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1、1,Psyche-Channel Selling:How to Get into the Minds of Channel Partners and Get Optimal Results 渠道销售攻心术:如何深入解剖渠道伙伴的心态,创造有职业绩,2,Top Sales People Dont Necessary Become Good Channel Sales Managers.Why?卓越销售员不一定就是优秀的渠道销售经理。为什么?,3,What are Some Key Challenges Faced when Managing Channel Partners?,管理渠道伙伴最常见

2、的挑战有哪些?,4,Elements of Effective Channel Sales Leadership渠道销售领导力的主要因素,Duties and Responsibilities of a Channel Sales Manager销售经理的职责Key Challenges Faced when Working with Channel Partners与渠道伙伴合作的常见挑战Understanding the Types of Channel Partners了解渠道伙伴的不同分类 Communicating with Your Channel Partners如何与渠道伙伴有

3、效沟通Planning for Success 为成功作策划Managing the Pipeline管道管理Conflict Resolution冲突管理,5,Elements of Effective Channel Sales Leadership渠道销售领导力的主要因素,Duties and Responsibilities of a Channel Sales Manager销售经理的职责,6,Exactly What Does a Channel Sales Manager Need to Do?,渠道销售经理究竟需要做些什么?,7,Duties and Responsibilit

4、ies of a Channel Sales Manager 渠道销售经理的义务和责任,Responds at any hour随传随到Account penetration by cross selling深入客户,交叉销售Makes formal sales presentations做正式的陈述Closes through personal identification with the product/service以个人对产品与服务的认同完成销售Training in a structured setting有系统地给渠道伙伴做培训Makes joint calls一起拜访客户Dev

5、elops comprehensive product knowledge to be a credible resource提升自己的产品知识已成为权威Practical intelligence学以致用的能力Analytic ability分析能力,8,Responds at Any Hour随传随到,Almost always available after hours to respond to the needs of both internal and external customers在下班时间以后为内、外部客户服务Organized and efficient in time

6、 management during the day so that the need to work unscheduled hours is the exception rather than the rule良好的时间管理,加班情况属个案Resists the distraction of non-work-related issues不被废工作事情分散注意Strong sense of duty to those who are counting on him/her对服务对象拥有职责使命感Prepares a back-up system to cover unpredictable

7、 or unpreventable overloads or absence有备无患,9,Account Penetration by Cross Selling深入客户,交叉销售,Develops a sales plan for increasing business with existing customers为现有客户拟定销售计划,以增加销售额Promotes an expansion of the current product line有针对性地销售更多产品Pays attention to trends or problems that current solutions do

8、 not solve对目前产品所不能解决的问题或趋势保持关注Works to generate continued business from existing accounts保住客户,细水长流emphasizing steady income flow over occasional windfall比较喜欢细水长流多过一夜致富Tracks changes in the customers organisation or specifications that would change existing business arrangements关注客户的购买、组织结构的变化,以防万一Mo

9、nitors buying patterns to ensure uninterrupted delivery of the desired benefits 关注客户的购买习惯,确保不会断货,10,Makes Formal Presentations做正式的陈述,Customizes the program to the audience,using minimal boilerplate components使用最少的样板文件的来为观众作陈述Takes the time to prepare a studied presentation which the audience can res

10、onate愿意花时间去准备一个可以引起观众共鸣的陈述Is sensitive to audience feedback and adjusts the presentation to sustain their interest敏感对待观众的反馈并调整陈述以引起他们持续的兴趣Creates a memorable stage presence创造一个难忘的舞台风格Enjoys applause and attention when successful享受成功的掌声与喝彩,11,Closes through personal identification with the product/se

11、rvice以个人对产品与服务的认同完成销售,Personally believes in the benefits of his product or solution个人对产品或服务的非常认同Willing to stand behind our offerings when competing for the channel partners interest or shelf space愿意力推自家产品,以获得渠道伙伴的青睐Recognizes that the customer may have second thoughts or is being courted by the co

12、mpetition了解客户随时会受到竞争对手的诱惑Initiates additional benefits to support the channel partners commitment为了取得竞争对手的支持而主动给对方更大的帮助Keeps the channel partner motivated to promote product line by working with channel partners salespeople to close challenging sales与渠道伙伴的业务员拉近距离,确保渠道伙伴支持我方产品Breaks the sales process

13、 into manageable steps,seeking continued agreement from the customer at each step before moving on将销售流程模块化,在每一个环节先获得客户的认同才往下一步走Applies enough pressure to keep a buying commitment from stalling but avoids pushing the channel partner into a neutral or negative position给客户实施适当的压力,既不让对方举棋不定,也不让对方临阵退缩,12

