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1、Total Quality,Leadership:,A Primer,Archester Houston,Ph.D.Steven L.Dockstader,Ph.D.,Department of the NavyTotal Quality Leadership Office,About the TQLOThe mission of the Department of the Navy(DON)Total QualityLeadership Office(TQLO),is to assist the DON leaders in their,quality-focused improvement

2、 efforts.The TQLO also provides techni-cal advice to organizations inside and outside government.The TQLOhas responsibilities in six key areas:Information and CommunicationThe TQLO educates the DON about TQL policies and initiativesthrough the TQLeader and through articles and presentations atconfer

3、ences.It has developed an electronic bulletin board and anInternet site to facilitate communication.AssessmentSystems are needed to assess and enhance TQL implementationin the DON.The TQLO designs and develops feedback mecha-nisms in support of mission accomplishment.It also developsnew approaches t

4、o improving organizational effectiveness.Consultant ServicesTQLO members provide technical advice to the Under Secretaryof the Navy and other senior DON leaders on the application ofTQL principles and methods within the DON and on strategicplanning.Advice may also take the form of recommendations on

5、implementing new laws,such as the Government Performanceand Results Act,as well as on related initiatives.Education and TrainingThe TQLO is responsible for ensuring the technical accuracy ofthe DON TQL curriculum.Having overseen the design anddevelopment of the courses,the staff now advises on the i

6、ntegra-tion of TQL material into training pipelines.The TQLO continuesto publish handbooks and other materials on organizationalchange and to design new courses.Networking LiaisonThe TQLO has much to share with other organizations,govern-ment and private,and much to learn from them.Staff memberspart

7、icipates in TQL-related networks and organizations.New TechnologiesTechnology can provide critical support to DON quality improve-ment efforts.The job of the TQLO is to assess new technologiesrelated to organizational change and process improvement andtranslate them into applications for the DON.,To

8、tal QualityLeadership:A PrimerArchester Houston,Ph.D.Steven L.Dockstader,Ph.D.Department of the NavyTotal Quality Leadership OfficeTQLO Publication Number 97-02,4,5,ForewordThe Department of the Navy(DON)began in1984 to improve organizational performancethrough the use of Total Quality Leadership(TQ

9、L)within its logistical organizations.Sincethat time,the practice of TQL has been de-ployed throughout the DON.The change from past management practicesto TQL is substantial and impacts the jobs ofevery person in a naval organization.Becauseof this,the transition to TQL must be learned,planned for,a

10、nd put into place in a systematicfashion.The implementation process must beled by the commanding officer(CO).A trainingprogram that provides all of the information toget started with TQL has been developed andis available to all naval organizations followingthe training of the CO.,Total Quality Lead

11、ership:A Primer,Total Quality Leadership:A Primer,6,7,This document is intended to provide anoverview of some of the major elements of theDepartment of the Navy approach to TQL.TheDON TQL Primer covers the definition of TQL,underlying philosophy,implementation roles,approach and management structure

12、,and howthe scientific method is applied to improve workprocesses.While it is not a substitute for edu-cation and training,it will provide informationon the basics of the DON TQL approach andperhaps serve to dispel some misconceptions.The authors of this Primer,Drs.ArchesterHouston and Steven L.Dock

13、stader,were twoof the first people involved in the developmentand application of the DON TQL approachwhile they worked at the Navy Personnel Re-search and Development Center,San Diego,CA.This Primer draws upon their extensiveknowledge and experience in its application.Our intention was to produce a

14、useful docu-ment.Please direct any questions you haveabout it to Dr.Houston,DON TQL Office:Voice:703-602-8944 DSN 332-,FAX:703-602-8942,INTERNET:Houston-ArchesterHQ.SECNAV.NAVY.MIL.Linda M.Doherty,Ph.D.Director,Total Quality Leadership OfficeDepartment of the NavyTotal Quality Leadership:A Primer,In

15、troduction.9Purpose of the Primer.10Background.10The Five Cornerstones of TQL.12Basic Concepts.14Section 1:Definition of Total Quality Leadership.17“The application of quantitative methods.”.18“.and the knowledge of people.”.18“.to assess and improve.”.19“.all significant processes within theorganiz

16、ation.”.20“.now,and in the future.”.21Total Quality Leadership:A Primer,8,9,Section 2:Adoption of the Deming Philosophy.23The Economic Rationale for the Practice of TQL.24The Three Components of the Deming Philosophy.27Viewing and Managing Organizations as Systems.29The Role of Leaders.32Section 3:D

