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1、,Spring Festival,The Spring Festival is the most important festival for the Chinese people and is when family members get together.,People living away going home,Busiest time for transportation system,The Spring Festival starts every year in the early days of the 12th lunar month and will last till

2、the mid 1st lunar month of the next year.,Spring Festival Eve,Lantern Day,Preliminary Eve,Lunar New Year,A time to bid farewell to the old year and usher in the new,The 24th of the twelfth month is set aside for the annual housecleaning.Every household will give a thorough cleaning to their houses,c

3、lothes,bedclothes and all utensils,(器具)to bid farewell to the old year and to usher in the new.It is believed the cleaning sweeps away bad luck and makes the house ready for good luck to enter.,spring cleaning general house-cleaning,Sweeping the Dust(扫尘)“Dust”is homophonic(同音)with“chen”(陈)in Chinese

4、,which means old and past.In this way,“sweeping the dust”before the Spring Festival means a thorough cleaning of houses to sweep away bad luck in the past year.This custom shows a good wish of putting away old things to welcome a new life.,新年除夕夜团圆饭The New Years Eve-Reunion DinnerA reunion dinner is

5、held on New Years Eve where members of the family,near and far,get together for celebration.The New Years Eve dinner is very large and traditionally includes chicken.Fish is included,but not eaten up completely(and the remaining stored overnight),as the Chinese phrase nian nian you yu,or every year

6、there is fish/leftover,is a homophone for phrases which could mean be blessed every year or have profit every year,since yu is also the pronunciation for profit.,Eating“Jiaozi”(吃饺子)On Nes Years Eve,the whole family will sit together to make jizozi and celebrate the Spring Festival.The shape of jizoz

7、i is like gold ingot from ancient China.So people eat them and wish for money and treasure.The tradition of having jiaozi is very important during the Spring Festival.You cant have a complete Spring Festival without having jiaozi.,Staying up Late on New Years Eve(守夜)The tradition of staying up late

8、to see New Year is originated from an interesting folk tale.In ancient China there lived a monster named Year,who was very terrible.Year always went out from its burrow(洞穴)on New Years Eve to eat people.Therefore,on every New Years Eve,every household would have supper together.After dinner,no one d

9、ared go to sleep and all the family members would sit together,chatting and emboldening(壮胆)each other.Gradually the habit of staying up late on New Years Eve is formed.Thus in China,“celebrating the Spring Festival”is also called“passing over the year(guo nian)”.,Spring Festival evening gala,CCTVs S

10、pring Festival Special,看春节联欢晚会The CCTV New Years GalaThe CCTV New Years Gala is arguably the premier mainland Chinese television event of the year.It is an evening gala of the drama,dance,and song,which is broadcast on the eve of Chinese New Year,live on CCTV-1,and by satellite on CCTV-4 and CCTV-9.

11、Because it is viewed by an estimated 700 million people on New Years Eve every year,the CCTV New Years Gala has become a cultural phenomenon beginning in the early 1990s in the mainland China,and since then has become a necessity of New Years nights.,Setting off Firecrackers 放鞭炮The firecracker is a

12、unique(特有的)product in China.In ancient China,the sound of burning bamboo tubes was used to scare away wild animals and evil spirits.With the invention of the gunpowder,“firecracker”is also called“鞭炮”and used to create a joyful atmosphere.The first thing every Chinese household does is to burn firecr

13、ackers and fireworks,which means saying farewell to the old year and usher(迎接)in the new.,New Years Visit and Gift Money(拜年和压岁钱)On the first day of the Chinese lunar year,everybody puts on their best clothes and pays formal calls on their relatives and friends,wishing them all the luck in the coming

14、 year.Juniors will greet seniors,wishing them health and longevity(长寿),while seniors will give juniors some gift money as a wish for their safety in the coming year.When friends meet,they will wish each other happiness and prosperity with a big smile.With the development of the new technology,there

15、is a change on the way of giving New Years greetings.In recent year,it is common to send New Years greetings by such modern means of communication as telephones,emails and text messages.,Many customs accompany the Spring Festival.Some are still followed today,but others have weakened.,decorating the

16、ir houses featuring an atmosphere of rejoicing and festivity,A luxurious family-reunion meal,Extend new years greetings,Set off firecrackers,dumplings,Customs of the Spring Festival,Nian-gao;rise cake;New Year cake,the dinner on New Years Eve,firecrackers fireworks,点击输入标题,点击添加文本 点击添加文本点击添加文本,点击输入标题,

17、点击添加文本 点击添加文本点击添加文本,Spring Festival couplets,the first line of a couplet,the second line of a couplet,a horizontal scroll bearing an inscription,PeanutcandyMelon seed,点击输入标题,红枣 red dates prosperity花生糖 peanut candy sweet什锦糖 assorted candies-sweet and fortune西瓜子 red melon seed-joy,happiness,truth and

