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1、托福阅读否定事实信息题难点 托福阅读考试中有一种名为否定事实信息题的题型,这种题型的特点就是会在题干中假如一个EXCEPT或者NOT来让考生进行选项排除式的解题。今天给大家带来了托福阅读否定事实信息题难点,希望能够帮助到大家,一起来学习吧。托福阅读否定事实信息题难点托福阅读否定事实信息题考点:对*或段落主题抓取能力的考察答题时注意看每个选项,尤其是当选项中出现了在该段落中没有的词句时,就可以考虑可能会有某个选项跟本段甚至整片*的主题是相悖的。请看下面例题:Decades before this disaster,environmentalist had predicted just such

2、an enormous oil spill in this areabecause of the treacherous nature of the waters due to the submerged reefs,icebergs, and violent storms there. They had urged that oil be transported tothe continental United States by land-based pipeline rather than by oil tankeror by undersea pipeline to reduce th

3、e potential damage to the environment posedby the threat of an oil spill.Which point is NOT made by theenvironmentalist mentioned in paragraph 2?A. That a huge oil spill in thewaters off Alaska was possible.B. That the waters off the coastof Alaska were dangerous for ships.C. That oil tanker should

4、not beused to transport oil from Alaska.D. That an undersea pipeline waspreferable to a land-based pipeline.这道题题干中提到的environmentalist是整个该段的主语,故不能作为关键信息词。而发现A. C.中的Alaska,都在段落中没有提到。所以可以考虑某个答案与主题相悖。这类题目,也可以多关注段落中是否有表示转折的词汇,例如but, instead of, however, rather than. 所以,稍加阅读后,发现land-based pipeline rather

5、than by oil tanker or by underseapipeline 这句话当中出现rather than, 锁定D选项中同样的话语,刚好与原文观点相反,所以选择D.托福阅读否定事实信息题考点:对最基本的细节信息理解的考察这里可以用更简单的说法:从词中选。 所谓从词中选,就是可以在*中找到几个名词,他们排列存在,共同构成某一事件的所有细节。这时候,出题者会提取出其中三个,并在*别处或者自编一个跟本事件并无关系的名词(词组)。请看下面的例子:In1943, the federal government imposed rent controls to help solve the

6、problem ofhousing shortages during wartime. The federal program ended after the war, butin some locations, including NY, controls continued. Under NYs controls, alandlord generally cannot raise rents on APartments as long as the tenantscontinue to renew their leases. In places as Santa Monica, Calif

7、ornia, rentcontrols are more recent. They were spurred by inflation of the 1970s, whichcombined with Californias rapid population growth, pushed housing prices, aswell as rents, to record levels.Which of the following was NOT a reason forthe introduction of rent controls in Santa Monica, California?

8、A. Rapid population growthB. InflationC. Economic conditions duringwartimeD. Record-high housing prices在这道排除题中,由于四个选项提供的信息都是用名词词组,我们可以断定,段落中一定存在其中三个词组,而题干中又出现地名Santa Monica, California. 故可将此地名作为关键词,锁定答案所在句子,然后逐一排除。而as Santa Monica, California, rent controlsare more recent. They were spurred by infla

9、tion of the 1970s, which combinedwith Californias rapid population growth, pushed housing prices, . 这句话当中分别提到了A, B, D三个答案,所以答案为C.托福阅读否定事实信息题考点:对事件发展程序理解的考察这类排除题,也可以叫做-从句中选。即考题所提供的答案均为相对比较完整的句子,那么其中有三句话,一定是表达了整个事件发展比较关键的几个步骤,只有一句话与此步骤相悖。这类排除题通常比较耗费时间,考生需要准确判断其事件发展步骤,甚至要通读全段,才能找出正确选项。这里,我给大家提供一种在很大程度上

10、节省时间的方法-点对点寻找。请看下面的例子:The sauce that is today called ketchup (orcatsup) in western cultures is a tomato-based sauce that is quite distinct fromthe eastern ancestors of this product. A sauce called ke-tiap was in use inChina at least as early as the seventeenth century but the Chinese version ofsauce

