1、北方城市居住区节地措施研究 北方城市居住区节地措施研究 Study on Land-saving Measure of Residential Districts in Northern China 【中文摘要】 我国人多地少,耕地资源严重不足,节约土地成为我国城市化的必然选择。2004年12月,在中央经济工作会议上,中央领导明确指出要大力发展“节能省地型”住宅,即“节能、节地、节水、节材、环保”型“四节一环保”住宅。当前我国的城市建设中,30%的用地用于住宅建设,而由于土地的粗放利用、浪费现象日渐严重,目前我国多数城市土地供应已经紧缺。北方城市以北京为例,住区节地问题研究亦显得十分重要。如何
3、文章从不同层面研究居住区节地的技术措施,并重点对如何加大小户型进深进行了研究。希望本文提出的节地实现措施可以成为我国城市进行节地建设的具有实践意义的探索。 【英文摘要】 There are large population and little land in China, so the cultivated land resources are in great shortage. It is such a serious contradiction that land saving becomes a necessary choice in our urbanization. In Dec
4、ember 2004, the central government leaders in the central economic work conferencestated clearly that we must vigorously develop the “energy and land saving type” residence, that is to say,”energy saving, land saving, water saving, material saving and environmental protection” type residence. In cur
5、rent urban construction of our country, 30% land is used as residential construction, and the present land supply is in serious shortage in many cities of our country because of the more and more severe extensive utilization of land and the wasting phenomenon. As an example in Northern China, study
6、on residential land saving in Beijing becomes very important. How to yield the maximum benefit of every cun land, to save land and to solve more peoples dwelling problem become the urgent problem to be solved now.Based on fundamental realities of China, the “Study on land-saving measure of residenti
7、al district in in Northern China” discussed in the thesis is put forward combining the important content of “to vigorously develop the engery and land saving type residence” in central economic work conference.The main research contents include:1) Utilization situation of residential land in Beijing
8、. Analyze the current main contradictions and problems existing in residential land utilization of Beijing.2) Studies on basic technical approach of developing land saving type residential district in Beijing.3) This innovative in the thesis is to develop the small units residence at the same time t
9、o solve the contradiction between the economic use of land , that is how to increase the depth of the small units.The land saving measures of residential district development will be studied by urban land planning, architectural design, architectural technology and many other aspects. The “land savi
10、ng”type researches of residential construction was sorted out in thesis, which are studied by scholars at home and abroad, and the article gives the feasible operation modes of residential land saving in Northern China in accordance with the present situation of Beijing. The article explores the arc
11、hitectural technical measures to realize the residential land saving from different levels. It is hoped that the land saving realizing measures put forword in the thesis will become a practical exploration for the urban land saving construction of our country. 【中文关键词】 北京; 节地; 技术措施; 进深 【英文关键词】 Beijin
12、g; Land-saving; Technical measures; Depth 北方城市居住区节地措施研究致谢 5-6 中文摘要 6-7 ABSTRACT 7-8 1 引言 11-25 1.1 问题的提出 11 1.2 研究价值 11-13 1.3 研究动态及现状 13-23 1.3.1 国内研究现状 13-18 1.3.2 国外研究现状 18-23 1.4 本文的内容结构安排 23-25 2 节地的概念和北京地区的居住现状 25-29 2.1 节地的基本概念 25-26 2.2 北方城市居住区建设现状和存在的问题以北京市为例 26-29 2.2.1 北京市居住空间现状分布围绕紫禁城的同心
13、圆结构 26 2.2.2 北京市居住区建设存在的问题 26-29 3 北方地区居住区节地技术措施研究 29-65 3.1 合理规划住宅建设用地 29-36 3.1.1 居住区三维立体规划 29-32 3.1.2 合理开发山坡地和废弃用地 32-34 3.1.3 积极挖掘地下空间 34-35 3.1.4 用地周边条件,将不同性质用地综合布局 35 3.1.5 板塔结合组合方式的分析 35 3.1.6 利用住栋斜边单元 35-36 3.2 建筑设计层面 36-61 3.2.1 发展小户型 36-43 3.2.2 容户率概念的引入对发展中小户型的重要性 43-44 3.2.3 加大小户型住宅进深以节约用地 44-61 3.3 建筑技术层面 61-65 3.3.1 新型建筑结构的应用对节地的重要意义 61 3.3.2 钢结构住宅的优越性 61-62 3.3.3 木结构的住宅的优越性 62-65 4 结论 65-66 参考文献 66-71 索引 71-73 作者简历 73-77 学位论文数据集 77