1、MarriageDifference,Western wedding,pure romantic feeling valued,Wedding Ceremony and Banquet,The wedding of west belongs to a romantic type,the whole wedding from started ending to be filled with romantic breathing.The brides demitoilet is generally a white,the bridegroom is a black demitoilet,makin
2、g the whole wedding show of modesty serious.,Wedding Supplies,Something old,something new,something borrowed,something blue,and a silver sixpence inside your shoe,veil,Bouquet and corsage,Be sure to use the bride and groom corsage bouquet of floral materials,Going to church to hold a matrimony rites
3、 is the whole link with the most important wedding.,Wedding Vows,I(Grooms Name)take thee(Brides Name)to be my wedded wife,to have and to hold from this day forward,for better for worse,for richer for poorer,in sickness and in health,to love,honor,and cherish,til death do us part,according to Gods ho
4、ly ordinance;and thereto I plight thee my troth.,Eastern marriage,the bride wears red generally dress,wear brides headdress,the top still has a piece of and red silk kerchief.But the bridegroom wear red long gown jacket,wearing red to follow a hat greatly.,Phoenix coronet,Chinese wedding stress a lo
5、t,before the wedding is held,it should to go through a marriage divination,blind date,set up a small,select auspicious days,zoom setting,dowry,and many of etiquette.,Wedding ptotos,in the US,wedding photos are only slowly starting to wander from the traditional aisle.Some new,at times shocking,twist
6、s are being wrought on the traditional point-and-shoot.,Trashing the dress,Our hope is that our photographer will put his own artistic stamp on the photos.I want them to have a point of view and character.,Some wedding cakes,Most park-going,photo-parade couples in China are in rented apparel.But tha
7、ts not the case in the States.Most brides buy expensive,thousand-dollar dresses to wear only once,before storing them away as a keepsake or possible hand-me-down.That is,unless they trash it-by swimming in a swamp,or lighting the dress on fire in the desert.The trend is more Glamor mag than wedding
8、drag,and it is a freeing experience much more rewarding than stuffing the princess piece back in some box.,The typical films,Pushing hands,Director:Ang leeArea:Taiwan,ChinaDuration:105 minutesType:a drama/comedy1sports date:in 1991,The Wedding Banquet,Director:Ang leeArea:Taiwan,China/AmericaType:a comedy Duration:106 min Release time:in 1993,气喘吁吁(淘金骇客 不见不散)英文名:Panting 编 剧:郑重 Zheng Zhong,Thanks,