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1、店 长 职 责,目录,一、职业素养二、工作职责三、主要工作内容四、店长的一天,一、职业素养-“3+5”,物美的干部任用标准:(“3+5”干部要求标准)3个基本要求5个标准,1、3个基本要求,3个基本要求:基本品质要求、智力水平和思想成熟。1.1 基本品质要求:基本品质要求是决定一个人能走多远的基础,包括:诚实、正直、坦率、有胸怀和有责任心。如果在这些方面有较大差距,他不可能真正成为一个优秀的高级管理者。1.1.1 关于诚实、正直和坦率 我们要思考你的同事、合作伙伴、顾客、甚至是社会公众对你的行为和你管理团队的行为的感觉与评价。,3个基本要求,1.1.2 关于有胸怀 在经营与管理的过程中,只要不

2、涉及经营的秘密,我们要尽量减少隐蔽的空间,让下属多了解具体和真实的情况,让下属、同僚有机会与胆量表达自己的观点。我们要有坦荡的胸怀去迎接来自各方面的信息,尽管我们可能在收到这些信息时会难堪与难受。心胸还体现在与其他人和其他部门的合作上。还体现在用人的“五湖四海”上。,3个基本要求,1.1.3 关于责任心 首先是对自己负责任,就是自己有对自己的要求和标准,人要对自己的人品、工作态度、工作质量和前途负责。其次是对家庭负责任。第三是对企业或组织负责任。第四是对社会负责。1.2 智力水平:包括识数、会算和善于学习总结。1.3 思想成熟:包括思维的缜密性、承受压力的能力、面对复杂局面的应变能力等。,5个

3、标准,5个标准:(1)有激情。(2)精力旺盛。(3)有激励下属的能力。(4)敏锐的判断力。(5)不折不扣的执行力。,二、工作职责,2.1 制定并达成各项经营业绩指标具体内容:根据公司下达的经营指标,分解到每天对指标进度每日关注,分析未达成的原因及时采取措施带领员工完成各项业绩指标,争取为公司经营出更好的经营业绩。2.2 商品的进销存及结构管理具体内容:要检核店铺商品的异常情况,负库存、畅缺品、负毛利、高库存、滞销品、应销未进、每月分析商品的动销情况,保证商品资源销售的结构合理,保证商品的进货和销售同时要追求销售最大化库存最小化。,二、工作职责,2.3 建立并持续卖场良好的购物环境和服务形象具体

4、内容:按照公司和国家相关职能部门的规定卖场管理秩序外,营造一个温馨、舒适、安全的购物环境,同时不断的提升店铺的热情、积极、主动和首问负责制服务,营造每个员工都有良好的服务意识气氛。还要做到卖场环境清洁卫生2.4 严格控制各项成本,降低损耗具体内容:针对可控方面的费用科目:人事费用、基本实施费用、行销费用、资讯费用、维修费用、营运费用,根据本店实际情况最大化的节约费用的发生,二、工作职责,2.5 协调与总部的沟通与合作具体内容:对上要无条件执行总部指令,强调执行力,对下要使员工有效执行而且要使员工极富向心力,热爱店铺热爱公司总部。2.6 建立良好的社区公共关系具体内容:对于社区公共关系的范围不仅

5、仅局限于社区,包括:街道办事处、居委会、派出所、城管、卫生部门、工商、计量、消防、商务局、发改委、甲方及物业;日常及节日的公共关系维护走访。,二、工作职责,2.7 做好员工招聘、培训、激励与绩效考核具体内容:主要检核主管对于人员招录后对于企业文化和岗位职责的认识,另平时要通过PDCA有效激励员工,对于表现优秀能够为公司发展有贡献的人员要积极推荐。2.8 做好安全措施的落实,防止损耗具体说明:对于公司已经有的安全制度执行外,注意对于当地安防部门的特殊要求的执行,例如:双锁制、值班人员闭店电话报平安、夜间抽查执勤情况、重点商品的日盘保证全店商品盘亏在合理范围、关注店铺备用资产的每月盘点、使每个员工

