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1、雅思口语词汇误区分析 雅思口语的四大评分标准之一是词汇的丰富度。于是很多烤鸭就打起了这个标准的注意,纷纷各种所谓的“高分词汇,满分词组”走起。下面就和大家分享雅思口语词汇误区分析,来欣赏一下吧。雅思口语词汇误区分析雅思口语词汇误区一,反复使用同一词汇这类问题通常出现在基础比较薄弱的学生中。由于词汇量的有限,也想要避免使用不熟悉的词汇出现错误,在口语考试中,常常缺乏词汇的变化,也就是说,过多的使用某些词汇。像because, beautiful, like等用的比较滥的词,而不会用其他的词去替换它。比如说到喜好,如果每一个考生在考试过程中都在用like,那么考官听得多了,一定不会给很好的分数。而

2、我们学过的,还有很多词都是可以表达喜好的,比如enjoy, be interested in, be fond of, be crazy about,这些都可以给考官带来焕然一新的感觉。雅思口语词汇误区二,展现词汇要靠大家都想不到的难词、大词和名言警句就这一点来讲,烤鸭们需要走出一个误区:词汇越难越偏,使用的名言警句越多,考官自然会对自己刮目相看,分数也就自然会上去。其实,考官需要的并不是这些。刚刚我们提到过,在生活中我们使用难词和大词的机会并不多。因此,在口语这项考察交流的考试中,考官当然不希望总是听到他一辈子都很难使用到地词汇。但是,并不是说名言警句和大词难词不能用。雅思口语的词汇首先讲究



5、、事件类、物品类、地点类和媒体抽象类5类,共57个话题,其中新题主要集中在人物类和事件类,这2类也是雅思口语最常考的话题。雅思口语题库part2人物类Describe a popular comic actor/actress you konw 能说之人(新题)Describe a popular comic actor/actress you konw 戏剧演员(新题)Describe someone who is very professional专业的人(新题)Describe a businessman you admire.尊敬的商人Describe someone who is a

6、 good parent.好家长Describe an interesting person from another country.有趣的外国人Describe a sportman you admire(运动员)Describe a popular person受欢迎的人Describe someone who is knwledgeable.知识渊博的人雅思口语题库part2事件类Describe something important that you lost丢失的重要东西(新题)Describe some useful skills you learned in a math c

7、lass from your primary/high school数学课上习得的技能(新题)Describe something you own and want to replace.想替换的东西(新题)Describe one magazine that you like喜欢的杂志(新题)Describe a sport you have only watched and you would like to try in the future看过且想要尝试的运动(新题)Describe an occasion when someone visited your home(新)家庭访客De

8、scribe a situation when you have to be polite.(新)礼貌Describe a time when you saved money for something存钱(新)Describe an important event to celebrate.(新)重要的庆祝Describe a time you had an unforgettable meal特殊的一餐Describe a special day out which didnt cost you much特殊外出Describe an experience when you pleased

9、 with you moblile phone.用手机的开心时刻Describe something or activity you do to keep healthy.保健方法Describe a time when you received a good service from a shop or a company优质服务Describe a (long) car journey you went on.汽车旅行Describe a time when someone said something positive about your work工作上的积极建议(新)Describe

10、 an experience that you taught someone something.教他人Describe a time when you enjoyed doing something (activities) with an old person.和老人锻炼雅思口语题库part2物品类Describe a good photo you had 好照片Describe something you bought recently that made you happy.开心购物Describe a traditional product in your country.传统产品D

11、escribe a piece of furniture.家具Describe one of your toys in your childhood 儿时玩具Describe a piece of technology you like using(not computer)喜爱科技新题Describe something you bought according to an advertisement you saw.因广告而购物Describe an important letter you received.重要的信Describe an exciting book you have r

12、ead.令人兴奋的书雅思口语题库part2地点类Describe a public facility that you think need improvements改善设施Describe an important river/lake in your country河流湖泊Describe a public park or garden.公园Describe a place where you can listen to music.听音乐的地方Describe a leisure facility you would like to have in your home town休闲设施D

13、escribe a country or city where you want to live or work in the future 想去的国家或城市Describe an interesting place that few people know.很少人知道的有趣地方Describe a public facility (road, shopping mall) that has developed recently in your city.Describe a dream home you would like to have.理想之家雅思口语题库part2媒体抽象类Descr

14、ibe a good photo you had.好照片Describe a TV series or drama you enjoy watching.电视节目Describe an advertisement (that you saw or heard or liked).广告Describe a holiday you would like to have in the future.未来假期Describe a rule at your school that you agree or disagree.校规Describe an important skill which not

