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1、高考考前经典单选题再现100题,高考中单选题必考的10个考点是:动词的时态和语态、动词的非谓语形式、动词及动词词组辨析、情态动词、连词、代词(尤其是不定代词)、形容词、副词、交际用语和冠词。由此可见,动词是英语的“眼睛”,是高考考查的重点之重点,因此同学们要特别重视动词用法的复习与强化。现在根据上面十个必考点,我们再现了100道经典单选题供同学们回顾与温习。最后希冀同学们在高考中取得佳绩,圆梦金榜!,1.Mr Brown has three children,one of whom is a child of six,_ twins of twelve.A.another B.other C.

2、the others D.others2.Our bad living habits will destroy the earth.Only by changing _ we live can we save the earth.A.that B.what C.how D.where3.Now that you like the personal computer very much,isnt it a good idea to get one?Well,Id like to but I cant afford _ computer at present.that expensive a B.

3、a such cheap C.that an expensive D.so cheap4.Its wrong for a student to follow _ his teachers say.Its true.I cant agree _.A.whatever,more B.no matter what,more C.no matter what,much D.whatever,much5.Doing your homework is a sure way to improve your test scores,and this is especially true _ it comes

4、to classroom tests.A.before B.since C.when D.unless,CCAAC,6.Be tough-minded,but tender-headed,_?A.isnt it B.are you C.arent you D.will you7.How wide is the Yellow River?That _ from where to where.A.depends B.changes C.refers D.lies8.Did you have a good sleep last night?Yes,never sleep _.A.badly B.be

5、tter C.worse D.best9.With all the magazines I needed _,I left the post office.A.buying B.to buy C.bought D.to be bought10.We are only_ glad to do anything we can _ her.A.too,to help B.very,help C.too,help D.very,helping,DABCA,11.Tom sat under a tree and seeing his friend,_ up in no time.A.to stand B

6、.standing C.stood D.would stand12.If you _ be in time for the early bus,be sure to get up before five in the morning.A.are to B.are about to C.are going to D.are due to13.Without facts,we cant form a correct opinion,for we need to have actual knowledge_ our thinking.A.which to be based on B.which to

7、 base on C.on which to base D.which to base14.How come you are late for class again?_.A.Because I missed the bus B.By bus and then on foot C.Please excuse me D.Its quite wrong15.The only season that makes one feel _ is the spring.A.lively B.living C.live D.lovely,CACAA,16.The English exam is not dif

8、ficult,is it?_.even Tom _ to the top students failed in it.A.Yes,belonged B.No,belonged C.Yes,belonging D.No,belonging17.In order not to be disturbed,I spent three days _ up in my study.A.locking B.being locked C.to look D.locked18.In China,shaking hands with each other is a common _ when people mee

9、t for the first time.A.sense B.practice C.rule D.scene19.Being lazy _ Peter his job.A.lost B.cost C.took D.made20.My brother John _ be a good man,but he cannot be a great man.A.will B.should C.can D.must,CDBBC,1.The price_,but I doubt whether it will remain so.went down B.will go down C.has gone dow

10、n D.was going down2.How did it_ that you made so many mistakes in your homework?I myself havent figured it out yet.A.bring about B.come about C.come across D.occur to3._ information_ stored in this computer.Large quantities of,have been B.A great many,has been C.A large quantity of,were D.Quite a lo

11、t,is4.The discovery of the evidence led to _.A.the thief having caught B.catch the thief C.the thief being caught D.the thief to be caught5.Whom do you want to have_ the parts of a car together?A.fix B.to fix C.fixing D.fixed,CBACA,6.Theres a new problem involved in the popularity of private car_ ro

12、ad conditions need _.A.that,to be improved B.which,to be improved C.where,improving D.when,improving7.Meeting my uncle after all these years was an unforgettable moment,_ I will always treasure.A.that B.one C.it D.what8._it rain tomorrow,we would have to put off the visit to the Yangpu BridgeA.Were

13、B.should C.Would D Will9.I promise her daughter she _ get a nice present on her birthday.Will it be a surprise to her?A.should B.must C.would D.shall10.With his son_,the old man felt unhappy.to disappoint B.to be disappointing C.disappointing D.being disappointed,ABBDC,11.The train_ arrive at 11:30,

