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1、关于万圣节的英文演讲稿100词2020 西方传统节日万圣节在每年的11月1日,其前夕又叫诸圣节。一起来看看关于万圣节的英文演讲稿100词2020,欢迎查阅!关于万圣节的英文演讲稿1今天是西方的万圣节,我和爸爸妈妈去苏州乐园,参加万圣节活动。我一进门就感到非常热闹!好多好多的妖魔鬼怪!其实他们都是游客扮演的。这时我看见花车巡游队来了!花车上的人下来了,有猫精、死神、吸血鬼等等,我跟他们一一合影。其实最有活力的是我(王欣),我穿着橙色的南瓜衣,带着南瓜帽,拿着南瓜篮,我就是南瓜小仙子!爸爸戴个骷髅头面具,妈妈拿着荧光棒,我们是魔鬼组合,我们跟着人流走到了加勒比广场上。噢!原来这里有表演,节目是群魔

2、乱舞,这真是太精彩了。我们正看得兴高采烈的时候,谁在拍我的肩膀?我回头一看,有个妖怪把我吓了一大跳!原来演员表演完,就跑下台来吓唬大家了。时间越来越晚了,爸爸说:“我们要回家了。”然后我们就恋恋不舍地走了。反正今天我是度过了一个有趣的万圣节。Today is Halloween in the west. I went to suzhou park with my parents and went to Halloween.I feel very lively as soon as I get in! Many, many monsters! They are all tourists. The

3、n I saw the floats! The people on the float came down, cats, death, vampires and so on. I took pictures with them.The most dynamic is me (wang xin), I am wearing orange pumpkin, with pumpkin cap and pumpkin basket, I am the pumpkin fairy! Dad wears a skeleton head mask, mom with a fluorescent stick,

4、 we are the devil combination, we follow the crowd to the Caribbean square. Oh! It turned out that there was a performance, and the show was a dance, and it was wonderful. Whos patting me on the shoulder when were looking at it in high spirits? I looked back, and there was a monster that startled me

5、! The actor finished his performance and ran off to frighten everyone.It was getting late, and dad said, were going home. Then we went away.Anyway, today I had an interesting Halloween.关于万圣节的英文演讲稿2昨天下午,妈妈和哥哥带我去参加万圣节活动。活动地点在海洋馆广场。那里人很多,摆了很多桌子和凳子。漂亮的姐姐首先给我画了妆,盘了头发,姐姐又让我选了一件黄颜色的漂亮的公主裙,还给我戴上了米老鼠发卡。活动开始了

6、,第一个活动是做南瓜灯,我做的南瓜灯是微笑的模样,嘴有点可怕。第二个活动是抽奖,我幸运的被抽到了,我得到了一张海洋馆3D体验馆的门票。第三个活动是讨要糖果,我们去了四家店铺讨要糖果。第四个活动是跳集体舞。第五个活动是个人秀,我走模特步时像模像样的。第六个活动是发礼物,礼物有相框、面具、画画板、妙脆角,还有好多商家的优惠劵。其中还有雅典娜的优惠劵,妈妈说有空领我去雅典娜照相,可以制作新年台历,我很期待哦!活动结束后,我和妈妈、哥哥去了海洋馆3D体验馆。里面有很多立体的画,哥哥给我照了很多照片,很好看,大家想看吗?Mom and my brother took me to Halloween ye

7、sterday afternoon. The event is at the aquarium square.There were so many people, many tables and benches. My beautiful sister first put on my makeup and my hair, and my sister asked me to choose a nice yellow princess dress, and put on my Mickey Mouse hair card. The activity begins, the first activ

8、ity is to make the jack-o -lantern, the jack-o -lantern that I make is the appearance of the smile, the mouth is a little fearful.The second event was a lucky draw, and I was lucky enough to get it, and I got a ticket for the aquarium 3D experience museum. The third activity was to ask for candy. We

9、 went to four stores and asked for candy. The fourth activity is the group dance. The fifth activity was a personal show, and I walked as a model. The sixth activity is a gift, a picture frame, a mask, a drawing board, a nice crisp Angle, and a lot of merchants coupons. Among them are the coupons of

10、 Athena, and my mother said that she would take me to Athena to take pictures and make a New Years calendar. I look forward to it!After the event, my mother and I went to the aquarium 3D experience museum. There are a lot of three-dimensional paintings in it. My brother took lots of pictures of me.