15、be learned at school校外技能Describe a subject of science that you learned in high school科学课Describe a season or a period of the year you enjoy喜爱的季节Describe a period in history历史时期Describe a(good)decision someone made.一个决定Describe a story someone told you that you remember well.故事Describe an achievement

16、 that you are proud of.骄傲的成绩雅思口语part1答案解析:Meeting new people1. Do you like meeting new people?Yes, Im a really sociable person. I enjoy meeting new people and Im pretty confident when I am with others. I like small-talk, entertaining people, telling stories and generally getting into engaging intere

17、sting conversations. New people can be a refreshing change, and I think you learn new things from chatting a lot to new people.2. How do you feel when people welcome you?I feel great usually. Im a big fan of social situations, and social gatherings. I find its nice to be welcomed by people and get t

18、o know them, and let my hair down in situations like dinners or parties. So if Im welcomed to an occasion like this I feel really content and even a bit excited.3. Do you often meet new people?Not very often really. I usually spend time with family, close friends, and of course, at work. But on the

19、occasions that I do go out socially, maybe once a month or two, then I usually will meet new people friends of friends, or friends of workmates. Not that often really, but often enough!4. Can you tell if you like someone when you meet them for the first time?Sometimes you meet someone and there is a

20、n immediate spark you instantly click with them, connect with them, and find common ground in humour, perhaps hobbies and interest, things like this. But on other occasions, with other types of people, it might take longer to warm to them and get to know them. Everyone is different really, so it hon

21、estly depends on the type of person.雅思口语part23答案解析:一种很大的噪音Describe someone or something that made a lot of noise.You should say:Who or what made the noiseWhat the noise was likeWhat you did when you heard the noiseAnd explain how you feel about itWell, I am quite sensitive to noise, actually, so I c

22、an think of quite a lot of things that make a lot of noise, or have made a lot of noise on occasions when it has irritated me. In fact, the one time that really sticks in my mind is when I was studying for my final exams, just days before the exams, and they decided to renovate a building right next

23、 to our dormitory. All day, and for some hours at night there was a terrible noise of mechanical diggers, drilling, vehicles moving soil and bricks and rubble, and workmen shouting and banging. I was really angry, actually, because I really couldnt concentrate at all. It went on for several days scr

24、aping noises, digging noises, machine noises, the sound of banging. It seemed endless. When you live in a city, or a place which is developing quickly, there are always projects like this going on and it can be really annoying when you need peace and quiet to study, or relax or even sleep! I am pret

25、ty sensitive to noise, you see, and I have a fairly quiet disposition, so these things are a real test of my patience!Part31. What places are noisy? Can you give some examples?Cities are usually noisy places, at least big cities. Most cities in my country have a high population and huge roads to acc

26、ommodate all the traffic, so theres a lot of traffic noise in the central areas of the cities. If you live near an airport then you have to suffer the noise of planes flying overhead day and night Perhaps also if you live near to a school, then at certain times of the day therell be a lot of noise s

27、creaming children running around shouting and playing and having fun!2. What can happen if a neighbor or family member insists on listening to music really loudly all the time?Haha, well most people will get really bothered by this kind of thing. I dont think anyone likes their personal space to be

28、invaded by other peoples music, especially if its loud and aggressive music like heavy metal. If it is something like light classical music then it might be bearable, or even very pleasant, but most family members or neighbours would complain if someone played loud music all the time. Maybe if it we

29、re occasional, then that wouldnt be an issue. It also depends how sensitive people are. Some people are more tolerant to noise than others.3. What might be the dangers of listening to music with earphones when running or walking in the street?Well, this is a curious question because there are quite

30、a few examples of people running, jogging or walking down the street and crossing a road while listening to music on headphones, and getting hit by a motorbike or scooter simply because they havent heard the noise of the engine, or the beeping of the horn and because the motorbike rider didnt know t

31、hey couldnt hear the horn beeping as they tried to warn them. Especially today with these small wireless headphones you often dont know that the person cannot hear you, because you dont know theyre wearing earphones or headphones.4. What can be done to reduce traffic noise?Well, there are a few meas

32、ures that I think are often used to reduce traffic noise in cities. One is prohibiting people from using their horns on main roads through residential areas, another is constructing barriers by the sides of major roads to prevent the noise getting into residential communities nearby. I also heard th

33、at some car manufacturers are building cars that are increasingly quiet on the roads.5. Do you think the world will be noisier in the future?Not really. I think that the world will be much quieter than it is today because of the kind of technological advances that are being made to reduce noise, and also because people are becoming more sensitive to noise and value personal space more than in the past.英语口语


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