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1、,F,1.fabricatevt.编造,捏造 make up;fabric n.织物,构造物 silk fabric/fabricate an excuse/a story2.facilitate vt.使容易,使便利 This railroad will facilitate the local economy.3.facility n.设施 sports facilities;facilities for study4.faculty n.1.全体教员(集合);2.学院,系college/school 学院 department 系5.fadevi.褪色(颜色),凋谢(花),减弱(声音)=

2、fade away;vt.使褪色fading memories 褪色的回忆;fading flowers 凋零的花fading voices 远去的声音,6.faint adj.微弱的,模糊的,不清楚的;v.眩晕,昏倒a faint voice/hope微弱的声音/渺茫的希望;feel faint 眩晕;He fainted from hunger.饿的发晕7.fair adj.1.公平的2.尚佳的,不错的;n.1.集市2.博览会;1.fair play 公平竞赛 2.in fair condition 不错的情况;3.fair weather 晴朗的天气;4.fair complexion

3、白皙的皮肤;fair hair 金发;5.a fair lady 美女None but the brave deserve the fair.英雄配美女8.faithful adj.守信的,忠诚的,可靠的;be faithful/loyal to ones wife/faith n.信任,9.fake vt.伪造adj.伪造的 make 制造;faked signature10.fame n.名声(大小);famous adj.著名的;reputation n.名声(好坏),名誉11.familiar adj.熟悉的;family 家人;sb be familiar with sth=sth

4、be familiar to sb/be acquainted with sth 熟悉12.faminen.饥荒13.fancy n.喜欢,喜爱(一时的)have a fancy for;vt.fancy doing 想象,设想做sth;Fancy meeting you here!fancyman 情夫;fancywoman 情妇;fancyhouse 妓院14.fantasticadj.1.奇妙的;2.荒诞的 absurd;3.奇怪的,怪异的 fantasy n.幻想 fantastic dreams 怪梦;fantastic plans 荒诞的计划,15.fare n.(车,船,旅)费

5、I dont care about the fare.不在乎费用allowance 零花钱,津贴,补贴;tuition 学费 a tuition feerevenue 税收;income 收入;payment 支付的款项pension 养老金,抚恤金;tip 小费;income 收入;fee 具体的费用16.fascinatevt.使着迷,使入迷;fascinated adj.感到着迷的;fascinating adj.令人着迷的17.fasten v.1.固定fix2.系,捆,栓tie;fast adj.固定的;fasten/fix/tie A to B,18.fatal adj.致命的 a

6、 fatal wound/blowmortal adj.必死的;immortal 不朽的mortal enemies/hatred死敌/深仇大恨vital adj.1.要害的2.极为重要的3.关键的,生死悠关的;19.fatiguen.疲惫,疲劳 vt.使疲惫,使疲劳20.faulty adj.有过失的,不完美的,有过错的fault n.1.缺点,过失,过错(sb)2.缺陷,瑕疵(sth)find fault with sb 找茬,挑错He is always finding fault with his wife.,21.favorableadj.有利的,同意的;favorable cond

7、itions/wind 顺境/顺风unfavorable conditions 逆境22.favorite adj,最喜爱的23.feasible adj.行的通的,可行的=practicable;a feasible suggestion/scheme/plan24.featuren.1.特写,特别报导2.特点,特色3.五官相貌(人);His features are handsome.25.fee n.具体的费用26.feeble adj.虚弱的,体弱的,27.fertile adj.肥沃的 fertile soil;fertilize vt.使肥沃;fertilizer 肥料 infer

8、tile adj.不肥沃的,贫瘠的;barren adj.贫瘠的28.fetch vt.去拿,去请go to take29.fiction n.小说(虚构文学);novel 小说;science fiction 科幻小说 fictitious adj.虚构的,杜撰的30.fierce adj.1凶猛的,凶恶的a fierce dog2.激烈的,猛烈的 a fierce competition 31.financial adj.财政的,金融的,经济的;financial crisis 金融危机32.finite adj.有限的;finite resources有限的资源infinite adj.

