pep小学英语六级Unit 3What are you going to do?教案.doc

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1、 Unit 3 What are you going to do?教案 教学目标1、知识技能目标(1)能听、说、认读what、where、when引导的特殊疑问句并能做出相应回答。(2)能听、说、读、写四会句子: Where are you going this afternoon? Im going to the bookstore. What are you going to buy? Im going to buy a comic book(3)能听懂Lets try部分的对话并完成听音选图的练习。(4)能使用各种疑问句采访他人的活动安排并做记录。2、情感、学习策略目标(1)情感态度:培

2、养学生合理安排自己的学习与生活的能力。(2)学习策略:训练学生的听力,关注小组合作与交流。教学重、难点1、重点:三个特殊疑问句的问与答以及各种信息的替换和交流。2、难点:学生能运用what、where、when疑问句进行真实的交际以及两组四会句型的正确书写。课前准备(教学辅助手段)1、Micky&Donald Duck头饰。2、调查表格和CAI课件。3、学生课前上网了解Disneyland的有关知识。板书设计 Unit 3 What are you going to do? Part B、 Lets talkWhere are you going this afternoon? What ar

3、e you going to buy?When are you going? 教学步骤Warm-up & Revision1、sing a song “What are you going to do?”T: Good morning, boys and girls. S: Good morning, MissWangT: Say “Good morning” to the teachers behind you.(生面向听课老师say good morning.) T: Lets sing the song“ What are you going to do?”What are you go

4、ing to do?What are you going to,going to. What are you going to do on Saturday?Im going to the park, to the park. Im going to the park on Saturday.Where are you go-ing , go-ing . Where are you go-ing on Saturday?Im going to the zoo, to the zoo. Im going to the zoo on Saturday.2、Revision: guessing ga

5、me以旧引新。T:Lets play a game. Listen and guess what place is it?Its a place.You can read many books there.(library)Its a place.You can buy many things forexample: food,clothes,books(supermarket)Its a place.You can see trees , flowers and you can play there.(park)Its a place. You can see the doctors the

6、re.(hospital)Its a place.You can buy many books there.( bookstore)Its a place. You can see many animals there.(zoo)(学生讲出答案的同时,课件出示图片。)T: Look. Its a place. You can buy buy apples、bananas and many fruits there. Its a fruit stand.Its a place. You can buy a little dog there.Its a pet shop. (领读一次。) Lead

7、-inT:. What are you going to do this weekend? ( 板书)S1:I am going to the library. What about you, Miss wang?T: I have nothing to do. 这时候课件里马上有电话铃声响起。教师拿起电话,跟唐老鸭对话。T: Hello,whos that?D: Its Donald duck. Where are you going this weekend?T: I dont know.D: Why not come to Hongkong Disneyland this weekend

8、.T: Thats a good idea. Can I see you and Micky Mouse?D: Sure.When are you going?T: I am going at 3 oclock.D: See you this weekend.T: See you. Presentation 1.T: Do you want to go with me? S: Yes.T: OK. Try to get 10 flowers. Look, what is Micky Mouse and Donald Duck talking about? listen for 2 times

9、and choose: (听之前先让学生看问题,用课件展示。)(1)Where is Micky Mouse going? (A) A. bookstore B. shoe store C. zoo D. hospital(2)What is Micky Mouse going to buy? (C) A. a magazine B. a newspaper C. a comic book D. a dictionary2、T: Wow!Super boys and super girls!Now, listen again.Duck:Where are you going this afte

10、rnoon? Micky: I am going to the bookstore.暂停。Check 2 students , show the sentences on CAI.Duck: What are you going to buy?Micky: Im going to buy a comic book. (同上)Duck: When are you going?Micky: Im going at 3 oclock.(同上)全班分角色读一次。T:Now, read it with your partner. You can do some actions and try to do

11、 it here. 2 minutes. OK? S: Ok.Check 2 pairs. 把Micky and Duck头饰带在学生头上 Practice1、T: Lets see. (count )Only 7 flowers. Never mind. If you can pass 3 steps. You can go to Disneyland.Step1: T: Choose one picture, talk with your partner, use Where、what and when.You can do some actions. 2 minutes, ok?(提供3

12、组图片) (1)the shoe store /this evening 7:00(2)the fruit tand/ tomorrow moring 9:00(3)the pet shop/ Sunday afternoon 5:00check 3 pairs.Step 2: do a survey.Name:1、Where are you going this afternoon?2、What are you going to do there?3、When are you going?T: Show me your paper,please. Ill show you how to do

13、 it.(示范采访一学生,做记录,用课件显示出来。) Any questions? Go to ask anyone you like and write it down. 5 minutes. Are you ready? Go.(安排五个学生采访教师。) check 1 pair.(实物投影调查表)Step 3: make a dialogue.T:Think about this weekend . Where、what and when are you going? Talkwith your partner . Try to do some actions. And there ar

14、e something to help you. 5 minutes, go!Check 3 pairs.2、T: Super! Now lets go to Disneyland.(学生欣赏Disney图片,同时听Micky导游的录音解说。) Micky: Hello, boys and girls. Welcome to Disneyland. Im Micky Mouse. I hope you have a good time here. Where can you go? There are 4 places. Fantasy land、Adventure land、Tomorrow

15、 land and USA main street. And there are 2 hotels. What can you do here? You can go to see the castle、 take the train and the spaceships. You can take pictures with Snow white、Donald Duck and me. You can buy disney books and toys here. There is a big show at 5:00 in the afternoon. Its very funny. Re

16、member go to see the fireworks at 9:00 in the evening. Its really beautifulOh, its time to say goodbye. See you next time. Bye!Summary& HW1、T:Are you happy in Disneyland ? Me,too. What do we learn today?S1: Where are you going this afternoon? S2: What are you going to buy? S3: When are you going?2、T

17、: Well done. Any questions? No? wonderful.Homework for today(1). Copy B :copy the main sentences for 3 times. (2.) Read Lets talk to your parents for 3 times.(3 ) Know more about Disneyland : D3、T: Youre excellent today! You get many stars. This is a little present for you. Its a storybook. ( give it to the group leaders. ) Lets sing the “goodbye” song to the teachers, ok?_


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