【英语论文】《麦田守望者》青少在成长过程中的主题分析(英文) .doc

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1、毕 业 论 文The Catcher in the Rye - adolescents growing up theme analysis麦田守望者-青少年在成长过程中的主题分析学生姓名: 陈 玉 杰 专 业: . 英 语 .学 号: 200805102 .导师姓名:. 古 艳 东 .二一年五月毕业论文承诺书本人承诺:本人已经了解北京语言大学的毕业论文写作的有关规定;本人的论文是在指导教师指导下独立完成的研究成果。整篇论文除了文中已注明出处或引用的内容外,绝没有侵犯他人知识产权。对本论文所涉及的研究工作做出贡献的个人和集体,均已在文中以明确方式注明。签 名:_ _ 日 期:_北京语言大学继续教

2、育学院The Catcher in the Rye - adolescents growing up theme analysis麦田里的守望者-青少年在成长过程中的主题分析Student:. Chen Yu-jie .Student ID No.:. 200805102 .Major:. English .Supervisor:. Gu Yan-dong .检查:1. 内容是否基本居中?2. 下划线是否对齐? 3. 定稿是否把表格设为无边框? 颜色是否为黑色? Continuing Education CollegeBeijing Language & Culture UniversityM

3、ay 2010本科生毕业论文评阅书论文题目(英文) The Catcher in the Rye - adolescents growing up theme analysis论文题目(中文)麦田里的守望者-青少年在成长过程中的主题分析学生姓名学 号所在院系专 业继续教育学院英语导师姓名指导教师意见评语:成绩:导师签字: 日期: 年 月 日English Title here(说明:1.以下表格在写作过程中可以保留表格线,但是在论文定稿中,要把表格线设为无表格线的形式。2.以下所有带颜色的内容都要替换或删除,包括这条说明)空行:以下未注内容的行为空行。中文标题Abstract:从这里写英文摘要

4、(不超过200字,不需要提供中文摘要)Keywords: 从这里写3-5个英文关键词 关键词之间留两个空格符 不要标点 如果不是专有名词 不要大写首字母关键词:从这里写中文关键词 词之间留两个空格符 不要标点 关键词要和英文对应 顺序也要相同说明:1. 根据需要可以插入行,或增加行,然后合并标题数字后的单元格。 2. 可以复制以下粉色部分2. 至(2)的任何一行做相应层级的标题格式。 Outline: 空行1. Introduction 2the theme of growth in the catcher in the rye2.1the bewilderment of growth ref

5、lected in holden 3.the symbolism in the catcher in the rye3.1he background of symbolism3.2the concrete symbols and the implications in the catcher in the rye4.grow up through epiphany4.1reasons about Holden incompatible with external environment4.1.2Sensitive personality4.1.3Deep insight4.1.4Disillu

6、sionment about the adult word. 4.2Growing up with epiphany4.1.2the search for love4.1.3grow up through his epiphany空行5.Conclusion The Catcher in the Rye - adolescents growing up theme analysis以下正文中的层级标题要和提纲中的层级标题完全一致。但次级标题不需缩进。1. Introduction (第一部分一级标题,可以采用Introduction做标题) 2.the theme of growth in t

7、he catcher in the ry2.1 The Bewilderment of Growth Reflected in HoldenAdolescence refers to the transition from childhood to adulthood,which is in part indisputably a biological change,a part of 01treasureIt is the transition to sexual maturity, the stage at which for the first time people become ca

8、pable of reproduction (Beckett:P1 10) At the same time,adolescence is a psychological transition,involving a psychological readjustment,as in this period,adolescents have to adjust to becoming a sexual being and to forming Dew kinds of relationships,to having to early a livingAnd above all,adolescen

9、ce does involve a letting go of childhood, forming new attachments and trying out new identitiesFor Piaget,adolescence is the time when children reach the stage of “formal operations”,and are able to deal with the same complex abstract ideasLs adultsFor Freud,adolescence is the time of the genital s

10、tage,the final stage of psychosexual development,when an individualS sexual interest,originally directed towards an opposite-sex parent,is redirected towards finding a partner of the opposite sexFor Bowl by, it is the stage at which attachments to parent-figures are 100sened,in order to form new adu

11、lt attachmentHolden Caulfield has to wrestle with the usual dutiful adjustment of the adolescent years in death,sex,peer group relation and new identity(1)Towards DeathIn the adolescent stage,one has a further understanding about deathTo be exactone comes to realize that death is no longer a mysteri

12、ous,natural matter, and thin death may fall at any timeAs for Holdenhe has had one previous emotional breakdown at thirteen when his saint brother, Allie diedThe night after Altars death,Holden sleeps in the garage and“broke all the god dam windows with my fist, just for the hell of itI even tried t