9、无限的;infinite space 无限的太空definite adj.明确的,清楚的;define vt.1下定义2明确界定 definition n.定义,33.flash n.一闪 a flash of lightning;v.闪He lost his temper after a driver flashed her headlights as he overtook.ash 灰烬/rash adj.鲁莽的;crash n./v.猛烈的撞击;lash 打,击;clash n.冲突;slash v.鞭打,砍;splash 溅,泼,洒;dash 猛冲,猛撞 smash 砸 smash a

10、nd grab34.flatter vt.恭维,讨好 latter 后面的35.flavor n.口味,味道36.flaw n.缺陷,瑕疵=fault/defect;perfect adj.完美的37.flee v.逃离,逃跑;The fleet(舰队)is fleeing.38.flexible adj.灵活的,能变通的,可通融的;a flexible schedule 灵活的日程安排,39.Flight n.1航班2飞翔3逃跑,逃离40.flock n.群(鸟/羊/人)a flock of birds/sheep/visitors;vi.聚集,群集;flocks and herds(羊群和

11、牛群);Birds of a feather flock together.物以类聚,人以群分41.flourish vi.茂盛,兴旺;flower;prosper vi.兴旺,发达,成功His business is flourishing/prospering.42.fluctuate vi.波动;fluctuating prices 波动的物价;43.fluent adj.流利的;flute 笛子,44.focusn.焦点 vt.集中精力/注意力;focus ones attention on;concentrate 集中 concentrate on45.fold v.折叠 folde

12、d seat折叠椅46.forbid vt.禁止;Forbidden City紫禁城;forbid sb to do/forbid doingprevent/prohibit/stop/keep/ban/hinder/preclude sb from doing47.forecast n.预报weather forecast 天气预报;forecast sbs future/fortune 预测未来/命运;foretell 预言foresee预见 forehead 前额 foreleg 前腿48.foremostadj.最棒的,最优秀的;the foremost writer of his p

13、eriod最后,50.forfeit n.罚金 counterfeit 假钞51.forgive v.原谅;To err is human,to forgive is divine.犯错是人之常情,原谅则超凡入圣.52.formula n.公式;form n.形式;v.形成formulate vt.1形成,制定;2.系统阐述,系统解释=define53.fortunateadj.幸运的;unfortunate不幸的54.fortune n.1.财富2.命运;fortune-teller 算命先生55.forum n.论坛56.foster vt.促进(sth);抚养,培养;照顾(sb);*fo

14、ster the sick 照顾病人;foster talents培养人才foster a child 抚养孩子;foster sbs career 促进事业,57.foul adj.1肮脏的2.可怕的,讨厌的;vt.犯规;58.fracture vt.弄碎=break,使骨折;fracture ones leg59.fragile adj.易碎的(sth);虚弱的(sb);fragile china;60.fragment n.碎片;break sth into fragments/pieces;fraction n.一小部分;a fraction of my friends61.fragr

15、ant adj.芳香的;fragrant flowers 芳香的花;fragrant memories 甜美的回忆flagrant criminals 臭名昭著的罪犯;flagrant politicians 臭名昭著的政客62.frame n.框架 fame 名声63.frank adj.坦白的,坦率的;To be frank=Frankly speaking,64.fraud n.欺诈(行为)u;骗子c;65.freeze vi.结冰;,66.fresh adj.新鲜的 fresh air;fresh egg;fresh paint 未干的油漆fresh stale adj.1 不新鲜的,

16、干瘪的stale bread;2.stale news/story67.frighten vt.使恐惧;fright n.恐惧;frightening 令人恐惧的;frightened 感到恐惧的68.fringen.边缘(人群,森林);ring 戒指;on the fringe on the edge 一切具体事物的边缘;on the brim 杯子,碗的边/沿on the verge 抽象事物的边;on the verge of the despair绝望的边缘on the verge of extinction 濒临灭绝on the border 边界,边缘;on the outskir

