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1、即兴演讲impromptu speech,Best English School,1.What is your favorite subject at school and why?,Best English School,一。此题目想必很多同学都曾回答过,在思考时可能相对简单,但是要出彩,达到比较好的效果并且给人留下深刻印象就比较困难了。二。先回答自己喜欢的科目是什么?后面至少给出两个理由说明自己为什最喜欢这门课 三。最好能够有一些创意或是讲一个出彩的故事从侧面映射出自己提出的论点,Best English School,Today I want to tell you my favorit

2、e subject.I love English,so my favourite subject is English.Every day at school I can read a lot of English stories,and I can enjoy them.And also English is an international language that a large number of people in the world are speaking English now,including me.When you read an English story,you c

3、an see English.When you read the news,you can see English.When you watch films,you can see English.You can see English everywhere.Its very useful.Thats why I love English.If you can learn English well,you can communicate with foreigners.Thats why I love English.,Best English School,2,What kind of bo

4、oks do you usually read when you have time?,Best English School,一。在你有时间哪种类型的书你读的最多,Best English School,一。首先同学需要回答一个自己常读的书类二。举出一个属于自己书类型的一个例子,做进一步说明,三。举例是说明原因的好办法四。同学们还可以总结这类书的一些特点五。结尾应对前文提到的内容进行总结,使演讲的条理更为清晰,Best English School,Today I come here to talk about books with you.What kind of books do I l

5、ike best?I think its story book.Its the storybook thats full of imagination.For example,Peter Pan is the book that I like best,because nearly everyone in that book has special power,like Peter Pan,Jingleso Bell,Helen and on.And even the place,the Netherlands;I also want to go there.I like reading th

6、is kind of story book,because I think its pretty funny.It can make me full of imagination.I am looking forward to having that kind of special powers,and I think that is the thing nearly every child wants.So this is the kind of books I like best,story book.,Best English School,3,Tell me about your in

7、terest hobby.,Best English School,一。这是一个开放的问题,回答的角度非常广泛,整个一分钟的演讲也许都无法列举完所有的兴趣爱好,所以从一个小角度切入,具体介绍某一个兴趣爱好,给听众留下深刻的印象,是更好的选择,Best English School,First,I love sports,such as playing basketball and swimming,because when I play basketball,my little dog Dingding plays with me.I often play basketball with Di

8、ngding on the playground.We are very happy.And in summer,I like to go swimming with my good friends,Mike and Alice.We always go toswimming pool together.Second,look at my teeth.You can find I like eating candies and chocolate.They are so sweet.Third,I like eating apples,because I know that“one apple

9、 a day keeps doctor away”Apple is very delicious.It has a lot of vitamin.Its good for our health.Look and see,I am so healthy.,Best English School,4,If you were Santa Claus,what gift would you give to your friends?,Best English School,如果你是圣诞老人,你会给你的朋友什么礼物?,Best English School,这个题目需要选手对西方文化有一定了解,把握圣诞

10、老人的主要特点。在此基础上,进行有创意的个人发挥,Best English School,Today I am going to talk about if I am Santa Claus,what I will give to my friends.I think there are a wide range of gifts to choose give them.If I give them sweets,yes chocolates,children like sweets.But I give them toomuch sweets,which will cause toothac

11、he and obesity.If I give them homework,no,students dont like homework.If I give them suppose many toy cards,it will fill the room and children will play too much.This will be not good to their study.So I were Santa Claus,of course I will give many books to them.Why?Because firstly I remember Edison

12、said before“Knowledge is power”,so suppose I am Santa Claus,I will give others books.And I like reading books,too.It can educate people.And you can be a resonsible person from reading books.And also you can receive a lot of knowledge and you can use your knowledge to tell others.,Best English School

13、,5,Please tell me one of the unforgettable things someone did for you.,Best English School,Well when I was five years old,I was in New Zealand;my mom took me to New Zealands primary school,which is called Tea Hour School.At that time,I didnt even know one English word.I was very helpless,because I b

