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1、In this edition of,“Present!“,well talk,about looking at,presentation design,differently than we,are used to.,In this edition of,“Present!“,well talk,about looking at,presentation design,differently than we,are used to.,Cool!Do I needspecial glassesfor that?,In this edition of,“Present!“,well talk,a

2、bout looking at,presentation design,differently than we,Nope!,are used to.,Cool!Do I needspecial glassesfor that?,Great!,Great!,Hmm.you might,still want to talk,to someone about,those,though!,Why?,Why?,.uhmm.,.uhh.anyways!,Moving on!,THANK,FOR CLICKINGTHROUGH!,Why should you,take time to,click throu

3、gh,the rest?,What I can,already tell,you about this,presentation.,Its.,Its.,HELPFUL,Its.,FUNNY,Its.,SIMPLE,.and when there iscritical information.,.theres a big,button!*,*Joke Douglas Adams,Ready?,Ready?,Lets Go!,ONE,thing,you,takewith,you,from,this,presentation.,.its this.,Re-Think,Presentation,Des

4、ign!,What do I mean by,that?Ill show you:,Ill tell you about 3,things today.,Old Habits,One Message,One Story,OldHabits,FORGET,what you knowabout Powerpointslides!,FORGET,what you knowabout Powerpointslides!,whoops,forgot this,Your old habits might,stop you from doing,GREAT presentations.,Your old h

5、abits might,stop you from doing,GREAT presentations.,So for now,try tore-evaluate,re-assessthem.And if possible,tryto stay away from them.,.AND NOCHEATING!,1 Slide,7 Lines/Slide7 Words/Line,1 Slide,7 Lines/Slide7 Words/Line,:40 Secondsper Slide,:40 Secondsper Slide,Start with this?,Start with this?,

6、Get rid of the,technicalrestraints ofPowerPoint.,.and start with blanksheets of paper!,Everything clear?,Excellent!,Lets move on then!,OneMessage,What are the,things that you,think about when,starting to create,a presentation?,Sans Serif?,Font size?,Where can I getnice pictures?Which colors?#of Slid

7、es?,Hmm.,Instead.,.you should be focusing,on your main message.,What if you were in this,very realistic situation?,Whats the main message,punk?You have 5 secondsto tell me.,Okay,maybe its not THAT,realistic.,Okay,maybe its not THAT,realistic.,How about this?,“Uhm,I didnt,get that last part,why was t

8、hat,relevant to the,presentation?“,“Uhm,I didnt,get that last part,why was that,relevant to the,presentation?“,Is this any,better?,Its of little use,calculatingwind speed,angle,grassheight,ball,friction.,.when you dont even,know where the hole is.,So,first think:,So,first think:,What is the,point yo

9、u,want to make?,If you already have,one,thats great!,If not,dont worry,there are manyways to find out.,Me,I like to,brainstorm.,Me,I like to,brainstorm.,Thats not me,by the way.,Look at things from a,different perspective.,Think about it for a while.,Do you have,the one,message?,Do you havethe oneme

10、ssage?Cheap,Boo!,word play!,Do you havethe onemessage?,Cheap,Pshht!,Boo!,word play!,Quiet!,Yep,I have it-it,wasnt THAT hard!,OneStory,Your story is the path.,Your message is the goal.,When you have agreat story.,.bad slides will not ruin thepresentation.,.but having great slides,cannot improve a bad

11、 story!,Too fast?Here it is again!,Great Slides,Bad Slides,Great StoryBad Story,Excellent!Okay.ish,Good!Time Waster,This is where you should want to be!,Great Slides,Bad Slides,Great StoryBad Story,Excellent!Okay.ish,Good!Time Waster,How to create a story?,You can,brainstorm,your ideas.,You can,brai

12、nstorm,your ideas.,Still not me.,Throw away the,things that dont,support your main message.,Keep the,supporting ideas.,Connect them,into a clear,concise story.,.that talk,about your,main message.,But thats just one,possibility.,Just keep trying and find out,whats best for you!,I mean.,.Paris wasnt b

13、uilt in a day!,.Paris wasnt built in a day!,Thats Rome youretalking about,duh!,.Paris wasnt built in a day!,Thats Rome youretalking about,duh!Well,Paris wasnt built in aday either,duh back at you!,Got all that?,Awesome!,.heres a quick reminderwhat we went through today:,Old Habits,One Message,One St

14、ory,So,next time you start a,presentation.,Re-Think howyou create it!,Thank You!,This is the first,presentation of a possible,Present!“Series.,If enough people find it useful,Iwill start making more,e.g.onPresentation Delivery,DesignTechniques,PreparationMethods,Case Studies.,If YOU thought this presentation was,useful/cool/nice,vote for me at the,“Worlds Best Presentation Contest.“,You can vote here.Thanks forthe support!,.,Oliver AdriasReThink!http:/,You can vote here.Thanks forthe support!,


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