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1、Unit 3 Gender Differences,Background,Gender difference is a term used to refer to social characteristic that distinguish men and women.These include such things as differences in hair styles,clothing,family responsibilities,occupational roles,acceptable behavior and other culturally learned activiti

2、es and traits.All of these differences are linked to the non-biological notions of masculinity and femininity which vary from one culture to another.,Part one Preparation,Related Vocabulary,Gender Stereotype,Feminine Quality,tender weak sensitive humble shy sympathetic charitable dependent,soft/gent

3、le delicate/fragile timid/cautious modest reserved concerned/caring considerate/thoughtful obedient/tolerant,Masculine Quality,brave/bold strong/powerful adventurous determined persistent able/competent cool aggressive,daring muscular courageous resolute insistent confident independent,Feminine Acti

4、vities,cooking washing/cleaning baby nursing child caring/education enthusiastic with charitable institution participate in community activity,Masculine Activity,bread owner family repairer take part in government or public life engage in business management engage in scientific pursuit do explorati

5、on,Interpreting Opinions,Directions:Read the following poem by Alfred Tennyson(a 19th century poet)and the sentences from The Feminine Mystique(1963)by Betty Friedan.Try to answer the questions below.,Man for the field and woman for the hearth(壁炉,喻家庭)Man for the sword and for the needle sheMan with

6、the head and woman with the heartMan to command and woman to obey;All else confusion.-from The Princess(1847),song,“O Swallow”,“A girl should not expect special privileges because of her sex,but neither should she adjust to prejudice and dis-crimination.She must learn to compete not as a woman,but a

7、s a human being.”-Betty Friedan,Apart from the physical differences are there any other features of men and women that are patterned by culture?,Men are more independentMen are generally strong and energeticMen are less concerned with their appearanceMen are more likely to“explode like a volcano”Men

8、 seldom express feelingsMen have an aggressive nature,Questions:,Apart from the physical differences are there any other features of men and women that are patterned by culture?,Women are more sensitiveWomen are generally neat and cleanWomen are generally well-manneredWomen express gentle feelingsWo

9、men have a strong need for securityWomen pay a great attention to their appearance,When the Lord God made the earth and the heavens,no shrub or plant of the field had yetappeared,for the God had not sent rain on theearth and there was no man to work the ground.the Lord God formed the man from the du

10、stof the ground and breathed into his nostrils thebreath of life,and the man became a living being,named Adam.The Lord God took the man and puthim in the garden of Eden to work it and take careof it.,MADAM,IM ADAM!,Enjoy the following story,the Lord God said,“It is not good for the man to be alone.I

11、 will make a helper suitable for him.”The Lord God caused Adam to fall into a deep sleep;and while he was sleeping,theGod took one of the mans ribs and closed up the place withflesh.Then he made a woman from the rib taken out of the man,and he brought her to the man.Adam called the woman madeout of

12、one of his ribs Eve.,EVE,MY DEAR!,later on,Eve was fooled by the serpent(snake)to eat and persuade Adam to eat the fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil,which was forbidden by the Lord God.As punishment,the God said:,to the woman:I will greatly increase your pains in childbearing;With pain

13、 you will give birth to children.Your desire will be for your husband,And he will rule over you.,to the man:You will eat the plants of the field.By the sweat of your brow you will eat your food.until you return to the ground.Since from it you were taken;and to dust you will return.,-from Holy Bible,

14、Ideal Wife and Husband,1.What do you think an ideal husband should be?,tall,handsome,strong,rich,educated,kind and loyal,2.What do you think an ideal wife should be?,warm-hearted,beautiful,intelligent,educated and a good cook,Warm-up questions,1.How does a child know the details of gender behavior?,

15、He is taught both directly and indirectly.There is a cultural bias in education that favors boys over girls.,Warm-up questions,2.What do teachers do in class as far as a cultural bias in education is concerned?,The bias is unintentional and unconscious.Teachers often assign girls tasks generally con

16、sidered to be suitable to them.,Warm-up questions,3.How do boys and girls behave at school?,Boys care less about the correctness of their answers,while girls care more.,Development(Para.24)There is a cultural bias in education that favors boys over girls.,Conclusion(Para.5)The educational bias begin