14、,Training in a Structured Setting有系统地给渠道伙伴做培训,Prepares scheduled and consistent programs to train or educate others定期安排以执行的培训项目来训练或培育他人Establishes measurable criteria for assessing progress in the learning process为了衡量学习的进度,在学习进程中建立可测量的标准Demonstrates patience and a willingness to repeat or reinforce

15、ideas and information until the audience understands展示耐心并愿意重覆或加深自身的建议和信息,直到对方完全了解、接受Focuses training sessions on those competencies that will make a difference in the groups ultimate effectiveness将培训集中在那些能改变团队最终绩效的技能上Concentrates more on the results produced than with how attractive or entertaining

16、the training can be把注意更多的放在结果,而不是怎样是培训更具娱乐性或吸引力,13,Makes Joint Calls一起拜访客户,Regularly observes assigned salespeople in action to offer suggestions for skill development经常观察相关业务员实际销售的情况,并给于技能发展的意见Is willing to step out of the limelight and function in a supporting role愿意跨出舞台中心成为在外支持的角色Responds to sale

17、s opportunities with minimal preparation;able to respond spontaneously when circumstances change当情况改变能自发地反应,可以反应销售机会与最小的准备Adjusts coaching or assistance to accommodate the unpredictable aspects of each customer contact按照不同客户的不同反应调整辅导或协助方式Keeps the focus of his training and support on closing the sal

18、e,delegating administrative or procedural tasks to others if possible将注意力放在如何促使单子成交,并尽量将行政、琐碎的工作交给他人,14,Practical Intelligence学以致用的能力,Enjoys learning and broadening his depth of learning and insight in a wide array of topics享受学习并扩展学习的深度,并对广阔的话题拥有独到的见解。Absorbs,stores and recalls new information quick

19、ly迅速吸收,存储并回忆新信息Deals comfortably with abstract concepts and relationships针对抽象的概念及关系能够处理的游刃有余Pursues academic,theoretical or research-based information不断追求学术,理论或调研报告的信息,15,Analytic Ability分析能力,Possesses strong deductive reasoning skills and is capable of thinking through problems in a systematic and

20、logical manner具备很强的推理技能并且以系统及逻辑方式来思考问题。Draws sound conclusions from the information presented从信息中总结出结论Effectively weighs the accuracy of different types of information,including inferences,abstractions,or generalizations有效地斟酌不同类型信息的准确性,包括推断,抽象化及概念化Maintains objectivity in the gathering and analysis

21、of information在收集信息及分析的同时保持客观,16,How would you rate yourself as a Channel Sales Leader?如何评估你的渠道销售领导能力?,Rank the above factors from most to least important to your job仪你的工作性质,给以上论点按照重要性顺序排列From a scale of 0-10,how do you rate yourself for each factor?如果以1-10分的标准,1分为最差,10分为最好,针对每一题,您会为自己打几分?What are s

22、ome of the challenges to be a better leader?成为一名优秀领导者的挑战有哪些?How can you overcome these challenges?你应该如何应对这些挑战?,17,Which side of the line do you live on?你活在线的那一端?,Responsibility 负起责任Blame责备Justification辩解Excuses借口,18,Elements of Effective Channel Sales Leadership渠道销售领导力的主要因素,Duties and Responsibiliti

23、es of a Channel Sales Manager销售经理的职责Key Challenges Faced when Working with Channel Partners与渠道伙伴合作的常见挑战,19,What are Some Key Challenges Faced when Managing Channel Partners?,管理渠道伙伴最常见的挑战有哪些?,20,Key Conversations with Channel Partners与渠道伙伴的主要谈话,Supplier 供应商:You MUST carry our full-line of products,an

24、d NOT just sell the few specialised items你必须销售我们所有产品,而不是专门卖这几种(Selling the specialised products is easy;I NEED you to sell other products as well!卖这种产品可容易了;我需要你卖其他的!)Channel Partner 渠道伙伴:We SHOULD concentrate on our strengths,and NOT push all products我们应该扬长避短,而不是样样都卖(Theres no money in your other pr

25、oducts,and I can get substitutes at better prices你其他产品都赚不了钱,而且我还能从竞争品牌获得更好价格),21,Key Conversations with Channel Partners与渠道伙伴的主要谈话,Supplier 供应商:We NEED you to focus on our products我需要你专注卖我们的产品(How can you sell for our direct competitors as well?你怎么能够卖我们死对头的产品呢?)Channel Partner 渠道伙伴:We NEED exclusive

