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1、 幼儿园fivelittlemonkeys教案 合了词的韵律流动感,所以具有可以唱诵的特质。对幼儿来说,它主 要是一种由听觉感知的听觉艺术,是活在孩子们口头上的英语文学。 010年11月19日 星期五上午 一晨检: 目标:1.老师热情的接待家长和幼儿。 2.幼儿能主动的向老师和其他小朋友问好。 二早操: 目标:1.能跟随音乐有节奏的走。 2.会听辨音乐信号变换动作。 三集教活动: 名称:英语儿歌Five Little Monkeys 准备:小猴头饰、手偶、小床、号码牌 三集教活动: 名称:英语儿歌Five Little Monkeys 准备:小猴头饰、手偶、小床、号码牌 目标:1、感受儿歌节奏

2、的特点,乐意学玩游戏。 2、初步理解儿歌所表达的内容。 3、培养幼儿对英语的兴趣。 过程: 1、warmingup 儿歌:“just so so” 2、导入新课。 引导幼儿理解前半部分儿歌内容。 出示五只小猴子,猴妈妈和小床。 师: Hello,everyone。今天老师带来了几位新朋友, 你们想认识吗? 3、按情节发展顺序,边玩边分句学说。 、出示木偶猴子,让幼儿学说Little monkey。 、结合动作,学说:jumping on the bed。 师:One day,three little monkeys at home。They are jumping on the bed。“de

3、ng deng d eng ?”They are very happy。Who can?Jumping on the bed。 、分小组练习动作,学说:one fell off。 、学说:One fell off and bumped his head。 、师生按角色身份对话,学说Mommy called the doctor and doctor said。 4、情景表演。“Five Little Mokeys” 请五位老师先示范一次,其余幼儿一起念儿歌。 请幼儿上台表演。 5、结束:goodbye teacher 四早点: 目标:1.能有序进入盥洗室洗手。 .知道洗手的正确方法。 五户外活

4、动: 1热身运动:老师带领幼儿一起玩打拳游戏。 2集体活动;聪明小猴跳圈圈 目标:1.锻炼幼儿单脚、双脚跳的协调能力。 2.知道玩游戏时要与同伴友好相处。 六午餐: 目标:1.保持桌面、地面、衣服的干净。 2能安静就餐。 过程:1.向幼儿介绍今天的饭菜,激发幼儿的食欲。 2.提醒幼儿主动擦嘴,养成良好的卫生习惯。 Five Little Monkeys Five little monkeys jumping on the bed, One fell off and bumped his head. Mama called the doctor,and the doctor said, “No

5、more monkeys jumping on the bed!” Four little monkeys jumping on the bed, One fell off and bumped his head. Mama called the doctor,and the doctor said, “No more monkeys jumping on the bed!” Three little monkeys jumping on the bed, One fell off and bumped his head. Mama called the doctor,and the doct

6、or said, “No more monkeys jumping on the bed!” Two little monkeys jumping on the bed, One fell off and bumped his head. Mama called the doctor,and the doctor said, “No more monkeys jumping on the bed!” One little monkeys jumping on the bed, One fell off and bumped his head. Mama called the doctor,an

7、d the doctor said, “No more monkeys jumping on the bed!” 五只小猴子 五只小猴子跳到床上, 一只摔了下去,并且把他的头撞肿了。 妈妈给医生打电话,医生说: “不会再有猴子跳到床上了!” 四只小猴子跳到床上, 一只摔了下去,并且把他的头撞肿了。 妈妈给医生打电话,医生说: “不会再有猴子跳到床上了!” Five little monkeys and their mama walk down to the river for a picnic supper. Mama spreads out a blanket and settles dow

8、n for a snooze . while five little monkeys climb a tree to watch Mr. Crocodile. Five little monkeys, sitting in a tree, tease Mr. Crocodile, “Cant catch me!” Along comes Mr. Crocodile SNAP! Oh, no! Where is she? Four little monkeys, sitting in a tree, tease Mr. Crocodile, “Cant catch me!” Along come

9、s Mr. Crocodile SNAP! Oh, no! Where is he? Three little monkeys, sitting in a tree, tease Mr. Crocodile, “Cant catch me!” Along comes Mr. Crocodile SNAP! Oh, no! Where is he? Two little monkeys, sitting in a tree, tease Mr. Crocodile, “Cant catch me!” Along comes Mr. Crocodile SNAP! Oh, no! Where is

10、 she? Now theres only one little monkey, sitting in a tree, teasing Mr. Crocodile, “Cant catch me !” Along comes Mr. Crocodile SNAP! Oh, no! There are no little monkeys sitting in the tree. But, wait! Look! 1 Five little monkeys, sitting in the tree! Their mama hugs them. Their mama scolds them. “Never tease a crocodile. Its not nice and its dangerous.” The five little monkeys and their mama eat a delicious picnic supper. And they do not tease Mr. Crocodile again


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