17、s at home.,Introduction(Para.1)It has been proven repeatedly that the various types of behavior,emotions and interests that constitute being masculine and feminine are patterned by both heredity and culture.,Text Structure,S,Sentence Analysis,Unit 3,1.Over the past few decades,it has been proven inn

18、umerable times that various types of behavior,emotions and interests that constitute being masculine and feminine are patterned by both heredity and culture.(Lines 13),1.本句涉及形式主语问题,it 替代后面由that 引导的整个句子;,翻译句子:e.g.Boys like to pattern themselves on the man they admire.,2.constitute是vt.,而masculine及femi

19、nine是形容词,为了满 足及物动词的需要,需加上动名词being;,3.pattern(v.):to make according to a pattern;copy exactly 仿制,模仿,男孩子们喜欢模仿他们所钦佩的人。,译文:在过去的几十年里,已经无数次地证实了这样一个事实:构成男子阳刚之气和女子阴柔之气的各种不同类型的行为、情感和兴趣都是由遗传决定和文化熏陶而成的。,1.Over the past few decades,it has been proven innumerable times that various types of behavior,emotions and

20、 interests that constitute being masculine and feminine are patterned by both heredity and culture.(Lines 13),2.Other details of gender behavior are taught unconsciously,or indirectly,as the culture provides different images aspirations,and adult models for girls and boys.(Lines 67),句中出现了由as 引导的原因状语

21、从句。as 的用法归纳如下:,1.连词(conj.),a.引导时间状语从句 e.g.He saw her as they were both getting off the bus.,b.引导原因状语从句 e.g.He saw her as they were getting off the bus at the same time.,c.引导让步状语从句(虽然)e.g.Improbable as it seems,it is true.,d.引导方式状语从句(按照)e.g.Do as I say!,e.引导比较状语从句(用于asas句式)e.g.She works as carefully

22、as she does quickly.她工作既细心又迅速。,2.Other details of gender behavior are taught unconsciously,or indirectly,as the culture provides different images,aspirations,and adult models for girls and boys.(Lines 67),句中出现了由as 引导的原因状语从句。as 的用法归纳如下:,2.介词(prep.)相当于,意为“作为”。,e.g.Some students work as a tutor in the

23、vacation.,e.g.He is a teacher,as is clear from his manner.,Such people as you describe are rare nowadays.,3.关系代词(pron.),引导定语从句。,译文:另一些与性别相关的行为方式是人们无意识的或间接地传授给孩子的,因为文化为女孩子和男孩子提供了不同的形象、向往的目标和成年人的榜样。,2.Other details of gender behavior are taught unconsciously,or indirectly,as the culture provides diffe

24、rent images aspirations,and adult models for girls and boys.(Lines 67),3.Their research showed that many teachers who thought they were nonsexist were amazed to see how biased they appeared on videotape.,be amazed to do:惊异地发现;不定式 to do 作原 因状语;常见类似结构还有:,e.g.I was surprised to see him there.我真想不到在那里见到

25、他。,be pleased/glad/happy/surprised/upset/sorry to do 等。,译文:他们的研究表明:许多认为自己没有性别歧视的教师们惊异地发现录像上自己表现得如此偏心。,3.Their research showed that many teachers who thought they were nonsexist were amazed to see how biased they appeared on videotape.,4.This has a tremendous impact on the learning process for,in gen

26、eral,those students who become active in classroom participants develop more positive attitudes and go on to higher achievement.,1.注意复习本句中的句型:have/make an impact on:对有巨大影响,2.for是并列连词,引出表示补充说明的原因。,have/make an effect/influence on,e.g.We must get rid of carelessness,for it often leads to errors.,注意:由f

27、or 引出的原因不能出现在句首。,译文:这对学生的学习过程有极大影响,因为,一般说来,那些积极参与课堂活动的学生将对学习逐渐形成一种更为积极的学习态度,进而在学习上取得更大的成就。,4.This has a tremendous impact on the learning process for,in general,those students who become active in classroom participants develop more positive attitudes and go on to higher achievement.,5.These lessons

