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1、 牛津小学英语6A期末综合测试卷 (四份 ) 笔试部分(70分)一、找出画线部分发音与其他三上不同的选项。(5分)( ( ( ( ( 二、词组英汉互译。(10分)1这么多花 2一把漂亮的茶壶3在之后来临4和我的家人 5看电影 10. stay away from三、用动词的适当形式填空。(10分)1.My mother (wash)the plates in the kitchen every day.2.Please 3.Its seven oclock. I(get) up now.(clean) the table now? Yes.6.Look, who 7.My brothers (

2、I) some questions.四、选择填空。(10分)( classroom is big and is big , too.A. Our; their B. Our; their C. Ours; their( )2.I after supper. Then I .A. do my homework; go to bed B. go to bed; do my homework C. watch TV; go to school( )3.-Would you like tea? No, .A. any; I wouldnt B. some; thanks C. some; I woul

3、dnt( )4.Happy _ Day ! Here are some flowers _ you .A.Teachers , for B. Teachers , to C.Teachers , for D. Teachers , to( )5.How many combs are there in the box ? Please open _ for _.A. them , I B. they , me C. it , me D. it , my( )6. Well learn from our teachers.A. many B. a lot C. a lot of( play bas

4、ketball now. Its time to do homework.A. Cant B. Dont C. Arent( )8.There are _ in the windw .A.a pair of glasses B. two pair of glassesC. two pairs of glass D.two pairs of glasses( )9.“e.A. Keep quiet B. No parking C. Keep off the grass( )10. -Where you just now? -I in the library.A. was; were B. was

5、; was C. were;was五、在栏中找出栏的相应答句,将其序号填入题前的括号 1 ( )1. Whats your favourite holiday? A. Theyre Jims.( )2. Whens your birthday? B. She watered some trees.( )3.What did she do on the farm? C. Its the 21th of January.( )4.Did you have a good time last Christmas? D. It means “Keep off the grass”( )5.Whose g

6、loves are they? E. Theyre in Jims desk.( )6.What date is it today? F. Halloween.( )7.What does this mean? G. Yes, we did.( )8.Where are your gloves? H. Its on the 21st of January.( )9.Can I have a cake, Mum? I. Yes, there is.( )10.Is there a pen in your hand? J. All right.六、翻译句子。(8分)1我们的手表在哪里?刚才在我的包

7、里。Where are in my bag just now.2我爸爸的生日是在六月九日。My fathers birthday is on the .3这些不是我的礼物,那些是我的。These are not my . Those are .4上周是体育运动日,我们举行一次跑步比赛。学生们都很兴奋。It was last week. We had a race .The students very .5我很喜欢拍照,我想拍些公园的照片。I like photos . I want some photos of parks.七根据首字母完成句子。(7分)Nancy: Helen ,letHel

8、en: OK. Look at my present . Itcomb . It Mike .Nancy : Its very nice . Look at my present .is it , Nancy ?Nancy : It ?Nancy : Its from Liu Tao . What present, Ben ?Ben : Its a CD Walkman . It, Jim?Tom .All: Its beautiful!八、阅读理解。(10分)Bills birthday presentsBills birthday came on a sunny day in June.

9、He got a lot of presents from his family and friends .All of the presents were in nice boxes.His father and mother gave him a yellow box with a book in it. His mother said, “Its our present for you. There are a lot of interesting stories in it. Its good for you to do more reading.”Tim, one of Bills

10、best friends, gave him a long box. An umbrella was in it.Bills sister gave him a round box. It was a large cake, he guessed, but is was a football. Bill likes playing football very much, so he was glad to have it.Bills brother gave Bill a big red box. Bill opened it and there was another box in it.

11、The box was green. He opened the small box and saw a third box. This one was blue. There was a little white envelope(信封) in it. He saw a piece of paper in the envelope. The paper said, “Go to your bedroom. You can see three boxes there, a black one, a grey one and a white one. Your birthday present

12、is in one of them.” Bill ran to his bedroom and found the boxes on the bed. The black 2 one is bigger than (比大)the grey one, and the white one is the smallest(最小的). Perhaps the present was in the grey box. He opened the grey box, but found nothing in it. Then he opened the biggest one. He was very g

13、lad to see a skateboard in it.A) 判断下列句子是否与短文相符,相符的写“T”,不符的写“F”。(5分)( )1. Some of Bills birthday presents were not in boxes.( )2. Bills sister gave him a football.( )3. Bills mother didnt give him any present.( )4. Bill found nothing in the envelope in the blue box.( )5. His brothers present, the ska

14、teboard, was in the black box.B) 根据短文 )6. Bills parents put their present in for his birthday.A. a yellow box B. a lot of boxes C. a black box D. a grey box( )7.Whos is Tim?A. A friend of Bills father. B. One of Bills best friends.C. Bills brother. D. Bills sister.( )8.How many boxes did Bills broth

15、er put in his bedroom?A. One B. Two C. Three D. Four( )9.What colour was the biggest(最大的) box?A. Grey. B. Black. C. White. D. Blue.( )10.What was in the biggest box?A.A book. B. A piece of paper. C. A skateboard. D. A small obox. 笔试部分(70分)找出与所给单词划线部分读音相同的单词。5分( )1. post A. gives B. closed C. also D.

