Google Analytics概览.ppt

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《Google Analytics概览.ppt》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《Google Analytics概览.ppt(83页珍藏版)》请在三一办公上搜索。

1、Google Analytics,Joris Roebben()Tom Michiels(),1.Introduction,What is Google Analytics?,urchin.js,GA.js,2004,2005,2007,Conventions,GA=Google AnalyticsGATC=Google Analytics Tracking Code,Google Analytics advantages,FreeSufficiant possibilities for most companiesEasy to implementEasy to useEasy to und

2、erstand,Google Analytics disadvantages,URL and title basedNo data historyPrivacy?JavaScript and cookiesOnly visitors,no crawlers or bots,2.Google Analytics interface,DashboardAdd/remove elementsPersonalized,Calendar,Reporting,XMLPDFCSVTSVSend nowSchedule,3.Setup Google Analytics,Create Google Accoun

3、tFreeNo spamGmail=OK,Best practice for GA accounts,Create GA account on Add as administratorAdd as reviewerAdvantage:structure,Sign up,LoginCreate GA account,Get the GATC,Google Analytics Tracking CodeOld vs.New oneurchin.js vs.GA.js,urchin.js,Old codeCan still be used,_uacct=UA-123456-1;urchinTrack

4、er();,GA.js,New codeNew features not yet available,var gaJsHost=(https:=document.location.protocol)?https:/ssl.:http:/www.);document.write();var pageTracker=_gat._getTracker(UA-123456-1);pageTracker._initData();pageTracker._trackPaginaweergave();,Host your own GATC,PossibleNot advised,_uacct=UA-1234

5、56-1;urchinTracker();,Check your installation,Put code just before Loads pages fasterNo problem if GA offline,Easy implementation,All HTML-files:lot of workDynamic site:look for footer inclusionCMS:look for templatesPut GATC on ALL pages!Correct data=essential,Access manager,Give access to GA accoun

6、tMust be Google accountAdministrator or View Reports only,Add user,4.Adding AdWords to Google Analytics,Use GA in AdWords interfaceAdWords reports in GA,Step 1:check GATC,Make sure every page on website is tagged with GATC,Step 2:Login to Google AdWords,as Administrator,Step 3:Tab Analytics,Click on

7、 the tab Analytics,Step 4:Link to existing GA account,Step 5:Account preferences,Make sure auto-tagging is on!,5.Profiles and Filters,Are the real strength of GASegment dataDeep analysisDepending on needsStart collecting data when created,Best practices,Profile with ALL dataTesting profile,Data need

8、ed for profile,Website URLProfile NameTime ZoneDefault PageExclude parametersE-commerce websiteSearch,GATC for different profiles,_uacct=UA-123456-1;urchinTracker();,_uacct=UA-123456-2;urchinTracker();,_uacct=UA-654321-1;urchinTracker();,Filters,Applied to profileChange data(forever!)SegmentationBus

9、iness rules2 sorts:predefined and customTest profile,How do filters work?,3 componentsFilter TypeFilter FieldsFilter PatternFilter data before submitting it to GA DB,Multiple filters,No problemMultiple filters applied to dataData output filter 1 is input filter 2Be careful!Wrong conclusions,Filterfi

10、elds,37 fieldsField=pageview attributeRegular fields and user defined fieldsRegular:request URI,hostname,referral,page title,browser,IP address,.User defined:campaign name,source,campaign term,e-commerce variables,.,Possible values for Filterfields,Check GA reports!Lists not yet available,Filter Pat

11、terns,Pattern is applied to filterfieldIf ok,data registeredIf not ok,data neglectedBuild patterns using RegExRegEx=set of characters,representative for bigger set of data,Filter Type,10 different types3 predefined7 custom,5.1 Exclude all traffic from a domain,5.2 Exclude all traffic from an IP addr

12、ess,IP ranges with RegEx!,5.3 Include only traffic to a subdirectory,5.4 Include/Exclude filter(1),5.4 Include/Exclude filter(2),5.4 Include/Exclude filter(3),5.5 Search and replace filter(1),5.5 Search and replace filter(2),No RegEx!Changes data!,5.6 Uppercase/Lowercase filter,5.7 Lookup table filt

13、er,Not available in GAOnly old Urchin customersSearch and replace filterText file,5.8 Advanced filters,Change data fieldsBy combining elements2 filter fields:Field A and Field BExtract field=ConstructorRegEx!,Examples of advanced filters(1),Examples of advanced filters(2),6.Custom segmentation,Segme

14、nt data_utmv cookieJavaScript function _utmSetVar()On pages tagged with GATCApplied to HTML attributes as onLoad(),onChange(),onSubmit()Only 1 cookie per visitor(website),Custom segmentation example,Custom segmentation code,Everyone=visitor(“not set”)When registered=memberWhen completed buy=customer

