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1、目 录第一章 绪 论.1第二章 常见沥青路面病害类型及产生原因.22.1 裂缝.22.2 路面推移.32.3 泛油和油斑.42.4 车辙.4第三章 病害防治技术和处理方法.63.1 裂缝的预防措施和治理措施.63.2 路面推移以及泛油和油斑的预防措施和治理措施.93.3 车辙预防措施和治理.9第四章 结束语.11参考文献.12致谢.13外语翻译.14摘 要本文分析了常见沥青路面病害类型及产生原因,阐明了沥青路面早期裂缝造成原因和后果, 影响车辆的行驶舒适性,造成道路行车安全隐患。对沥青混凝土路面产生裂缝的预防与处理,是保证行车质量,延长道路使用周期的关键。针对当前沥青路面普遍存在的病害问题,提

2、出了简便有效防治措施,以提高沥青路面的使用寿命, 针对病害提出了病害防治技术和处理方法。随着高速公路的的飞速发展,沥青混凝土路面得到了广泛的应用,但道路裂缝成为普遍存在且对道路危害较为严重的病害之一,因此探索高速公路沥青混凝土路面裂缝成因及防治措施,提高其使用寿命就显得优为重要。关键词:沥青路面病害处理方法 AbstractIn this paper the common asphalt pavement disease types and causes of asphalt pavement, expounds the causes and consequences caused by ea

3、rly cracks, the influence of vehicle driving comfort, road traffic safety hazard. The asphalt concrete pavement for prevention and treatment of cracks is to guarantee the quality and prolong driving cycle of road use. In view of the current asphalt pavement widespread disease problems, and put forwa

4、rd effective prevention measures in order to improve the service life, proposed for disease prevention and control technology and processing method diseases.Along with the rapid development of expressway asphalt concrete pavement, and has been widely used, but the road to crack exists and become mor

5、e serious diseases road harm one, so to explore expressway asphalt concrete pavement of crack causes and prevention measures to improve its service life is optimal for important.Keywords: asphalt pavement processing methods第一章 绪 论 近几年,随着我国公路建设的发展,使我公司负责管理养护的高速公路里程已达到了1092公里,沥青混凝土路面以其比单纯的混凝土路面具有诸多优势特

6、点,而越来越多地被应用到高等级公路建设中,但是沥青混凝土路面的一些问题却不容忽视。在各种因素的影响下,不可避免的会出现很多病害,沥青混凝土大部分设计年限为15年。然而部分地区局部路段路面使用年限2年都不足,既影响使用功效又浪费资源。现就我区最早建成通车呼包高速公路(1997年7月建成通车)及其辅道(二级公路)发生的一些裂缝病害的危害、类型分类、成因及防治措施进行简要的研究探讨。 第二章 常见沥青路面病害类型及产生原因 沥青路面的病害产生是多种因素综合作用的结果,其种类繁多,但主要表现为裂缝、车辙、沉陷、坑槽、唧泥、泛油、波浪、拥包、表面磨光、松散剥落等。现就沥青混凝土路面最常见的裂缝、路面推移

7、、泛油和油斑、车辙产生的原因进行分析。 2.1裂缝 2.1.1横向裂缝:裂缝与路中心线基本垂直,缝宽不一,缝长贯穿部分路幅或整个路幅。裂缝一般比较规则,每隔一定的距离产生一道裂缝,裂缝间距的大小取决于当地的气温和沥青面层与半刚性基层材料的抗裂性能。 2.1.2纵向裂缝:裂缝走向基本与行车方向平行,裂缝长度和宽度不一。主要集中在行车道轮迹分布密集处,因为高速公路交通渠化分明,轮迹位置及轮迹分布范围较小。大车、慢车、重型车辆全部集中在行车道上,快车、小型车,轻型车行驶于超车道机会明显增多,超车道上荷载较小,交通量相对较小,纵向裂缝也较小,纵缝缝宽一般在510mm,靠近标线或位于车道中央,且绵延几十

