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1、1,Face-Changing in Sichuan Opera川剧变脸,2,Do You Know?,3,The development of Sichuan Opera,Speaking of independence,it is necessary first of Sichuan Opera where a traced back to the first.Saying-Qianlong,Jiaqing years,and every time someone in the terminal villages in Sichuan township forests imperial c

2、ourt will be set up on stage for the celebration of the passage of time,the Sichuan Opera in the climate of being in the street.Qing Dynasty fill Hubei and Hunan,Sichuan,for the culture of Sichuan has brought a lot of new elements,Queensland,high,Hu,bombs,lights,Zhu cavity troupe Bashu pooled into a

3、 major city neighborhood liquor,and,Dan,net,at the end,the ugly and appeared in a teahouse on the small stage,a total lack of gradually forming with style,collectively referred to the late Qing Dynasty,Sichuan Opera,renamed after the Sichuan Opera.,川剧的发展没有一个统一的说法。话说,乾隆,嘉庆年间,每一个在四川乡镇村落森林的终端一次有人朝廷将设在舞


5、和技巧性高度结合的产物。,Face a moment of art,the actors according to the needs of the story in a very short period of time,raising his hand in a one of a stormed tossed between the different features to transform-art skilled person,often only ten few,twenty seconds,ten sheets can be turned into a different mas

6、k.And different mask represents a different demeanor,modality and state of mind,to show the characters emotions and sudden changes in mental state,such as fear,despair,anger,sinister,etc.,to achieve phase heart change the artistic effect.Sentence:Face is the dramatic art and skill of the high degree

7、 of integration of the product.,5,Sichuan Opera face is the one performing the stunt,to reveal the characters and the inner thoughts and feelings change,that is not visible,not the abstract sense of emotional and mental state become visible,the concrete sense of the image-Facebook.川剧变脸是川剧表演的特技之一,用于揭

8、示剧中人物的内心及思想感情的变化,即把不可见、不可感的抽象的情绪和心理状态变成可见、可感的具体形象脸谱。,6,Sichuan Opera face is the use of art in shaping the character of a stunt.Is to reveal the inner thoughts and feelings of the characters of a romantic way.川剧变脸是运用在川剧艺术中塑造人物的一种特技。是揭示剧中人物内心思想感情的一种浪漫主义手法。,7,Sichuan Opera face stunts closely around t

9、he Sichuan Opera and drama development,and give full play to drama exaggerated and presumptive,thus avoiding the skills and the drama itself out,so that it combines the performance,appropriate exaggerates the drama provided by the scene.Changes in the red,orange,yellow,green,green,blue,violet and co

10、lored style,color adds drama myths many magical charm川剧“变脸”绝技紧紧围绕川剧和戏剧的发展,充分发挥戏剧夸张和推定,从而避免了技巧和戏剧本身了,所以,它结合了性能,适当的夸张的情景所提供的戏剧。在红,橙,黄,绿,青,蓝,紫各色样式的变化,增加了戏剧色彩的神话许多神奇的魅力,8,Changing Faces,Changing Faces is used to shape the characters in the story of a Sichuan opera art of special effects.Changing Faces a

11、pproach be divided into three:face towel,face and pull the face blowing,in addition,there is a luck fade.变脸是运用在剧情中塑造人物的川剧艺术的一种特技。变脸的手法大体上分为三种:抹脸、吹脸和扯脸,此外,还有一种“运气”变脸。,9,Wipe face,is painted make-up paint in a specific location on the face,wiped his face and hands when the time could be turned into an

12、other face.If you want all the changes,the paint applied to the forehead or eyebrows,if only the lower half of the face changes,the paint can be painted in the face or nose.If only one local variable,then only the coated paint to change the location.抹脸是将化装油彩涂在脸的某一特定部位上,到时用手往脸上一抹,便可变成另外一种脸色。如果要全部变,则油

13、彩涂于额上或眉毛上,如果只变下半部脸,则油彩可涂在脸或鼻子上。如果只需变某一个局部,则油彩只涂要变的位置即可。,10,Blown face,Only suitable for blowing face powder cosmetics,such as powder,graphite,silver and so on.Some are placed in the ground stage a small box,built-in powder,actor bowed to the ground when the time to do a dance move,take the opportuni

14、ty to face a blow close to the box,powder flutter in the face,and immediately became the face of another color.吹脸只适合于粉末状的化妆品,如金粉、墨粉、银粉等等。有的是在舞台的地面上摆一个很小的盒子,内装粉末,演员到时做一个伏地的舞蹈动作,趁机将脸贴近盒子一吹,粉末扑在脸上,立即变成另一种颜色的脸。,11,Pull faces,Pull a face is a complex change of face method.It is prior to painting on a pie

15、ce of Facebooks silk,the cut is good,both for each Department of a silk mask,and then one by one attached to his face.Thread is tied clothes easily without striking a single place,with the performance needs,under the cover of the dance movements,and then rip them off one by one.扯脸是比较复杂的一种变脸方法。它是事前将脸谱画在一张一张的绸子上,剪好,每张脸谱上都系一把丝线,再一张一张地贴在脸上。丝线则系在衣服的某一个顺手而又不引人注目的地方,随着表演的需要,在舞蹈动作的掩护下,再一张一张地扯下来。,12,13,Thank You,


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