外研版小学三级英语下册Module 7 Unit1 We fly kites in spring教案.doc

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1、外研版(三年级英语下)Module 7 Unit1 We fly kites in spring.(一)教学目标知识与能力目标:1.知识目标:(1)能够听说认读课文内容。(2)能够简单运用Its warm in spring. We fly kites in spring .这类句型谈论季节特征以及不同季节发生的不同活动。2.技能目标:能够在日常生活中谈论四个季节的基本特征以及不同季节发生的各种活动。3.情感目标:让学生意识到保护环境的重要性。(二)教学重难点 1、能够听说认读课文内容。 2、能够简单运用It is warm in spring. We fly kites in spring.

2、 这类句型谈论季节特征以及不同季节发生的不同活动。 教学难点 能够谈论四个季节的特征以及不同季节发生的不同活动。(三)、教学准备 多媒体课件、电子白板、图片、小贴画。教学过程Step1、Warm-up and lead in:1、Greetings2、Do and say.1、 T:Look at this pictures, you should say and do the actions.白板呈现图片内容,学生配以相应的动作,边说边做。3、播放歌曲,导入新课。2、 T: boys and girls. Today,we will spend a happy lesson .First ,

3、lets listen a season song. I hope you like it!Step2、Presentation(一)学习spring、summer、autumn、winter.Its.in.1、利用ppt呈现有关季节和天气的单图片, spring, summer, autumn, winter, warm, hot, cool, cold.T: Boys and girls do you know how many seasons are there ina year?Ss: Four seasons.T: Good job! There are fourseasons in

4、 a year. Now, what are they? Please say it in Chinese.Ss: 春, 夏, 秋, 冬.T: Yes! They are spring,summer, autumn and winter.利用多种方式学习新单词,开火车、升降调、看口型猜词语等。借助学习句型:Its spring/summer/autumn/winter.2、多媒课件做游戏:猜猜看 What s the season?学习Its.T:How do you feel in spring/summer/autumn/winter? Who can tell me?S:.T: Good

5、! Its warm in spring! Follow me warm(出示单词卡片,教授单词warm.并且一边读单词一边做出很舒服,暖和的表情动作). 用同样的方法教学其它三个表示天气的单词spring summer,autumn,winter及表示气候的单词,cool,cold及功能句“Its+形容词+介词+季节名称”。(在教学过程中运用 TPR教学法,鼓励学生做动作。如学习cold这个单词时,利用白板的探照灯功能,捕捉小女孩发抖的画面,来学习cold 。师假装全身发抖。在学习hot这个单词时, T:How do you feel in summer? 利用白板放大镜功能,放大农民擦汗画

6、面。引导学生说出热(hot),并配以相应的动作点读学习hot。用手不停的擦头上的汗,在学习 cool这个单词时,扇扇子。)(在此环节种以奖励小贴画的方式鼓励孩子)3、完成填空。(二)学习句型What do you do in .? -We.in.播放课文录音,呈现问题,学生初步感知课文内容。PPT配以相应的图片,便于学生理解。Questions:A: What do we do in spring?B: What do we do in summer?C:What do we do in autumn?D:What do we do in winter?1、设置语言情景,引出问句What do

7、 you do in spring?(点读,生模仿)导出fly kites图片(TPR)。引导学生说We fly kites in spring.2、T:Today is very hot, What do Daming and Ling ling do? Can you guess? PPT导出大名和玲玲游泳的图片, T:Who want to be Daming and Lingling? S1:What do you do in summer? S2 S3:We go swimming in summer.(TPR)3、T:Wheres Sam? Can you see him? PPT

8、 引出 play football的图片。 T:Oh,he and his classmates play football.角色扮演S1:What do you do in autumn? S2 S3:We play football in autumn.4、T:Winter is coming,the snow is falling.Would like to go skating with me? S:Yes. PPT出示go skating 图片,点读教学,并配以相应的动作。 T:What do you do in winter? S:We go skating in winter.5

9、、Sing a song.插入音频两只老虎的曲调,把Its spring. Its warm in spring. 等描述季节的句子带入歌谣中,在老师的引导下让学生唱出来。Step3、Learn the text. 1、Listen and point. 2、Listen and imitate.Step4、Groups work. Play a game. 1、 两人一组抽卡片,巩固新知。用句型: A: What do you do in .? B:-We .in .2、PPT 出示一些活动图片,要求学生用句型A: What do you do in .? B:-We .in .描述。3、

10、完成调查表or eample:A :hats your favorite season?B :ts spring.A :how is the weather like in spring?B :ts warm in spring.A :hat do you do in spring.B :play football in spring.Name seasonsweatheractivitiesSam Spring Warm Play footballStep5 Homework: 分组讨论最喜欢哪个季节?试着把这个季节里最有特别的事物画出来,并仿照下面的示范用英语向大家介绍。 I like autumn best . Its cool in autumn . I fly kites in the park.


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