8、米,甚至数百米。常以单条裂缝形式出现。产生的原因有两种可能性,一种情况是沥青面层分路幅摊铺时,两幅接茬处未处理好,在车辆荷载及大气因素作用下逐渐开裂;另一种情况是由于路基压实度不均匀或由于路基边缘受水侵蚀产生不均匀沉陷而引起。 2.1.3网状裂缝:裂缝纵横交错。缝宽1mm以上,缝距40cm以下,1m2以上。 2.1.4反射裂缝:基层产生裂缝后,在温度和行车荷载作用下,裂缝将逐渐反射到沥青表面,路表面裂缝的位置形状与基层裂缝基本相似。半刚性基层的开裂通常由温缩或干缩引起,多数情况是在基层铺筑后,由于未按规定及时养生或未及时铺筑沥青面层,使基层长期暴露在大气中,在降温和水分联合作用下而开裂。 笔者

9、在郊环线病害发生地点实际观察过发现,在“白改黑”路段和桥头回填路段反射裂缝病害比较普遍。究其原因,“白改黑”路段原设计“白色”路面设计年限和标准相对现在而言低,且路基设计标准也是参照以往的交通情况和要求,在沥青路面施工后,重交通荷载下,“白色”路面产生裂缝,反射到沥青路面;桥头回填路段主要是因为软基路段不均匀沉降引起的裂缝直接反射到沥青路面。 另外,行车荷载的作用加速裂缝的发展,二灰碎石在施工及运营中由于种种原因会产生细微裂纹。根据断裂力学理论,半刚性基层内存储的能量由行车荷载提供,并通过裂纹失稳扩展消耗能量,这个过程不断反复进行,使独立的裂纹扩展为数条贯通宏观裂纹,直到形成小裂缝,最后成为贯

10、穿裂缝。这是行车道裂缝多于超车道,变通量轴载次数大裂缝多于交通量小原因所在。 2.2路面推移 沥青混凝土面层推移,主要是指混合料在道路的纵向发生位移,它可能是在施工期间发生或者是在道路通车一段时间后产生,尤其在高温天气下。 2.3泛油和油斑 泛油和油斑是指沥青混合料中粘结料集中到局部地方,最直接的判断方式就是在道路轮迹处出现发亮的纵向条纹,在施工铺设和通车后阶段都有可能出现。 路面推移以及泛油和油斑这两种病害产生的最主要的原因是混合料离析。混合料发生离析时,粗集料和细集料分别集中于铺筑层的某些位置,使沥青混凝土不均匀、配合比级配与原设计不符,混合料失去原设计达到的粘接力就形成了路面推移,而混合

11、料的不均匀还会导致集料和沥青分离,沥青集中到一处形成泛油和油斑。混合料离析又是由什么引起的呢? a沥青混合料本身的原因:配合比设计若采用间断级配、大粒径较粗级配均易产生集料的离析;沥青用量偏大也易产生离析; b.混合料拌和过程、运输、摊铺过程中的离析:拌和温度过高,连续式拌和均易产生离析。当拌和料被放人运输车时,将有一部分骨料流向车厢的侧面,造成粗细集料集中现象。同时热量损失在运输车厢周边立刻出现,在改性沥青路面中,由于要求温度高,这样的现象就越明显。在热混合料运输中,尤其是运距越长,越会造成车厢底、侧及顶面温度降低。卸料时料在顶面温度低的料落在摊铺机受料斗的两侧,当料车卸完料以及受料斗中料堆

12、接近消失时,两侧冷料向内落下,被输送带送到后面的分料室,并被整平,整平板不可能使较冷的混合料与高温混合料一样固结。 2.4车辙 车辙一般是在温度较高的季节,沥青面层在车辆的反复碾压下产生永久变形和塑性流动而逐渐形成。它通常是在伴随沥青面层压缩沉陷的同时,出现侧向隆起,二者组合起来构成的。路面的永久变形主要发生在沥青面层中。因此,为了延缓车辙的形成,主要应从提高沥青面层材料的高温稳定性来着手考虑。此外,车辙的严重程度与沥青面层的结构组成和配合比有极大关系,ii型沥青混凝土路面自身的抗车辙能力比i型好的多。 第三章 病害防治技术和处理方法 3.1裂缝的预防措施和治理措施产品生产前对原材料特别是沥青

