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1、托福阅读高分备考经验 托福阅读备考如果只是自己做题闭门造车,往往会很快陷入瓶颈当中。而到了这种时候,大家就需要借助他人的力量和学习经验来帮助自己进一步提升了。今天给大家带来了托福阅读高分备考经验,希望能够帮助到大家,一起来学习吧。托福阅读高分备考经验托福阅读满分学霸备考经验:提前积累词汇如果新托福阅读基础一般的同学,想要参加托福考试,最好提前准备起来。一本好的词汇书是必不可少的。其实背哪一本词汇书不是重点所在,重要的是能够持之以恒,每天对所背的词汇进行复习和总结。因为你在做托福考试词汇题时如果能遇到你熟悉的词,可以节省你回到*中去看上下文猜词的时间。虽然不能保证背到就一定能考到,但是单词可以帮


3、:做多模考练习在新托福阅读考试复习的最后阶段,做做模拟练习题是必不可少的。如果有条件的话,最好做一下模考软件。因为这样可以模仿新托福机考的真实场景。托福阅读材料之预报地震(一)Earthquakes are a common geological phenomenon; they happen all over the world every single day. However, most of the earthquakes are too weak for humans to feel. Since the dawn of time, man has sought to forecas

4、t earthquakes due to the possibility of their devastating effects. Even though earthquakes cannot be forecasted or predicted with 100 percent certainty, there are some things that you can do to help forecast earthquakes.Look at geologic maps to find the locations of past earthquakes. Maps showing th

5、e locations of past earthquakes are available from the United States Geological Survey (USGS). By looking at these maps, you can see where earthquakes may be likely to occur again based on where they have occurred in the past.Obtain information on when earthquakes have occurred in the past. In some

6、locations that have experienced multiple earthquakes in the past, there may be some periodicity or pattern to when those earthquakes occurred. Knowing this periodicity can help you forecast when an earthquake may occur in the future. The USGS also has information on when earthquakes have occurred.(二

7、)Examine seismograms, tracings or recordings of seismic activity at a particular location. If you see an increase in seismic activity on a seismogram, a large earthquake may soon follow.Observe rocks in various areas. Sometimes, rocks will contain layers of disturbed sediments that indicate ancient,

8、 severe earthquakes. Knowing the locations of these past severe earthquakes can indicate that future severe earthquakes may occur in these same areas.Take note of foreshocks. Sometimes large earthquakes are preceeded by smaller earthquakes known as foreshocks. If small earthquakes are occuring in a

9、particular area over a particular period of time, then a larger, more severe earthquake may be forecasted for that area.Look at the behavior of animals. Although highly controversial, some animals, such as dogs and cats, may change their behavior patterns prior to an earthquake.Think about tidal for

10、ces. Tidal forces as predictors of future earthquakes is an unproven theory. The phenomenon, known as syzygy, says that tidal patterns can be used to forecast earthquakes, especially those involving oceanic crust.托福阅读之答题方法集锦一、各种阅读*结构的处理1.N1,n2,n3.处理方法:找一个认识的词来读2. N1 of n2 of n3处理方法:核心词n13. N1 or n2;

11、n1 and n2处理方法:找一个认识的词来读4. A such as B,C,D处理方法:找一个认识的词来读5. In addition to,./It is not just, Rather than,.处理方法:找一个认识的词来读6. Morethan处理方法:than之后不读7. As well as=and8. S,VO; SV,O处理方法:两个逗号中间不读9. That的处理方法:N+that +V that后不读V+that读that后面的二、读句子主干 主语,谓语,宾语及名词性从句。这些成分是能表达一个句子的主要意思的最主要的部分,所以在不需要特殊关注的时候,大家就可以把注意力放在这些成分上。而且通过这些成分的分析,基本上*的意思就可以连起来了。三、意群 若后一句话进一步解释前一句则不读。想要在解答托福阅读*后面的题目中有更多的优势,大家就需要在备考的过程中更加的放宽思路,从更多的角度进行准备。综合使用不同的方法可以让大家的备考更加的具有时效性。托福


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