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1、,back,Unit 1,Big Bucks the Easy Way,轻轻松松赚大钱,1.Warm-up question(q.2 textbook),Part-time job,1.buck:俚语(美)u.s.dollar to make a quick/fast buck2.plastic surgery 整形手术3.Pain v.(文或正式)to feel pain in the mind e.g.1 It pains me to have to leave,but I must.e.g.2 textbook para.4,4.enthuse(infml.)speak with muc

2、h enthusiasm 充满热情地说(about)e.g.1 He was enthusing about a film he had just seen.e.g.2 text book Para.65.Porch 门廊,6.Quaver 用颤抖的声音说E.g.text book para.157.Drugstore(美)药房,8.takeoutn.外卖;adj.外卖的,.a takeout pizza9.marvelous(美)marvellous(英)了不起的;非凡的;e.g.1 how was your holiday?-marvelous!e.g.2 it sounds like a

3、 marvelous idea!e.g.3 textbook para.18,10.awful:e.g.1 the weather was awful!e.g.2 the cake tastes awful!e.g.3 textbook para.1911.sour 酸辣粉 e.g.1 Hot and Sour Rice Noodles e.g.2 textbook para.1912.dent make a dent e.g.textbook para.22,13.bonus especially as a reward for good work e.g.textbook para.24

4、14.entitle be entitled to something 有权获得某物 e.g.textbook para.30 15.shrink(数量、体积或价值)变小,减少 e.g.1 学生数量已经从180人见到100人。e.g.2 textbook para.31,16.cand(美)&sweet(英)在英式英语中,sweet指用糖或巧克力做的糖果,而美国英语则用candy一词表达这个意思。英式英语中sweet也可指餐后的甜点,但在美语中则用dessert diz:t表达这一意思。17.saintly very good and honesty e.g.1 textbook para.3

5、2 Saint Valentines Day 情人节,18.station wagon19.odd strange unusualE.g.1 an odd character E.g.2 textbook para.33,20.carton e.g.textbook para.3321.Enlist e.g.textbook para.3322.Pickup 皮卡,Homework,1.背诵单词(本单元讲完后听写)2.结合生词表,看课文。总结课文大意(英语)。3.完成课本上第9页练习。,Check homework,Main idea of the textExercises P.9 14 C

6、 B D C 5-8 B C A D,easy way,diffiult way,big bucks,enoughmoney,Part I(paras.1-4)Backgroundwhy part-time job?dialogue(role play)persuadePart II(paras.5-14)beginning.statistics:3 trucks 6oo$4000 houses responses,B.Structure,Part III(para.15-16)developmentdifficulty:hundreds of thounsands of ads.role p

7、lay(the wifes words)Part IV(paras.1729)climax solution:hire difficulty:reproduce&bodily harm role play dialogue,Part V(paras.3032)ending strike mediation statics Part VI(paras.3340)effects humorous,Detailed Reading,Alliteration,Alliteration is the appearance of the same initial consonant sound in tw

8、o or more words.,头韵法指两个或者两个以上单词的首辅音相同的一种修辞手法。,Pride and Prejudice 傲慢与偏见Fortune favors the fool.人傻命好wild whirling words 疯话 sweet-singing Susan 唱歌唱得甜美的苏珊,Examples,thick and thin 在任何情况下 black and blue 遍体鳞伤 now or never 勿失良机,机不可失then and there 当场,Examples,Alliteration creates a melodic(有旋律的)effect.,Alli

9、teration emphasis meanings,emotions,and descriptions etc.,Function,Homework,一字一句地细读课文,标记出看不懂的地方。,阅读技巧,1.长句的理解,找出主干,再添加细节。2.充分利用常识,逻辑推理等帮助理解,不钻牛角尖。,Thank you!,“I can live with it,”his brother agreed.1.live with:to accept a difficult or unpleasant situation,esp.one that continues for a long period.He

10、has to live with her wife s bad temper.他必须忍受他妻子的坏脾气。,para-3-4,“I can live with it,”his brother agreed.1.live with:to accept a difficult or unpleasant situation,esp.one that continues for a long period.He has to live with her wife s bad temper.他必须忍受他妻子的坏脾气。,para-3-4,2.pain.vt.cause pain to e.g.It pai

11、ns me to think of you struggling all alone.The father is pained by his sons bad conduct at school.e.g.It pains me to have to say this,but you can no longer be trusted.Pattern:It pains sb.to 做某事让某人痛心It pains sb.that,The boys said they would look into the magazine-delivery thing.By midnight I was comf

12、ortably settled in a hotel room far from home.,para-5,Useful Collocations:accept delivery make a delivery take delivery of special/express delivery prompt delivery on delivery delivery to sb./a place,3.delivery n.delivering(of letters,goods,etc.)e.g.We expect to take delivery of our new car this wee

13、k.Translation:你们送货还收费吗?Do you charge for delivery?,Express Mail Service,EMS,收货,送货,特快专递,提货,迅速交货,交货时,送货到某地,settle down settle forsettle ones accountsettle up,定居;安定下来,无可奈何满足于,清偿,付清,结账,e.g.许多中国人已经在美国定居了。,Many Chinese people have settled down in the United States.,“settle”知多少?,settle:vt.place in a comfor