17、ON Implementation Approach.35Process Management.37Strategic Management.39Strategic Measurement.43,Strategic Management and PDCA.44Organizational Implications of StrategicManagement.44Section 4:TQL Roles and Management Structure.47,Introduction,Process Management and the Structure of Teams.48TQL Team

18、 Structure and the Chain of Command.52Total Quality Leadership,or TQL,provides the,Section 5:Application of the Scientific Method.55Use of the PDCA Cycle.56TQL Adaptations of the PDCA Cycle.56Summary.61Bibliography.63Demings 14 Obligations of Leadership.70Total Quality Leadership:A Primer,means for

19、Department of the Navy(DON)organizations to more efficiently and effectivelyrespond to current and future mission require-ments.These requirements appear in suchdocuments as the DONs Forward from theSea,the Navy Policy Book,and theCommandants Planning Guidance.Thesedocuments describe the need to mee

20、t new andenhanced mission requirements with fewerresources,a compelling reason for the DON tofundamentally change its organizations,itspeople,and its leadership practices.Total Quality Leadership:A Primer,10,11,Purpose of the PrimerThe purposes are twofold:(1)to document thebasic concepts and princi

21、ples for the practiceof Total Quality Leadership(TQL),and(2)toprovide this information in a concise and read-able form to those who may not have had anytraining on the subject.This primer is not a substitute for the educationand training necessary to effectively practiceTQL.It provides an overview o

22、f the basicconcepts and summarizes some organizationalimplications of implementation.It also attemptsto dispel misconceptions about TQL.BackgroundIn the Spring of 1984,the Naval Matriel Com-mand tasked the Navy Personnel Researchand Development Center(NPRDC)to investi-gate the feasibility of using s

23、tatistical processcontrol(SPC)and quality management meth-ods to improve mission performance(Houston,Sheposh,(3)determining the suitability of commerciallyavailable quality management and SPCTotal Quality Leadership:A Primer,training programs for naval use,and,finally,(4)identifying conditions neede

24、d in navalorganizations for effective use of quality man-agement and SPC(Dockstader,1984).Major conclusions of the research were that:The integrated application of quality man-agement and SPC was feasible in navalorganizations.Active participation of top leaders was acritical element for success.Org

25、anizational changes must be made toestablish and sustain improvement throughthe application of quality management andSPC.Based on the findings,the Naval Air SystemsCommand(NAVAIR)leaders decided to test aquality management approach based on thephilosophy of W.Edwards Deming,a prominentquality consul

26、tant who contributed to Japanseconomic gains following WWII.The first testswere conducted at North Island Naval AviationDepot.As a result of success in quality im-provement there,the approach was extendedto other aviation depots,shipyards,and supplycenters.In 1985,the label“Total Quality Man-agement

27、”(TQM)was coined in the DON todescribe this approach.In 1990,the Chief ofNaval Operations replaced the label“TotalTotal Quality Leadership:A Primer,2,1,3,12,13,Quality Management”with“Total Quality Lead-ership”(TQL)to emphasize the crucial roleleaders have in the quality approach.Thischange in label

28、s did not change any of themajor elements of the approach.Total QualityLeadership is now used throughout the Depart-ment,including headquarters,logistical com-mands,operational units,field activities,andsystems commands.For more detailed coverage on the origin of theDON TQL approach,the following re

29、adings arerecommended:Deming Management at Workby Mary Walton(1990)and Thinking aboutQuality by Lloyd Dobyns and Clare Crawford-Mason(1994).The Five Cornerstones of TQLTQL is an approach to quality managementthat is based upon five major elements orcornerstones.This section describes brieflythose co

30、rnerstones and presents informationabout some related concepts that are centralto TQL:Definition.TQL is defined as“the applica-tion of quantitative methods and the knowl-edge of people to assess and improve(a)materials and services supplied to the organi-zation,(b)all significant processes within th

31、eorganization,and(c)meeting the needs of theend-user,now and in the future.”Total Quality Leadership:A Primer,This definition describes the“what”of TQL(“application of quantitative methods and theknowledge of people to assess and improve”),the“where”of the effort(“all significant pro-cesses performe

32、d within the organization”)and the“when”(“now,and in the future”).“Significant”is used to emphasize that TQLpractices should address processes central tomission performance,not those that are inci-dental to it.This emphasis avoids committingscarce organizational resources to less impor-tant issues.T