13、做试验,根据沥青路面施工及验收规范(gb50092)要求,按本地区气候条件和道路等级选取适用的沥青类型。以减少或消除沥青面层温度收缩裂缝。采用优质沥青更有效。沥青路面裂缝产生后,应及时予以处理,防止水等有害物质侵入,影响道路使用寿命。目前我公司采用的裂缝维修方法主要有以下几个类型:3.1.1普通沥青或改性沥青灌缝处理呼包高速公路辅道(旧G110国道)二级公路上对于细裂缝(25mm)可用乳化沥青进行灌缝处理;对于大于5mm的粗裂缝,可用改性沥青(如SBS改性沥青)进行灌缝处理;在灌缝前,必须清除缝内、缝边碎料、垃圾等,并保证缝内干燥;在灌缝后,表面应洒布粗砂或3 5mm的石屑。优点:施工要求技术

14、难度低,施工简便,投资少,见效快。缺点:行车感不好,治标不治本,短期行为,过不了不久又会出现。3.1.2路面裂缝修补专业密封胶灌缝处理 呼包高速公路大部分路段,裂缝宽度在1cm以下的可采用密封胶进行灌缝处理。现在国内市场上密封胶种类很多,多为代理国外厂家产品,国产的密封胶也在近几年出现,但质量不是很稳定。在内蒙古地区选用的密封胶,应采用适合在寒带(或寒温带)使用的标准型号,适用温度为-30-38之间。密封胶灌缝必须采用专业路面灌缝机,施工季节应选在春秋两季,路面地表温度应达到4以上为宜(如达不到必须使用热吹枪对路面加温)且在阴雨天气不允许施工。灌注前应对路面裂缝进行开槽,开出的槽宽度为12.7





19、伸入新铺层15cm左右,每压一遍向新铺层移动1520cm,直到压路机全部在新铺层为止。对于纵向裂缝,如分幅摊铺时,前后幅应紧跟,上、下层的施工纵缝应错开15cm以上,摊铺时控制好松铺系数,使压实后的接缝结合紧密、平整。1.3沥青路面摊铺前,对下卧层需认真检查,及时清除泥灰,处理好软弱层,保证下卧层稳定。在旧路面上加铺沥青路面结构层前,须铣削原路面后再加铺,以延缓反射裂缝的形成。 3.1.5在路面出现微小裂缝时就必须及时处理整治。对于细裂缝(25mm)可用改性乳化沥青灌缝。对大干5mm的粗裂缝,可用改性沥青(如橡胶类改性沥青)灌缝。灌缝前,必须清除缝内、缝边碎粒、垃圾,并使缝内干燥。灌缝后,表面

20、撒上粗砂或35mm石屑。对裂缝很大的情况,必须将裂缝两边沥青混凝土开挖,先处理基层再摊铺新混合料,水稳定性好、收缩性小的半刚性材料是首选基层。 3.2路面推移以及泛油和油斑的预防措施和治理措施: 提高混合料在压实后的内在稳定性,适度降低沥青和细集料的含量,提高混合料中多角碎石颗粒的含量,施工摊铺时尽量避免搅拌不匀的现象,如出现时可采用人工局部挑出。另外运输途中绝不能出现颠簸严重运输时间长情况。 出现路面推移情况时只能局部铲除,采用符合要求的新混合料摊铺,并与周边的混合料结合紧密。 3.3车辙预防措施和治理措施: 主要是提高混合料的高温稳定性。近几年来的改性沥青混合料的生产施工实践证明,采用改性

