1、,PPT制作图表大全,递进,饼状图,地形图,柱状图,拟物图,组合图,流程图,联动,Group D,强调,交叉,层级,循环,关联,并列,包含,表格图,线状图,综合,扩散,图表,对比,并列关系:强调对象之间的平等关系,TEXT,TEXT,TEXT,TEXT,TEXT,TEXT,TEXT,TEXT,Click to add Title,Click to add Title,Click to add Title,Click to add Title,Click to add Title,Diagram 1,Diagram 2,Diagram 1Click to edit sub text,Diagra
2、m 2Click to edit sub text,Diagram 3Click to edit sub text,Diagram 2,Diagram 3,Diagram 2,TEXT,TEXT,A,B,TEXT,D,TEXT,C,Text Here,Text Here,Text Here,Add Your Text,Add Your Text,Add Your Text,Add Your Text,Your Text,Your Text,Your Text,Your Text,Your Text,Your Text,Your Text,Your Text,2008,2009,2010,201
3、1,递进关系:强调几个不同发展阶段的发展脉络,1979,获得巴法罗大学工学学士学位University of Buffalo-B.S.EE,1982,获得MIT电气工程硕士学位S.M.Electrical Engineering,1986,获得佛蒙特州大学工程物理学硕士 University of Vermont-M.S.EE,1991,获得佛蒙特州大学工程物理学博士 University of Vermont-PhD degree,Text,Text,Text,TEXT TETX TEXT TEXT,TEXT HERE TEXT HERE TEXT HERE,TETX HERE TETX H
4、ERE TETX,Click to add Text,Add your text in hereYour text in hereYour text in here,Click to add Text,Click to add Text,Add your text in hereYour text in hereYour text in here,Add your text in hereYour text in hereYour text in here,Phase 1,Phase 2,Phase 3,Add Your Text,Add Your Text,Add Your Text,The
5、meGallery is a Design Digital Content&Contents mall developed by Guild Design Inc.,综合关系:强调由几个部分推出一个结论或者对象,Add Your Title,Text,Text,Text,Add Your Text,Add Your Title here,Text in here,Add your title in here,Level 1,Level 2,Level 3,Level 4,Level 5,Description of the contents,Description of the content
6、s,Description of the contents,Description of the contents,Description of the contents,TEXT,Add Your Text,Add Your Text,Add Your Text,Add Your Text,Add Your Text,Title,Title,Add your text in here-Your text in here-Your text in hereAdd your text in here-Your text in here-Your text in hereAdd your text
7、 in here,Add your text in here-Your text in here-Your text in here Add your text in here-Your text in here-Your text in hereAdd your text in here,扩散关系:强调一个结论或对象分解成几个部分,Text,Text,Text,Text,Text,Add Your Text,Concept,Add Your Text,Add Your Text,Add Your Text,Add Your Text,Add Your Text,Your text in he
8、re,Your text in here,Your text in here,Your text in here,Your text in here,Your text in here,Text in here,Title,Add your text in here,Add your text in here,Add your text in here,Add your text in here,Your text in hereYour text in here Your text in here Your text in here,Your text in hereYour text in
9、 here Your text in here Your text in here,Your text in hereYour text in here Your text in here Your text in here,Your text in hereYour text in here Your text in here Your text in here,层级关系:强调几个对象之间的层次性差异,Text 1,Text 2,Text 3,Text 4,Your text in here,Your text in here,Your text in here,Your text in h
10、ere,Your text in here,Click to add Title,Click to add Title,Click to add Title,Click to add Title,Click to add Title,Click to add Title,Click to add Title,Click to add Title,Click to add Title,Click to add Title,TextHere,Text Here,Text Here,Text Here,Text Here,Text Here,A Group,B Group,C Group,Add y
11、our text in here-Your text in here-Your text in here-Your text in here-Your text in here,Add your text in here-Your text in here-Your text in here-Your text in here-Your text in here,Add your text in here-Your text in here-Your text in here-Your text in here-Your text in here,D Group,Add your text i
12、n here-Your text in here-Your text in here-Your text in here-Your text in here,SI consulting SI development SI management N/W management New technology,Network Integration-Network Consulting-Network Integration-Network Management,SI AreaNI AreaSolution AreaSM AreaInternet AreaR&D AreaConsulting Area
13、,循环关系:强调几个对象的循环变化,TEXT text,TEXT text,TEXT text,Your Text here,Your Text here,Your Text here,Add Text,Add Text,Add Text,TEXT,TEXT,TEXT,TEXT,TEXT,TEXT,TEXT,Click to add Title,Click to add Title,Click to add Title,Click to add Title,Click to add Title,Click to add Title,Click to add Title,Click to add
14、 Title,对比关系:强调几个对象之间的差异性和相反性,Text,You may want to allocate one slide per competitorYou may want to allocate one slide per competitorYou may want to allocate one slide per competitor,Text,You may want to allocate one slide per competitorYou may want to allocate one slide per competitorYou may want to
15、 allocate one slide per competitor,Description of the contents,Description of the contents,Text in here,Text in here,Describe a vision of company or strategic contents.,Describe a vision of company or strategic contents.,Content Title,Description of the contents Description of the contents,Content T