14、ecame deaf and dumb suddenly.I didnt even know one word.My mom thinks me I am just like Alice in wonderlandbut for me,I am like Robinson in a deserted island.So then I cried and she came to help me.She drew a picture which is smiling face.She said that smiling face was mine and she wanted me to be h

15、appy.And then,she showed me the toilet,and playground,and the classroom and teacher.At that time,I felt better.,Best English School,请告诉我们一件某人为你做的令你难忘的事,Best English School,一。本题有两个关键词,一个是unforgettable,另外一个是someone二。题目的硬性要求是这件事应该是someone为你做的,而柔性要求是需要体现出它的难忘之处三。选手可采用一般的叙事顺序,交代清楚时间,地点,为你做了什么,重点突出其难忘之处,B

16、est English School,6,Please tell me three wishes that you want to realize eagerly.,Best English School,如果有人能实现你的三个愿望,它们是什么?,Best English School,一。这个题目给出了两个关键词,一个是愿望,另一个是数字三 二。基本上围绕这三个愿望,演讲内容的主体已经被分割成了三大块。三。需要注意的是三个愿望的选取应该有区分,最好能从不同的角度讲,考验的是选手思路的开阔性与创新性,Best English School,Now I am talking about my t

17、hree wishes.Well my first wish is that I wish my family will be very healthy,because my mom and dad are very kind and they love me very much.For example,when I am sick,theyre always beside me and give me medicine to eat.When I have difficulty in my study,they always help me.In this competition,they

18、always encourage me and support me all the time.And the second wish is that I can help the poor people in this world.Because I believe if everyone helps each other,the world will be warmer and warmer,the third wish is I wish I can go as far as I can in this competition.,Best English School,7,What do

19、 you usually do after class?,Best English School,一。这是个非常开放的问题,可以从丰富的课余生活提取丰富的材料来填充内容,由于话题问及usually do,即通常会做的事情,脑中第一时间浮现的场景即可拿来发挥,只需要深入回忆,添加细节形成完整的叙事情节二。有两种选择,可从小处入手,深入细致地描绘一件事情,或者列举多件事情,但需注意逻辑联系,不宜太跳跃,Best English School,Class is over.Yeah,class is over.Its time to break.We are free.We can do a lot

20、of things after class.I like reading books,playing basketball and running after class.Sometimes,I can play some games with my classmates.But I think its just not good.And sometimes I will go to teachersoffice to ask some questions,because there is a lot of knowledge I dont know.I think its good for

21、our study.And I always listen to MP3 after class.I like listening Country Road best.Its just like this“country road,take me home”I think it sounds great.Lets take a good break.Lets use it more good.And I think we can have a happy break.,Best English School,8,What kind of bad behavior in public is un

22、acceptable and why?,Best English School,公共场合中有哪些坏行为是不能被接受的,为什么?,Best English School,这个话题要求演讲者列举一些不恰当的行为,描述这些行为,并给出为什么觉得这些行为不恰当的原因,Best English School,Well,I think there are a lot of bad behaviors in public that is unacceptable.The first one is sneezing or coughing without covering,because when you s

23、neeze you should cover your mouth or your nose.If you dont do that,it may split to others,faces or clothes,so it makes other people uncomfortable.The second is smoking,because the cigarette can make some bad things.And they will fly in the air and pollute the air.And you know,nowadays inChina,there

24、is lots of pollution so I think it too bad.,Best English School,9,What is your favorite story and why?,Best English School,你最喜欢的故事是什么?你为什么喜欢它?,Best English School,这是一个需要联想。回忆和叙述故事的话题。故事叙述过后最好结合自己的思想和情感对喜欢这个故事的原因做一番分析,Best English School,My favourite story is fairy tale.I t is Little Red Riding Hood,