13、o break al l the windows on the station wagon we had that summer, but my hand was already broken and everything by that time,and I couldnt do itIt was a very stupid thing to doI11 admit,but I hardly didnt even know 1 was doing it,and you didnt know Allie”(Salinger:p42)“i hardly didnt know 1 was doin

14、git” reveals the deep lave he has for his lisle brother;“broke a11 the god dam windows with my fist reflects his uncontrolled anger at himself for not being able to save Alien. Because he is hospitalized at that time,he is unable to attend the funeral,to witness the completion of the lire processBut

15、,through Allies death, Holden first recognizes the fact of evil-of what appears to be the gratuitous of the universeAllie,who was more intelligent and nicer than anyone else,was deprived of his lifeIt is really cruel and fearfulHoldens fear of growth and change, expressed throughout the novel,is the

16、 result of his realization that grows mea1s coming near to death and that death is the ultimate changeFrom the beginning to the end,the image that Holden has been dealing with the act of falling,suggests his fear of the toss of who lenses of mind,and more traditionally, the fear of aging,of loss of

17、innocence of vision,and finally of deathHe is so obsessed by death that he has turned Spencers exam question about ancient Egypt into a short essay which springs out of this obsession:“Modem science would still like to know what the secret ingredients were that the Egyptians used when they wrapped u

18、p dead people so that their faces would not rot for innumerable centuries”(Salinger:p.126)While Holden is sufficiently burdened with his unresolved grief for Allie,he has had to cope with the tie to an unfortunate classmateThat is to say, the death of James Castlea boy at one of his former schools,E

19、lkton Hills,who committed suicide by jumping from a window after being cruelly harassed by some of the other sedums casts shadow on Holden,After Maurice and the prostitute snatch addition anal five bucks,he thinks of jumping out of the window as James Castle did, “What I really felt like,though,was

20、committing suicideI felt like jumping out the window”(Salinger:p.110)Even when Phoebe asks him to name one thing he likeshe cant help thinking of the boys death as well as AlliesHowever, it is a great pity that Holden has rip otter to teach him how to cope with death,as the old people and their know

21、ledge appear obsolete to him,and the old people around him seem“out of it”:“I have this grandmother thats quite ravish with her dough,She doesnt have all her marbles anymore-Shes old as hell”(Salinger:p.98)To be worse,sickness,old age,and death are all the things that Holden is disgusted with and re

22、aders Can easily find tiffs in his description about his history teacherold Spencer:The minute 1 went in,I Was sort of sorry comeHe Was reading the Atlantic Monthly,and there were pill and medicine all over the place,and everything smelled of Vicks Nose DropsIt was pretty depressingIm not too crazy

23、about sick people anywayWhat made it even more depressing, old Spenser had oil this very sad,ratty old bathrobe that he was probably born in or somethingI dont much like to see old guys in their pajamas and bathrobes anywayTheir bumpy old chests are always showingAnd their legsold guyslegs,at beache

24、s and places,always look So white and unfairly (Salinger:p.p.11-12) (2)Towards IdentityAs with other transitions,adolescence does involve a letting go of childhood, forming new attachments and trying out new identities A successful negotiation of the adolescent transition could in turn equip all ind

25、ividual for the challenges of young adulthood by providing her or him with a sense of identity:one needs a secure sense of oneself in order to be able to negotiate adult intimate relationships with others (Beckett:p.118) In Erikssons opinion,in the adolescent stage,a combination of rapid growth, hor

26、monal changes and a growing awareness of adult tasks ahead,leads to a questioning of being equally importantAt least in western Culture,sexual and occupational identity are paramount,and he or she sees these as being the areas in which a new secure identity chiefly needs to be negotiatedThere is no

27、doubt that children have a sense of identity before adolescence,based on identification with 0thersDuring adolescence a process of identity formation takes place in which the individual makes her own decisions about what constitutes ego identitySuccessful resolution of this stage will lead to a secu

28、re sense of ego identity:the individual has developed a defined personality within a social reality which he 01she understands;and the unsuccessful may remain stuck with some confusion about who or what she really is Throughout the book,whenever he acts in an apparently inexplicable manner, Holden r

29、epeatedly asserts that” Im a madman or “Im crazy , which indicates that he really has no idea about who he is,what he is saying For example:The funny part is,T felt like marrying her the minute I saw herIm crazy I didnt even like her much, and yet all of a sudden I felt like 1 was in love with her a