28、 carry over from the home to the classroom,where girls are generally observed to be more dependent on the teacher,more concerned with the form and neatness of their work than()with its content,and more anxious about being“right”in their answers than()in being intellectually independent,analytical,or

29、 original.,1.本句中出现了一些省略结构,请补全。(见句中括号部分),2.carry over:continue to exist 延续,e.g.The habit carries over from my childhood.,这个习惯是我小时候就有的。,concerned,being right,译文:这些教诲从家庭一直延续到课堂,在课堂里常常可以看到女孩子更依赖教师,更注重作业的形式和整洁而非其内容,更在乎她们的答案是否“正确”而不是在动脑筋方面的独立性、分析性或创造性。,5.These lessons carry over from the home to the class

30、room,where girls are generally observed to be more dependent on the teacher,more concerned with the form and neatness of their work than(concerned)with its content,and more anxious about being“right”in their answers than(being right)in being intellectually independent,analytical,or original.(line 47

31、),Unit 3,Words&Phrases,1.(Title)Gender Roles from a Cultural Perspective,注意复习 perspective:透视图;景色;(看待问题的)视角、观点,1.From the top of the hill we got a perspective of the entire park.,英译汉,我们从山顶上眺望了整个公园的景色。,2.The new evidence put an entirely different perspective on the case.,新的证据使人们从完全不同的角度来审视此案件。,1.(Titl

32、e)Gender Roles from a Cultural Perspective,e.g.From a white male perspective,it is hard to understand the racial discrimination.,词组 from a perspective/from a perspective of 从角度,in the right/wrong perspective 正确地、全面地(观察事物);错误地、片面的(观察事物),从一个白人男性的角度看很难理解种族歧视。,2.each child learnsthat become incorporated

33、 into its genderidentity.(Lines 34,para.1),incorporated(adj.):结合的,合并的 incorporate(v.):(使)并入,(使)合并,(使)混合,汉译英,We have incorporated your new ideas into the plan.,常见的句型有 incorporate sth in/into:把并入,把吸收到,1.我们已把你的新想法吸收到这个计划中去了。,The general incorporated a warning into his speech.,2.将军在讲话中提出警告。,I incorporat

34、ed the new plan with the old.,3.我把新旧计划结合起来。,3.Recently,for example,a study of American public schoolsthat favors boys over girls.(Lines 910,para.2),favor(vt.)1.喜欢 2.支持,赞同 3.有利于,有助于,e.g.The teacher favors serious students.老师喜欢学习认真的学生。,e.g.We favor your proposal.,相应的名词词组是:be in favor of,e.g.The weathe

35、r favored the harvesting.,3.Recently,for example,a study of American public schoolsthat favors boys over girls.(Lines 910,para.2),favor(vt.)4.偏爱,偏袒 5.(容貌)像,e.g.Parents sometimes favor the youngest child in the family.,e.g.The child favors his mother;they both have brown eyes.,e.g.Its wrong to favor

36、one student over the other.对学生厚此薄彼是错误的。,4.it was observed by professors and women students alike(Lines 2021,para.2),1.alike(adj.)相同的,相像的,e.g.1.这兄弟俩长得非常相像/一模一样。,The two brothers are very much alikeThe two brothers are exactly alike.,2.All music is alike to Tom.,各种音乐在Tom听来全是一样的。,4.it was observed by p

37、rofessors and women students alike(Lines 2021,para.2),2.alike(adv.)同样地、同等地,treat alike 同等对待 think alike 有同样想法,注意复习:如何表达“有不同的想法或看法”think differently/otherwise,e.g.I learned a lot from teachers and students alike.,我从老师和同学那里都学到了很多东西。,5.A similar subordination of female to male students has also been(Li

38、ne 22,para.2),subordination(n.)次要地位,服从,从属,subordinate(vt.)使服从,使处于次要地位,这个词的各个形式都与介词to连用.,subordinate(adj.)次要的,从属的,下级的,从句 a subordinate clause,e.g.处于从属地位 be in a subordinate position,个人利益服从集体利益subordinate ones personal interests to those of the group.,少数服从多数 The minority is subordinate to majority.,5.