14、but it was an hour late.was about to B.was likely to C.was supposed to D.was certain to12.Did you attend the meeting?I _ the news if I _ it.A.would have known,had attended B.would know,attendedC.would know,had attended D.would have known,attended13._ your composition carefully,some spelling mistakes

15、 can be avoidedA.Having checked B.Check C.If you check D.To check14._ caused a lot of suspicion among the people.He being kidnapped B.His being kidnapped C.He was kidnapped D.His kidnapped15.I dont really work here;I _ until the new secretary arrives.just help out B.have just helped out C.am just he

16、lping out D.will just help out,CCCBC,16.He made another wonderful discovery,_ of great importance to science.which I think is B.which I think it is C.which I think it D.I think it is17.He will have learned English for eight years by the time he_ from the university next year.will graduate B.will hav

17、e graduated C.graduates D.is to graduated18.During the examination we are supposed to stay in our seats,keep our eyes on our work,_ to anyone.instead of speaking B.rather than speak C.and not speak D.but would not speak19.Books are the important records we keep_ mans thoughts,ideas and feelings.A.up

18、 B.of C.for D.on20.He did it_ it took me.one-third a time B.one-third time C.the one-third time D.one-third the time,ACCBD,1.Why couldnt they catch the 6:30 train?Because they were delayed by_.some heavy traffics B.heavy traffic C.a heavy traffic D.any heavy traffic2.The cost was_much for me.A.so mu

19、ch B.too much C.very much D.much too3.Reading is to Tom_football to other boys.A.that B.which C.as if D.as4._left before the deadline,it doesnt seem likely that John will finish the job.A.Though such a short time B.Because such a short timeC.With such a short time D.As such a short time5.The schoolb

20、oys and schoolgirls are walking along the street,_a small redcap.each of them has B.they each have C.every wears D.each wearing,BDDCD,6.The door_.Better have it repaired.isnt shut B.hasnt been shut C.wont be shut D.wont shut7.When people talk about the cities of the U.S.,the first _comes into their

21、mind is New York.A.city B.one C.that D.of them8.Miss Langham arm in arm with Mr Peabody_sight!how astonishing a B.so an astonishing C.what astonishing a D.such an astonishing9.You_use my bike on condition that you give it back to me before I leave here.A.should B.must C.ought to D.shall10.What do yo

22、u think of the film?Well,at least its _the one I saw last time with Mary.as bad as B.not as good as C.no worse than D.not better than,DCADC,11.Most people in that area objected with little effect_a golf playground there.to build B.of building C.to have built D.to building12.Did you lock the door?No,

23、I _,but I forgot.A.should B.must have C.must D.should have13.Have you noticed_bike?I left it here this morning.I think I saw one.Is it _new one?A.a;a B.the;the C.a;the D.the;a14.Ten minutes earlier_we could have avoided the accident.A.or B.but C.so D.and15.The customer didnt choose_of the ties and w

24、ent away without looking at a third one.A.many B.any C.all D.either,DDADD,16.Where is Tom?Well,he_you_here.Otherwise he would come down right now.didnt know;were B.hasnt known;are C.doesnt know;are D.hadnt known;were17._on the top of the mountain is an ancient tower dating back to hundreds of years

25、ago.A.To stand B.Having stood C.Standing D.Stand18.How many people are still leading_life under_poverty line in the world?Perhaps one fourth.A.the;不填 B.a;the C.a;a D.不填;不填19.Would you tell me_you want your tea,with sugar or milk?Sugar,please.A.whether B.when C.what D.how20.George is a wise person.Bu

26、t in my opinion,he is_but polite.A.cleverer B.braver C.more brave D.less brave,CCBDC,1.This is our contribution to _ world of the 21st century,_ world of independence and mutual understanding.A.the;/B./;aC.a;theD.the;a2.Could you _ this 10-dollar bill so I can make a phone call?A.divide B.tearC.brea

27、kD.cut3.The singer hasnt performed in public for over 5 years._,she is very popular with young people.A.ButB.stillC.OtherwiseD.Therefore4.I have no dreams _ to have a happy life.A.rather than B.more thanC.other thanD.less than 5.Is it true _ the rain stops,it will be as hot as in the summer here?A.w

28、hen B.that when C.whenever D.that,DCBCB,6.There is no one of us _ wishes to help you.We are doing our best.A.whoB.thatC.asD.but7.Research findings show we spend about two hours dreaming every night,no matter what we _ during the day.A.should have doneB.would have doneC.may have done D.must have done