17、ts 城市的边缘keep notes in the margin页边空白处by a narrow margin 侥幸的,勉强的on the brink 抽象的事物(贬义);on the brink of failure,69.frownvi.皱眉头;frown at sb;冲sb皱眉头;frown on 不赞成,反对The world is like a mirror;frown at it and it frowns at you;smile and it smiles too.70.frugaladj.节俭的,节省的;a frugal wife/housekeeper;be frugal

18、of moneythrifty adj.be thrifty with moneyeconomic adj.经济的;economy n.经济;economical adj.节俭的economically adv.经济的,节约的;economist n.经济学家71.fulfill vt.完成,履行;full adj.满的;fill vt.装满,填满to fulfill ones promise履行承诺;to fulfill ones duties 履行义务/责任fulfill a task 完成任务;sense of fulfillment 满足感,72.functionn.职责(sb.)作用

19、(sth.);vi.起作用 function asThe machine doesnt function.73.fund n.资金;raise funds 募集资金;trust funds 信托基金refund vt.退款;refund sb his deposit 退还sb的定金74.fundamental adj.基本的,根本的,基础的;mental adj.精神的,智力的75.furious adj.愤怒的,狂怒的;fury n.暴怒,狂怒;the Furies 复仇女神What a little fury she is!小泼妇;fly into a rage/fury 勃然大怒be f

20、urious with sb(at sth);,76.furnishvt.装备供应;furniture n.家具77.fussn.大惊小怪,小题大做;make so much fuss of Dont make so much fuss of trifles.不要对小事大惊小怪78.futileadj.无用的,无效的,徒劳的;futile effort 徒劳的努力;a futile attempt 一次无效的尝试,G,1.gain n.vt.获得(需要之物);增加;gain/lose ones weightA fall in the pit,a gain in your wit.吃一堑,长一智

21、2.gamble n.赌博 take a gamble/risk(冒险)3.gap n.差距;bridge the generation gap 消除代沟4.gaze vi.注视,凝视5.generalizevt.1.总结出,归纳出,概括出;2.普及,推广general n.将军adj.总的,一般的,普遍的to generalize a conclusion from a collection of instances从一系列事例中总结出一个结论6.generatevt.产生;to generate electricity;gene n.基因;generator n.发电机,7.generou

22、sadj.慷慨的,大方的;frugal/thrifty/economical 节俭的8.genetic adj.基因的9.genius n.天才talent gift 天赋;have a genius for English/teaching10.gentle adj.(sb)文雅的,和蔼的,亲切的;(sth)柔和的;gentleman n.绅士a gentle look 和蔼的表情;a gentle breeze 柔风11.genuine adj.(sth)真正的,(人)真诚的;genuine leather 真皮;artificial leather 人造革;a genuine man/p

23、erson 真诚的人12.giant adj.巨大的 n.巨人13.gigantic adj.巨大的;Titanic is gigantic.Titan 泰坦(希腊神话中的巨人),14.glancen.一瞥;vi.瞥了一眼;glance at sb;15.glarevi.怒目而视;glare at;peer at 凝视;peep at 偷窥;stare at 瞪着眼睛看 gape at 目瞪口呆16.glimpsen.一瞥 catch a glimpse of sb17.globaladj.全球的;the Global Times 环球时报;global warming 全球变暖globali

24、ze vt.使全球化;globalization n.全球化18.gloomyadj.(sth)阴郁的;(sb)郁闷的;gloom n.(sth)(天气)阴郁;(sb)郁闷,惆怅gloomy skies 阴郁的天空;gloomy future 黯淡的前途/前途19.gloriousadj.辉煌的,光荣的;a glorious victory;glory n.荣誉,辉煌win glory for为争光/赢得荣誉,20.glue n.胶水 vt.粘glue A to B Are you on glue?21.gossip n.闲话,流言蜚语;sip 呷(小口喝);to spread gossip;

