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1、Name _ Score_/40Part one:Passage one: Words: 169 Readability: 4.7Saving Stamps for Fun Do you ever send letters to your friends? Before you mail a letter, you must put a stamp on the envelope. But some people save stamps instead of putting them on letters. These people are called stamp collectors. S

2、tamp collectors save stamps for many reasons. Many people collect stamps just because stamps are pretty. Some stamps have pictures of birds and animals on them. Other stamps have pictures of great people. Stamps can be many shapes, too. Some stamps look like triangles or stars. One country even make

3、s a stamp shaped like a banana. Other people save old stamps. Old stamps sometimes are worth a lot of money. Stamps with mistakes on them are worth a lot of money, too. People who save these kinds of stamps may spend a thousand dollars to buy just one stamp! But collecting stamps doesnt have to cost

4、 you too much money. When you get a letter, you can save the stamp on the envelope. Then you will be a stamp collector, too.A. Another good title for this passage is _ (1)a) Stamps Are Fun to Saveb) Stars and Trianglesc) Many LettersB. Underline the right answers.(1)Stamp collectors save (letters, s

5、tamps). Some stamps with (milkshakes, mistakes) on them are worth a lot of money.C. Answer questions with complete sentences. (3)1. What are on some stamps to make them pretty?_2. Who are stamp collectors?_3. How do we collect stamps without spending a lot of money?_Passage two: Words: 225 Readabili

6、ty: 3.8The Wise Monkey and the Ogre Once in India, there was a magic forest. In the middle of the lake in this forest lived a terrible ogre. Whenever any animal tried to drink from the lake, the ogre would jump out and gobble the animal up.One day a band of monkeys came to the forest. Their leader w

7、as a wise old monkey who knew about the ogre. So he warned the others, “If he catches you, he will eat you. Dont drink any water from the lake until I tell you it is safe.” The monkeys listened to their leader. They grew very thirsty, but they stood back from the lake. Then the wise old monkey went

8、near the lake and waited to see if the ogre would appear. When the ogre saw the old monkey, he stuck his head out of the water and said, “Come down to the water and drink.”“No,” said the monkey. “If I come to the water, you will eat me.” “Yes,” said the ogre. “But there is no other water in the fore

9、st. Soon you and your friends will have to come here to drink. Then I will eat you all.” The old monkey thought and thought. Then he saw some long hollow reeds growing near the lake. He picked the reeds and gave them to the other monkeys. Each monkey put one end of the reed in its mouth and the othe

10、r end in the water. Then the monkeys sucked the water through the reeds and gave them to the other monkeys. So they stayed away from the lake and still drank their fill. The ogre was so furious when he saw this; he disappeared into the lake with a roar. And none of the monkeys ever saw him again.A.

11、Number the events below in the order that they happened. (0.5*4)_ The wise monkey waited for the ogre._ The ogre disappeared with a roar._ The monkeys drank through hollow reeds._ The ogre said he would eat all the monkeys.B. Fill in the blanks with the correct words or phrases. (0.5*4)Once in _ (wh

12、ere), there was a magic forest. In the middle of the forest was a lake that was the home of a terrible ogre. _ (when) a band of monkeys came to the forest. The wise old monkey went to the lake and waited _ (why).When the monkeys drank through the hollow reeds, _ (who) disappeared with a roar.C. Answ

13、er the question in complete sentence. (1)1) What would the ogre do if an animal wanted to drink from the lake?_% Correct _ =Mastery of Level_(Yes/No)Part two: Passage one: Words: 292 Readability: 3.9When the Sun Went AwayLong ago, people believed the sun goddess and the god of night were sister and

14、brother. The sun goddess made everything grow, so the people loved her. But the god of night brought wicked spirits to harm the land, and the people feared him.Soon the god of night grew jealous of his sister. He wanted her to go away so that he could keep the earth dark forever. Then, he thought of

15、 a plan. One day, he crept into the sun goddess room with a big bag. When he opened the bag, a huge snake crawled out and wound itself around the sun goddess chair. She was so frightened that she ran into a cave and would not come out at all.Then, the earth was always dark. The god of night ruined t

16、he crops and frightened the people. Children were afraid to go out to play. So the people went to the cave to ask the sun goddess to come back to them.“Please come out,” they begged. “Your brother is destroying us.” But she would not come out. So the people asked a wise man what to do.“Make noise,”

17、he said. “Maybe she will be curious and come out to see what is happening.”So the people gathered at the cave. They beat drums, rang bells and sang. The goddess heard the noise and became curious. Finally she crept to the mouth of the cave and peeked out. When the people grabbed her hand and pulled

18、her out, the earth became bright again and the people danced for joy. When the god of night saw how happy the people were, he felt bad for having frightened his sister. And he promised never to do it again. A. Number the events below in the order that they happened.(0.5*4)_ 1. The god of night put a

19、 snake around his sisters chair._ 2. The sun goddess became curious and crept out of the cave._ 3. People gathered at the mouth of the cave and made noise. _ 4. The sun goddess ran into a cave to hide.B. Answer questions in complete sentences.(1*2)1. How did the god of night make the sun goddess go

20、away?_2. Why did people want the sun goddess to come back to them?_C. Please use another word to show the meaning of the underlined word.(0.5*2)1. So the people asked a wise man what to do. wise:_2. When the god of night saw how happy the people were, he felt bad for having frightened his sister. ba

