《美丽中国》第三集 part 2.ppt

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1、Wild China(Tasting Notes)美丽中国品鉴第三集 神奇高原 Magic PlateauPart II,Language Study,ENTER,Language Study Contents,Word studyPhrase and expressionsGrammar,Word study,1.crumple2.fracture3.predator4.permanent5.resident6.terrain7.stalk8.acrobatic9.corral10.scavenger,11.domesticate12.manure 13.remedy 14.lucrativ

2、e15.fungus16.retain17.assemble18.substantial19.taboo20.reincarnation,21.reverence22.ritual23.forage24.veneration25.perpetually 26.excavation27.aerate 28.endemic29.vulnerable30.incorporate,Word study,crumple krmpl vt.弄皱;碎裂 n.压痕;皱痕crumple up起皱;揉皱She crumpled the paper in her hand.她把那张纸在手里揉成一团。同义词:wrin

3、kle,Word study,2.fracture frkt(r)vt.&vi.(使)折断,破碎n.破裂,断裂;骨折I dont feel very well because I had a fracture.我感觉很不好,因为我骨折了。break常用词,含义广泛,多指猛然用力将坚硬物打破或损坏。crush指用力把东西压破或变形。crack多指因长期使用或经受压力,物体表现呈现裂纹、裂口或破裂、裂开,但一般没成碎片。,shatter指破裂为许多支离破碎的碎片,多用指易碎事物。smash指突然而猛烈地重击某物,使之破碎或完全变形。burst指某物因内部外部压力过大而出现严重破裂、爆开或账破。fr

4、acture比crack的破裂程度更深更严重,常指断裂,医学上指骨折。,Word study,3.predator predt(r)n.以掠夺为生的人;捕食其他动物的动物,食肉动物adj.predatory掠夺的,掠夺成性的;食肉的;捕食生物的n.predation捕食;掠夺Predator seat big and fresh pieces of meat.食肉动物吃大块的新鲜的肉。,Word study,4.permanent p:mnntadj.永久(性)的,永恒的,不变的,耐久的,持久的,经久的;permanenceAnything which threatens the perman

5、ence of the treaty is a threat to peace.任何对条约持续生效构成威胁的因素都将危及和平。permanencyThey gradually realized the permanency of their condition.他们渐渐意识到他们的这种状况将永久地持续下去。,Word study,5.resident rezdntadj.定居的,常驻的n.居民;(旅馆的)住宿者adj.residential住宅的;与居住有关的n.residence住宅,住处;居住residency住处;住院医生实习期vt.reside住,居住;属于A resident saw

6、 you defacing the school last night.一位居民看见你昨晚做了有损学校形象的事。,Word study,6.terrain trenn.地形,地势;地面,地带;地理岩层;(知识的)领域范围rough terrain不平地形,地形条件恶劣地区The terrain changed quickly from arable land to desert.那个地带很快就从耕地变成了沙漠。,Word study,7.stalk st:kn.植茎,秆;叶柄,花梗corn stalk玉米杆vi.高视阔步地走;潜近,偷偷接近If his patience is tried at

7、 meetings he has been known to stalk out.大家都知道如果他在会议上失去耐心,便会愤怒离席。,Word study,8.acrobatic krbtkadj.杂技的;特技的acrobat杂技演员,特技演员;随机应变者;翻云覆雨者,善变者acrobatics杂技;巧妙手法Was there an acrobatic performance last saturday?上星期六有杂技表演吗?,Word study,9.corral kr:ln.畜栏vt.把赶入畜栏After we corral the horses well have lunch.把马关进围栏

8、后,我们就吃中饭。,Word study,10.scavenger skvnd(r)n.捡破烂的人,清扫工;食腐动物vi.scavenge清除污物;打扫The shark is usually a scavenger rather than a hunter.鲨鱼通常是一个清道夫,而不是一个猎人。,Word study,11.domesticate dmestketvt.驯养;使爱家;适应家庭生活;引进adj.domestic国内的;家庭的;驯养的;一心只管家务的domesticity家庭生活;专心于家务;对家庭的挚爱Sheep are particularly well suited for

