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1、托福阅读之5大题型最佳方案 托福阅读题对于很多同学来说难度不大,但得托福阅读的高分也是不容易的,有区别的对待托福阅读题目,才能根据各自题目的特点采用不同的方法。下面就和大家分享托福阅读之5大题型最佳方案,来欣赏一下吧。托福阅读之5大题型最佳方案托福阅读中的主旨题。主旨题有三种:A、作者的意图;B、*标题;C、*的中心思想。这种题一般为第一道题,所以这道托福阅读题的解题技巧就是放在最后做,因为做其他题时,考生会逐步了解*的各个细节,在做题的过程中就会对*个总的理解,最后处理主旨题可谓水到渠成、万无一失。托福阅读中的列举题。列举题有两种:A、一正三误;B、三正误。也可分为四类。第一类:一句话列举。



4、时候,某个选项从作者的表达相悖,因此,做作者态度题时,考生一定注意不要把自己作为读者的分析、观点强加于作者。托福阅读中的*推断预测题。*结构题三种:A、*前面的段落内容是什么?B、*下面接着将要讲什么?C、*组织结构是什么?推断*前面的内容立足于*首句,因为*首句承上启下,尤其注意首句中诸如this、so、other than之类的结构词。预测下文的内容则分两步走:第一、读*每段首句,*每段首句表示*内容的逻辑走向。如果*讲述某一事物的两个阶段或方面,下文将介绍这一事物的第三个阶段或方面。所以我们把预测下文内容的题称之为坐标题,即竖看*每段首句,横看*最后一句,其他句子是*所讲内容,而不是下面

5、将要讲的内容,往往选项干扰来自*所讲内容。至于*的组织结构题,只需要读*每段首句即可,因为这些句子是*框架。托福阅读背景素材之月球村Head of the European Space Agency, Johann-Dietrich Woerner has revealed ideas for an international MoonVillagethat combines the capabilities of space-faring nations around the world.欧洲航天局(ESA)的负责人约翰-迪特里希?韦尔纳已经公布了国际“月球村”的想法,这个计划将联合全世界航

6、天水平先进的国家的力量。This settlement - which could be available by 2030 - would be built using natural resources from the lunar surface to create a permanent base for the purpose of science, business, and even tourism.这个开拓地有可能在2030年前可供使用将利用来自月球表面的自然资源进行建设,为科学、商业甚至是旅游业提供永久性的基地。Woerner describes the proposed M

7、oon Village in a recent video released by the Esa.韦尔纳在欧洲航天局最近发布的一段视频中描述了这个提议中的“月球村”。The expert recommends settlement at the poles or in areas of constant daylight on the farside of the moon.这位专家建议将“月球村”建设在月球两极,或建设在月球远端能够长期暴露于日光下的区域。At the South Pole, in a region of continuous darkness, humans could

8、access water toproduce hydrogen and oxygen.月球南极是一个持续黑暗的区域,在这里,人类能够接触到水,以生产氢和氧。And in the shadow of the moon, he explains, settlers would be protected from incomingcosmic and solar radiation.他解释称,在月球的阴影里,开拓者们将免于受到宇宙和太阳辐射的伤害。The Moon Village idea aims to be a versatile facility that opens the door for

9、 deeper spaceexploration, while also acting as a hub for business or mining.“月球村”的目的是建立一个多种用途的设施,为进行更深入的太空探索创造条件,同时还能用作一个商业或采矿的中心。And, the expert says it could be used recreationally for tourists.此外,这位专家称,这里可以被用作游客们的游憩场所。While many nations in particular the US have their sights set on the journey to

10、 Mars, Woerner says a Moon Village is a closer reality.虽然很多国家尤其是美国把目标定在火星之旅上,但韦尔纳称,“月球村”是一种更加贴近现实的做法。The ESA Director General says the Moon Village would join American, Russian, Chinese, Indian, and Japanese space agencies, along with smaller contributions from other countries.这位欧洲航天局负责人称,“月球村”将联合美国

11、、俄罗斯、中国、印度和日本的航空机构,其他一些国家也将贡献自己的微薄之力。托福阅读真题原题+题目Composers today use a wider variety of sounds than ever before, including many that were once considered undesirable noises. Composer Edgard Varse(1 883-1965) called thus the liberation of sound.the right to make music with any and all sounds. Electron

12、ic music, for example made with the aid of computers, synthesizers, and electronic instruments may include sounds that in the past would not have been considered musical. Environmental sounds, such as thunder, and electronically generated hisses and blips can be recorded, manipulated, and then incor

13、porated into a musical composition. But composers also draw novel sounds from voices and nonelectronic instruments. Singers may be asked to scream, laugh, groan, sneeze, or to sing phonetic sounds rather than words. Wind and string players may lap or scrape their instruments. A brass or woodwind pla

14、yer may hum while playing, to produce two pitches at once; a pianist may reach inside the piano to pluck a string and then run a metal blade along it. In the music of the Western world, the greatest expansion and experimentation have involved percussion instruments, which outnumber strings and winds

15、 in many recent compositions. Traditional percussion instruments are struck with new types of beaters; and instruments that used to be couriered unconventional in Western music tom-toms, bongos, slapsticks, maracasare widely used.In the search for novel sounds, increased use has been made in Western

16、 music of microtones. Non-western music typically divides and interval between two pitches more finely than western music does, thereby producing a greater number of distinct tones, or microtones, within the same interval. Composers such as Krzysztof Penderecki create sound that borders on electroni

17、c noise through tone clusters closely spaced tones played together and heard as a mass, block, or band of sound. The directional aspect of sound has taken on new importance as well. Loudspeakers or groups of instruments may be placed at opposite ends of the stage, in the balcony, or at the back and

18、sides of the auditorium.Because standard music notation makes no provision for many of these innovations, recent music scores may contain graphlike diagrams, new note shapes and symbols, and novel ways of arranging notation on the page.1. What does the passage mainly discuss?(A) The use of nontradit

19、ional sounds in contemporary music(B) How sounds are produced electronically(C) How standard musical notation has been adapted for nontraditional sounds(D) Several composers who have experimented with the electronic production of sound2. The word wider in one 1 is closest in meaning to more impressi

20、ve(A) more distinctive(B) more controversial(C) more extensive(D) more impressive3. The passage suggests that Edgard Var se is an example of a composer who(A) criticized electronic music as too noiselike(B) modified sonic of the electronic instruments he used in his music(C) believed that any sound

21、could be used in music(D) wrote music with environmental themes4. The word it in line 12 refers to(A) piano(B) string(C) blade(D) music5. According to the passage , which of the following types of instruments has played a role inmuch of the innovation in western music?(A) string(B) percussion(C) woo

22、dwind(D) brass6. The word thereby in line 20 is closest in meaning to(A) in return for(B) in spite of(C) by the way(D) by that means7. According to the passage , Krzysztof Penderecki is known for which of the following practices?(A) Using tones that are clumped together(B) Combining traditional and

23、nontradinonal instruments(C) Seating musicians in unusual areas of an auditorium(D) Playing Western music for non-Western audiences8. According to the passage , which of the following would be considered traditional elements ofWestern music?(A) microtones(B) tom-toms and bongos(C) pianos(D) hisses9.

24、 In paragraph 3, the author mentions diagrams as an example of a new way to(A) chart the history of innovation in musical notation(B) explain the logic of standard musical notation(C) design and develop electronic instruments(D) indicate how particular sounds should be producedPASSAGE 54 ACCBB DACD托福


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