39、A similar subordination of female to male students has also been(Line 22,para.2),in accordance with 根据,按照,1.consider problems in terms of peoples interests,翻译句子,从人民的利益出发来考虑问题,2.This should be discussed fully in light of the developments in the university.,这件事应该根据大学里的新情况加以充分讨论。,6.Research done by the

40、 Sadkers showed by assigning them different tasks in accordance with stereotyped gender roles.(Lines2426,para 3),同义表达有:according to/in terms of/in(the)light of,注意复习:deprive sb.of sth.剥夺/夺去某人的,1.She has been deprived of sight for some years.,翻译句子,她已经失明多年。,2.He derives a lot of pleasure from meeting n

41、ew people.,他从结交新朋友中获得许多乐趣。,7.the girls were thus being deprived of a vital learning experience(Line 30,para 3),注意分辨:derive from/derive from 源于,派生/从中获得,8.Another dimension of gender-biased education is the typical American teachers assumption(Line 32,para.4),复习dimension 1.(pl.)尺寸(指长度、宽度、厚/高度 2.(pl.)面

42、积、规模;3.特点、方面(课文中含义);,e.g.a box of large dimensions,e.g.take the dimensions of a field,an opera house of great dimensions,e.g.There is another dimension to this problem which you havent considered.,体积很大的箱子,丈量一块田地,规模巨大的歌剧院,9.while girls,who are superior to boys in math up to the age of(Lines 3536,para

43、 4),注意:表达式中虽没有表示比较级的than,但却表达比较之意。,注意复习:be superior to 优于、胜过,其对应的反义表达为:be inferior to,1.approve(vt.)批准,1.全国人大批准了总理的报告。,翻译句子,The National Peoples Congress approved the premiers report.,2.(弃权)决议以68票对10票通过,28票弃权。,The resolution was approved 68 to 10,with 28 abstentions.,10.girls are filled with fears o

44、f the world outside the home and with the desire to be approved of for their“goodness”(Lines 4546,para 5),2.approve(vi.)(与of 连用),我不能支持一项我从未赞同的政策。,翻译句子,I cant approve of a policy of which I have never approved.,10.girls are filled with fears of the world outside the home and with the desire to be app

45、roved of for their“goodness”(Lines 4546,para 5),11.同义词辨析gender/sex,gender(比较正式)性别,(文法)性,如阴性、阳性、中性,sex 主要指生理方面的性别,without distinction of age or sex 无论男女老少the opposite sex 异性,12.同义词辨析masculine/male/manly/mannish,与之对应的反义词 feminine/female/womanly/womanish,masculine 有男子气概的、(组织、行业)由男子组成的;,male(指性别)雄性的、男性的

46、,manly(褒义词,指男人具有的思想品质)有勇气的、果断的,mannish(贬义词)(指女人)像男人的,完成句子,The industry is wholly.这一行全由男性担当。,masculine,He speaks with a deep voice.他的声音是一种浑厚的男声,male,They are men of build.他们都是身材魁梧的男性,masculine,她的男性化特点非常强,She had strong,almost mannish features.,翻译练习,He made manly determination to undertake such a diff

47、icult task.,他果断地决定接受这项艰巨的任务,The boy walked with a manly stride.,那个孩子迈着雄赳赳的大步走路,Post-ReadingReading Comprehension1.Understanding the Organization of the Text1)Introduction(Para.1)It has been proven repeatedly that the various types of behavior,emotions,and interests that constitute being masculine an

48、d feminine are patterned by both heredity and culture.2)There is a cultural bias in education that favors boys over girls.(Para.2-4)Supporting evidence:A.Teachers called on males in class far more than on female students.(Para.2)a.Its consequence:This has a tremendous impact on the learning process.

49、b.The reason for this:Active classroom participants develop more positive attitudes and go on to higher achievement.,c.Two examples:i.In many of former all-womens colleges,the boys were“taking over”the classroom discussions and active participation by women students had diminished noticeably.ii.A si

50、milar subordination of female to male students has also been observed in law and medical school classrooms in recent years.B.Teachers assigned boys and girls different tasks in accordance with stereotyped gender roles.(Para.3)a.Its consequence:This prevented girls from participating as actively as b


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