9、 domestication.绵羊特别适合驯养Several species of ant domesticate a kind of insect called an aphid.蚂蚁驯养的几种动物中有一种就是蚜虫。,Word study,12.manure mn,-njn.肥料,粪便vt.施肥organic manures.有机肥They could also get precious manure to fertilise the fields.他们也得到了珍贵的粪肥来滋养田地。,Word study,13.remedy remdn.治疗法;补救办法;纠正办法.(硬币的)公差vt.改正,

10、纠正,改进;补救;治疗remedy for补救,解决;对治疗法Youronlyremedyisto go tolaw.你唯一的补救办法是诉诸法律。,Word study,14.lucrative lu:krtv adj.获利多的,赚钱的;合算的The baby business is lucrative in china.婴儿产业是中国最赚钱的行业。,Word study,15.fungus fs n.真菌;霉,霉菌;医海绵肿复数:fungi fungusesedible fungus食用菌;木耳The fungus achieved the best results by far.到目前为止

11、,该真菌所取得的效果最好。.菌状的adj.fungal真菌的(等于fungous)fungicidal真菌的;杀霉菌的fungous似真菌的;海绵质的,Word study,16.retain rtenvt.保持;留在心中,记住;雇用;付定金保留He retains a deep respect for the profession.他对这个职业仍然深怀敬意。conserve一般指保存自然资源,保全人的精力、力量等。reserve正式用词,指为了将来的用途或其他用途而保存、保留。retain指继续保持。withhold指扣住不放,暗示有阻碍。preserve主要指为防止损害、变质等而保存。ke

12、ep最常用词,指长时间牢固地保持或保存。,Word study,17.assemble semblvt.收集,Word study,18.substantial sbstnladj.大量的;结实的,牢固的;重大的n.本质;重要材料n.substance物质;实质;资产;主旨substantive名词性实词;独立存在的实体Without substantial change,all this will get worse.如果不进行重大改革,所有这些都将变得更糟。,Word study,19.taboo tbu:n.禁忌;忌讳;戒律;禁忌的事物(或行为)adj.禁忌的,忌讳的vt.把列为禁忌,禁

13、止Taboo topics tend to make people feel uneasy.忌讳的话题往往会使人尴尬。,Word study,20.reincarnation,rinkne()nn.再生;化身adj.reincarnate 转世化身的Thatis exactlywhat my viewofdeathiswithoutanyreincarnation.依我看来,死了就是死了,并没有什么投胎转世。,Word study,21.reverence rev()r()nsn.崇敬;尊严;敬礼vt.敬畏;尊敬revere敬畏;尊敬;崇敬adj.reverent虔诚的;恭敬的;尊敬的reve

14、rend教士的;可尊敬的reverential虔诚的;表示尊敬的;可尊敬的Werememberwithreverencetheliveswelost.让我们记住并且敬畏那些逝去的生命们。,Word study,22.ritual rtln.仪式;惯例;礼制adj.仪式的;例行的;礼节性的rite仪式;惯例,习俗;典adj.ritualistic仪式的;固守仪式的;惯例的Therethey are engaged in an entirely different ritual.在那里他们执行一套完全不同的仪式,Word study,23.foragefrdn.饲料;草料;搜索vi.搜寻粮草;搜寻

15、Forage grass饲草Cowsandsheepdependsforagetofeed.牛和羊依靠草料喂养。,Word study,24.veneration venre()nn.尊敬;崇拜vt.venerate崇敬,尊敬adj.venerable庄严的,值得尊敬的;珍贵的Itsnotthatitisntworthyofvenerationorstudy.并不是说这份文件不值得我们研究。,Word study,25.perpetually pptliadv.永恒地,持久地adj.perpetual永久的;不断的;四季开花的;无期限的n.perpetuity永恒Languageisperpe