25、because Little Red Riding Hood is very pretty and she is very good,because she gives the cake to her grandma.But I didnt like the wolf,because he wants to eat the Little Red Riding Hood,If I was Little Red Riding Hood,I would say to the wolfI am going to give the food to my grandma.”But I wont tell

26、the wolf where my grangma lives.So I hate the black big wolf.And I like the hunter,too.Because he helped them.And I like Little Red Riding Hoods coat,because its red.I like red best.Look at my dress.Its red,too.So my favourite story is fairy tale.,Best English School,10,Who is your best friend at sc

27、hool and name three things you like about him or her.,Best English School,你在学校最好的朋友是谁?说出你喜欢他、她的三件事情,Best English School,问句关键词有best friend,school,要求中关键词是three things,like。在开头简单介绍了自己在学校的最好的朋友之后,就应该开始根据要求说出三件自己与好朋友发生的事来说明自己为什么喜欢他,并且每件事情要做出相应的说明和概括,在结尾有一个总结性的语言,Best English School,My best friend at scho

28、o is BianTong.He is a very good boy.And he is very friendly to all the people.The first time I met him,he played with his classmates and asked me to join them.So I think you know,he noticed me and it made me very happy.And secondly,he is really honest.Last time he told me that he forgot to do his ho

29、mework.And he told the teacher he did wrong.The lastly,he studies very hard,and he is the best student in our class.I will learn from him.So I like him.,Best English School,11,Describe the unhappiest day of your life and what happened?,Best English School,请描述你这一生当中最不开心的一天并告诉我们发生了什么?,Best English Sch

30、ool,这个题目的关键词是unhappiest day和what happened,在内容选材方面同学应该找一个比较简单易懂的故事。在说明这一天给自己造成了什么样的影响,自己有什么样的感受,Best English School,In my mind,I remember the unhappiest day in my life like this.I lost my best friend.I was really sad and scared since I grew up.I cried and cried,but my mom calmed me.She said,”Its no b

31、ig deal.Its just a friend.You can find her and said to her,its just a little fight.Its no big deal.You can say to her”Im sorry and promise to her it wont happen again.So I found my friend and said sorry to her.And I was pretty happy the day after.So that was the saddest thing Ive ever had.,Best Engl

32、ish School,12,What is your favourite sport and why do you like it?,Best English School,一。先指出自己最喜欢的运动,说明原因二。题材要选用比较丰富的,Best English School,I like swimming best.Do you think I am too short?I want to swim,because it can help me be taller and taller.And I think I had better swim in summer,because it is

33、a very hot season.After swimming,I can feel very cool.And I want to tell you that sport is very important in our life.You can do more sports and it can make you strong.,Best English School,13,Do you have any after-school classes in training school?Do you think it is necessary for students and why?,B

34、est English School,你是否在校外培训班上课?你觉得这些课程对学生有必要吗?为什么?,Best English School,需要给出是或否的明确回答,然后根据学生的想法和需要对培训进行分析陈述自己的观点,并且有逻辑,Best English School,I learn English in the after-school class.I think some of the after-school classes are necessary for students.They can broaden our eye-sights.We can learn a lot of

35、 things from the after-school classes.The students must face to many subjects.At school,they can study hard,but what about their free time?We always want to play.But if we have some after-school classes,teachers can also help us.Because knowledge is power.,Best English School,14,What kind of books d

36、o you want to read in your spare time?,Best English School,15,Do you like western fast food?Why or why not?,Best English School,这个题目需要表达自己对某事物的看法,并分析原因,要先回答喜不喜欢,并适当散发给出合理的理由和依据,,Best English School,I dont like western fast food,because I think fast food is very bad for my body.There are trans-fat an

37、d food additives in them.And if I eat too much fast food,I will get mature very early,but I think it is very popular in China,because its very different from Chinese traditional food.,Best English School,16,/56 Do you have a pet?Why do you think people like keeping pets?你有宠物吗?你认为人们为什么喜欢养宠物吗?,Best En