14、table position;start living in,“Great!”I enthused.“How was your day?”I inquired.inquire:v.ask e.g.I inquired about the time of flights to Nanjing.inquire about sb./sth.inquire after sb.inquire into sth.,打听某人/某事,问候某人,调查某事,“Super!”she snapped.“Just super!And its only getting started.Another truck just

15、 pulled up out front.”,What can we infer from this word“snapped”?,Since“snap”means“say sharply”,it makes it clear that she was saying this in an ironical tone.As a matter of fact,her day was just awful.,pull up:vt.(cause to)come to a stop,pull into/out of the station,(火车)进站/出站,The first delivered fo

16、ur thousand Montgomery Wards.The second brought four thousand Sears,Roebucks.,Montgomery Ward 蒙哥马利 沃德百货公司 founder:Ward,(Aaron)Montgomery size:over 500 retail stores&700 catalog stores across the USA.rank:the 2nd largest mail-order firm in the world.,Sears,Roebuck 西尔斯 罗伯克百货公司 founder:Sears,Richard Wa

17、rren rank:the largest mail-order firm in the world,“Piece of cake!”our older college son had shouted.“Six hundred bucks!”His brother had echoed,piece of cake:sth.that can be done or obtained very easily.echo:vt.repeat(the words,feelings,etc.);(of sound)be sent back or repeat.,e.g.演说者的话在她的脑海中回荡着。,The

18、 speakers words echoed in her mind.,“Both the Sears and Ward ads are four newspaper-size pages,”my wife informed me.,inform:vt.tell;give information to,inform sb.about/of sth.inform sb.+who/why/how/that clause,be informed ofbe rightly/wrongly informedinform against/on/upon sb.,听说;接到的通知,得到正确(错误)的知识/情

19、报,告发某人,检举某人,They are crammed wall-to-wall all through the house in stacks cram:1)force or press into a small space;e.g.He crammed all his clothes into the bag.2)prepare(sb.)for an examination by teaching or learning a lot quickly.e.g.cram for an exam 为考试而死记硬背,a stack of/stacks of(books,newspapers)一叠

20、,一堆,Her voice kept rising,as if working its way out of the range of the human ear.range:n.limits within which sth.varies e.g.Jim has a wide range of interests.,translation,她越讲声音越响,几乎震耳欲聋,“Did you have a nice lunch?”she asked sweetly.I had had a marvelous steak,but knew better by now than to say so.,

21、Do you think the wife was happy?,Absolutely not.Actually,the wife suffered a lot at home.,marvelous:wonderful;first-rate,know better than:be wise enough not to 明事理(够聪明)而不至于,e.g.你本应该聪明一些,不要跟这样一个小气鬼交朋友。,You should have known better than to make friends with such a mean person.,(22)Theyve been at it fo

22、r hours but all this hasnt made a dent,not a dent,in the situation!be at:prep.engaged in,busy over Go and see what your mother is at now.put/make a dent in:1)reduce;e.g.make quite a dent in saving 2)make progress(often negative)not make a dent in the situation,(23)“Your college sons must learn that

23、one does not get the best out of employees by threatening them with bodily harm.”1.n.injury or damage Dont be angry with me;I mean no harm.2.vt.cause harm;hurt The dogs look fierce,but they wouldnt harm anyone.,cause harm 造成伤害do harm to sb./sth.伤害某人或某物undo harm 消除危害,(24)Obtaining an audience with so

24、n No.1 paraphrase:Getting a chance to talk to my oldest son.“No.1”:“the chief person in an organization.”,Then he said,“Dad,you have just worked a profound change in my personality.”the boy has his own mind.work:produce,bring about,cause e.g.work a change,(27)There was a short,thoughtful silence.,(3

25、0)The bonus program had worked until someone demanded to see the color of cash.Then some activist on the work force claimed that the workers had no business settling for$5 work:be effective have no business to do/doing sth.:have no right or reason to do sth.settle for:accept,although not satisfactor

26、y e.g.Bill wanted$1,000 for his used car but settled for$600.,show them the money.one is doubtful that a person really has the money.,(30)In mediation,the parties agreed on$2 per hour.agree on“经双方商定后”对做某事表示同意。agree with 指同意某人的意见。agree to 看法一致并承担所述的动作。e.g.The two sides have agreed on the date of nego

27、tiations.I quite agree with you on this point.agreed to the terms(同意并执行这些条件),(32)Still,it was“enough“,as one of them put it,to enable them to“avoid indignity”for quite a while.put:vt.express in words e.g.How to put this in English?translation:虽然如此,可正如一个儿子所说,那还是“足够”他们花一阵子,使他们“避免那种有失尊严的事。”,(33)Then on

28、e Saturday morning my attention was drawn to the odd goings-on of our two youngest sons.1)strange;unusual e.g.What an odd man!2)(of numbers)unable to be divided by two e.g.One,three and five are odd numbers.3)of one of a pair,set,series,etc.an odd shoe/sock/glove,(40)Thats it.Then you might as well