25、an old gossip老长舌妇22.governvt.1统治,管理 to govern a country;to govern a company 2.支配,约束,影响(重要);government n.政府23.grab v.抢夺;24.graceful adj.优雅的gentle/graceful manners;grace n.优雅;race 竞赛graceless adj.不优雅的;disgraceful adj.可耻的,耻辱的25.grant vt.授予,给予=confer;26.graspvt.抓住 to grasp grass27.grateful adj.感激的 rate

26、速度,速率;ungrateful adj.忘恩负义的,28.gratitude n.感激;ingratitude n.忘恩负义;to be grateful to sb for sth(感谢信必备词汇)I can hardly express my gratitude to you for your help.29.grave n.坟墓=tomb;adj.严重的,重大的very serious;grave situation;grave newsaggravate vt.加剧,加重(阅读重点词汇);aggravate ones illness;aggravate the situation30

27、.greedy adj.贪婪的,渴望的;be greedy for knowledge;Lust Caution 色戒glutton n.贪吃 lust n.贪色 avarice n.贪财 sloth n.贪睡31.grieve v.伤心,悲伤 grief n.伤心,悲伤;32.grim adj.严峻的,严酷的,险恶的;,33.grip vt.紧紧的抓住;grasp 抓;a gripping film 扣人心弦的影片 34.grope vi.摸索;grope for;grope for the light switch35.gross adj.1毛的,总的2.显而易见的(贬义),obvious

28、GDP:gross domestic(国内的)product;GNP:gross national productgross weight;gross income 总收入;net weight 净重;net income 净收入gross inequality/injustice/error 明显的不平等/不公/错误36.guaranteevt.保证;assure sb of/that 向sb保证;ensure sth/that 保证sthinsure against 给投保;guarantee sth/to do sth37.guilty adj.有罪的,愧疚的;guilt n.u罪行,愧

29、疚(抽象);sense of guilt罪恶感,愧疚感;be guilty of,H,1.habitat n.栖息地,生存环境;co-habit 同居;inhabit vi.生活=live inhabitant n.居民2.haggle v.讨价还价,正论不休;haggle with sb over sth;bargain with sb over sth3.halt n.止步,停止;come to a halt 止步(停下来);The car come to a stop.4.hampervt.阻碍,阻止;prohibit/inhibit/hamper/prevent/hinder sb f

30、rom doingforbid sb to do5.handicap n.残疾;handicapped children adj.有残疾的physically handicapped 身体有残疾的visually handicapped 视力有残疾的physical exam/education 体检,体育,6.handle vt.处理;tackle deal with cope with7.hardshipn.c困难 difficulty8.harmonyn.和谐,一致;honey 甜蜜,亲爱的;be in harmony with sb/sth 一致;harmonious society

31、和谐社会9.harnessn.马具,系在身上的绳子;be in harness 正在工作;die in harness 殉职vt.利用,驾驭,治理to harness a horse 驾驭;to harness a river 治理;to harness solar energy 利用太阳能10.harsh adj.严酷的 severe;a harsh winter 严冬;a harsh summer 酷暑,11.hasten.匆忙;do sth in hastehasty adj.a hasty decision 匆忙的决定;a hasty departure 匆忙离去hasten vi.h

32、asten home匆忙回家;hasten to the officeMore haste,less speed.=Haste makes waste;欲速则不达12.hazardn.=risk/danger 风险;at the hazard/risk of 冒着风险at all hazards/risks 不惜一切代价,不顾任何风险13.heal v.治愈 health;heal the wound14.heap n.一堆 a heap of books;heaps of snow/money 大量的=lots ofheap/pile/stack 堆;hip 臀部 hip-hop,15.he

33、ightenvt.提高;heighten sbs position 提升sb的职位;16.heir n.继承人17.hemisphere n.半球 sphere=globe球体;global adj.全球的,环球的18.heritagen.遗产;heir 继承人;inheirt vt.继承;cultural/national heritage19.hesitate v.犹豫不决 20.highlightn.最精彩的部分the highlight of the match/the tour;vt.特别关注,特别强调highlight the importance of customer serv

