PEP 小学英语五级下册《Unit5 Look at The Monkeys》 精品教案.doc

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《PEP 小学英语五级下册《Unit5 Look at The Monkeys》 精品教案.doc》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《PEP 小学英语五级下册《Unit5 Look at The Monkeys》 精品教案.doc(8页珍藏版)》请在三一办公上搜索。

1、PEP 小学英语五年级下册Unit5 Look at The Monkeys 精品教案学情分析:本课为现在进行时态复数句型的学习和运用。五年级学生对一些常见的动物特征、习性有一定了解。本单元的动物名称和掌握的动词在前五册学生用书中都已经出现过,教师可以通过以旧引新来降低学习难度。教师设计动画帮助学生理解现在进行时态。知识由A部分的单数句型向B部分复数句型过渡,学生在口语表达和认知、掌握的过程中,有一定难度,易出现混淆状况。Teaching aims:1.能够听、说、读、写句型:What are they doing ? They are swimming. They are climbing

2、trees.2.能够听、说、认读句子:Here come two tigers. Can tigers really swim ? Yes , they can. They are good climbers.Key point: 教学重点是四会掌握句型:What are they doing ? They are swimming. They are climbing trees.Difficult: swimming 的拼写。Teaching aids: radio word cards animal cards 多媒体课件Teaching course: Step1: Pre-readi

3、ng1. Lets chant. (热身,活跃课堂气氛)2. Talk about the animals .Talk about the animals use the sentences“ What are they doing ? They are. What is it doing? Its” T: Look at the screen . Who can ask a question ?Ss: What are the elephants doing ?S1: They are walking.S2: What is the rabbit doing ?S3: Its jumping

4、 .T: Talk about the other animals in pairs.设计意图:鼓励学生大胆提出问题,并且通过动物动画和句型的对比帮助学生掌握单数句型和复数句型的运用。T: What are the snakes doing ? Ss: They are climbing.T: Snakes are good climbers. 词卡教授climbers 一词。设计意图:清除阅读障碍 climbersStep2: While- reading 1. Fast-reading. T: Just now, we talked about the animals. Chen Jie,

5、 Amy , Sarah are talking about the animals , too. Watch the video with the question:“What animals are they talking about ? ”Ss:They are talking about the tigers and pandas.T: Look , here come two tigers and some pandas.(图片展示并贴黑板)拓展:Here come 句型T: I have many animal cards . 展示动物卡片, 引导学生说出句型: Here com

6、e two rabbits.Here come two pandas. 对比 Here comes a tigers.奖励机制: T: Are they cute ? They are all for you . If you did a good job, you can get one.设计意图:带问题初读对话,整体感知,快速找到问题并解决。利用学生自制动物卡片,渗透本课三会句子:Here come.并对比Here comes随即对学生进行奖励,增加课堂趣味性,调动学生学习积极性。2. Skip-reading.带问题默读对话,完成answer the questions.They are

7、 talking about the tigers and pandas .Read the dialogue silently with two questions:What are the tigers doing ?What are the pandas doing?Check up the answer.板书句子: What are they doing?They are swimming.They are climbing trees .设计意图:第二遍让学生自主默读对话,通过问题引导学生细读,采用划关键词的方式找出答案,写出问题答案,培养学生抓关键信息的能力。3. Intensiv

8、e reading . Read the dialogue again , then finish five questions.Tick or cross(1) The animals are in the zoo. ( )(2) The tigers are running. ( )(3)Tigers can really swim. ( )(4) Pandas cant climb trees. ( )(5)Pandas are good climbers. ( )设计意图:通过齐问、男生问、女生问、个别问等形式解决问题,完成五个判断对错小题,丰富课堂问答,避免单一师问生答模式。4. L

9、isten to the tape and imitateT: Let me see, Who can imitate well. Each sentence repeat twice.5. Role play(1) Practice in groups, then choose two groups to show.(2) T:This time, who want to be Sarah, stand up. Who want to be Amy , sit down .Im Chen Jie. Lets read together.师生互动,形式新颖,调动学生的阅读积极性。Step3:

10、Post-reading1. Retell the dialogue.(1) 1 minute , think it over.(2) Choose a student to retell. The other students follow .(3) Retell the dialogue together.There are many animals in the _ _.The tigers are_. Tigers can really_.I see some_. The pandas are_ _.Pandas are good _.设计意图:对所学文本进行梳理、巩固提高。2. Le

11、ts find out.(1)创设小情景:T: Pandas are good climbers. So pandas can climb. What about tigers ? Can tigers climb?Ss: No, they cant.T: Can tigers fly ? Ss: No , they cant .(2) Choose two animals you like ask and answer in pairs.(3) Talk about the elephants. Boys ask , girls answer.Talk about the birds. Gi

12、rls ask , boys answer.3. Activity Book.: Listen, read and write.学生听录音完成练习,核对答案,同桌阅读对话。4.阅读理解This is a picture of Mr Browns family. In the picture we can see Mr Brown, Mrs Brown, their son Tony and their daughter Amy. Mr Brown is sitting in a chair. He is reading a newspaper. Mrs Brown is sitting at

13、the desk. She is writing a letter. Tony is twelve years old. He is standing by the window. He is reading a storybook. Its an interesting book. Amy is only six. She is sitting on the floor. She is playing with her toys .( )1.There are four members in this family.待添加的隐藏文字内容1( )2Mr Brown is sitting in

14、a chair and reading a newspaper. ( )3Mrs Brown is writing a letter by the window. ( )4Tony is eleven years old.( )5Amy is reading an interesting storybook.( )6Amy is sitting on the floor.设计意图:补充一篇容量相当的材料进行拓展性阅读,培养学生的语言运用能力,提高学生的阅读水平。5.小练笔: At the Zoo(1)师示范:Look , there are many animals here. What ar

15、e the ducks doing?Ss: There are swimming.T: Talk about the animals in pairs(2) Write a short passage on the paper.(3) Choose two students to show.设计意图:先由老师引导学生谈论动物,降低难度,再组成短文,让学生写下来,这样通过学生眼、口、耳、手并用,达到训练思维,提高技能的目的。学生写作能力得到提高。Step4: Summery Love animals , love our homeland , love our earth.Step5: Home

16、work.1. Listen to the tape, read the dialogue to your parents.2. Make a funny book of animals and describe them.设计意图:展示自制的funny English book,将课堂活动延伸,将所本课所学内容应用到动手操作实践中,在实践中运用英语,学习英语。板书设计: Unit5 Look at The MonkeysB Read and write What are they doing?They are swimming.They are climbing trees .教学反思:英语




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