1、雅思口语考试考生常犯误区分析 雅思口语需要顾及的面太多,正如它的4大评分项所指示的那样。下面就和大家分享雅思口语考试考生常犯误区分析,来欣赏一下吧。雅思口语考试考生常犯误区分析雅思口语误区1:你应该记下所有话题对应的所有问题的答案首先,请你摸着良心诚实地告诉我,你,做得到吗?雅思每期轮转着的题库足足有有三本书那么多,你,都能背的下来吗?就算你全背下来又能怎样?背答案往往会导致声音过“平”,缺乏停顿和语速的变化,所以表达能力(PronunciationFluency)还是毫无进展,一半的口语分数可都全靠它了呢!那考试时,没有拿到背过的题目的你,咋办?害怕?紧张?不知所措?得,考试钱又变成了一次无
2、私的捐款。而这会发生的概率无限逼近100%,因为对于Part3来说几乎没有作用。在Part3中,考官会根据你的答案随机提问。而且,一旦他们发现你在背诵,最后的分数可能最多只有5.5了。雅思口语误区2:你需要尽可能多地学习使用惯用语(idioms)其实呢,使用惯用语是可以的,但是必须保证你是在正确合适的场景下使用的,不准确的使用反而会降低LR(Lexical Resource)词汇项分数!请看:It drives me up walls when it rains dogs and cats.哇塞!很高大上有木有?很炫技有没有?但是考官形容他看到这话的感觉却是如同脸上突然被对面的小烤鸭重重地打了
3、一拳。因为,正确的俚语是drive me up THE WALL, It rains cats and dogs,是猫和狗!猫和狗!猫和狗!同猫和老鼠一样的顺序,记住啦?所以,用俚语一定要要求自己,不用则已,一用必对!雅思口语误区3:想拿高分就要使用大量的新奇或不常见的词汇好了,我又想问了,你咋知道是词汇上紧紧拖住了你上分之路?咋就这么确定是口语四项评分之一的LR上出了问题?请记住考官的吐槽:“别去背大词儿了,你们的词汇分往往都是四项分数里面最高的!词汇并不是你们的问题,主要问题还是糟糕的流畅度和发音”其实,对于雅思考试而言,小烤鸭们需要的是能够讨论相对较广的常见话题,这也并不并需要你使用一些
4、“新奇的词汇”才能达到要求。不仅如此,使用不常见或者高级词汇未必有好的效果,但是给出更多的细节并用不同的方式去表达是确定一定以及肯定让考官眼前一亮。拿什么拯救你,我的雅思口语分数?光说问题不给解决方案的都是耍流氓!最后给大家提三点口语上分的建议:学会使用相对简单但100%正确的地道自然的语言,最好配以战将独家可用于任何考试话题的内嵌高分词汇的普适性框架回答的细节很重要,但不要过于注重“说的内容”,而忽视了“说话的方式”流畅度和发音。尽量模仿native的语音语调,让自己听起来更像一个native speaker雅思口语范文part3:喜欢的歌手Describe your favourite s
5、inger or bandYou shouldsay:Who the singer/band isWhat personality/characteristics the singer/band hasWhat kind of genre his/her music belongs toAnd explain why the singer/band is your favourite我最喜欢的歌手是周杰伦,一个台湾流行歌手。我觉得他有很强烈的个人主义性格,很热忱理想化。他的歌属于流行乐,但融合了多种其它音乐体裁。他还喜欢结合中西音乐风格。我喜欢这位歌手包括他的词曲。他的歌词很有意义画面感。另外
6、他的歌旋律很好,有他自成一体的曲风,我很喜欢那种中西结合的中国风曲风。Speaking of my favourite singer, I would definitely say Jay Chou. Jay Chou is the most popularMandopop artist of the millennium age, my generation. He is a Taiwanese singer, but his songs arewidely loved and spread in Taiwan, mainland China, Hong Kong, even Malaysi
7、a and Singapore. I feel that Jay has a very strong individualistic personality. He stays true (忠于) to his personality and continues to insist on making music that he himself likes. From all his songs, I guess he is also emotionally rich (情感丰富). For the world, he must have great compassion and ideali
8、sm. His compositions can be categorized as pop music while many of his works also fall into the contemporary RB, rap and rock categories (属于哪一类) or a fusion of these genres. He also likes to combine Chinese and Western music styles. I admire him for many reasons. Hes a multi- talented singer-songwri
9、ter. He can compose songs and write lyrics. The use of meaningful and imaginative lyrics, covering a diverse range of topics and ideas, distinguishes his songs from (区别于) most pop songs. Besides, he has a very unique style, Chou Style, which is his cross-cultural music. As mentioned, he regularly fu
10、ses traditional Chinese instruments and styles with modern pop to bring a unique flavour to his music. Jay has a handful of(很多) really good songs. I feel lucky to have grown up with his songs during my school days. Jay has found widespread success(巨大成功)for years until now and continues to touch peop
11、le with his music.雅思口语范文part2:想去的远行Describe a trip that you plan to go on in the near futureYou should say:Where you want to goWhat would do you doWho you would like to go withAnd explain why you would like to go there南京是中国四大古都之一,我一直很想去南京欣赏那儿独有的景点、品尝当地美味的特色小吃,如果可以的话,我希望能4月初和父母一起去南京游玩三天,那个时候的南京,温度适宜,
12、最适合旅游了。Nanjing is a city famous for its rich culture and long history, known as one of the fourgreat ancient capital cities in China. Ive been itching to (渴望) go to Nanjing to enjoy the uniquebeauty there and taste the local delicacies(当地美食). If possible, I hope to go to Nanjing for three days with
13、my parents in early April. At that time, the temperature will be suitable for travelling. InNanjing, we can feel the historical charm in the presidential palace and Xuanwu Lake. The Nanjing presidential palace is a collection of scientific research, the cultural relic preservation(文物保存),the popular
14、science education and the traveling is a body comprehensive museum(综合性博物馆).Xuanwu Lake is in the northeast portion of Nanjing City near the railway station. Besides, we canenjoy the local delicacies, like salty wild duck, duck blood and bean-starchy vermicelli soup, eightspecial snacks in Qinhuai et
15、c. in some famous culinary tourist attractions, such as: Confucius temple,and Lion Bridge. Actually, Nanjing and the salty wild duck have a very complicated relation(千丝万缕的联系). It is reported that in the Qing Dynasty salty wild duck was just as popular,and in Nanjings Confucian temple examination hall the examinees converged to eat it.(考生云集). I do believe that a three-day trip is sure to be full of joy. And it will be one of the most memorableadventures of my life.雅思