38、glish School,这道题包含两个问句,第一个问句需要同学进行正面的肯定或者否定,可以进行相关的原因阐述。第二个问句需要同学表达出对这一现象的看法和自己的理解。感悟,Best English School,Yes,I have a pet and its a gold fish.The reason why I keep fish is that my mother doesnt like fur animals.Animals are our friends.So if you feel bored or if you get nothing to do.You can play wi

39、th your pet friends.And secondly,if some people are blind,they need some guide dogs.They can help them cross the road.They can take them to the airport and so on.So thats the reason why people like keeping pets.,Best English School,17,/66 Which country would you like to visit most and why?你最希望去哪个国家旅

40、游,为什么?,Best English School,这是个特殊疑问句,需要在世界各国中选一个国家,并说明为什想去该地旅游的原因,最好选择有明显特色的国家,讲述自己了解的具体信息和相关背景,Best English School,Today my topic is which country I would like to visit most.You know,I havent been abroad before.If I have a chance,I will go to country which has beautiful sights and it could be intere

41、sting.So I think its USA.Because you know,USA is a big country,and there are lots of modern enterprises there for example,the Apple Company and Microsoft I also like to visit the Disneyland in America.Because I heard the Disneyland is very interesting.And I hope I will visit that country.,Best Engli

42、sh School,18,/80 In your opinion,what is the best way to improve the spoken English?在你看来,提高口语的最好的办法是什么?,Best English School,这是个开放式的问题,对于来参加演讲比赛的同学来讲,平时必然花了很多心思来琢磨如何提高口语,积累的素材是很充足的。把学习英语的过程和向往的目标结合叙述即可,Best English School,In my opinion,I think I can sing the English songs to improve my English.I like

43、 music very much,because music is every word we use today.Without music,I will feel nothing pleasant.Every word is beautiful for our dreams.I have beautiful voice and I can play the guitar with singing.So singing English songs can improve my spoken English.Now I will sing an English song for you.,Be

44、st English School,19/76,What do you usually do on the Internet?你通常在网上做什么?,Best English School,这又是个开放的问题,需要演讲者回忆自己的经历并用语言讲述出来,语言中多用对事件的叙述,还可以讲一些个人喜好,与对因特网的看法,Best English School,As you can see,I wear glasses,so I dont usually play computer games on the internet.But as we all know,nowadays computer ha

45、s become more and more popular in the whole world.I usually watch many movies on the internet.I watch many interesting movies.My favourite movie is“Hugo”.I always think I dont have courage but then I watched that movie on the Internet,I think my life is full of dark clouds.But then I watch this TV.A

46、nd there is a famous saying,”Everything has a purpose,even machines.Clock tells you time and train takes you to places.”If you lose your purpose,it feels like you are broken.So I know my purpose is to work very hard and being good to my teachers and all my classmates.So I start to work hard.I think

47、Internet is very useful.,Best English School,20/80,Can you describe your ideal teacher?你能描述一下你理想中的老师吗/,Best English School,.,Today I want to talk about my deal teacher.My ideal teacher is Miss Zhu.She is always kind to the children and she is always generous.She has some special ways on teaching and

48、 we like having her class.I remembered that she brought a bottle of chocolate from Russia,but she didnt eat.She gave chocolate to every student.So we thanked her very much.And she is like a friend to the children.We like to tell our secrets and confuses to her.And she tells us the way that we can so

49、lve the problem patiently.So I love Miss Zhu.,Best English School,.,21,/83 What do you think life will be like in 2050?,Best English School,I think the people who live in 2050 will have an amazing life.First,the street which is in 2050 will become wider and wider,and the buildings will become taller

50、 and taller.The environment will become more and more beautiful.I think people who live in 2050 will have a better life.And let all of us work hard together for our lives in 2050.,Best English School,.,22,/91Describe the best gift youve ever received.请描述你所收到的最好的一份礼物,Best English School,I think the b


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