26、 territories我们需要独家代理权(You are doing business with our rivals too,and you are NOT giving us the best price你不也是在跟我们死对头做生意,而且还不给我们最好的价格),22,Key Conversations with Channel Partners与渠道伙伴的主要谈话,Supplier 供应商:We need you to sell our new products and develop new markets more actively我们需要你更积极地售卖我们的新品,并加强市场开拓力度

27、(We need you to sell beyond existing customers and products别老卖同样产品给同样的客户)Channel Partner 渠道伙伴:Can you provide us with marketing support to sell new products and develop new customers?你们能否给我们提供相关的市场营销支持,帮我们卖新品、找新客户?(Doing so costs too much and takes up too much time,and wed rather stick to what we do

28、 best这么折腾对我们是吃力不讨好,我们宁可做我们熟悉的),23,Key Conversations with Channel Partners与渠道伙伴的主要谈话,Supplier 供应商:We must know our end-customers in greater detail我们必须深入了解终端客户(We dont know why our customers buy from us,and how they use our products,but yet we handle all the complaints我们不知道客户为何跟我们购买,或他们如何使用我们的产品,但一旦有客

29、户投诉我们就得马上做出回应)Channel Partner 渠道伙伴:We will tell you what you need to know该让你知道的,我们就会让你知道(If I let you know my customers,youll be stealing them away我才不会给你我们的客户信息,免得被你们挖墙脚),24,Key Conversations with Channel Partners与渠道伙伴的主要谈话,Supplier 供应商:Your channel margins are too high你们的渠道利润要得太高了(You charge too mu

30、ch and provide too little value to end-customers你漫天要价却不见你们给客户提供多一点的价值)Channel Partner 渠道伙伴:Your prices are too high你们价格太高了(You are NOT worth the price you think you command你们产品本来就不值这个价),25,Key Conversations with Channel Partners与渠道伙伴的主要谈话,Supplier 供应商:You MUST improve your sales efforts你必须改进你的销售方式(Y

31、ou need a well-trained,professional sales force to be really supporting us 你必须得有支训练有素的专业销售团队来支持我们)Channel Partner 渠道伙伴:You MUST improve your sales promotion你们必须加强你们的促销活动(Our other suppliers give us more support.You must learn from them其他供应商都给我们更实质的促销支持,你得跟他们学学),26,Key Conversations with Channel Part

32、ners与渠道伙伴的主要谈话,Supplier 供应商:We must work together我们必须多多合作Channel Partner 渠道伙伴:Agreed同意,27,Key Challenges Faced when Managing Channel Partners管理渠道伙伴最常见的挑战,Over-promise and under-deliver给过的承诺无法兑现Growth stagnated after initial success业绩增长在初期猛涨后就进入Unable to sell at better margins or prices无法以更好的价格或利润进行销

33、售Unable to sell new products无法销售新品Unable to develop new markets beyond established base无法开拓新客户或市场Lack of after-sale support for end-customers缺乏售后服务We are unable to understand our customers real needs我方无法了解客户实质需求They just dont trust us他们不信任我们When you are unhappy with their performance,you cant fire t

34、hem当你对他们的业绩不满时,还不能炒他们鱿鱼,28,What are some of the causes of such challenges?,这些挑战的前因是什么呢?,29,What attracts channel partners to work with you?渠道伙伴为什么要跟你合作?,Your product sells产品销量好Your product is easy to sell产品容易卖High margins利润高Good support得到良好支持,Who is giving whom support most of the time?大部分时间是谁为谁服务的?

35、,30,How Channel Partners are Selected渠道伙伴是怎么招来的,Channel partners are selected based on those with ready customers渠道伙伴的筛选标准主要是考虑他们有没有现有客户Special offers are given so that these new channel partners can make some quick successes为了让他们尽快吃到甜头,有时还给他们更优惠的价格Exclusive territorial rights given,esp.to the one t

36、hat brings in the largest volume给他们区域独家授权,尤其是针对那些单量多的Not much is known about how many other competing brands do they carry他们到底还有代理哪些竞争品牌,我们知道的不多Not much is known about how the channel partner will develop in the future对于他们将来的发展趋势,我们知道的更少,31,Elements of Effective Channel Sales Leadership渠道销售领导力的主要因素,

37、Duties and Responsibilities of a Channel Sales Manager销售经理的职责Key Challenges Faced when Working with Channel Partners与渠道伙伴合作的常见挑战Understanding the Types of Channel Partners了解渠道伙伴的不同分类,32,Case Study 1案例1,You have 3 top channel partner who contribute significantly to your total sales revenue你有3位业绩出色的渠道

