except)除之外with no exception/without exception无例外地,一律,Words and ExpressionsWord Using,A:When do your parents bark at you?B:A:What is“吠犬不咬人”in English?B:,My parents bark at me when I.,Barking dogs do not bite.,2.bark v.(of do

34、gs,etc.)give a bark or barks;say(sth.)in a sharp harsh voice,Words and ExpressionsWord Using,Describe the two pictures,using polish.,3.polish v.make sth.smooth and shiny by rubbing,Words and ExpressionsWord Using,Your article needs polishing before having it printed.,publish 出版,发表,你的文章付印之前需要润色。,impr

35、ove,Words and ExpressionsWord Using,Attach a label to each piece of luggage.a document attached to a letter with a pin,attack 袭击,进攻,给每件行李上都加上标签。用别针附在信中的文件,4.attach v.fasten or join sth.(to sth.),Words and ExpressionsWord Using,The four basic skills and communicative competence:intensive and extensiv

36、e listening,active speaking,broad reading,practical writing.,As college students,what should we attach importance to in English learning?,connect sth.with sth.,attach importance to sth.对加以重视,Words and ExpressionsWord Using,be attached to sb./sth.,attached adj.full of affection for sb./sth.对依恋的,Ive n

37、ever seen two people so attached to each other.,我从没见过两个人这样如胶如漆。,Words and ExpressionsWord Using,5.identify vt.recognize and correctly name sb.or sth.,Words and ExpressionsWord Using,A:Who do you identify the lady in the painting is?B:,I identify her as Mono Lisa,the character in one of DaVincis famo

38、us paintings.,When you visit another country and do notunderstand the customs,it is easy to offendpeople.,如果你访问一个国家,却不了解该国的风俗习惯,就很容易让人不愉快。,6.offend v.cause sb.to feel upset or angry,Words and ExpressionsWord Using,offend against humanity His conduct offended against the rules of proper behavior.,off

39、ender 犯法、违规者 offensive 冒犯的,攻击性的defend 保卫,为辩护,offend against sb./sth.do wrong to sb./sth.;break a law,etc.,Words and ExpressionsWord Using,7.rob vt.steal money or property from a person,bank,etc.,robber 抢劫者,盗贼robbery 抢劫罪,抢劫(案),Words and ExpressionsWord Using,The gang robbed me of my cash and check-bo

40、ok in broad daylight.,rob sb.of sth.,那伙人在光天化日之下抢了我的现金和支票簿。,A:What is the current for Chinese families in big cities?B:A:Should people go with the current of the times?B:,Buy a family car;couples share housework.,8.current n.a continuous flowing movement of water,air,etc.,.(open),Words and Expression

41、sWord Using,windmill 风车revolve旋转blade风车翼,flow of electricity through sth.,Describe the current creation in the picture.,Words and ExpressionsWord Using,issuenewsinformationpricethought,current adj.of the present time;happening now,current,Words and ExpressionsWord Using,9.foundation n.act of foundin

42、g(an institution,organization,etc.)创立 the solid base of a building underground;basis 地基,基础 an organization providing money for research,charity,etc.基金会,found 建立,创立 founder 建立者,缔造者profound 深奥的,深远的,Words and ExpressionsWord Using,1.lay the foundations of the building2.the foundation of Guangxi Univers

43、ity3.You may be able to get support from an arts foundation.4.My physics book is called Foundation of Physics;which covers all the basic theories.,基金会,地基,创立,基础,What do the following foundations mean by Chinese?,Words and ExpressionsWord Using,10.by instinct without having been taught,Words and Expre

44、ssionsWord Using,我本能地抬起手臂护着脸。,I raised my arm by instinctto protect my face.,11.in detail discussing all items or facts fully,Words and ExpressionsWord Using,你可以详细地描述这一抢劫案吗?,Can you describe the robbery in detail?,12.out of control no longer in control,Words and ExpressionsWord Using,足球球迷们顿时失去了控制。,A

45、ll of a sudden the footballfans got out of control.,13.stick to sth.keep to sth.,Words and ExpressionsWord Using,你失败时还能坚持梦想吗?,Can you stick to your dream when you fail?,与面对面地穿着深色尼龙夹克停车处极速开走犯多起抢劫案犯罪/谋杀罪珍视,face to face with sb./sth.in a dark nylon jacketparking padspeed awaycommit a number of robberie

46、scommit a crime/murderhold dear,II.Chinese to English,Words and ExpressionsC to E,Ask one or several students to the front to act out the following expressions.Other students guess what they are in English.,III.Act and Tell,Words and ExpressionsAct and Tell,Scan the street and pathways.Put the pisto

47、l between ones eyes.Search the trouser pockets.Extend the left arm sideways.Rip the watch from the wrist.Roll the head to the right.Pour a drink.Cut something.Hands up(raise the hands).Laugh crazily.,Words and ExpressionsAct and Tell,Act and Tell,Discussion,Now that robbery is not predictable,whethe

48、r indoors or outdoors,in daylight or at night,what measures can we take to prevent it?What if it is a robbery with guns?,Idea Sharing,Discussion,Stylistic Devices,Develop a Paragraph of Sequential Actions,Practical Writing,I.Stylistic Devices(修辞格),Simile(明喻)Compare two different things with the simi

49、lar point,using the word“as”,“like”,“asas”or“as if”.Metaphor(暗喻)Compare two different things with the similar point,but the comparison is implied,not expressed with the word“as”,“like”,“asas”or“as if”.It may use“be”.,WritingStylistic Devices,Repetition(重复)Repeat a sentence,in part or in whole,to add

50、 force and emphasis to the statements.It often goes with parallelism.Parallelism(排比)Use the same grammatical form to express ideas of the same importance.,WritingStylistic Devices,Antithesis(对偶)Use contrasting words or ideas in balanced forms to get force and emphasis.Rhetoric Question(设问/反问)Ask a q


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