1、建筑外墙节能新体系研究 建筑外墙节能新体系研究 Building on the Exterior Walls of the New Energy Save System【中文摘要】 建筑节能对节能整体工作的推进意义重大。改进建筑外围护结构的保温隔热性能是建筑节能中非常重要的一步。近年来推广使用的外墙外保温技术获得了较外墙内保温、自保温、夹芯保温等构造形式更好的节能效果,值得进一步研究推广。本文在研究已有的各种外保温技术后,发现目前外保温技术的设计思路几乎是单一的,均以阻止热传导为目标。故保温效果完全依赖某种导热系数低的多孔轻质材料的必要厚度来达到,导致出现一些普遍存在而难以克服的缺憾。比如:1
5、、容易实现,安装也方便快捷。本文还对该体系可能面临的问题进行了讨论并提出了作者的解决方案。 【英文摘要】 Construction of energy save has a advance enormous significance.Construction to improve the external structure of the insulation is a very important step for the building energy save.In recent years,the effect of exterior walls insulation technolo
6、gy has been proved better than the inside wall insulation,self-insulation and the sandwich structure insulation.It is worthy of further study.After been studying a variety of thermal insulation technology,the author found most of the thermal insulation technology design is almost a single train of t
7、hought -to prevent heat transfer target.It is totally dependent on some kind of insulation effect of a low thermal conductivity of porous light-weight materials to achieve the necessary thickness,giving rise to a number of prevalent and difficult to overcome shortcomings. For example:1) It is diffic
8、ult to meet energy-saving65%and 65%higher energy efficiency requirements;2)There are still doubts about the durability of the system and the surface cracking off problem;3) The majority of insulation materials and construction have poor performance of fire;4) The majority of insulation materials are
9、 the potential environmental load;5) The producer did not have their own intellectual property rights;6) Thermal properties are considered inadequated,such as insulation, rule out the moisture and so on.There is no doubt that this shortcoming of restricting the exterior walls insulation technology a
10、nd development.There are three basic ways of nature heat transfer:heat transfer,convection and heat radiation,The wall construction is no exception.Three ways of heat transfer,in the case of closed air layer,heat radiation transfer accounts for about 70%of the total, followed by about 20%of the conv
11、ection,heat transfer is only a minimum 10%.We have no reason to be confined in the heat transfer field.The largest thermal transfer radiation should be considered as the main contradiction to solve.Therefore, the author believes that more efficient design,advanced thermal insulation system, must sei
12、ze this critical block heat radiation first.Then to make full use of the air in the cavity(thermal conductivity 0.02w/m.k) to enhance the performance of winter heat insulation effect.And make full use of the cavity in the air convection to solve summer heat insulation problem.Innovation and developm
13、ent of thermal insulation technology must revolute from ideas and concepts.This paper gives the concept of “reflective cavity insulation skin structure”.That is to say,it has not only the structure(bone),but also “skin” of building the external walls.The “skin” is the construction of “environmental
14、filters”(Yang Jinwen scriptures),the “skin” should be a separate part of the structure and appropriate ways to connect to the structure of the body.”cavity insulation reflective skin structure”is the use of thermal engineering design of the basic principles of building a new wall insulation program.
15、It is characterized by:using strong reflection blocks heat radiation material,using controlled inside and out the mouth so that the exhaust air cavity insulation or insulation to achieve the effect,if necessary,and it can set light porous layer insulation materials.In this paper,the author research
16、and establish a new system of the exterior walls energy save.The system consists of three main parts:1) strong reflection layer material; 2) air between the layers;3) Indirect fixing method.Because of the reflective material is thin,the insulation layer structure got a significant reduction in weigh
17、t.In the conditions of modern technology,the reflective material can be attached to virtually any surface.Step by step for the future development of a variety of insulation materials to create the conditions for the skin,Buried a foreshadowing.Reflective material almost no combustion,compared with t
18、he use of polystyrene material,has been proved much safer;at the same time,durability and environmental performance is much better. The system includes a low-end and high-end “reflection cavity insulation skin structure”,can adapt to the economic development of different regions.The technology of th
19、e system is mature,high level of industrialization,easy to install also convenient. In this paper,the author also discussed the systems facing issues and the solution. 【中文关键词】 空腔; 辐射换热; 建筑节能; 外墙保温隔热; 构造设计; 干挂工艺 【英文关键词】 Cavity; Radiation heat transfer; Energy save construction; Exterior walls insulat
20、ion; Construction design; Indirect fixing method 【毕业论文目录】摘要 3-5 Abstract 5-6 1 绪论 9-22 1.1 研究的背景和意义 9-10 1.2 研究目的 10-11 1.3 研究方法 11 1.4 建筑节能发展、研究现状 11-21 1.4.1 建筑节能概念的演进 11 1.4.2 建筑节能研究与实践的重要性和紧迫性 11-13 1.4.3 国外建筑节能政策和法规建设 13-14 1.4.4 国外节能技术概述 14-15 1.4.5 国内建筑节能发展、研究状况 15-20 1.4.6 建筑表皮构造的研究 20-21 1.
21、5 本章小结 21-22 2 建筑外墙热传递及常用绝热方法 22-35 2.1 热传递的方式及特点 22-23 2.1.1 热传导 22 2.1.2 对流传热 22-23 2.1.3 辐射传热 23 2.2 外墙常见保温构造做法及特点 23-31 2.2.1 外墙内保温 24 2.2.2 外墙夹芯保温 24-25 2.2.3 外墙外保温 25 2.2.4 外墙保温形式的比较 25-28 2.2.5 外墙外保温在国外的发展 28 2.2.6 外墙外保温在我国的发展应用 28 2.2.7 目前外墙外保温的常用形式 28-31 2.3 外墙外保温尚存在的问题 31-34 2.3.1 聚苯板薄抹灰外保
22、温存在的不足 32 2.3.2 水泥砂浆厚抹灰钢丝网架保温板外保温存在的不足 32-33 2.3.3 无网聚苯板外保温外饰面粘贴面砖的缺陷 33-34 2.4 本章小结 34-35 3 阻绝热传递的新途径 35-42 3.1 回视绝热材料 35-38 3.1.1 多孔材料 35 3.1.2 反射材料 35-38 3.2 反射热辐射材料的作用 38-39 3.3 空气间层的作用 39-41 3.4 本章小结 41-42 4 空腔反射绝热表皮体系设计 42-53 4.1 设计构思 42-43 4.2 空腔反射绝热表皮的组成及工作原理 43 4.3 反射绝热板设计 43-49 4.3.1 基材板选择 43-45 4.3.2 玻璃钢反射绝热板设计 45 4.3.3 反射辐射热材料 45-49 4.3.4 中空水泥反射保温板(低端) 49 4.4 空腔、空气层及进风口、排风口 49-50 4.4.1 空腔 49-50 4.4.2 进风口、排风口构造 50 4.5 干挂支承连接件 50-51 4.6 蓄热墙体 51 4.7 本章小结 51-53 5 主要结论 53-56 5.1 本文的主要创新点和成果 53 5.2 需要深入研究的问题 53 5.3 课题研究在我国的应用展望 53-56 致谢 56-57 参考文献 57-60 攻读硕士学位期间的科研成果 60