16、 eyes( )2. answer A. face B. bag C. hand D. father( )3. monkey A. love B. shop C. hold D. nose( )4. pull A. hungry B. put C. must D. cut( )5. wear A. dear B. near C. where D. ear英汉词组互译。10分1 午饭以后 6 as thinner as2 拔萝卜 7 have a Christmas party3 上周末 8 National Day holiday4 赏月 9 watch the dragon boat rac

17、es5 跑得比我快 10 the twenty-first of October选择。10分( ) 1 A: What date is it today? B: Its _ 1st of October.A. a B. / C. an D. the( ) 2 What holiday _ after May Day?A. come B. comes C. coming D. came( ) 3 That girl _ her grandma and her grandpa last Friday.A. visit B. visits C. visited D. visiting( ) 4 _

18、ate many noodles last Sunday.A. Mike and I B. I and Mike C. I and mike D. Me and Mike( ) 5 A: What _ you do? We flew the kites.A. did B. do C. does D. dont3 ( ) 6 Jim and Ben are _ about Bens birthday.A. talk B. saying C. speaking D. talking( ) 7 Where are my shoes? _.A. Its on the desk. B. Its unde

19、r the deskC. Theyre under the desk. D. Its here.( ) 8 I t is an _ day, we are all _.A. excited, exciting B. exciting, excitingC. exciting, excited D. excited, excited( ) 9 We usually _ moon cakes at Mid-Autumn Festival.A. eat B. eated C. ate D. eats( ) 10 Whose book is it? Its not _ book. Its _.A. m

20、y. her B. mine, hers C. mine, her D. my, hers用所给词的适当形式填空。10分1 They all like _ to music. (listen)2 Li Lei usually _ to school at 7:10. (go )3 which season do you like (well), the spring or the autumn?4 last week we _ ( have ) a _ ( run ) race at school.5 That girl can _ (sing ) French songs.6 Miss li

21、 lives on the _ ( two ) floor in this building.7 He _ (help )an old man after school yesterday.8 _ ( who ) mirror is it? Is it _ (your )?按要求改句子。20分Children对划线部分提问)Childrens Day? 对划线部分提问)you last weekend? 对划线部分提问)?Jack is asking Ben some questions about public signs.(改为一般疑问句,并作肯定回答)questions about pu

22、blic signs?This hairdryer is hers. (改为同义句).6. 从爷爷那儿得到了两件生日礼物。Itwo birthday 阅读理解。15分(1) Today is the 5th of March. Its my birthday. I get a lot of presents from my friends and family. They are in nice boxes. My father gives me a yellow box and there is a book in it. Jack, one of my friends, gives me

23、a long box. Whats in it? Its an umbrella. My sister gives me a round box. I think its a big cake, but it is a basketball. I like playing basketball very much, so Im happy to have it. Now, my friends are singing the song “Happy Birthday to you” to me.( )1.My birthday is on _.A. March 5 B. March 7 C.

24、Sunday( )2. I get a lot of presents from_.A. my parents B. my friends C. A and B4 ( )3. My sister gives me _ as my birthday present.A. a big cake B. a basketball C. a football( )4. Theres _ from my parents.A. a box B. an umbrella C. a book( )5. From this dialogue (对话) , you know _.I am a boy . B. Th

25、eres a birthday party. C. My father is a doctor(2)Yesterday was September 10. It was Teachers Day. We bought some flowers and presents to our teachers office. We thanked them for their hard work. Our teachers were very happy. In the afternoon we held a party in our school hall. Many students and tea

26、chers gave wonderful performances at the party. Our teachers sang and danced happily with us. All the teachers and students had a good time.根据短文 )1.Yesterday was National Day.( )2.We bought some flowers and presents to our teachers office.( )3.Our teachers were not happy.( )4.We held a party in the

27、afternoon in the morning.( )5. We all had a good time. (3)阅读下列短文,根据文章意思和首字母提示填写单词。(5分) Mike has a new bike now. He g_ _ to school by bike. So he neednt take a bus every d_ _. He gets h_ _ at 4:30 p.m. He does h_ _ homework first and then watches TV. Sometimes he h_ _ his mother with some housework.