18、sincerity蜜冬瓜 candied winter melon-growth and good health糖莲子 candied lotus seed-many descendents to come糖藕 candied lotus root-fulfilling love relationship金桔 cumquat-prosperity,gift money,点击输入标题,点击添加文本 点击添加文本点击添加文本,Red envelope,Happiness Good fortune,New Year paintings,The God of Wealth,Door Gods,Kitc

19、hen God,New Year paintings,Felicity/good fortune,on the fifteenth day of the new year(15th,in the lunar calendar)lanterns:symbols of good fortune,happiness and health.,Lantern Festival,The Lantern Festival or Yuanxiao Jie is a traditional Chinese festival,which is on the 15th of the first month of t

20、he Chinese New Year.The festival marks the end of the celebrations of the Chinese New Year.“灯节”或者叫做“元宵节”是中国的传统佳节,在每年的农历正月十五这一天庆祝。元宵节的到来也标志着春节的结束。,This is a festival for people having fun.On the night of the festival,people go on streets with a variety of lanterns under the full moon,watching lions o

21、r dragon dancing,playing Chinese riddles and games,and lighting up firecrackers.There is really a lot of fun for the young and the old.按中国民间的传统,在这天上皓月高悬的夜晚,人们要点起彩灯万盏,以示庆贺。出门赏月、燃灯放焰、喜猜灯谜、共吃元宵,合家团聚、同庆佳节,其乐融融。,Yuanxiao is sticky,sweet and round in shape,symbolizing family unity,completeness and happine

22、ss.元宵口感粘糯,口味香甜,外观浑圆,象征着一家人团圆、美满和幸福。,Time:,The fifteenth day of the first lunar month,Lantern show,Lion dancing,Guessing riddles,Dumpling ball,金玉满堂 生意兴隆 Business flourishes岁岁平安 恭喜发财 Wishing you prosperity和气生财 Harmony brings wealth心想事成 吉祥如意 国泰民安 The country flourishes and people live in peace招财进宝 Mone

23、y and treasures will be plentiful一帆风顺 步步高升 Promoting to a higher position出入平安 Safe trip wherever you go,Wishes,Treasures fill the home,Peace all year round,May all your wishes come true,Everything goes well,Wishing you every success,Happy Chinese New Year!新年快乐A happy Spring Festival to you.恭贺春节。Best

24、 wishes for the holidays and happiness throughout the New Year.恭贺新禧,万事如意。May the joy and happiness around you today be there always.愿快乐幸福永伴你左右。,Wishes,May you come into good fortune!祝财源滚滚。Please accept our wishes for you and yours for a happy Spring Festival.请接受我们对你及你全家的美好祝福,祝你们春节快乐。Rich blessing fo

25、r health and abundant happiness in my wish for you in the coming year!祝来年身体健康,万事如意。,点击输入标题,除旧布新Out with the old,and in with the new.中国春节又很多传统Chinese New Year has many traditions.团圆饭是让加入聚集庆祝新年的时候A reunion dinner is a time for family to celebrate the New Year together.春节是中国的农历新年,也是中国人最重要和最热闹的节日。在那天人们通

26、常吃饺子以迎接新年的到来。The Spring Festival is the most important and exciting festival in China.It marks the beginning of the Chinese Lunar New Year.People usually eat Jiaozi on that special day.,Patterns,中国农历是以月亮为根基The Chinese lunar calendar is based on the moon.庆祝活动最高峰是除夕夜和大年初一。The peak of the celebration a

27、ctivities fall on the New Years Eve and the day after.正月十五元宵节是春节的尾声。Spring Festival ends after the traditional Lantern Festival.每逢佳节倍思亲。holiday season is a time to think of family and special friends.除夕夜家家户户都要吃团圆饭。Each family has a great reunion dinner on New Years Eve.,Discuss over,The similarities

28、 and differences between Christmas and Spring Festival,Free talk,Customs on Spring Festival in your hometownHow did you spend your winter holiday?,My New Year Wishes For You,Great start for Jan,Love for Feb,Peace for March,No worries for April,Fun for May,Joy for June to Nov,Happiness for Dec,Have a

29、 lucky and wonderful 2011.I wish U to have a.Sweetest Sunday,Marvelous Monday,Tasty Tuesday,Wonderful Wednesday,Thankful Thursday,Friendly Friday,Successful Saturday.Have a great Year ahead!,New Years Resolutions,New Years Eve has always been a time for looking back to the past,and more importantly,