29、8.The guy who _ that door first will be an April Fool,for there is a broom on it.A.will openB.has opened C.opens D.should open9.Students shouldnt be given so difficult a problem _ they can not work out.A.thatB.whichC.whileD.As10.As your spoken English gets better,so _ your written English.A.willB.do

30、esC.isD.has,DCCDA,11.The students expected _ to be more reviewing classes before the final exams.A.thereB.itC.thatD.one12._ could be judged from her eyes that she was terribly sorry for what he _.A.As;had doneB.That;didC.As;didD.It;had done13.No one _ this building without the permission of the poli

31、ce.A.is leavingB.is to leaveC.has leftD.will be leaving14.After staying in hospital for long,the patient was advised to go to the seaside to _ his health.A.take upB.pick upC.carry upD.make up15._ Chinas reform and opening up in late 1978,it quick development has aroused worldwide attention.A.WhenB.A

32、sC.WhileD.Since,ADBBD,16._ running,learning English needs will.A.As withB.As toC.As forD.As if17.Will Thursday or Friday _ you?Eiher will _.A.fit;beB.fit;OKC.suit;all rightD.suit;do18.Only _ according to the directions can the medicine be quite effective.A.takingB.takenC.being taken D.having been ta

33、ken19.All of the guests _ by 9 oclock,but the host _ until 15 minutes later.A.arrived;didnt turn upB.had arrived;didnt turn upC.arrived;hadnt turned upD.had arrived;hadnt turned up20.The headmaster has got a good education _ so the school is doing well.A.thoughtB.thinkingC.ideaD.sense,ADBBD,1.Fortun

34、ately somebody who happened to be passing by called the fire department _ the fire broke out.A.hurriedly B.quickly C.instantly D.shortly2.The presidents speech was _ boring;it is,in fact,rather inspiring and interesting.A.anything but B.nothing but C.no more D.all but3.In order not to be disturbed,I

35、 spent three days _ up in my study.A.locking B.being locked C.to lock D.locked4.Why do you suggest the West Lake?I believe _ beauty of _ nature there will make _ excellent impression upon you.A.the;/;the B.the;/;an C.a;the;an D.the;the;an5.Mrs Black took the police back to _ placce _ she witnessed t

36、he robbery.the same;as B.the same;where C.the same;that D.as the same;,CADBB,6.Without proper lessons,you could _ a lot of bad habits when playing the piano.A.keep up B.pick up C.draw up D.catch up7._ the meeting himself gave them a great deal of encouragement.A.The president will attend B.The presi

37、dent to attendC.The president attended D.The presidents attending8.Was it _ she said or something that she did _ you were angry at so much?A.what;that B.that;which C.that;what D.what;which9.Professor Smith,many students want to see you._ they wait here or outside?A.Do B.Shall C.Will D.Would10.Its so

38、 late.Our son _ be back!Dont worry.I dare say he _ have some extra work to do.A.can;must B.will;might C.should;must D.must;may,BDABC,11.What worried the child most was _ to visit his brother in hospital.A his not being allowed B.his not allowing C.his being not allowed D.having not been allowed12.Is

39、 this research center _ you visited the modern equipment last year?A.Where B.that C.the one that D.the one where13.John waited at the bus stop for nearly an hour _ the bus finally arrived.A.when B.as C.before D.while14.China sent up Shenzhou V manned spaceship into space successfully,which shows sci

40、ence and technology _ rapidly in China.have been developing B.develops C.is developing D.has developed15.Why is he always forcing his daughter to practise playing the piano if she is not _ for a pianist?A.meant B.intended C.trained D.asked,ADCCA,16.Got your driving license?No.I _ too busy to have en

41、ough practice,so I didnt take the driving test last week.I am going to next week.A.was B.have been C.am D.had been17.You must do as I tell you.Oh,I must,_?A.should I B.ought I C.mustnt I D.must I18.She ought to stop working;she has a headache because she _ too long.A.has been reading B.had read C.is reading D.read10.It rained continuously for seven days,completely _ our holiday.A.ruined B.to ruin C.ruining D.ruins20.Beck is an honest businessman.Our company and his have had a lot of _ in the past five years.A.deals B.agreements C.rewards D.sales,DDACA,


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