PEP小学英语五级上册《Unit4 What Can You Do 》教学设计.doc

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1、人教版PEP小学英语五年级上册Unit4 What Can You Do ?教学设计 A Read and write 一教学内容:PEP第五册第四单元第三课时。二、学生情况说明:本案例适合小学五年级学生。在此之前学生已经掌握了不少的家务劳动词组(sweep the floor ,cook the meals ,clean the bedroom ,water the flowers, empty the trash) 会使用“What can you do ?I can? ”句型询问别人及作答,并熟悉称赞语You are helpful.三、设计思想:任务型教学(Task-based Lea

2、rning)是近几年来交际教学思想的一种发展形态,它把语言应用的基本理念转化为具体实践意义的课堂教学方式。任务型学习的理论认为:以功能为基础的教学活动中有许多活动并不是来自真实生活,最多只能是“准交际(quasi-communication)”,而要培养学生在真实生活中运用语言的能力,就应该让学生在课堂教学中参与和完成真实的生活任务(real-life tasks)。何谓任务呢?任务就是人们在日常生活、工作和消遣中所做的许许多多的事情。 交际型任务是一种涉及到学生理解,运用所学语言进行交流的课堂活动。需要明确的是:“任务中的问题不是语言问题,而是需要用语言来解决。学习者使用语言并不是为语言本身

3、,而是为了达到独立的交际目的。”四、教学过程.Teaching aimsa. 能够听说读写:What can you do? I can sweep the floor.b. 能够听说认读:Mother goat is ill.We can help her.Just do it.c. 进而对学生进行情感教育,帮助父母做力所能及的家务。.Teaching importance and difficulties.重点: What can you do? I can 难点:四会句型的正确书写。.Teaching aidsA tape recorder, 课件,动物头饰:Monkey, Rabbit

4、, Zoom, Zip, Goat.Teaching steps.(一)Warm-up (热身环节)1.T: Frist, lets welcome daily report.(课前精彩2分钟)2.Greetings Are you ready? OK, class begins. Good morning, boys and girls. What day is it today? What do you do on Fridays? Ss; We go to school.3. Lets chant. Bird , bird ,what can you do? I can fly, I c

5、an fly. Fish, fish, what can you do ? I can swim, I can swim. Dog, dog , what can you do ? I can run , I can run. Rabbit, rabbit, what can you do? I can jump, I can jump.(二) Presentation 1. 创设情境,引出 just do it! T:Hello, boy. Can you do housework ? What can you do? You can use : I can(根据学生得回答引出本课相应的四会

6、短语sweep the floor.)OK, just do it!(教师要做相应的辅助动作,以利于学生理解其含义。)T : Thank you. You are helpful.(当学生做完动作,竖起大拇指对学生称赞,同给予个人奖励。) Can you write them on the board ? 其他S齐拼。小声拼。Lets spell together.T:Hello, girl. Are you helpful at home ? S:Sure. T: What can you do? S: I can water the flowers.T: OK, just do it! T

7、hank you, you are helpful! Can you write them on the board ?其他S齐拼。小声拼。Lets spell together.T: Hello , girl. Can you cook the meals? S: Yes , I can . T: OK, just do it! Thank you, you are helpful! (同样的方式,让学生板书,给予学生小组评价)2排除难词ill 以及句子 Mother goat is ill.T : (课件)Whats the weater like today? S: Its cold.T

8、: Yes , its soooooo cold. (做寒冷状,发抖,缩手。)(播放寒风呼啸的声音) And its windy now. ( 然后做打喷嚏状)Oh, Im ill. And Mother goat is ill, too. 示件,领读单词ill,以及句子Mother goat is ill。Lets go to her house. Oh. what a mess in her house. Who can help her ? Ss:(抢说) I can . I can. T:What can you do ? S: I can (学生自主发挥回答) T:Yes, you

9、can help her.And I can cook the meals. I can help her too. So we can help her. (示件学说)T: Animals can help her too. But who can help her. Lets see. 进入课文主情境图,测试你的眼力。(示件)Test your eyesight. Look at the picture carefully. Then answer the questions.Q1:How many animals can help her ? Q2: Who are they ?T: I

10、ll give you 5seconds.(5,4,3,2,1) Times up. Who can try ? Its so easy.(小组评价)T: Wow, so many warm-hearted animals. What can they do ?进入文本材料 General reading (略读)T:Read the dialogue in scilence, underline the key words you need. Then judge “Yes” or “No”. Father goat is ill. ( ) Zip can sweep the floor.

11、( ) Rabbit can wash the windows. ( ) Zoom can water the flowers. ( ) (及时给予相应的小组评价 )Detailed reading (细读)T: Good. You did a good job. Lets go on. Read the dialogue carefully, circle the phrases that can help you. Then answer the questions. Who can cook the meals ? Can monkey sweep the floor ? Can Zoo

12、m empty the trash ? Are they helpful? (齐读问题后,再让学生自读文本内容,及时小组评价。) Read and write (回归课本, 秀出你的书法)T: Wonderful. Now, Lets show your handwriting. Read again and finish the sentences. Pay attention to your handwriting. T: Lets check. Who want to show your book ?(示投影仪)Exchange your books. Tick or Cross.T:

13、Wow, your hand writing is perfect.(三) Practise(操练).Listen to the tape. Training your ears.Listen and follow the tape.Read after the teacher.Read in groups. (小组内角色扮演)Act out the dialogue.T: Who want to show your dialogue?(选定两个小组来表演,及时给予相应的口头评价:Good, super, wonderful以及小组评价)T: Boys and girls. Are you t

14、ired? OK , lets relax. Lets sing a song. Follow me , please. Clap your hands. Little monkey, little monkey, what can you do ?I can sweep , sweep the floor.Little bird , little bird. What can you do ? I can water, water the flowers.(让学生通过老师自编的歌谣方式,获得精神得放松,增加学习英语的乐趣,同时又在不知不觉中复习了本单元的关于家务的词组短语。)T: Wonde

15、rful , you are a good singer.(四)Extension (拓展) T: Come on. Take out your paper. Read it quickly, then fill in the blanks.(Pay attention to your handwriting ) (投影仪核对答案)T: Oh , your handwriting is not very good. You should come on. Thanksgiving DayT: Boys and girls. Today is Thanksgiving Day. Write a letter to your mom, express your heart, your love. Do it quickly. Who want to express your love to mom ?(投影仪展示,配乐朗诵信)(五) Home work Make a suevey. What can your friend do at home ?NameWhat can he/ she do ?


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