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1、sleep的用法总结 sleep的用法你知道多少? 今天给大家带来了sleep的用法总结大全,希望能够帮助到大家,下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。sleep的用法总结大全sleep的意思vi. link-v. 睡,睡觉vi. 睡,睡觉,睡眠状态vt. 为提供床位,提供住宿,以睡觉打发日子n. 睡眠变形:过去式: slept; 现在分词:sleeping; 过去分词:slept;sleep用法sleep可以用作名词sleep的意思是“睡眠”,是不可数名词; 加不定冠词时,表示“一段时间的睡眠”。sleep也可指“死亡”。sleep与介词to连用时一般都省略冠词。sleep用作名词的用法例句I h

2、avent had enough sleep lately.最近我睡眠不足。A growing child needs plenty of sleep.正发育的孩子必须睡眠充足。Lack of sleep is detrimental to ones health.缺乏睡眠有害健康。sleep可以用作动词sleep的基本意思是“睡眠”,也可作“为(某数量的人)提供床位”解。sleep既可以用作及物动词,也可以用作不及物动词。用作及物动词时可接名词作宾语,也可接同源宾语。其同源宾语前通常有形容词修饰,一般不用于被动结构。sleep接反身代词作宾语时,可接形容词充当补足语的复合宾语。sleep可用

3、作系动词,接形容词作表语。sleep用作动词的用法例句I didnt sleep well last night.昨晚我睡不安稳。He have to sleep by day and work by night.他只好白天睡觉,晚上工作。Hed been sleeping rough for a week, in ditches and haystacks.他在沟里和草堆里露宿了一个星期。sleep用法例句1、I didnt get a wink of sleep on the aeroplane.我在飞机上没合一下眼。2、He looked at Ellen, breathing even

4、ly in her sleep.他看着埃伦,她正呼吸均匀地睡着。3、Jem was full of beans after a long sleep.杰姆好好睡了一觉之后又变得精力充沛了。Sleep的这些用法,你知道吗?常见的短语就有以下几个:sleep on:意思:to make a decision or solve a problem overnight. 在第二天解决问题或者做出决定。例句:Im sorry I still cant decide what to do;so far sleeping on the problem hasnt helped.sleep off:意思:to

5、 neutralize the unpleasant effects of too much food,drink, a physical complaint,etc. 借睡眠恢复或复原(如吃太多,喝太多,肚子胀不消化)。例句:I prefer not to take medicine when I get a headache. I tend to go to bed and try and sleep it off.sleep through:意思:to have an uninterrupted nights sleep despite noise. 未被吵醒或惊醒的睡眠状态。例句:He

6、s a very deep sleeper;he could sleep through an earthquake!sleep over:意思:to stay at someones house, often with several other people. 借宿、在别人家里过夜例句:My daughters friends often sleep over at our house and vice versa-sometimes it saves finding a babysitter.sleep in意思:to sleep past the alarm clock. 睡过头例句:

7、If it hadnt been for the postman ringing the doorbell, I would have slept in and missed my flight.与sleep有关的短语,不一定和睡觉有关,sleeptogether是什么意思?sleep together不是睡在一起sleep together 发生性关系sleep together的意思是发生性关系,类似表达还有had a sexual relationship。这个表达只用于还没有结婚的两个人,所以sleep together一般指婚前性行为或通奸。In fact, the couple s

8、lept together before they got married.事实上,这对夫妻在结婚前就上过床了。share the same room 一起睡如果仅仅是和同性朋友住同一间房,什么都没发生过,我们应该翻译为share the same room 或spend the night together。总而言之,sleep together一定要慎用,说错了绝对会让人尴尬到脸红。I visited my cousin and we shared the same room yesterday.我昨天看望了我表弟,而且我们睡一个房间。分开睡用英语怎么说?伴侣的不良睡眠习惯会影响自身的睡眠

9、质量,因此不少夫妻选择分开睡,这种睡眠方式用英语怎么说呢?要翻译分开睡,我们只需要掌握两个单词,那就是apart和separate。apart ?p?rt adv. 相隔;相离;分离sleep apart 分开睡apart是空间或时间上相隔的意思,所以分开睡直接用sleep apart。separate ?sepr?t , ?sep?re?t adj. 分开的separate beds 分床睡separate rooms 分房睡separate是分开的意思,分床睡的英文是separate beds,分房睡直接说separate rooms就行了。His parents slept apart

10、for a week because of a terrible quarrel.因为一次激烈的争吵,他的父母分开睡了一个礼拜。throw together不是一起扔了together是一起,但throw together的意思并不是一起扔出去,而是匆匆准备的意思。throw together 匆匆张罗;仓促做成柯林斯词典释义If you throw something together, for example a meal or a costume, you make it quickly and not very carefully.速度很快地完成一件事,过程中不会很仔细老外对你说I t

11、hrew together the meal绝不是要把饭倒了,而是说这顿饭就是我随便做的。We are running out of time, so I have to throw together sandwiches.我们没时间了,所以我只能随便做点三明治。put sb to sleep是什么意思?put sb to sleep 使人入睡(可指用药物麻醉)put sth to sleep 用药物使长眠;(动物)安乐死Put sb to sleep确实有哄人入睡的意思,但是很多时候put sb to sleep是使用麻醉剂等药物让人睡着的意思,所以我们一定要注意使用的场合。如果put后接的

12、宾语是动物的话,一般是指给受伤或生重病的动物安乐死。Doctors put these patients to sleep before the surgical operation.外科手术前,医生们把这些病人都麻醉入睡了。lose sleep over 十分担心lose sleep over 为担心而睡不着觉;非常担心sleep是睡眠,但lose sleep over可不是失眠的意思,而是说因为担心而睡不着,这个表达强调的是担心,而不是失眠。老外对你说do not lose sleep over,也就是叫你放轻松,意思和do not worry about it是一样的。Dont lose sleep over that problem,we will solve it sooner or later.别再担心那个问题了,我们早晚会解决的。sleep的用法总结大全


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