新课标PEP小学英语五级下册《Unit 4 What Are You Doing 》精品教案.doc

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1、新课标PEP小学英语五年级下册Unit 4 What Are You Doing ?精品教案B Read and write一、教学目标与要求1、能够听、说、读、写本课时四会句型。2、能够用Mom is cooking dinner/等介绍家人正在做什么。二、教学重点: 从听、说、读、写四方面掌握本课粗体句型“ Grandpa is writing a letter. Brother is doing homework. Mom is cooking dinner in the kitchen. Hes writing an e-mail in the study. ”三、教学难点:用本节课所

2、学内容完成接听电话的任务是本课时的难点。“Hows everybody doing? Just fine. ” 是新语言,教师应作必要的解释。教学过程:一、 Preparation:1、 T:Good morning boys and girls.Nice to meet you !2、 Chant T: Class,Lets chant.OK ?S: 教师播放B Lets chant,让学生跟着说唱。3、 T:Grandma is cooking noodles,Dad is reading the newspaper.They are so busy.I have some friends

3、. They are very busy,too.What are they doing ? Can you guess ?S:教师利用课件出示半张图片,让学生根据图片猜测What is he / she doing? 再通过课件展示正确答案。以此复习本部分之前学过的动词现在进行时形式和主句型What is he / she doing? He/She is ( Shes writing a letter. Shes writing an e-mail. Shes cleaning the room. Shes listening to music.)二、Pre-reading:1、突破重点句

4、型“Who doing what where” T: Oh!Youre clever.Look at these pictures.Can you make a sentence ? S: 教师用课件出示图片让学生说,然后再出示一个完整的句子。几个相同的问题之后,总结句型“Who doing what where”,以此来突破本课时的重点句型“某人在某地正做某事”。教师再出示几个图片来让学生练习说。2、 教学难点句子“Hows everybody doing?”T:In picture.They are so busy.Now,we are having English class. T:Ho

5、w are you?S: Im fine.(多指问几名学生)T: How are you we also can say:“How are you doing ?”用How are you doing ?问学生引导学生回答:Just fine(用词卡出示)T:You can say “Just fine”T: 借助手势引出 Hows everybody doing ?(词卡出示)教读Hows everybody doing 引导学生回答:Just fine Practice in pairs:Hows everybody doing ? Just fine三. In-reading :T:Yo

6、u are all just fine. Mikes family is just fine,too.Do you know what theyre doing ? Lets read the dialogue. 1、T: First,Loook at the questions.(用课件出示选择题)Now,take out your book,turn to page 51.General read the dialogue,please.(让学生带问题略读对话) T: Finised ? T: Quickly,please. T: Loook at the questions.No.1 W

7、ho can ? 引导学生回答出,及时评价学生。2、 T: Youre very clever. There are five people in Mikes family.What are they doing ?Look at these questions.(出示练习题) Detailed read the dialogue and answer the questions. 学生细读后,T: No.1 What is grandpa doing ? Who can ? S: Grandpa is writing a letter.T: Can you spell ?S: 学生边拼写,教

8、师板书出Grandpa is writing a letter.用同样方法依次解决另外几个问题。(Brother is doing homework. Mom is cooking dinner in the kitchen.Dad is writing an e-mail in the study. Mike is cleaing the room.) 3、教师对照板书,读一遍句子,问学生:Can you write ? T: Now.Detailed read the dialogue again , finish the sentences.write the answers on yo

9、ur book.4、T:Finished? Your writing is very beautiful!Lets listen to the tap.Listen carefully,attention to tone and intonation.(仔细听,注意语气和语调)5、 T:Tone and intonation imitation of the recording,reading out aloud.四. Postreading :1、小组内分角色读课文。 T: Act the dialogue in your groups. Lets act the dialogue.whic

10、h group can? 让学生表演对话.2、创设情景拓展练习。(1)编对话。T: Great! Your performance was wonderful. Teacher will reward you !Do you like ?待添加的隐藏文字内容2S; Yes.T: Lets read.(让学生读) T: Now ,Lets make a new dialogue. (2)表演对话T: Now.Lets act the dialogue. Which group can? T: Your performance was really excellent.五. Progress: 1

11、、小检测。 把练习题先发给学生。2、小结。T:This class we have learned.(让学生看着板书齐读所学的内容) 3、Homework: Write and sayT: Look at today homework.Write and say.write about the family and tell your partner.教学反思:今天,我执教了小学英语第六册Unit 4 What Are You Doing ? B Read and write 一课时。这一课时的主要任务是:能够听说读写本课时的四会句型,并能用所学内容完成接电话。课前我认真备课,精心设计教学各环

12、节,课堂上我紧紧围绕教学目标展开教学,采用多种教学活动,取得了很好的教学效果。具体反思如下:1、利用chant热身。让学生复习动词词组的现在分词形式,做好上英语课的语言准备,充分调动学生的学习积极性。2、复习导入。充分利用学生熟悉的生活情景图,把已学的动词,利用形式有效的复习,让学生在看、听、说的同时,会说,敢说,灵活运用所学知识,培养学生的口语表达能力.3、给学生一个轻松和愉快的课堂气氛.课堂上我采用chant 、 Guess game 、Make a new dialogue等形式给学生创造轻松学习气氛。语言拓展让学生自由编对话,以小组合作的形式完成,每个学生有自己的见解,再与别人交流,丰



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