11、 was made of pickled fish, shellfish, and spices. The popularity of thisChinese sauce spread to Singapore and Malaysia where it was called kechap. The Indonesiasauce ketjab drives its name from the same sauce as Malaysian sauce but is madefrom very different ingredients. The Indonesian ketjab is mad

12、e by cooking blacksoy beans, fermenting them, placing them in salt brine for at least a week,cooking the resulting solution further, and sweetening it heavily; this processresults in a dark, thick, and sweet variation of soy sauce.It is NOT stated in paragraph 1 thatA. the Chinese sauce was inexiste

13、nce in 17th centuryB. the Malaysian sauce was similarto the Chinese sauceC. the Chinese sauce was made fromseafood and spicesD. the Indonesian sauce wassimilar to the Chinese sauce对于这道题,题干中没有任何指示性的词汇,我们无法判断是从事件的哪个阶段入手,那么就只能每个答案逐一排除。仔细阅读A选项,然后发现A选项中有17th century, 故可以将其作为关键线索,去文中寻找,called ke-tiap was

14、in use in China at least as early as theseventeenth century 文中的这句话表明A不能作为正确答案。那么继续看B, B选项中同时提到Malaysian 与Chinese. 则可以到文中去寻找两个国籍名词同时出现的句子,通过判断, this Chinese sauce spread to Singapore and Malaysia where it wascalled kechap. 这句话表明,B也不能作为正确答案。继续看C,C 选项当中有Chinese, 还有seafood andspices,于是锁定文中句子the Chinesev

15、ersion of sauce was made of pickled fish, shellfish, and spices, 故C也不是正确选项。至此,我们可以直接选择D作为排除选项。托福阅读:修辞目的题举例分析托福阅读的十种题型中,修辞目的题,跟其他题型不相比,别具一格。托福阅读考试中修辞目的题注重考察单词,短语或是句子在句子之内或句子之间起到的作用和逻辑。这要求大家在阅读中,要有意识地注意句子之间的逻辑关系以及段落的结构。此次目的题参考的内容基本可以分为三类,其一,作者在句中提到一些单词或短语或是句子是为了举例说明之前的相关信息点,辅助读者更好地理解原文的信息。其二,作者提供相关信息目

16、的在于解释说明某一现象或是事件,本质与举例说明较为类似,也是为了帮助读者更好地理解信息,其三,作者在提出某些重要的观点时,为了突出个别的信息点,而引入一些单词短语或句子,目的是为了强度。基于对修辞目的题作者写作目的本身的分析和理解,我们可以更好地解决相关题目。以下以第一种举例说明的情况为例,重点讲解如何解决此类题目。我们来看一道题,此题出自TPO14-children and advertising中的第10题,题干问why does the author mention a show about a cartoon lion in which an advertisement appears

17、 featuring the same lion character?根据题干关键词定位到文中对应的句子,Host selling occurs, for example, when a childrens show about a cartoon lion contains an ad in which the same lion promotes a breakfast cereal.读完句子看到句中的插入短语for example,知道此句式为例子,属于举例说明,我们都知道例子是用来证明之前的信息,所以向前反推,看到紧接其前这样的内容In the recent past, the rol

18、e of celebrities in advertising to children has often been conflated with the concept of host selling. Host selling involves blending advertisements with regular programming in a way that makes it difficult to distinguish one from the other.这两句第一句解释了host selling,第二句提到host selling的影响,所以得知紧接其后的句子是为了例证

19、这两点信息,即host selling的概念以及它产生的影响。得出正确选项To help explain what is meant by the term host selling and why it can be misleading to children。再比如TPO16中trade and the ancient middle east一文中第12题考到In paragraph 5, why does the author mention the new trade route opened up by Vasco da Gamas fifteenth century voyage

20、 around Africa?根据题干关键词定位到原文句子:as occurred when European seafarers circumvented Middle Eastern merchants after Vasco da Gamas voyage around Africa in the late fifteenth century opened up a southern route.读句子as表示正如得知此处为举例说明,例证之前的信息,看到前半句since the development of new international trade routes could und

21、ermine the monetary base and erode state power。得知提到Vasco da Gamas fifteenth century voyage around Africa目的是为了证明新的国际贸易路线的发展可能破坏货币基础并且侵蚀国家权力。得出答案为To present an instance in which Middle Eastern states lost money and power because of their reliance on long-distance trade。再如TPO25 The surface of mars一文中的第

