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1、新闻翻译,目录,达沃斯经济论坛介绍李克强致辞简介致辞翻译参考资料,达沃斯经济论坛,世界经济论坛(World Economic Forum)是以研究和探讨世界经济领域存在的问题、促进国际经济合作与交流为宗旨的非官方国际性机构。总部设在瑞士日内瓦。2015年1月2124日,第45届世界经济论坛年会在瑞士小镇达沃斯举行。主题为“全球新局势”(The New Global Context),维护和平稳定 推动结构改革 增强发展新动能 Uphold Peace and Stability,Advance Structural Reform and Generate New Momentum for De

2、velopment,达沃斯小镇十分宁静祥和,但我们所处的世界却并不平静,国际社会需要应对新局势。我还听说,达沃斯曾经是治疗肺病的疗养地,因为盘尼西林的发明而转型。时至今日,达沃斯已经成为“头脑风暴”的智力中心,世界也需要新的“盘尼西林”来应对新挑战。,Davos is a town of peace and serenity,yet the world outside is not tranquil.We need to work together to shape the world in a new global context.I was told that Davos used to

3、be a resort for recuperation from lung diseases,and the later discovery of Penicillin changed that.Now it is a place for people to gather and pool their wisdom for brain-storm.Personally,I find this more than relevant,because our world also needs new forms of Penicillin to tackle new challenges that

4、 have emerged.评:用词尽量正式,指代具体翻译。,不可否认,2015年,中国经济仍面临较大下行压力。我们将继续保持战略定力,实施积极的财政政策和稳健的货币政策,不会搞“大水漫灌”,而是更加注重预调微调,更好实行定向调控,确保经济运行在合理区间,同时着力提升经济发展的质量和效益。,Needless to say,the Chinese economy will continue to face substantial downward pressure in 2015.We will maintain our strategic focus and continue to pursu

5、e a proactive fiscal policy and a prudent monetary policy.We will avoid adopting indiscriminate policies.Instead,we will put more emphasis on anticipatory adjustment and fine-tuning,do an even better job with targeted macro-regulation to keep the economy operating within the reasonable range,and rai

6、se the quality and performance of the economy.评:特定词汇的翻译应着重翻译,中文翻译成英文时注意对等性。同时中文句子过长可拆分成多句翻译。,我们正在采取有效措施防范债务、金融等潜在风险。中国储蓄率高达50%,能够为经济增长提供充裕资金。地方性债务70%以上用于基础设施建设,是有资产保障的。金融体制改革也正在推进。我在这里要向大家传递的信息是,中国不会发生区域性、系统性金融风险,中国经济不会出现“硬着陆”。,We are taking effective measures to fend off debt,financial and other po

7、tential risks.Chinas high savings rate,which now stands at 50%,generates sufficient funds for sustaining economic growth.Besides,Chinas local debt,over 70%of which was incurred for infrastructure development,is backed by assets.And reform of the financial system is making progress.What I want to emp

8、hasize is that regional or systemic financial crisis will not happen in China,and the Chinese economy will not head for a hard landing.评:经济名词翻译应规范。,中国经济要行稳致远,必须全面深化改革。用好政府和市场这“两只手”,形成“双引擎”。一方面要使市场在资源配置中起决定性作用,培育打造新引擎;另一方面要更好发挥政府作用,改造升级传统引擎。,To ensure long-term and steady growth of the Chinese econom

9、y,we need to comprehensively deepen reforms.We need to properly use both the hand of the government and the hand of the market,and rely on both the traditional and new engines of growth.We will let the market play a decisive role in resource allocation to foster a new engine of growth.At the same ti

10、me,we will give better scope to the role of the government to transform and upgrade the traditional engine of growth.评:将引用具体翻译出来“两只手”指的是市场有形的手和政府无形的手;“双引擎”指的是传统引擎和创业、创新、人才等新引擎。,瑞士达沃斯是世界滑雪胜地。大家知道,滑雪有三要素:速度、平衡、勇气。对中国经济而言,就是要主动适应新常态,保持中高速度的增长,平衡好稳增长和调结构的关系,以壮士断腕的勇气推进改革。,Davos of Switzerland is a world-

11、famous ski resort.As we understand,to be a good skier,one needs to do three things:go at the right speed,keep balance and be courageous.I believe this also holds true for the Chinese economy.What is important now for China is to adapt to the new normal.China will maintain medium-to-high speed of growth,keep a proper balance between steady growth and structural adjustment,and push forward reform with great courage and determination.评:中文成语的翻译需先理解其中文意思,然后将其所表达的意思翻译成英文。,参考资料,http:/chinese.weforum.org/http:/,Thank you!,


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