33、he Deming philosophy provides thebasis for TQL.W.Edwards Deming(1900-1993)was a physicist and statistician whodeveloped a management philosophy for im-proving quality.The principal elements of thephilosophy come from the(a)theory of varia-tion;(b)application of systems theory to man-aging organizati

34、ons;(c)psychology of work,and(d)use of the scientific method to pursueoptimal mission performance.These elementswere adapted for implementation in navalorganizations.Department of the Navy implementationapproach.The approach to implementationis two-phased(Doherty,1990).The first phaseconcentrates on

35、 planning and conductingquality improvement efforts.Education andtraining resources for process improvement arerequired for success.The second phase ad-vances and sustains the continual improvementTotal Quality Leadership:A Primer,4,5,14,15,throughout the organization,including suppli-ers.Strategic

36、planning and management areused to enhance future mission performance.Management structure.Changes insystems and processes are managedthrough the chain of command.Significantmission-related processes typically crossfunctional areas.Therefore,cross-functionalteams at the executive,middle,and supervi-

37、sory levels must be linked for communicationand coordination of efforts.These teams con-centrate on gathering and applying informationto improve mission effectiveness.A scientific approach.The aim of TQLis to enhance mission effectiveness.This isachieved by using an objective,disciplinedapproach to

38、making changes in the processesand systems that affect mission performance.The performance of current processes andsystems is analyzed and an improvement planis developed.The plan is carried out and per-formance is analyzed to determine the effectsof changes.Changes that result in improve-ment are r

39、etained.Basic ConceptsIn addition to the five cornerstones of TQL,other important concepts are:Total Quality Leadership:A Primer,Quality focusFor the naval service,quality refers to theextent to which naval organizations satisfy theirmission requirements.While mission require-ments can involve produ

40、cts,they are morefrequently associated with services.Some ofthese are delivery of supplies,medical care,engineering support,successful aircraftlaunchings,ordnance on target,etc.Customers and end-usersThe term“customers”refers to those peoplewho buy and/or use products and services.Inthe world of com

41、merce they ultimately definequality.Under TQL,the focus of quality im-provement efforts is to meet mission require-ments as defined by the operational forces.TheSailors and Marines are the customers or,more appropriately,“end-users”of productsand services provided by the DON.Sailors andMarines are t

42、he ultimate judges of the qualityof the supplies,medical care,engineeringsupport,weapons systems,training,etc.Improvement then must address all the signifi-cant processes that enable the Sailors andMarines to fight,win,and survive.While TQL isnot used to conduct operational missions inreal time,oper

43、ating forces can use the sameprocedures to improve the processes thatcontribute to mission readiness(Doherty Wasik&Ryan,1993).Total Quality Leadership:A Primer,1,16,17,Process improvementProcess improvement involves systematicallyanalyzing and changing process factors so thatthey work together bette

44、r to improve quality.Mission effectiveness is increased throughimprovement,redesign,or innovation of pro-cesses.Processes are improved when they aremore predictable,cost less,and contributemore to meeting mission requirements.Through process improvement problems orerrors are prevented rather than fi

45、xed after they,have occurred.Process managementProcess management involves the leadershipactions required to begin and sustain continu-ous improvement of significant processes.Extended processAn organization can and should work withcustomers and suppliers as part of an ex-tended system to improve qu

46、ality.Customerscan provide information that helps an organiza-tion to focus its improvement efforts on thoseproduct and service characteristics that havethe greatest impact on quality.Suppliers pro-vide products or services that affect anorganizations ability to perform its mission.Working with supp

47、liers to clarify current needsor to share process improvements can reduceproblems and avoid defects due to faulty mate-rials or inadequate service.Total Quality Leadership:A Primer,SectionDefinition of Total QualityLeadershipThe Department of the Navys definition of TQLis based on Demings flow diagr

48、am that showsproduction as a system(cf.Deming,1986,p.4)(see Figure 3,p.22 of this document).Thisdefinition was developed during the initialapplication of Demings ideas to the operationsand management of naval aircraft overhaulfacilities(Walton,1990).Total Quality Leadership:A Primer,18,19,“The appli

49、cation of quantitativemethods.”The term“quantitative methods”refers tostatistical and other graphical tools that sum-marize data in a structured way(cf.Brassard&Ritter,1994).These methods help in the identi-fication,understanding and control of factorsrelated to good or poor performance.“.and the kn

50、owledge of people.”Most process information does not reside inthe existing financial accounting or manage-ment information systems.Rather,processinformation is in the minds of the people-enlisted personnel,workers,officers,manag-ers,and supervisors who are responsible for aprocess.It is not just ind


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