21、沥青混合料是防止或延缓路面产生车辙的有效方法。在沥青中掺人不同的改性剂能改善沥青的很多性能,粘度提高,感温性能稳定,沥青软化点提高,针入度提高,耐老化性能提高,从而也相应的提高了沥青的高温稳定性和抗车辙能力。改性沥青分为三类:第一类为矿物类填料,如碳、木质素、石棉等;第二类为聚合物类,橡胶类SBS、树脂类EVA、PA等;第三类为添加剂,包括抗养化剂、抗剥落剂等。从改性沥青混合料生产实践中可知,PE对改善沥青混合料的高温稳定性效果明显,而EVA对改善沥青低温延度方面效果明显。第四章 结束语沥青路面的病害必须从路基施工准备阶段就开始重视,所有公路建设工程的施工单位和养护单位都有义不容辞的责任、义务

22、,都必须强化施工管理,完善施工工艺和施工方法,提高施工质量,才能从源头上、根本上解决问题,社会效益和社会质量得到保证。主要病害裂缝的产生很大程度上是由于不规范施工造成的,只要积极采取有效措施,规范管理,合理组织施工工序,杜绝不利因素的发生,裂缝问题一定可以减少。对出现的裂缝因地制宜结合当地实际情况选取合理的处理方法进行处理,就可以最大限度避免裂缝病害的进一步发展,确保道路使用寿命达到甚至超过设计使用寿命。参考文献1、清华大学混凝土结构中国建筑工业出版社 1994.6北京2、交通部公路司.公路工程质量通病指南.北京:人民交通出版社,2002。3、中华人民共和国交通部发布.公路沥青路面养护技术规范

23、(JTJ073.2-2001)北京:人民交通出版社,2001致 谢感谢实习单位让我学到了许多路基试验室的知识,让我理论与实践相结合能够更好的完善所学到的知识。感谢学校,感谢我的所有任课老师让我更多的了解道路桥梁。历时半载,从论文选题到搜集资料,从开题报告、写初稿到反复修改,期间经历了喜悦、聒噪、痛苦和彷徨,在写作论文的过程中心情是如此复杂。如今,伴随着这篇毕业论文的最终成稿,复杂的心情烟消云散,自己甚至还有一点成就感。And subgrade construction program1.preparationsConstruction lofting: sure road line and r

24、oadbed and covers an area of red edge120, small structures built underground pipelines having set small structures and roadbed (earth), but the underground pipeline must follow the first underground, after, the first deep shallow, after the guarantee the continuity of the subgrade construction.130,

25、soil and stone roadbed () engineering:The quality inspection and acceptance of 1.4, check and acceptance: when should focus on the roadbed compaction, flatness, slope, roadbed width and deflection testing etc.2 and roadbed construction processThe original surface and 2.1, slope baseThe quality of su

26、bgrade construction project is the key and route of roadbed project can withstand time, vehicle load, the winter monsoon rains. To make the subgrade engineering, roadbed compactness.a work.we must, on the surface of in-situ and slope of base. roadbed compactness.a should first on the ground. When th

27、e road embankment height not less than 1.0 m, should pay attention to the subgrade within the scope of the roots, grass all disadvantage. If the surface soil corrosion of basement, need excavator budding soil or artificial surface soil will fill, thickness change remove depending on the specific cir

28、cumstances, not less than 30cm advisable and be layered compaction. If found CaoHui layer, frozen, crack, should be replaced with soil conditions, and in accordance with the provisions on backfill compaction. Through the cultivated land, embankment road embankment fill in advance before the construc

29、tion must be compacted. If one organic matter content and other impurities, when the roller is too easy for flexibility, compaction, because in filling or mix.slope basal processing. Slope smaller (less than 5) cross-sectional slope, simply remove the surface slope surface, its processing method. Bu

30、t the bigger slope gradient (1), more than should be made to slope steps, embedded in the packing adequately, in order to prevent the embankment of sliding. According to the size of the steps, soil, terrain and construction method and different, generally wide, and should not be less than the 1-m pr

