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1、有关冬天的英语演讲稿2020 冬天黄昏的雪,深切切的,好象有千丝万缕的情绪似的,又像海水一般汹涌,能够淹没一切,还有一丝揭开藏头露尾般的裸露感。雪花形态万千、晶莹透亮,好象出征的战士,披着银色的盔甲,又像是一片片白色的战帆在远航。一起来看看有关冬天的英语演讲稿2020,欢迎查阅!有关冬天的英语演讲稿1The fourth season is winter.December,January and February are the three months of that season.The weather is very cold,and most of the plants die at

2、that time.Sometimes it snows.People can enjoy skating and skiing.But winter doesn t stay with us for a long time,for spring comes again soon.有关冬天的英语演讲稿2Winter is cold. Lets play the snowball and make snowman.The snowman is big . I like to play snowball. I am on the snow. The snow is cold. I have a s

3、carf and coat.So I am not cold. I like the Christmas. Because I can see santa clus in Christmas .Christmas tree is beautiful. The presents are on the Christmas tree.I like winter. Do you like winter?有关冬天的英语演讲稿3It is cold and dry outside. The wind often blows strongly. The days are shorter and the ni

4、ghts are longer.Many animals go to sleep. They will sleep for a long time till the spring comes.People dont like to go outside. They have to wear heavy coats, scarves and gloves. But children like to be outside. Because it often snows. There is snow around.There is ice on the ground. Children can th

5、row snowballs, make the snowmen.Oh, look. What a surprise! Do you see? The river is frozen!Here come the boys, there come the girls, they are skating in the river happily.Oh! Winter comes. It is really an interesting season. It has so much fun!有关冬天的英语演讲稿4In winter, not spring flowers, the scenery pl

6、easant, is not so scorching summer, thunder and lightning; Not so fruitful, autumn leaves fly: but it brings us a flying snowflakes.In the morning, I opened the Windows look: snowflakes slowly float, like photo, such as catkin, like QingYouYou goose feather, like dandelion seeds, there are endless l

7、eisure, and just like the beautiful YinDie dance in the courtyard, also seems to be a group of white elf, floating in the air, spinning, finally slowly fell on the ground, into numerous small water droplets of diamond.Under the deck of snow, the earth became a snow-white, vanity jade build by laying

8、 bricks or stones in the world. Nearby, some dead branches of the trees covered with a layer of fluffy, soft snow at the end of the son. While the summer and winter evergreen trees, covered with a bead pearly snow to seed. Hits the trees under the white foil as one by one, beautiful girl. The wind b

9、lows, the branches gently shaking, the liuxue86 silver light flashing to seed, snow snow son, at the end of the float down from the trees and leaves. Looked at the beautiful snow, I cant help but sigh: like night of spring breeze comes suddenly, thousands of critics, pear tree to open!Looked at the

10、snow outside the window, I involuntarily stretch out his arms, outside the window a little a few times, laid the palm of your hand, only light water lines. I stretched out a helping hand to the sky, and to god for a few snow flower, god seems to heart, after a while, a few naughty snow girl is slipp

11、ed from my hand up into my mouth. The snow that I closed my eyes then experience the taste of cool and refreshing slowly into my heart.翻译:冬天,没有春天那么鸟语花香,风景宜人:没有夏天那么骄阳似火,电闪雷鸣;没有秋天那么硕果累累,落叶纷飞:但它给我们带来了漫天飞舞的雪花。早晨,我打开窗门一眼望去:雪花徐徐飘下,似芦花,如柳絮,像轻悠悠的鹅毛,似蒲公英的种子,无尽无休地飘着,又宛如那美丽的银蝶在院中翩翩起舞,还仿佛是一群白色的小精灵,在空中飘舞着,旋转着,最后


13、蹦进了我的嘴里。我闭上眼睛细细感受,雪那清凉的滋味慢慢地流入到我的心里。有关冬天的英语演讲稿5Spring, flowers, to outshine each other; In the summer, everywhere is full of vitality; In the cool autumn, goldwind around the scene of bumper crops; And winter snow, vanity build by laying bricks or stones jade, it is my favourite season.In winter, I

14、like the snow, because learning can make the world become vanity jade build by laying bricks or stones, like a girl with silver, very beautiful. When it snows, glittering and translucent white snow or spread, flying, like a dandelion flying, dancing with wind; Just like the silver butterflies with t

15、he wind from the dancing a waltz in the sky to the earth; Appears that willo white girl in for mother earth ornament. This is what a beautiful sight, how likeable, how relaxed and happy making a person!After a heavy snow, in every corner of the world into a silvery white, particularly beautiful. Cam

16、pus, everywhere is white. The children have a snowball fight with merriment, waves of happy laughter echoed in the campus.The snow girl as cover crops in the fields thick quilt, make them have a good winter in his sleep.In the woods, the snow girl pressure on the bare branches, for the tree wrapped

17、in a cloak, make the trees no longer appears bare, no longer drab.Road, snow girl lying quietly, make line passing people feel the beauty of the winter, winter.Hillside, snow girl for slopes put on cotton-padded jacket. From a distance, the hill were beautiful, sparkling in the sun.In winter, the wo

18、rld became a silver; In winter, the world is full of poetic. I love winter!翻译:春天,百花齐放,争奇斗艳;夏天,到处充满了生机;秋天,金风送爽,到处一派丰收的景象;而冬天白雪皑皑,粉妆玉砌,是我最喜欢的季节。冬天,我最喜欢下雪,因为学可以使世界变得粉妆玉砌,犹如一位披上银装的妙龄少女,十分美丽.下雪时,晶莹洁白的雪花飘飘洒洒,漫天飞舞,像一个个蒲公英飞来飞去,随风起舞;宛如一只只银色的蝴蝶随着风从天空中跳着华尔兹来到了人间;又似一位位白衣少女在为大地母亲点缀这景象是多么美丽,多么令人喜爱,多么令人心旷神怡啊!一场大雪过后,世界的每个角落都变成了银白色,分外美丽。校园里,到处是白茫茫的一片。孩子们欢天喜地地打雪仗,一阵阵愉快的笑声在校园里回荡着。田地里,雪姑娘为庄稼盖上里厚厚的棉被,使他们在睡梦中度过一个美好的冬天。树林里,雪姑娘压在光秃秃的树枝上,为大树裹上了一层银装,使大树不再显得光秃秃的,不再单调。马路上,雪姑娘静静地躺着,使路过的行人们感到冬的美丽,冬的惬意。山坡上,雪姑娘为山坡穿上了棉袄。远远望去,那山坡晶莹美丽,在阳光下闪闪发光。冬天,把世界变成了银白色的;冬天,使世界充满诗意。我爱冬天!有关冬天的英语演讲稿2020


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