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1、Marketing Analysis,Maker:#,P&G company and product introduction,Corporate value,Market segmentation,brand strategy,advertising strategy,marketing strategy,Proctor and Gamble is the full name of Procter&Gamble Company(Procter&Gamble Company),was founded in 1837 by William Procter and James Gamble in

2、the Midwest of Cincinnati.,It is the worlds largest maker of washing and skincare and health products,is currently one of the worlds largest commodity companies.The P&G consists of over 135,000 employees working in over 80 countries worldwide.,The P&G has one of the largest and strongest trusted bra

3、nds,including Pampers,Tide,Pantene,Pringles,Crest and Olay,and so on.,Procter&gamble in 1988 set up joint ventures in China,guangzhou.,Lets take shampoo for example:It is not taking Consumer demographic variable characteristics(like,age or sex),but according to the features of consumer hair to niche

4、 markets.Head and shoulders,it is need for dandruff hair;Pan ting,hair needs nutrition;Rejoice,is for those who want silky hair;VS,for professional hair care。Each brand has its specific market,and each brand products and have more specific segment.procter&gamble products market segmentation is a com

5、prehensive and accurate,covering almost all markets.,P&Gs multiple-brand strategy,from the function,price,packing and so on various aspects divided into multiple markets,meet different levels,different needs of various customer demand,and thus cultivate consumer brand preference to our enterprises,i

6、mprove its loyalty,the company formed a strong impression in the customer heart,improved the market leadership and brand reputation of the procter&gamble.,Customer propaganda and accumulation of knowledgeOrdinary consumers lack of understanding of her hair and maintenance knowledge.Procter&gamble,ma

7、ke each product according to different hair,and have clear instructions on product packaging,make the customer in the choice of shampoo can according to their own situation to choose the right hair products.Procter&gamble printed 800 free phone number on all of the products,convenient customers cons

8、ult related issues.,Innovatived advertising strategy Advertising positioning and brand positioning together.P&G existing including float soft,pantene and head&shoulders shampoo,vs and clairol five brand,each brand has its characteristics of market positioning.,Choosing spokesperson opportunely,show

9、the brand image.Procter&gamble company,according to different brand style,choose the right agent,not only effectively show the brand image,and through celebrity effect,enhance the brand visibility.For example,Pantene,as hair care experts,always thought Chinese women created elegant,healthy,feminine

10、hair as the goal.So pantenes agents must have elegant,healthy and feminine qualities,and is representative of the womens beautiful dream.,Exploring customers psychology,making the advertising deeply rooted in the hearts of everybody.experts and comparison is theTwo typical formula of P&gs advertisin

11、g strategy.Experts is using experts to make the advertising more persuasive:Firstly P&G will point out a question to attract your attention;And then an authoritative experts will tell you that P&G is the solution,Finally you may listen to the experts advice,your problem is solved.Comparison method i

12、s P&G put their products and competitors products together,by comparison,you can clearly find that the superiority of p&g products.,标准化与差异化策略的有机结合 首先,宝洁公司为了把握中国市场,组织了两批市场调研队伍,一批通过市场预测、定量研究、定性分析、座谈会、研讨会以及商店调查等专业方式。另一批派出非专业调研人员深入大江南北、穷乡僻壤,不仅系统研究中国百姓的衣、食、住、行,而且详细观察他们如何梳妆、清扫、换尿布、刷牙。在大量市场调研的基础上,宝洁公司一方面把它

13、的品牌换上十足中国化的名称如玉兰油、飘柔、海飞丝、潘婷、舒肤佳、碧浪、汰渍等,另一方面针对中国民众热爱大自然,崇尚中草药疗效的普遍心理,在许多产品中加入了天然药用植物成分。,Promotion methods with Chinese characteristics Procter&gamble carry out the oral health promotion activitiesin poor areas,and give them lots of dental medical apparatus and oral protection products。,Seamless distr

14、ibution strategy Seamless distribution strategy,refers to the 90 s between multinational companies and middlemen or wholesale and retailers to reduce distribution costs and improve the efficiency of distribution and use of a series of long-term mutual trust cooperation pattern of team.,P&g brands and p&g people are the cornerstone of successful company.Working to beautify consumers around the world and at the same time,p&gs people try to realize their own value。,Thank you!,


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