1、有效管理的十条箴言,管理者,就必须卓有成效。To be effective,is the job of the executive.,卓有成效是一种习惯,是不断训练出来的综合体。Effectiveness is a habit that is a complex of practices.,有效的管理者会顺应自己的习性,不会勉强自己。The effective executive tries to be himself,he does not pretend to be someone else.,一个重视贡献的人,为成果负责的人,不管他职位多卑微,他仍属于“高层管理者”。The man wh
2、o focuses on contribution and who takes responsibility for results,no matter how junior,is in the most literal sense of the phrase,“top management”.,有效的管理者在用人所长的同时,必须容忍人之所短。The effectiveness executive knows that to get strength one has to put up with weakness.,我们该知道运用自己上司的长处,这也正是下属工作卓有成效的关键。Making t
3、he strength of the boss productive is a key to the subordinates own effectiveness,有效的管理者坚持把重要的事放在前面做,每次只做好一件事。They concentrate their own time and energy as well as that of their organization-on doing one thing at a time,and on doing first things first.,“专心”是一种勇气,敢于决定真正该做和真正先做的工作。Concentration-that i
4、s,the courage to impose on time and events his own decision as to what really matters and comes first.,有效的决策人,首先要辨明问题的性质:这是一再发生的经常性问题呢,还是偶然的例外?The first question the effective decision-maker asks is:“Is this a generic situation or an exception?”,要看“正当的决策”是什么,而不是“人能接受的”是什么。One has to start out with what is right than what is acceptable.,有效的管理者都知道一项决策不是从搜集事实开始的,而是先有自己的见解。People do not start out with the search for fact,they start out with an opinion.,谢谢阅览,希望您喜欢http:/,Grassina Chou出品,