28、He is a good boy. 笔试部分 (70%)五、选出一个划线部分发音不同于其他单词的单词6( ) 1. A. sheep B. bee C. bread D. read( ) 2. A. touch B. mouse C.mouth D. out( ) 3. A. music B. lunch C. supper D. study( ) 4. A. pear B. dear C.near D. year( ) 5. A.book B. food C. cook D. room( ) 6. A.right B. eight C.hi D. bright六 中英文词组互译。(10%)1

29、. 上个周末_ 6.blow out _2. 刚才_ 7. at the Spring Festival3. 一副眼镜_ 8. in front of the blackboard4. 散步 _ 9. pick them up5. 五月三日_10. after school_七、根据首字母提示,填词完成句子。(8)There are many trees in f_ of our house.Can you a_ the s_ question?We h_ a sports day on the 3rd of A_.On C_ day the students often sing and d

30、ance.Is this skateboard y_? No, its not ours. Its t_.八、选择填空。 (10%)( ) 1. I want to listen to music. Id like _.5 A a mirror B a phone C a pair of earphones( ) 2. When s _?-Its on the 1st of October.A National Day B Mid-Autumn Festival C Spring Festival ( ) 3. Tom_ the bus and sat down quietly .A. get

31、 off B got up C got on( ) 4. -Where _ you last Saturday?-I _ at home.A are, am B were, were C were, was( ) 5. After the party, Jack opened his Christmas presents _his friends.A to B as C from( ) 6. We had a long walk in the mountains. We were very _.A tired B cold C prt( ) 7. The cartoon is very fun

32、ny. I _.A dont like it B like it very much C Im sorry to hear it( ) 8. That sign on the building means Danger. You should .A stay away from it B come in and have a look C take off it( ) 9. -_ are the films?-They were here just now.A Whose B Where C When( )10. Oh, my calculator is on the ground. Plea

33、se _ for _.A pick up it, me B pick it up , me C pull it up, us12、We _ some noodles for our lunch. 6、People like eating _ at Spring Festival.3、What _ is it today? Its the 1st of 7、 Lily and her friends _ a lot of food at the October. _.4、There are some _ in the library. 8、 Mike _ a _ cartoon last wee

34、kend.5、Helen come and _ the grapes. Oh,十、用括号中所给词的正确形式填空。(16%)1、Does Miss Li like_(water) flowers? (do)2、How many_(watch) does your father I _ (pull) up carrots.have? 6. We _ _ (have) an English4. Is this calculator (us)? lesson now.5. What _ you _ last Moday?十一、请你阅读下面的小故事,并根据短文 ) 1. Mr and Mrs White

35、 drive for _.A. lunch B. shopping C. policeman6 ( ) 2. They stop their car _.A. at the parking spot (停车场) B. near the policeman C. near the shop( ) 3. The policeman _.A. would like to help Mr WhiteB. knows the car isnt Mr WhitesC. likes their things( ) 4. From the passage (短文). We know _.A.The man w

36、ants to rob (抢) the car.B.The car is the mans .C. Mr and Mrs White want the mans car.( ) 5. What do you think of the policeman ? A. Hes clever (聪明的). B. Hes foolish (卤莽的). C. Hes handsome (英俊的) . 笔试部分 (70%)一、根据首字母提示,填词完成句子。(8)There are many trees in f of our house.Can you a the s question?We h_ a sp

37、orts day on the 3rd of A_ .On C_ day the students often sing and dance.Is this skateboard y_? No, its not ours. Its t .We _ some noodles for our lunch.What _ ome _ in the library.Helen, come and _ the grapes. Oh, they are so nice.People like eating _ at Spring Festival.Lily and her friends _ _ a lot

38、 of food at the _ .Mike _ a _ cartoon last weekend.三、选择填空。 (10%)( ) 1. I want to listen to music. Id like _.A a mirror B a phone C a pair of earphones( ) 2. Whens _?Its on the 1st of October.A National Day B Mid-Autumn Festival C Spring Festival( ) 3. Tom_ the bus and sat down quietly .A. get off B

39、got up C got on( ) 4. Where _ you last Saturday?I _ at home.A are, am B were, were C were, was( ) 5. After the party, Jack opened his Christmas presents _ his friends.A to B as C from( ) 6. We had a long walk in the mountains. We were very _.7 A tired B cold C pretty( ) 7. The cartoon is very funny. I _.A dont like it B li


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