小学PEP英语五级上册《Unit 4 What can you do》精品教案.doc

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1、新人教版小学PEP五年级上册Unit 4 What can you do?精品教案A Lets talk 1. 能力目标:能够询问别人会做什么家务劳动,并在实际情景中运用这些句子。如:What can you do? I can.2. 知识目标:(1) 能够听懂、会说、认读句子: What can you do? I can sweep the floor. I can cook the meals. 并在情景中熟练运用。(2) 能够听懂、会说句子Are you helpful at home? 和Youre helpful. 并能熟练运用。3. 情感、策略目标:(1) 情感态度:养成热爱劳动

2、的好习惯,培养学生乐于助人的优秀品质。(2)学习策略:注重小组合作学习,培养相互沟通和交流的能力。二、教学重点、难点:1. 教学重点:听、说、认读句型-What can you do? -I can.并在实际情景中运用。2. 教学难点:句子 Are you helpful at home? 以及在实际情景中正确运用所学的对话。三、课前准备:课件,头饰,工作申请表, 小奖章。四、教学过程:Step 1 Preparation 准备活动(学生入场,播放歌曲, I can help.)1. Free talk.(My name is Wang Long. You can call me Mr. Wa

3、ng. Today, Im your new teacher. 置于课前交流)T:Good morning, boys and girls.Ss: Good morning, Mr. Wang.T: Nice to meet you.Ss: Nice to meet you, too.2. Now, lets play a game. Look, guess and read.(看,猜并把它读出来) Look at the picture. Who can guess? (课件呈现单词,学生猜出来,并进行朗读。教师纠正错误并及时评价)Great! You are super! 3. Now,

4、lets chant. OK? (最好和学生一起做)课件出示 Lets chant (P44)。做完后评价A good job.Step 2 Presentation呈现新知:1. Lets try.T: Mike can draw animals in the zoo. What else can Mike do? Lets listen and write Y or N. (T: Open your books at Page 44. Lets try. listen and write Y or N in your books)(课件:播放 Lets try) Have you fini

5、shed?看课件,找学生起来检查答案。T: Lets check the answers. Hands up,please. (叫举手的一生)You, please. S1: T: Yes or no? 评价: Great!或Well done. 2. 教学Are you helpful at home? (1) T: Mike can sweep the floor, cook the meals, clean the bedroom and water the flowers. He is helpful. Im helpful, too. 问学生:Are you helpful? 引导学

6、生回答: Yes/引导用Sure. (问全体学生)指生问, 如学生回答Yes,可指生,学生问:Are you helpful? T: Sure, I can cook the meals. I can 做动作。(2) (出示打扫卫生图片)指一生,T: Are you helpful at school? S1: Sure. I can sweep the floor. I can clean the window. I can clean the board.T: Good job. (出示在家的图片)(3) T: Are you helpful at home? S1: Sure. I ca

7、n sweep the floor. I can cook the meals. I can water the flowers. (4) Lets chant:A: Are you helpful? Are you helpful?B: Are you helpful at home?A&B: Sure, sure. Sure, sure, sure.3. 教学What can you do? I can.(1) T: Are you helpful? Ss: Sure. Are you helpful? T: Sure. (展示图片)At home , I can cook the mea

8、ls. I can water the flowers. What can you do? 学生回答: I can cook the meals.指生2: T: What can you do? S2: I can . 共问3-4名学生(板书 - What can you do? I can 领读:2 遍。)(2) 指一生,T: What can you do? S1: I can T:You ask me. S1: What can you do? T:(做倒垃圾动作)I can empty the trash. 找两个学生做。再找一组。Now, practice in pairs. One

9、 ask , one answer and do. 找两个同学站在原处表演。(3) 指向课件图片, T:Now, I ask and you answer. What can you do? Ss: I can cook the meals. I can water the flowers. I can empty the trash. I can clean the bedroom. I can sweep the floor. 出示课件 评价 (渗透表扬语:Great! You are helpful!)4. 游戏操练:一学生上前,戴陈洁头饰,其他同学问:Chen Jie, Chen Ji

10、e, what can you do? S1: I can cook the meals. 教师评价Helpful,helpful, youre helpful. (同时渗透T: What can he/she do? S1:He/She can)然后再找一个学生,到前台,T: Whats your name ? S1: My name is (name). Ss: (name)(name) what can you do? S:I can (一共3个)学生评价:Helpful,helpful, youre helpful.Step 3 Practice 巩固练习 1. 听音答题Lets li

11、sten and answer :What can Chen Jie do? . .Check the answers. (一生) ( 及时评价)2. 听音正音 Now, look at your books. Lets listen and repeat. Pay attention to the pronunciation and intonation.OK? (对照课本跟读)3. 合作朗读老师和所有学生对话。(角色朗读)。合作共建两个人分角色读Read in pairs, one ask and one answer.(教师指导)4. 替换练习。出示课件,做替换练习。 第一幅图画“老师单

12、个学生”。第二和第三幅图画,“学生学生”(在自己的座位做)。Now, practise in your groups. Change the pictures ask and answer.(用图片)5. Act it out. (表演展示)找一个学生,Im the Teacher. Youre Chen Jie. 老师和学生做范例。(头饰)Two students play the dialogue. 两个学生上台表演。(头饰)及时评价。T: Good or very good? Ss: very(very, very) good.Step 4 Production输出运用1. 义工招募会呈

13、现一些老人图片。师:Look. They live in Fuliyuan (福利院). They are old. Who can help them? Hands up, please? Wow! So many boys and girls. Youre great, boys and girls. Tomorrow is Saturday. Lets help them. OK? 师找小组长示范,并填表。然后组长做调查“What can you do?”并统计,组员请到组长处报名。小组内问答,小组长填表,完成后,选一个小组做范例,最后把表上交。NameWhat can you do?s

14、weep the floorcook the mealsclean the bedroomempty the trashwater the flowerswash the windows待添加的隐藏文字内容3OK. Do it quickly. 小组长问, 组员回答。小组起来做报告。A: Whats your name?A: Are you helpful?A: What can you do?B: My name is Mike. B: Sure.B: I can.Great! You are helpful. 奖励小奖章。Step 5 Progress检测提高1. 做练习,排列顺序,使之成

15、为一段完整的对话。( )Sure.( )Hello, Mike. ( )What can you do?( )Great! Youre helpful!( )Hi, Sarah. Are you helpful at home?( )I can water the flowers. I can clean the bedroom.答案: 314625 及时评价。2. Look! Lets chant:(课件呈现)老师领学生读第一段。学生自己读第二段。Homework1.Listen and read “Lets talk” . Make a new dialogue like this wit

16、h your partner or parents.听录音并且朗读“Lets talk”。和你的伙伴或父母做一个类似的新对话。2. Help your parents do some housework as you can.帮你的父母亲做一些力所能及的家务。Unit 4 What can you do?A Lets talkWhat can you do?I can .实验四小, 12 日 8:008:40 (板书应该怎么设计才更好看一些?)Great! You are super! Good. Well done. Wonderful. A clever girl/boy.Good or very good? Very, very good.


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