34、ice 特别强调客服的重要性21.hijackvt.劫持,抢劫;,22.hinder v.阻止,妨碍 hind adj.后面的 behindThis unfortunate incident may hinder the progress of the peace talks.23.hintn.c暗示;drop a hint to sb=give sb a hint给sb一个暗示;24.hobby n.c业余爱好;25.hollowadj.空的,中空的,空心的;a hollow sphere/pipe(管)(中空的)a hollow promise/victory 空洞的承诺/徒有虚名的胜利e

35、mpty an empty room(没东西的)vacant a vacant seat/room/lot(场地);not be occupiedbare bare arm/headblank a blank form(空白的);a blank piece of papergive sb a blank check 给sb以全权give sb a blank look 茫然的看了sb一眼,26.horizonn.地平线,眼界;There appears a ship on the horizon.broaden ones horizon 开阔眼界27.hospitality n.殷勤,好客;a

36、 hospitality room 迎宾室28.hostn.1主人;2.主持人 vt.主办,主持;guest 客人;master 主人;servant仆人the host nation 主办国/to host the Games 主办运动会;29.hostagen.人质;30.hostile adj.敌对的,有敌意的,反对的;be hostile to/towards sb31.hover v.1盘旋,翱翔 2.徘徊,犹豫不决32.humble adj.卑贱的;noble 高贵的;a man of humble origin 卑微的a humble occupation 卑贱的职业;a hum

37、ble meal 粗劣的食物;in my humble opinion 拙见,33.humid adj.潮湿的 wet/moist34.humiliate vt.使遭受屈辱;a rather humiliating experience 一段相当屈辱的经历a county humiliated by defeat 因战败而备受屈辱的国家feel humiliated 感到屈辱的35.hypothesis n.假设;thesis 论文;hypo-虚假的;to raise a hypothesishypocritical adj.虚伪的;hypocrisy n.虚伪;hypocrite n.伪君子

38、,I,1.ideal n.理想 adj.理想的;idea 想法;to achieve/accomplish ones ideal2.identical adj.完全一致的,完全相同的 identical fingerprints3.identifyv.辨认出,识别出;identify oneself with sb 认同,支持identification n.辨认,识别;身份证-ID;4.identity n.身份 identity card5.idle adj.懒散的,闲荡的 vt.虚度;Dont idle away your time.6.ignorant adj.无知的;be ignor

39、ant of 对一无所知;ignore vt.(故意的)冷落,忽视,7.illegaladj.违法的,不合规定的;legal adj.法律的,法定的,合法的the legal community 法律界;8.illiterateadj.不识字的,文盲的,目不识丁的 n.文盲;literate adj.识字的,有文化的;literature n.文学9.illuminatevt.1.照亮;a poorly illuminated room一个昏暗的房间;2.阐明,阐述 to illuminate ones theory with two examples10.illusionn.错觉;幻觉 11

40、.illustrate vt.1.说明,阐述(例/图)2.配插图12.image n.形象;图像;to improve/damage ones image/the image of this TV set;imagine vt.想象,设想,14.imitationn.模仿;imitate vt.模仿;limitation 限制15.immenseadj.巨大的,浩瀚的;an immense sea/ocean;16.immigrantn.迁入的人;migrate 迁移immigrateimmigrant移民;emigrateemigrant侨民17.immuneadj.具有免疫力的 be im

41、mune from/toan immune system 免疫系统18.impact n.冲击力影响力have an effect/influence/impact on sbNo nation,however large or small,wealthy or poor,can escape the impact of climate change.19.impart vt.给予,传授,告知;20.impatientadj.没有耐心的;patient n.病人 adj.有耐心的,21.Implement vt.实施,执行;n.工具 22.implicitadj.暗示的,含蓄的;imply 内