21、d:_Passage Two: Words: 196 Readability: 4.9The Polar BearThe polar bear is a very big white bear. We call it the polar bear because it lives inside the Arctic Circle near the North Pole. There are no polar bears at the South Pole. The polar bear lives in the snow and ice. At the North Pole, there is

22、 only snow, ice, and water. There is not any land. You cannot see the polar bear easily because its coat is yellow-white. It has a very warm coat because the weather is cold in the Arctic Circle. This bear is three meters long, and it weighs 450 kilos. It can stand up on its back legs because it has

23、 very wide feet. It can use its front legs like arms. The polar bear can swim very well. It can swim 120 kilometers out into the water. It catches fish and sea animals for food. It goes into the sea when it is afraid.People like to kill the polar bear for its beautiful white coat. The governments of

24、 Canada, the United States and Russia say that no one can kill polar bears now. They do not want all of these beautiful animals to die. Answer questions in complete sentences.(1*5)1. Why is it hard for people to see the polar bear?_2. What does the polar bear eat?_3. Why doesnt a polar bear eat frui

25、t and vegetables?_4. What should we do to the polar bears?_5. What animals do you like?( Give me at least 5 examples except dog, cat, pig, and horse)_% Correct _ =Mastery of Level_(Yes/No)Part Three: Passage One: Words: 280 Readability: 5.5Frozen In TimeThe Andes Mountains are in the country of Peru

26、. One day not too long ago, people found something wonderful there. They found a perfect mummy of a 12 year old girl. They called her Juanita.The girl was from the Inca tribe. The Incas ruled part of South America long ago. They were there long before the Spaniards arrived to take over the land.Juan

27、itas body was frozen into the ice. Because of this she is very well preserved. Scientists say we will be able to learn a lot from her. They can learn about the health of the ancient Inca people by studying her organs. Johan Reinhard is from America. He found Juanita. He and his friends worked hard t

28、o get the mummy down the icy slope. They found two more mummies, too. They also found some very old statues. They were made of gold, silver and shell. Clothing and feather headdresses on the statues were in perfect shape. When he saw them, he said, “Holy smokes! The statues are just sticking out of

29、the ground.”The three mummies may have been sacrificed by the Inca. This means they were killed in a religious ceremony. The Incas believed that mountain gods caused natural disasters. They thought the gods would stop disasters if they sacrificed people. People who were chosen to be killed saw it as

30、 a great honor.A force of nature uncovered the treasures. A volcano blew up. It caused the ice to melt. This exposed the statues and the mummies. Scientists think that it was a lucky accident. The Incas might have said the gods finally decided to show the world more of the amazing Inca culture.Answe

31、r the following questions in complete sentences 51. Why was Juanitas body so well preserved? _2. Why did the Incas sacrifice people to the mountain gods? _3. What is the meaning of exposed? a. uncovered b. covered c. worked d. erupted4. Complete the sentence with a phrase beginning with because of,

32、due toJuanitas mummy was well preserved _5. Do you think it would be an honor to be chosen as a sacrifice to the gods? Why or why not? _Passage Two: Words 330Readability 5.8Cleaning Up How Soap WorksHow many times have you come in from outdoors with dirty hands and dirty clothes? Without even thinki

33、ng, you go the sink and wash your hands with soap and water. Then you put your clothes in the washing machine. Magically, everything is clean again. What is the magic of soap? How does it take away dirt that water by itself wont remove?When soap is added to water, it works in two ways to get rid of

34、dirt and grease. First, water by itself does not mix well with dirt. It floats on top or around. But water by itself wont wash most dirt away. Water needs to be mixed with soap. The soap then makes the water “wetter”. Although it sounds strange, wetter water is able to flow around and under dirt par

35、ticles and float them away.Second, soap makes the dirt stick to water because soap has a special shape. Each particle of soap is a long, thin rod with a head end and a tail end. When soap is mixed with water, the head end of the soap particle attaches itself to a water molecule. Then the tail end of

36、 the soap buries itself in a dirt or grease particle. Now the dirt particle and the water particle are joined together. In a single tub of water, many soap particles may stick to one dirt particle, so the dirt becomes surrounded by soap and water. The dirt then floats away in the water, and your han

37、ds or clothes are clean.Soap works well in most water no matter if it is hot or cold. When the dirt or grease is too strong, detergents take over. They do the same job as soap, but they can work in water that makes soap lose its cleaning power. Soap and detergent are two of the most important produc

38、ts in the world. If there was no soap, how could you ever wash up before eating dinner?Answer the following questions in complete sentences1. What must we use if soap does not work well? _2. How does soap actually remove the dirt from your hands or clothes? _3. What is another word for particle? a.

39、detergent b. product c. small piece d. soap4. Complete the chart to show the correct forms of the adverbs. Remember the rules about adding endings.bigbiggerbiggestwetthin5. In your opinion, what is the most important product in the world? Tell why you think so. _% Correct _ =Mastery of Level_(Yes/No

40、)Part Four: Passage One: Words: 387 Readability: 7.3 The Rain Forest: What Is It Worth?In the rain forest of the Amazon, 50 to 150 plant species are being destroyed every day. Some people want to use the land, so they cut down some of the rain forest. They want the trees for wood to build houses. Th

41、ey want the land to grow grass for cattle. They want to build roads to areas for mining gold and other minerals. As a result, the forest and its plants are disappearing. Because native people live in and need the forest for survival, they too are disappearing.Some scientists and anthropologists are pointing out the importance


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