PEP小学英语四级上册《U4 B2 You’re my friends!》精品教案.doc

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1、PEP小学英语四年级上册U4B2Youre my friends!精品教案 教学内容:B Lets talk Lets chant C Lets check 教学目标:A.知识目标:1.听、说、认读Lets talk中的单词和句子;尤其是新词key(s).2.吟唱P50中Lets chant.B.能力目标:1.能听懂、会说、认读:Where are?Are they? Yes, they are. / No, they arent并能在实际情境中运用。并初步了解、掌握一般疑问句的用法。2.能询问、猜测物品的位置,并做出相应的回答。3.通过Lets chant,使学生复习巩固Lets talk中

2、学过的语言。4.能完成Lets check部分,巩固本课所学的内容。.情感、策略、文化目标:培养学生助人为乐的思想感情。教学重点:1.能听、说、认读句型Where are ? Are they? Yes, they are. /No ,they arent并在实际中运用;实现由单数向复数的灵活转化。2.能灵活运用方位介词in, on, near来熟练表达物品的位置。3.能初步了解、掌握一般疑问句的用法。教学难点:句型Where are ? They are . Are they? Yes, they are. / No, they arent.的灵活运用。教学准备:1.书包、铅笔、电话等物品的

3、实物或图片。2.教学磁带。设计思路: 以You are my friend为情景主线,让学生在助人的过程中一步步习得新知,并得到快乐,明白了“A friend in need is a friend indeed.”教学过程: Step 1 Preparation1. Greetings: Hello! How are you? Welcome to our classroom. Where is our classroom? Can you tell me? 告诉学生(对于Ss而言是新知):Its on the third floor.由此过渡到下一环节。2. Free talk:T: I

4、cant find Can you help me? 引导学生谈论不同物品的不同位置。E.G: Where is ? Its on / in / under / near .以此为切入点,慢慢引导学生过渡到谈论:Where are the ? They are on / in / under / near . 对于学生的帮助,T要及时道谢:Thanks. Youre helpful. You are my friend.Step 2 Presentation1.接上一环节,教师板书,教读。2.变换不同物品的不同位置练习:Where are the ? They are .并在此过程中呈现key

5、(s).板书,教读,操练。3.Guessing game: 教师让全体学生闭上眼睛,将keys藏在一个学生的课桌里。说:Where are the keys? 假装问:Are they in / on / under / near ? 帮助学生回答:No, they arent. / Yes, they are. 教师板书,教读,操练。Step 3 Practice1. T: My friends keys are lost. Guess! Where are the keys? 引导学生放开思维,大胆猜测。(既激趣,又练习了各个方位介词、新知keys,又操练了句型Where are ? Th

6、ey are . / Are they in / on / under / near ? Yes, they are. / No, they arent.)2. 待学生猜测后,T:Lets listen to the tape, and check your answers. (此环节也可以视为“听音答题”)Check the answers.(及时激励学生) 由此突破:Theyre in the door. (让学生理解为什么用“in”,为什么不用“on”.)3. 听音正音(用通常的方法即可)4. 两人一组分角色读对话。(交代学生,不要忘了轮流换角色。)5.表演展示让学生做对话表演,评出一组

7、“最佳搭档”。Step 4 Production1. Make a survey:(1) T: I lost many things, too. Look! 12 pens, 36 books, 52 watermelons, 6 keys. Can you help me? 让学生组内讨论:Are they in / on / under / near ? Yes, they are. No, they arent. Where are the ? They are in / on / under / near .(2) 课件呈现My things的位置图,让学生谈论后,完成下面的表格。Th

8、ingsIn the booksOn the deskUnder the chairNear the schoolbagPens待添加的隐藏文字内容3BooksCakesKeysCheck the answers. 对于做对的学生,T:Thank you. Youre helpful. Youre my friend.2. Lets chant:T: What about Mom and Brother? Where are they? Lets listen and follow.(1)听Lets chant部分的录音,让学生边听边打节奏、边指句子。(对moms或brothers学生可能不太

9、理解,教师告诉学生s= is,不必过多的讲解。)(2)放录音,跟读。(3)说唱。3. 情感提升:A friend in need is a friend indeed.Step 5 ProgressT: I have many questions, help me. OK?A.检测题1. Lets check. (常用的方法即可)2. Read and choose. (见基础训练)B.总结课堂,评价学生表现总结本课所学知识,表扬课上表现好的同学。C. Homework星级作业(根据自己的能力自由选择):(1)听录音,仿读对话;(2)听录音,仿读并表演对话;(3)让学生根据本课及前面所学内容自编对话,然后表演。(4)运用我们习得的知识,做你的朋友的真正的朋友,!


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