16、tuallyimmersedinitself.语言永恒地沉浸于自身。,Word study,26.excavation ekskve()nn.挖掘,发掘vt.excavate挖掘;开凿Theexcavationof theburiedcitytooka longtime.发掘埋在地下的城市花了很长时间。,Word study,27.aerate eretvt.充气;让空气进入;使暴露于空气中n.aeration环境 曝气;通风;充气to aerate the water and soil使水和土壤通气,Word study,28.endemicendemkadj.地方性的;风土的n.地方病en

17、demic disease地方病Companiessaytheseproblemsareendemictodoing businessinChina.这些公司说,此类问题是在中国做生意所特有的,Word study,29.vulnerable vln()rb()ladj.易受攻击的,易受的攻击;易受伤害的;有弱点的adv.vulnerably脆弱地;易受伤害地n.vulnerability易损性;弱点Itendto give to women and children because they are the most vulnerable.我倾向于给妇女和儿童钱,因为她们是最脆弱的。,Wor

18、d study,30.incorporate nkpretvt.包含,吸收;体现;把合并vi.合并;混合;组成公司adj.合并的;一体化的;组成公司的adj.incorporated合并的;组成法人组织的incorporative有结合倾向的;合并的n.incorporation公司;合并,编入;团体组织,Grammar,Its so remote that its been called the Third Pole.由于地处偏僻,也被称为第三极地。So+adj.that如此以至于.,Their red blood cell count is twice as high as ours,su

19、fficient to supply their muscles with oxygen even at this extreme altitude.它们的红血球数量为人类的两倍。能供应它们的肌肉足够的氧气,就算在高海拔也不成问题。,Video&Exercises,Answer the following questions according to the passage.,1.Why the Chang Tang or Northern grassland is called the Third Pole?2.Why the Tibetan antelopes羚羊are not affec

20、ted by the high altitude?3.Why yaks牦牛are useful to human beings?4.Whats the main income of the Tibetans?5.How does the yaetsa gunbu冬虫夏草form?6.Whats the function of yartsa gunbu?7.Whats enlightenment启迪;得道;教化?8.How can we see the buddhists respect for nature?,1.Why the Chang Tang or Northern grassland

21、 is called the Third Pole?This is the Chang Tang or Northern Grassland.Its so remote that its been called the Third Pole.2.Why the Tibetan antelopes are not affected by the high altitude?But the chiru藏羚have an advantage.Their red blood cell count is twice as high as ours,sufficient to supply their m

22、uscles with oxygen even at this extreme altitude.,3.Why yaks are useful to human beings?Once domesticated,the yak is an amazing animal,providing the Tibetans with transport,food,wool for clothes and tents,and manure for fuel.Its held in such high regard that its fur is even used to decorate the sacr

23、ed prayer flag poles旗杆,and yak butter is used as an offering to the gods.4.Whats the main income of the Tibetans?The yartsa gunbu.,5.How does the yaetsa gunbu form?The yartsa gunbu translates as“summer grass,winter worm”.The winter worm is a caterpillar毛虫.It eats the roots of grasses in preparation

24、for its transformation into a moth蛾.But some winter worms never make it as moths.Instead,a strange growth erupts from从爆发出 their body,appearing above ground in summer.This is the summer grass,a fungus菌类called Cordyceps冬虫夏草,whose spores孢子have infected the caterpillar,using its body as their host宿主.6.W

25、hats the function of yartsa gunbu?Modern scientific tests have shown that substances contained in Cordyceps lower blood pressure and make it easier to breathe.,7.Whats enlightenment?The goal of Buddhism is to escape from this earthly cycle of pain and suffering by achieving a state of freedom called

26、 enlightenment得道,开悟.8.How can we see the buddhists respect for nature?Buddhist respect for nature may find expression in practical ways,too.This bird has a broken wing and has been nursed back to health by the villagers.Such kind acts are common where people believe that helping other beings,animals