30、forward to the coming year.Its a time to reflect on the changes we want(or need)to make and resolve to follow through on those changes.Did your New Year resolutions make our top ten list?,A New Years Resolution is a commitment that an individual makes to a project or the reforming of a habit,often a

31、 lifestyle change that is generally interpreted as advantageous.The name comes from the fact that these commitments normally go into effect on New Years Day and remain until fulfilled or abandoned.,More socio-centric examples include resolutions to donate to the poor more often,to become more assert

32、ive,or to become more economically or environmentally responsible.People may act similarly during the Christian fasting period of Lent,though the motive behind this holiday is more of sacrifice than of responsibility.The new year resolution is one example of the rolling forecast-method of planning.A

33、ccording to this method,plans are established at regular short or medium-term time intervals,when only a rough long-term plan exists.,1.Spend More Time with Family&Friends2.Fit in Fitness4.Quit Smoking5.Enjoy Life More6.Quit Drinking7.Get Out of Debt8.Learn Something New9.Help Others10.Get Organized

34、,Best wishes,Customs of the Spring Festival,Wishes,Patterns and Dialogues,Free talk,Do you like the Spring Festival?Why?,Unit 12,The Spring Festival,Teaching Aims,Aims of Knowledge:1Be able to read,comprehend the passage about the Spring Festival;2.Be able to use the focal words and patterns to make

35、 sentences creatively.3.Summary the passage.Aims of ability:1.Be able to talk a little about the festival in English.2.Be able to comprehend the short listening passages on the topic of the festival.,Important Aim,Difficult Aim,When is the Spring Festival?,It is on the first day of a year in the lun

36、ar calendar.,the lunar calendar 农历,阴历the solar calendar 阳历,Cleaning the houses,Preparing many kinds of Chinese traditional food,Pasting colorful paper-cuts and couplets,Hanging up red lanterns,What do people prepare for the celebration of the Spring Festival?,What do people usually do on the Lunar N

37、ew years Eve,Y,Y,Y,Y,Y,N,N,N,What do people usually do on the first morning of the Lunar New year,Show respect to the senior members and express good wishes to friends,Receive the“lucky”money,The Spring Festival,The date and the countries,Preparation for the festival,Lunar New Years Eve,The First mo

38、rning of the Lunar New Year,the first day of a year on the Lunar calendar,China and Many Asian countries,Sweep out the roomPrepare the foodHang up red lanternsPaste paper-cutsPaste couplets,Dress up new clothesShow respect tothe senior membersExpress good wishesReceive the“lucky”money,A family reuni

39、onHave delicious foodPlaying gamesWatch TVSet off crackers,Reading Comprehension,1.Spring Festival is peoples favorite festival in a year in China and in many Asian countries.()2.People clean their houses a few days before the Spring Festival mainly because the houses are very dirty.()3.We learn a l

40、ot about Chinese traditional culture during the Spring Festival.(),T,T,F,Language Points, matter how/what/when/who/where,e.g.,e.g.,No matter how difficult the question is,we have to answer it.,无论如何/什么/什么时候/谁/在哪,2.try to do sth.try doing sth.,No matter what he said,we couldnt believe him.,设法做某事试着

41、做某事,We try to help the old man to find his way home.,Lets try answering the question.,Language Points,3.prepare for,为准备,e.g.,We are preparing for the English Exam.,They are preparing for the party.,e.g.,4.sweep out,扫掉,清除,Could you help me sweep out the snow?,The old woman is sweeping out the dust.,L

42、anguage Points,5.hang up,把挂起来,e.g.,There are some trees on both sides of the road.,You may hang up the map on the blackboard.,As for professor Wang,it is well known to everyone.,As for doing that,I havent decided yet.,6.on both sides of,e.g., for,e.g.,在的两边,谈到,至于,Language Points,8.make+n.+adj.,使得

43、处于状态,e.g.,He tries to make his lesson lively and interesting.,His words made us all very surprised.,9.set off,出发,使爆炸,e.g.,Be careful with the fire works;the spark could set them off.,Well set off tomorrow.,Language Points, respect for,向表示敬意,e.g.,We should show respect to those who serve us.,1

44、 that,引导目的状语从句,通常从句中有情态动词can,could,may,might 等,e.g.,My teacher speaks loudly so that everyone can hear clearly.,We studied very hard so that he can pass the exams.,以便于,Vocabulary Exercises,People_red lanterns here and there in celebration of the Spring Festival.I_ the dust in my room yesterday.The students are planting trees_ of the river.Do you begin _the exam next month?We all send some beautiful cards to our teachers to _ them on Teachers Day.,show respect for,swept out,hung up,on both sides of,preparing for,Homework,Retell the passage.Introduce Christmas in English.,Thank you!,


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