6、都有安全意识。,二、工作职责,2.9 主持门店的日常营运工作具体内容:店铺自开店前的各项准备工作到位,晨会任务的布达,日常工作的检核。2.10 紧急事件处理及预案的制定具体内容:各项突发事件预案的制定、培训、提问、考试、紧急的店内突发事件店长要及时妥善的处理,原则店铺公司利益损失最低,事情的情况要第一时间通知营运经理,每一位员工不得随便向媒体发表言论。,二、工作职责,2.11 分析竞争店情况,及时向公司本部反馈相关信息具体内容:对于竞争环境激烈的门店,店长要每周进行两次市调,(商品价格、促销活动、特色商品、服务项目)整理后资料及店铺的意见交标超商品部,要善于观察和掌握市场现有的和潜在的竞争对手

7、。2.12 及时处理顾客投诉与意见具体内容:对于轻微的客诉由店铺主管负责,造成升级或者恶性的由店长亲自你处理,涉及到钱款的店长的权限为200元,要发挥每个干部都是一堵墙的责任,使问题在最短的时间和最小的范围解决,同时通知标超的营运部。目的是顾客满意为止。,二、工作职责,2.13 店长对于账面的资产有责任义务保证安全具体内容:店长交接离任时要有总部监督交接人员店铺主管至少4方签字的交接单,如有缺失照净值赔偿。店长对于闲置的资产要合理的安置和调拨。,三、主要工作内容,三、主要工作内容,三、主要工作内容,三、主要工作内容,三、主要工作内容,三、主要工作内容,三、主要工作内容,三、主要工作内容,四、店

8、长的一天,四、店长的一天,四、店长的一天,四、店长的一天,四、店长的一天,END,Friendship,the difference in China and the West,Chinese except friendships to be more lasting.Different foundations for friendships.Westerns expect friends to be independent.Chinese usually expect more from their friends.,Chinese except friendships to be more

9、 lasting.,For Chinese a true friendship endures throughout life changes.Chinese are friends even if they havent spoken for 20 years.If you shared something at one time,then all your life you are friends.This is the best of guanxi(关系),the Wide Web that connects Chinese through time and space.So,we ca

10、n say Chinese invented the Internet long before Bill Gates was born.,In North America,even the relationship in which people feel close and tell each other personal problems may not survive life changes such as moving to another city,graduation from a university or marriage.If the people do not see e

11、ach other regularly,the relationship is likely to die.,Different foundations for friendships.,Chinese friends share“things in common”:a task,a class,the hometown.Friendships are formed by people who work or go to school together.You may or may not like the person,but if he or she can do something fo

12、r you because of his position or job,you can be friends.But in North America,business and friendship are kept separate.The friendships are usually tied to specific activities.A person may have work friends and leisure(休闲时)activity friends.Also friends tend to have similar financial circumstances,bec

13、ause friendship in the West is based on equality.,Westerns expect friends to be independent.,Why?Its because their friendship is mostly a matter of providing emotional support and spending time together,so they do not feel comfortable in a relationship in which one person is giving more and the othe

14、r is dependent on what is giving.A westerner will respond to a friends trouble by asking“What do you want to do?”The idea is to help the friend to think out the problem and discover the solution he or she really wants and then to support the solution.Chinese friends give each other more concrete hel

15、p.A Chinese will use personal connections to help a friend get something hard to obtain.They give each other money and might help each other out financially over a long time.,Chinese usually expect more from their friends.,In the West,you can certainly ask a friend to do something with you,but you r

16、ecognize that your friend may say no,if he or she gives you as reason.You would not expect a friend to drop everything to respond to a non-urgent need such as shopping.Nor would you expect a friend to recognize and respond to your wishes without stating them.A friend in China is someone who offers help without waiting to be asked.There are few limits to what you can expect from a friend.You can feel free to tell your friend what he or she can or should do or help or please you.,Good friends are like stars.You dont always see them,but you know they are always there.,


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