22、6题In paragraph 3, why does the author compare Maxwell Mons on Venus to the Hawaiian shield volcanoes on Earth?根据题干关键词定位到原文句子It is no accident that Maxwell Mons on Venus and the Hawaiian shield volcanoes on Earth rise to about the same height (about 10 kilometers) above their respective bases-Earth a

23、nd Venus has similar surface gravity.通过句中短语It is no accident that得知此处为举例论证,所以向前看,紧接其前的句子为The lower the gravity, the lesser the weight and the greater the height of the mountain.可知原文想要阐述的信息是地心引力和山脉高度直接的关系,而且地心引力越低则重量越低,随之山的高度越高,所以紧接其后比较Maxwell Mons on Venus 和the Hawaiian shield volcanoes on Earth完全是为

24、了论证这个信息,由此容易选得正确选项为To help explain the relationship between surface gravity and volcano height。修辞目的题中,举例论证是常考点,常见的表示举例的提示性的单词或短语有:for example/for instance/such as/as/as a example of/one of/this is the case等。如果题干中关键词对应原文的句子里有相关的表示例证的单词,短语出现,则向前看前面的句子,答案也就随之浮现出来。所以在平时的阅读练习中,大家一定要注意句子之间逻辑关系,句与句之间不是互相独立

25、的,而是紧密联系,互相支撑,构建段落,甚至是全文。托福阅读:总结题的方法解决托福阅读总结题的方法:一、清楚*的论证类型总分型一般容易出这类考题。我以中文为例,丽丽老师是一个非常好的人。首先,她很乐于助人例如一次我看见她扶一个盲人过马路,其次丽丽老师很慷慨,有一次我看见她为希望工程捐了她当时兜里的全部钱(50元),第三丽丽很谦虚和平易近人。如下面这样的*特别容易出总结题Lily is a nice person.1、 丽丽乐于助人2、 丽丽扶一个盲人过马路3、 丽丽老师很慷慨4、 老余捐了100元5、 丽丽很谦虚和平易近人6、 丽丽经常打架正确答案应该是:1、3、5二、解决方法:一)主体词排除错

26、误选项法首先抓住要总结的关键词也就是主体词,就是要问哪方向的内容,如上个例子,主体题丽丽一定会在正确答案中出现,不然问的是丽丽可以答案谈论的是别人,就变得完全不相关了,根据这个特点我们可以排除 4老余捐了100元。如OG上的一道总结题可以直接使用主体词排除错误选项的方法The technology of modern cinema evolved at the end of the nineteenth century.1、 Kinetoscope parlors or viewing films were modeled on phonograph parlors2、 Thomas Edis

27、ons design of the Kinetoscope inspired the development of large screen projection.3、 Early cinema allowed individuals to use special machines to view films privately.4、 Slides-and-lantern shows had been presented.5、 The development of projection technology made it possible to project images on a lar

28、ge screen6、 once films images could be projected, the cinema became a form of mass consumption其中只有三个选项有本问题的关键词,本问题的关键词是 the technology of cinema.二)细节信息排除法总结题是对对*的高度概括所以细节的出现犯了以偏概全的错误,如中文例子中的2、丽丽扶一个盲人过马路。 这是一个具体的事实细节,我们要绕过例子看总结。所以在排除它。如OG中的一道题目This passage discusses fossils that help to explain the l

29、ikely origins of cetaceans-whales, porpoises and dolphinsAnswer choices1 Recent discoveries of fossils have helped to show he link between land mammals and cetaceans(这是*的主题)2、The discovery of Ambulocetus natans provided evidence for a whale that lived both on land and at sea.(总结性信息)3、The skeleton of

30、 Basilosaurus are found in what had been the Tehys Sea, an area rich in fossil evidence. (绝对的事实细节)-排除4 Pakicetus is the oldest fossil whale yet to be found(绝对的事实细节)-排除5、Fossils thought to be transitional forms between walking mammals and swimming whales were found.(主题)6、Ambulocetushind legs were used for propulsion in the water. (绝对的事实细节)-排除三)新信息出现排除如6:丽丽经常打架,原文没有出现,所以正确答案中一定没有。托福


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