42、涵,暗示;reply 回答an implicit warning 含蓄的警告;explicit adj.明确的,明白表示的23.imply vt.意味,暗示;包含,必须具备24.impose v.强加于;exposeto;Dont impose your ideas on others.25.impressvt.1.压,按2.给sb留下印象 to impress sb deeplyMy teacher impressed upon/on me the importance of studying grammar.impression 1.压痕2.印象,26.impressive adj.令人印

43、象深刻的;ones impressive childhood27.imprisonvt.监禁,囚禁;imprisonment n.关押;28.impulse n.冲动;pulse n.脉搏,脉冲;impulsive adj.冲动的an impulsive/exclusive nature 冲动/孤僻的性格;to act on impulse29.incentiven.动机,刺激,奖励adj.刺激作用的30.incident n.生活中的小事,琐事;有重大影响的事件(蓄意的);adj.附带的,易于发生的a historical incident 历史事件accident n.事故(偶然);by

44、accident 偶然的coincident adj.同时发生的,碰巧的incidentallyadv.附带的,顺便提及,31.incline v./n.倾向,倾斜;-cline 倾斜;decline n.下降,减弱economic decline 经济下滑;economic recession 经济衰退economic depression 经济萧条;economic prosperity 经济繁荣be inclined to do 倾向于do;Im inclined to hold that(作文经典句型)32.incredible adj.令人难以置信的;credit n.信誉,信用;c

45、redit cardcredit credible 可信的credulous感到可信的incredible令人难以相信的incredulous不轻易相信的,33.Incur vt.招致,引起;occur 发生=happen;recur 再次发生;to incur sbs complaint/resentment 招致sb的抱怨/怨恨34.indebted adj.负债的;感激的;be indebted to sb for 因为感激sb35.indicatev.暗示,表明;-dic 说;diction n.措词;dictionary 词典 dictation听写36.indifferentadj

46、.冷漠的 be indifferent to37.indignant adj.义愤的,愤怒的;indignation n.义愤38.indispensableadj.必不可少的(作文黄金词汇);A good dictionary is indispensable to language learning.,39.induce vt.引诱;促使,劝使;引起induce a fire;induce sb to do 促使,劝使;seduce 勾引,吸引 Men are seduced by her wit and beauty.才貌双全,倾倒众生deduce 推理,演绎The detective

47、deduced from the clues who did the murder.40.indulge vt.纵容,放纵;to indulge oneself in watching TV 沉溺于to indulge ones child 溺爱41.industrious adj.勤奋的hardworking/diligent;industry 工业;勤奋to praise sbs industry;an industrious studenthardworking/diligent/industrious 勤奋的42.inevitable adj.不可避免的(作文神器)It is inev

48、itable that,43.infect v.感染 infectious adj.感染的;an infected wound 感染的伤口perfect adj.完美的;defect n.缺陷,缺点=flaw;infect v.感染44.infer v.推理,推断=deduce;inference n.推论,推断;推断的结果,结论45.inferioradj.(数量,质量)劣于;(级别)低于;be superior to 高于,优于The worlds all splendor riches and honor are inferior to a good friend.senior 高级的;

49、junior 初级的;sense of inferiority 自卑感;sense of superiority 优越感46.infiniteadj.无限的;finite adj.有限的;Human knowledge is finiteinfinite space/kindness;definite adj.明确的;define v.定义;definition n.定义,47.inhabit vt.居住(通常用被动)=live in;inhabitant 居民(没户籍的)This island is inhabited by savages.这个岛住着野人dwell in 居住;dwelle

50、r 居民;town dwellers;cave dwellersreside in 生活,居住 resident(有户籍的)48.inhale v.吸入,吸气;exhale 呼气;respire vi.呼吸49.inherit vt.继承 inherit an estate;50.prohibit/inhibit/sb from doing51.initialadj.起始的,开始的=beginning;the initial letter of the word;the initial stageinitiate vt.创始,开始,开创;to initiate an undertaking开创


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