15、Report:Visitors User defined,User Defined Values,RegEx,Regular expressions are used to match or capture portions of a field using wildcards and metacharacters.They are often used for text manipulation tasks.Most of the filters included in Google Analytics use these expressions to match the data and

16、perform an action when a match is achieved.For instance,an exclude filter is designed to exclude the hit if the regular expression in the filter matches the data contained in the field specified by the filter.Regular expressions are text strings that contain characters,numbers,and wildcards.Note tha

17、t these wildcard characters can be used literally by escaping them with a backslash.For example,when entering,escape the periods with a backslash:,RegEx,.match any single character*match zero or more of the previous items+match one or more of the previous items?match zero or one of the previous item

18、s()remember contents of parenthesis as item match one item in this list create a range in a list|or match to the beginning of the field$match to the end of the field escape any of the aboveMore:http:/,7.Goals,Conversions?Conversion rateReportsSuccess of site“Thank you”page

19、Max.4 per profileContact buy download-register,Setting up goals,Goals howto,Match typeGoal valueChoose good nameUnique“thank you”page per conversionKeep track of filters,Goals visualisation(1),Goals visualisation(2),Funnels,Extension of goalsPredefined stepsTrack conversion processRequired steps?,Fu

20、nnel visualisation,8.E-commerce tracking,Not accountingUse it to find trendsNo absolute figures!,Implementing E-commerce tracking,Activate E-commerce tracking in profileAdd code below GATCExtra reportsData from transaction needs to be transfered to GA1 TransactionMultiple itemsurchin.js vs.GA.js,E-c

21、ommerce for urchin.js,UTM:T|order-id|affiliation|total|tax|shipping|city|state|countryUTM:I|order-id|sku/code|productname|category|price|quantityUTM:I|order-id|sku/code|productname|category|price|quantity,E-commerce for GA.js,var pageTracker=_gat._getTracker(UA-XXXXX-1);pageTracker._initData();pageT

22、racker._addTrans(1234,/Order ID partner,/Affiliation 2500.25,/Total 200.25,/Tax 3,/Shipping Brussels,/City Brabant,/State Belgium/Country);pageTracker._addItem(1234,/Order ID MTB25,/SKU Mountainbike,/Product Name Off-road,/Category 1500,/Price 1/Quantity);pageTracker._addItem(1234,/Order ID MTB44,/S

23、KU Mountainbike,/Product Name Cross,/Category 1000.25,/Price 1/Quantity);pageTracker._trackTrans();,Complete process,E-commerce reports,E-commerce reports,E-commerce reports,E-commerce reports,9.Tips&Tricks:Site Search,Tips&Tricks:Event tracking,Downloads,clicks,.Urchintracker()generates pageviewPag

24、eviews in reportsNaming!,Tips&Tricks:Multi-domain tracking,Website on multiple domainsMost often used for external checkoutTransfer content of first party cookies to other domainurchin.js vs.GA.js,Multi-domain tracking urchin.js(1),_uacct=UA-xxxx-x;_udn=none;_ulink=1;urchinTracker();,Change GATC,Mul

25、ti-domain tracking urchin.js(2),Change cross-domain links,Log in Now,document.write(Log in Now);Log in Now,Multi-domain tracking GA.js(1),Change GATC,var gaJsHost=(https:=document.location.protocol)?https:/ssl.:http:/www.);document.write();var pageTracker=_gat._getTracker(UA-12345-1);pageTracker._se

26、tDomainName(none);pageTracker._setAllowLinker(true);pageTracker._initData();pageTracker._trackPaginaweergave();,Multi-domain tracking GA.js(2),Change cross-domain links,Log in Now,document.write(Log in Now);Log in Now,Tips&Tricks:Tracking outbound links,Creating pageviewsUsing UrchinTracker()Pagevie

27、ws in reportsNaming!,Tips&Tricks:Tagging inbound links,http:/,http:/,Adjust cookies Google AdWords auto-tagging Not all parameters are required,10.Conclusion,Plan your Google AnalyticsImplementation!,11.Roundup,1.Create a Google Analytics account.2.Analyze the website.3.Create and Configure profiles

28、.a)Create filters.b)Create goals and funnels.c)Create recommended profiles.4.Edit the tracking code.5.Modify the web site.6.Add the tracking code to web site pages.7.Tag marketing campaigns.8.Enable e-commerce transaction tracking.9.Implement custom segmentation.10.Configure other administrative features.a)User accounts and report access.b)Automated email report delivery.,12.Q&A,


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