38、伙伴。他们的业绩占据公司总业绩的大部分However,each one of them has got different problems但是他们每一人都有一些毛病:“A”gives a lot of discounts to the extent that you dont make much profits“A”在价钱方面打很多折,基本上导致公司利润少了许多“B”is great in getting good margins,but never provide any form of after-sales service“B”利润保持很高,但从来不为客户作任何售后服务“C”gener

39、ates sales only from2-3 existing customers,and has not gained a single new customer in the last 3 years“C”则只跟2-3位老客户做销售,而且在之前3年都没有引进新客户What would you do?你会怎么做?,33,3 Types of Channel Partners3种截然不同的渠道伙伴,Trader倒爷Mafia关系户Consultant顾问,34,The Trader倒爷,First to the market市场的领头羊High volume高单量High discounts

40、打折高Prefer short sales cycles喜欢短销售周期Prefer NOT to provide after-sales service不愿作售后服务,35,The Mafia关系户,Personal networks人脉多Sell on relationship靠关系吃饭Protective of relationship保护私密关系Invests in time to harness relationship愿意为培养关系投入时间、精力Lacks in-depth technical knowledge缺乏深层的技术知识Weakest in developing new c

41、ustomers开发新客户最弱,36,The Consultant顾问,Understands customers in-depth business and technical needs深入了解客户的商务、技术要求Good in selling complex solutions销售复杂项目方案的能力强Likely to be former technical staff turned distributor很可能是技术人员变经销商Weakest in generating leads,but good in following through找寻新销售线索的能力差,但对客户跟踪能力强,3

42、7,Which Type do Your Channel Partner Belong to?,你的渠道伙伴属于哪一类?,38,Positive Selection Criteria正面的筛选标杆,Their goals are aligned with ours他们目标与我们一致Value of their customer base他们客源的价值Their people are highly motivated他们内部斗志高昂They are in good financial health他们财务状况好Their people have good sales or account man

43、agement skills他们拥有良好销售或客户管理技巧They can develop new markets or fully cover their territory他们能够在给与他们的区域范围覆盖整个市场They can sell new products他们能够销售新品Product knowledge and technical skill产品与技术知识The amount of profit they contribute over the long-term他们长期所能够贡献多少盈利给我们Ability to succeed with our products他们能够销售我

44、们这样的产品,39,Negative Selection Criteria负面的筛选标杆,Other suppliers competing for their attention他们还需应付多少其他供应商Resistance to change and accept new ideas对新观点、理念、改变的抗拒Weak Reputation and market position不良声誉及市场定位Strength of local competitors当地的竞争激烈程度Limited size of local market当地的市场局限Adverse local market trend

45、s负面市场趋势Unknown information:any of the above that we do NOT know about?不明确信息:针对以上有哪些我们是尚未知道的?,40,Channel Development Plan渠道发展计划,Territorial allocation按区域分配Easy to manage管理简单Avoids channel conflict容易避免渠道纠纷Serves their local market服务于他们当地市场May miss out cross-regional opportunities可能失去跨区域的机会May not cove

46、r all kinds of customers可能无法覆盖所有客户,Allocation by customer groups按客户分配More attention to the customer更关注客户More specialised knowledge about the customers business了解客户商务情况More possibilities to sell new products to customer groups更多销售新品的机会Higher chances of channel conflict渠道纠纷概率较高More complex to manage比较

47、复杂,41,Channel Development Plan渠道发展计划,Exclusive distributorship独家代理Builds trust建立信任Gains commitment获得对方的承诺May be complacent after a while久了容易自满Difficult for us to develop new markets and sell to new customers较难以开拓新市场及新客户Difficult to take actions for poor performance业绩不理想时,较难以采取相应措施,Non-Exclusive dist

48、ributorship非独家代理Healthy competition健康竞争Different levels of distributorship不同级别的代理权Covers the market more effectively市场覆盖率高Higher bargaining power for us给我们更高的谈判筹码Scope for channel conflict渠道纠纷概率Scope for mis-trust不信任的可能性,42,Channel Development Plan渠道发展计划,Volume-based objectives 以量作指标All business is

49、good business所有的订单都是好的Build volume and market share fast迅速提高销量及市场占有Provide discounts to get deals打折下单Good for early stages of business development对创业初期好,Strategic Objectives战略指标Only some kinds of business is good business只有某些单子是好的Developing key accounts and launching new products发展大客户及新产品Focus on ad

50、ded value solutions to sell at better margins提高附加值以卖高价Good for later stages of business development对创业后期好,43,Strategies to Deal with“Trader”Channel Partners应对“倒爷”的渠道伙伴,Provide unique products or提供独特产品,或Provide low-cost products供给低价产品Focus on volume sale注重单量Training to be frame as means to help them


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