29、make a little money from them.We wanted to avoid the indignity of having to ask you for.”may/might as well:had better 今天天气很好,我们不如步行回家吧。Since its such a fine day,we might as well go home on foot.,money,inference from the last sentence:The two youngest sons also want to be independent,but they are too

30、 naive to know life.,伸手向人要钱,我不在乎,使我痛心,某人出差,在住下来,棒极了!,(车)停下,某人因为被指责,ask for money,I dont mind,It pains me that,sb.be/go on a business trip,be settled in,Super!Just super!,(a car)pulls up,sb.be blamed for,Useful Expressions,事情原来是这样/结果,It turns out,After Reading_1.2,紧急留言,廉价商店,外卖餐厅,够聪明而不去做,没有进展,an urgen

31、t message,dime store,takeout restaurant,know better than to do,not make a dent in,不费吹灰之力的事,(a)piece of cake,对某人奖励一块钱,offer a bonus of a dollar to sb.,减少利润,按时投送,cut into ones profit,make a delivery on time,没有理由做,通过调解,结 帐,最低工资,have no business doing,in mediation,settle ones account,a minimum wage,奇怪的举

32、动,某人有权利做,odd goings-on,sb.be entitled to(do),偷听某人做,赚大钱,overhear sb.doing,make a lot of money,3.Vocabulary Activities1.1)thoughtful 2)might as well/may as well/could as well 3)draw your attention to 4)marvelous 5)settle for 6)done with,4.After-class Exercises,7)Competitive competitive8)pains/pained9)

33、bonus 10)shrink11)delivery 12)overheard13)sour 14)for rent15)stack 16)reproduce,2.1)inquired 2)informed 3)awful 4)settle for 5)trash 6)claimed,7)Normally8)a piece of cake9)be done with10)enable11)am entitled12)quite a while,3.1)ask for 2)was set up/has been set up 3)pulled up 4)gives off 5)was held

34、up,6)keep up7)ranover8)made up9)be left out10)cutoff,4.1)It pained Jenny to learn of Jims refusal to help her with the translation.2)The extra work to be assigned to you will greatly cut into your spare time.3)Wed been at the job for hours,but we hardly made a dent in it.,4)You have no business sayi

35、ng those nasty things about Dick.5)We might as well listen to the radio program since there isnt anything interesting on television.,Enriching Your Word Power,1.1)standee2)payee3)grantee4)addressee5)a person who is absent6)a person who is being trained7)a divorced person8)a person who is appointed,2

36、.1)output2)breakdown3)setup4)Takeoff5)drawbacks6)breakthrough7)cutback8)takeover,3.1)paper,store,shop,case,cream2)making,keeping,bathing,conditioning,walking3)market,way,stop,board/smith,ground4)pill,water,material,point,machine5)pour,look/put/come,come,6)out,back/up,through/down/out,Usage,1)a dozen

37、 years2)dozens of times3)two dozen passengers4)dozens of phone calls5)three dozen boxes6)a dozen bottles of wine,Structure,1.1)a great deal of pain has been caused by evils which have never happened2)the elderly lady Miss Morris quarreled with was none other than her future mother-in-law3)this essay

38、 is well-written except for a few grammatical mistakes4)I just caught the train in time5)You cant eat your cake and have it too,2.1)You ought to know better than to go swimming straight after a meal.2)Uncle Rob should have known better than to trust that treacherous son of his.3)Sally is old enough

39、to know better than to spend all her money on fancy goods.,4)Miss Miller certainly knows better than to explore the desert all.5)His college sons should have known better than to try to get the best out of their employees by threatening them with bodily harm.6)You ought to know better than to go out

40、 in this freezing weather in those thin clothes.Youll get frozen.,Cloze,1.1)delivery2)a piece of cake3)inquire4)pulling up5)stacks6)deadline7)marvelous,8)enable9)cut into10)settle for11)settled our accounts12)minimum13)known better than,2.1)advertisement/ad2)read3)No4)like5)words6)towards7)which8)si

41、zes9)sitting,10)water 11)bottle12)one13)started14)passed15)run/pass16)into17)coming18)if19)quit20)hour21)wrote,Translation,我们接到通知,财政部长将于次日接见我们.We were informed that the Minister of Finance was to give us an audience/receive us the next day.2)我觉得很奇怪,他似乎不记得自己的生日。I thought it odd that he didnt seem to

42、remember his own birthday.,3)学期论文最迟应在下星期二交来,可是至今大部分学生却几无进展。Next Tuesday is the deadline for handing in the term paper,but most students have hardly made a dent in the work so far.4)看到学生人数不断减少,校长心里很难受。It pained the headmaster to find the number of students shrinking.,5)在那个国家一般用现金付账,但支票变得普遍起来了,不久会代替现金作为人们结账的一种方式。Cash is commonly used in paying bills in that country,but checks are becoming more popular and will,in a short while,replace cash as a way for people to settle their accounts.,6)该公司声称,这条河流的污染不是它造成的。The company claims that it is not responsible for the pollution in the river.,


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