27、 or people,in this life may bring rewards in the next.The culture of veneration尊敬and protection extends right across Tibet,helping to preserve a unique yet fragile ecosystem生态系统.,II.Fill in the blanks with the words and expressions you have heard.,_further from the mountains and out onto the open pl

28、ateau,and life doesnt appear to get any easier.At this height,most people are _for breath.,weirdest,Venture,sufficient,gasping,mistakes,fighting,enlightenment,providing,regard,Venture,gasping,3.Their red blood cell count is twice as high as ours,_to supply their muscles with oxygen even at this extr

29、eme altitude.4.With their rapier-like细长的剑horns,the males wont risk _unless they really have to.,weirdest,Venture,sufficient,gasping,mistakes,fighting,enlightenment,providing,regard,retains,sufficient,fighting,5.Out here theres little room for_.6.Once domesticated,the yak is an amazing animal,_the Ti

30、betans with transport,food,wool for clothes and tents,and manure for fuel.,weirdest,Venture,sufficient,gasping,mistakes,fighting,enlightenment,providing,regard,retains,mistakes,providing,7.Its held in such high _that its fur is even used to decorate the sacred prayer flag poles,and yak butter is use

31、d as an offering to the gods.8.This is the worlds _不可思议harvest.9.Although Tibet is modernizing fast,it _a deeply spiritual culture.10.The goal of Buddhism is to escape from this earthly cycle of pain and suffering by achieving a state of freedom called_.,weirdest,Venture,sufficient,gasping,mistakes,

32、fighting,enlightenment,providing,regard,retains,regard,weirdest,retains,enlightenment,III.Reading comprehensionFill in the blanks with the following words:,extraordinary vulnerableassemble substantial unwieldy encourages terrain,retains ritual remedy rebirth suffering modernizing enlightenment fract

33、ure,Although Tibet is _fast,it _a deeply spiritual culture.Even today,Tibetan valleys resound to distinctive与众不同的and _calls to prayer.The Tibetan horn may be the worlds most _笨重的instrument,but its sound is unique.Every morning,the nuns _for practice.The air is chilly,but they soon warm up.Monks and

34、nuns comprise a _portion of society,largely self-contained and isolated.Deep within the monastery寺院is the spiritual engine that drives much of Tibetan culture.,extraordinary,vulnerable,assemble,substantial,unwieldy,encourages,terrain,retains,ritual,remedy,rebirth,suffering,modernizing,enlightenment,

35、fracture,modernizing,retains,extraordinary,unwieldy,assemble,substantial,Buddhists believe in an endless cycle of _ in which the actions of this life will impact on the next.The goal of Buddhism is to escape from this earthly cycle of pain and _by achieving a state of freedom called_.The enlightened

36、 guides,or spiritual teachers,are called lamas.The possibility of escaping the cycle of life and death and the promise of enlightenment _people to perform activities that benefit all beings.,extraordinary,vulnerable,assemble,substantial,unwieldy,encourages,terrain,retains,ritual,remedy,rebirth,suffe

37、ring,modernizing,enlightenment,fracture,rebirth,suffering,enlightenment,encourages,IV.Translation 从日常生活能看出,佛教徒如何尊敬自然。这只鸟断了一只翅膀,村民一直照顾它到恢复健康。这种善行很常见。人们相信这辈子帮助其他生灵,不管帮助动物或其他人,下辈子会得到福报。这种尊重和保护的文化普及西藏,帮助当地保存独特又脆弱的生态系统。,Buddhist respect for nature may find expression in practical ways,too.This bird has a

38、 broken wing and has been nursed back to health by the villagers.Such kind acts are common where people believe that helping other beings,animals or people,in this life may bring rewards in the next.The culture of veneration and protection extends right across Tibet,helping to preserve a unique yet fragile ecosystem.,Thank you!,


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