30、nd wanted to salty herI swear to God Im crazyI admit it 3. the symbolism in the catcher in the rye3.1 he background of symbolismFor the background of symbolism, it came into being in the literature of Europe in the late 19th and early 20th century in reaction to naturalism and realism. In the early

31、years of the 19th century, the Renaissance came to an end and romanticism also had been inclined to unseemly shows of grandeur. In fact, symbols are not new things. In the West, they appeared at least as early as the Bible over 2,000 years ago. In the Bible, we can easily find examples, such as the

32、Serpent, the symbol of evil: the dove, that of peace, and the forbidden fruit, that-of the Original Sin. The word “symbol” derives from the reek verb “symbolizing”, which means “to throw together”, and its noun “symbol on”, meaning “mark”, “emblem”, “token” or “sign”. Lt is an object, animate or ina

33、nimate, which represents or stands for something else. A symbol differs from an allegorical sign in that a symbol has a real existence.Through these examples,we call see that a symbol is a concrete thing conveying an abstract idea,an emotion or all attitudeThe Serpent is all animal,but it contains a

34、n abstract idea of evilThat is to say, a symbol Carl be taken as a bridge between the concrete and the abstract or the physical and the spiritualThus,the things used as symbols have deeper meanings than the ordinary things in literatureA symbol in the work of art is a word or a subject, given unusua

35、l stress,which suggests a range of meanings beyond the surface meaningMalarkey defined it as the recovering for poetry of the power of music,which communicated mole subtly and precisely than any language couldThough symbols appeared very early,the Symbolist writings come up very lateFor example,in S

36、hakespeare plays,there are plenty of symbols. In Macbeth,the blood image symbolizes guilt and violenceIn Hamlet,weeds and disease symbolize corruption and decayIn King Lear,clothes symbolize authority;while The Symbolist Literary Movement arose in the latter half of the 19th centuryIn T.S. Eliots po

37、etry Wasteland, the western world is compared to wasteland,where all kinds of evils are happening beyond control;no hope exists in it just because Capitalism,as a social system,had passed already its height and turned decadent and moribund In early novels and writings,symbols are easy to understand

38、without deep meanings and any piece of writing as a whole cannot be taken as a symbolMoreover,difficulty to read and mystery are prominent features in symbolist writingsIn this way not until the mid 19th century,did symbolism first appear in French poetry,and the lead hag poet was Baudelaire. His po

39、etry reflects all kinds of evils in the French society,such as poverty,whoredomIn former Romantic writings,all kinds of beautiful things are praised to the sky,and all kinds of evils are denounced as the hellThey paid too much attention to the bright sides of the things,and left out the dark sides o

40、f themContrary to this Romantic tendency,most of the Symbolist poets and writers began to turn their attention to realityThe poetry of Blake and Shelly are also heavily marked with symbols,but they are not called Symbolist writings because they are mostly cheerful and relatively easy to understandWe

41、 Call draw the conclusion that symbolism differs from other kinds of writing with symbols in it in two aspects:difficulty to understand its meaning and pessimismComplex and deliberately planned,a Symbolist work is to express perfectly an intension on the part of the artist and create in the mind of

42、the readers the exact equivalentTechnically speaking,a literary symbol combines an image with a conceptIn all the examples above,We find undoubtedly the instances of a concrete image to express certain kind of emotion or an abstract idea3.2 the concrete symbols and the implications in the catcher in

43、 the ryeOne of the most distinguished artistic achievements in The Catcher in the Rye is me use of symbols,and even the novel as a whole symbolizes the plight of the idealist in the modem worldIn literature,a symbol often refers to a word or a phrase denoting an object or a thing,which has a larger

44、range in explanation than the object or thing itselfThat is,on the literal level,it is what it is;on the non-literal level,it would represent a more hidden meaningUsually the symbols can be used to get meaning across in subtle ways,especially when most readers hate being whacked over the head with o

45、bvious reference,then symbols and images become the best ways of telling something to readers without having to come right out and state it directlyThey also pervade our spiritual lives,so most of us grow accustomed to seeing them from an early stageDetermining the meaning of a symbol is often a mat

46、ter of close reading and interpretation-eiders must pick up on the contextual clues supplied by the writerBasically, there are three kinds of symbolsFirstly, the fixed symbol(conventional symbol or traditional symbol)This kind of symbol is established by usage or accepted through common practiceFor

47、example,the pigeon is symbolic of peaceSecondly, the emergent symbol,the meaning of the symbol is determined by the contextThe emergent symbol usually coincides with the authors discovery of his subjectThirdly,the private symbolIt allows a large range of interpretationsThat is,the things can be regarded as standing for many images in different waysThe Catcher i


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