11、Its very nice. Would you like to see it?关于万圣节的英文演讲稿3今天,我兴致勃勃地去学校。一到学校,我就看到同学们都戴着五花八门的面具,有的是南瓜,有的是巫婆,还有的是魔法师。他们戴的面具好恐怖啊。哈!因为今天是万圣节。我飞快地跨进教室,把书包放下,也戴上了我的面具,我的面具是吸血鬼。上午我们的活动是走秀,我神气地走上舞台,摆出一个最恐怖的造型,让大家吓得浑身发抖。没想到的是,我们的楼校长也来参加万圣节狂欢了,他戴着佐罗的面具,我们一点也没认出他来。下午我们去了“跳蚤市场”。在跳蚤市场我看见了书本、胸章等等。经过讨价还价,我用了十块钱买了印章、牛肉干、玩

12、具模型。今年的万圣节狂欢真有趣,真期待下次万圣节!Today, I went to school with great interest. As soon as I arrived at school, I saw students wearing all kinds of masks, some pumpkins, some witches, some sorcerers. The mask they wear is terrible. Ha! Ha! Because today is Halloween. I quickly entered the classroom, put my ba

13、g down and put on my mask, my mask was a vampire.In the morning, our activity was a runway show, and I walked up to the stage with a swagger and a scariest look, shaking everyone. To my surprise, the principal of our building also came to the Halloween party. He was wearing zorros mask and we didnt

14、recognize him at all.In the afternoon we went to the flea market. At the flea market I saw books, badges and so on. After bargaining, I used ten dollars to buy the seal, beef jerky, toy model.This years Halloween carnival is really interesting. Im really looking forward to the next Halloween!关于万圣节的英


16、啊!我最喜欢万圣节!Today is Halloween. We wear all kinds of masks, wear colorful clothes and go to school.There, the foreign language teacher came in like a ghost. He was dressed in flawless white clothes and white powder on his face. The foreign language teacher came at him like a wild animal and scared us

17、to run around. The foreign language teacher was so shocked that he laughed. The foreign language teacher showed us the dishes. I was watching with relish, the foreign language teacher ran up behind me and shouted, ah. I was scared out of my skin.In the afternoon, the foreign language teacher introdu

18、ced us to two people. One was Millie and she was dressed like a witch. Another is whitby. Hes dressed like a doctor. They took out a large bag of sugar and sprinkled it, and the sweets fell down like raindrops, and we rushed over them with lightning speed.How time flies, the whole time passes, the s

19、chool is out of school, look in full pocket, I thought: this Halloween is really happy ah! I like Halloween best!关于万圣节的英文演讲稿5万圣节的前一天,小狮子坐在窗前,看到外面天空中的太阳公公。他很想知道明天万圣节太阳公公来不来。小狮子爬到高高的石台上,抬着头对着太阳说:“太阳公公,你好!”太阳不回答。小狮子想:“我离太阳公公太远了,他听不见。”小狮子走到了山里,爬到最高的山顶上,对着太阳喊:“你好!”远远地传来了一个声音:“你好!”小狮子想太阳公公听见了,他在回答我呢。小狮子又大


21、”太阳也说:“谢谢你的礼物,万圣节快乐”The day before Halloween, the little lion sat at the window and saw the sun in the sky outside. He is dying to know whether the sun will come tomorrow. The little lion climbed to the high platform and carried his head to the sun. The sun does not answer. The little lion thought,

22、I am too far from the sun. He cant hear.The little lion went up to the mountain and climbed to the top of the mountain and shouted to the sun, hello! A voice came from afar, hello! The little lion thought that the sun was going to hear him, and he was answering me. Tomorrow is Halloween. Will you co

23、me? The sun answered, tomorrow is Halloween, and you wont come. The little lion said, I will come. The sun also answered, Im coming. The little lion asked the sun, what do you want? The sun also asked, what kind of gift do you want. The little lion replied, I want a pumpkin head lantern. The sun ans

24、wered, I want a pumpkin head lantern. After the little lion went down the hill, he went to the shop and bought a beautiful plastic pumpkin head lantern. He put it on the high platform and gave it to the sun. A gust of wind blew in the night, and the jack-o -lantern was . On. The ground rolled down,

25、and he rolled to the door of the little lions house.The next morning, the little lion opened the door to find a beautiful pumpkin head lantern. Oh! This must be a Halloween gift from sun gong! The little lion climbed to the top of the mountain and shouted to the sun, thank you for the gift, happy Halloween! The sun also said, thanks for the present, happy Halloween. 关于万圣节的英文演讲稿100词2020


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