31、ojects to DiNa steps into 3-5% of the slope tilt and layered ramming. After all, when completed by general filling.With 2.2, subgrade soil compactionHighway roadbed of strength and stability depends to a great extent on the nature and the roadbed compaction packing. From the present conditions, and

32、improve soil compaction condition and roadbed quality guarantee is the most effective and economical way.Ammeters subgrade fillingThe rules and regulations of subgrade filling should choose conditions. Rock embankment is an ideal material should be good stability, convenient construction, small comp

33、ressibility compaction and the distance of the soil and stone material is short. Packing should be generally adopted gravel subgrade and plasticity index of soil moisture content and conformance to specifications, dont use silt, swamp, organic soil, frozen, grass, garbage and contain the soil corros

34、ion. More than 50 for liquid limit and plastic index of soil, should not be commonly 26 as subgrade filling. The smallest of subgrade filling maximum diameter and strength to quantify the value of the standard, using CBR characterization of subgrade soil strength, introduced the concept of road bed.

35、 On the bed of the packing of the condition, highways and highway pavement base class 0-30cm below the road bed packing should be more than 8, the value of CBR under the bed and the road below, also fill are specified. As subgrade filling cannot reach the minimum strength, should take mixing aggrega

36、tes, or in filling, or use such as lime stabilization material handling, not for other senior level road paving road, also want to use expressway and the specified level of paction soil baseEarth compaction effect of soil compaction degree is to improve the permeability of soil, water, reducing the

37、height of capillary, control water and soil erosion of concentration and softening, or because of the yankees and frost heaving the non-uniform deformationearth compaction theoryIn most cases, by soil subgrade soil, water and air is composed of three-phase system. They all have their respective char

38、acteristics and interdependent common in a unity, constitute the physical characteristics of the soil, viscosity, permeability and elasticity, plasticity and mechanical strength, etc. If the situation changes, is composed of soil physical properties to be different. Therefore, to change the characte

39、ristics of soil, and the change from the start. Soil compaction, is by mechanical means to change the soil structure, to improve soil base of strength and stability.Earth compaction effect of internal factors of soil moisture content and main is nature, external factors have compaction function, com

40、paction methods and tools, etc.1 compaction effect of moisture(1)water is the decisive factor of compaction effect,2 when the optimum moisture in the soil, which is hard plastic state, the most easily get the best compaction effect,3 the soil pressure ShiDao best density water stability.For soil com

41、paction effect(1) the different soil types are different optimum moisture and maximum dry density,2 higher (liquid-limit high dispersion viscosity, the soil, the larger), the absolute best content of absolute maximum dry density and lesser,3 the sand and clay compaction of good performance ( c 1.85)

42、 and cohesive soil compaction of poor performance ( 1.70) paction of compaction effect functionThe same kind of soil compaction function with the best content decreased, while the maximum dry density function with the compaction increases, When the moisture content must, when the compaction function

43、 is higher density, When the compaction increases to a certain function, soil compaction degree is not significantly increased, it shows that, for a certain kind of soil, if exceeds a certain extent, in which the compaction increases the way to improve soil compaction degree is not paction tools and

44、 methods for compaction effect(1) the compaction tools, how effective pressure transmission is different also. Research shows that, after the pressure of machines, vibration-type transmission deepest, most shallow rolling type.2 the compaction machine, load weight more hours long, soil compaction de

45、gree is higher, but the rate of growth of density decreases with increase of time, compaction machine is heavier, soil compaction degree was increased with increasing unloading time quickly, but more than a time limit of soil deformation, destruction will increase sharply and achieve, Machines that

46、exceed the soil heavy intensity limit, will cause the soil.3 the higher speed roller compaction effect.Currently, generally USES the roadbed construction of large-tonnage roller (less than), the road roller upward-leading continuous casting.the to center on both sides, until the surface of the wheel track without obvious, follow after the first light weight, low vibration, the first after stability after the first slow, quick, high, the princi


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