16、itle,Content Title,Description of the contents Description of the contents,Description of the contents Description of the contents,Add Your Text,Add Your Text,Add Your Text,Add Your Text,Add Your Text,Add Your Text,Add Your Text,Add Your Text,Add Your Text,Add your text in here,Add your text in here
17、,Text,Text,Text,Text,Text,Text,Text,Text,包含关系:强调一个对象包括另外几个对象,TEXT.,TitleAdd your text,TEXT,Add Your Text,Text,Text in here,Text in here,Text in here,Text in here,Description of the contents,Description of the contents,Description of the contents,Description of the contents,Text,Text,Text,Planning&Pu
18、blic,Supporting Team,President&CEO,CS team Biz 1 team Biz 2 team Biz 3 team,Sales 1 team Sales 2 team SI System team SI Develop team,Sales 1 team Sales 2 team Automation team Network team,Consulting 1 team Consulting 2 team Consulting 3 team,eBiz team Solution team,SI MU,INFRA MU,Consulting MU,R&D M
19、U,BSP MU,交叉关系:强调两个或几个对象之间的交合部分,TEXT,TEXT,TEXT,TEXT,TEXT,TEXT,SCM,CRM,System,ERP/EIP,关联关系:强调几个对象之间的紧密联系关系,TEXT,TEXT,TEXTHERE,TEXTHERE,TEXT,TEXT,Text in here,01.TitleAdd your text in hereAdd your text in hereAdd your text in here,02.TitleAdd your text in hereAdd your text in hereAdd your text in here,
20、03.TitleAdd your text in here Add your text in hereAdd your text in here,ThemeGallery is a Design Digital Content&Contents mall developed by Guild Design Inc.,ThemeGallery is a Design Digital Content&Contents mall developed by Guild Design Inc.,ThemeGallery is a Design Digital Content&Contents mall
21、developed by Guild Design Inc.,Title in here,Title in here,Title in here,Title in here,Description of the contents,Description of the contents,Description of the contents,Description of the contents,Title in here,Title in here,Title in here,Title in here,Information,Portal,eGS,Transaction,Informatio
22、n,eGS,eGS,Transaction,Portal,e-Gov.ServiceIntegration,SCMSystem,EKP/EIPSystem,CRMSystem,Supply Chain Integration,Enterprise Knowledge Information Portal,Customer DB Integration,联动关系:强调对象之间的平等关系,TitleAdd your text,TitleAdd your text,TitleAdd your text,Title,Title,Title,Title,TEXT,TEXT,TEXT,TEXT add h
23、ere TEXT add here TEXT add here,TEXT add here TEXT add here TEXT add here,TEXT add hereTEXT add hereTEXT add here,TEXT add hereTEXT add hereTEXT add here,强调关系:在并列对象中特别强调其中部分,Text1,Text2,Text3,Text4,Text5,Text6,单击添加段落文字单击添加段落文字单击添加段落文字单击添加段落文字。单击添加段落文字单击添加段落文字单击添加段落文字单击添加段落文字。,TEXT,TEXT,此处添加内容,此处添加内容
24、,此处添加内容,此处添加内容,CRM,Forecasting,Opportunity Management,Configuration,Generation,Forecasting,Customer CareSpare Management,ForecastingPersonalizationCampaign ManagementMarketing Encyclopedia,ERP,CMS,SCM,EIP,eStrategy,Marketing,Sales,Services,TEXT,TEXT,TEXT,TEXT,TEXT,TEXT,TEXT,TEXT,TEXT,TEXT,One-Stop S
25、ervice,10%,10%,5%,5%,BSP,IT consulting IT development IT management N/W management New technology,Wireless Internet,Web Contents,Web Mailing,Web SI,BSP AreaInternet AreaSI AreaNI AreaConsulting Area,BSP MU:(Business Service Provider Management Unit),流程图:强调各关联的操作过程发生的先后顺序,TEXTHERE,TEXTHERE,TEXTHERE,T
26、EXTHERE,Text in here,Title in here,Text in here,Text in here,Text,Text,Text,Text,Description of the contents Description of the contents,Description of the contents Description of the contents,Description of the contents Description of the contents,Description of the contents Description of the cont
27、ents,地形图:以地图强调不同区域之间的关系,EUROPE,ASIA,N.AMERICA,S.AMERICA,OCEANIA,AFRICA,SCMERPEKP/EIP,柱状图:强调不同对象在某一方面数据值的对比,Your text in here,Product,Product,Product,23%,50%,86%,95%,78%,18%,Company B,Company A,TEXT HERE,TEXT HERE,Describe contents for a Chart Description of the companys sub contents Description of t
28、he companys sub contents,Chart Title in here,Description of the sub contents Description of the sub contents,Description of the sub contents Description of the sub contents,Description of the sub contents Description of the sub contents,Description of the sub contents Description of the sub contents
29、,线状图:强调不同对象数据值或发展的对比,57%,47.7%,62.7%,2008,2009,2010,15%,23.5%,29.6%,12.5%,12.6%,54%,Item 03,Item 02,Item 01,Description of the contents,Description of the contents,Description of the contents,Description of the contents,Description of the contents,Special Contents,Contents Title(2011),0,20000,40000,
30、60000,80000,100000,120000,140000,160000,180000,2006,2007,2008,2009,2010,200000,308,465,410,615,110,669,TEXT,TEXT,TEXT,Total,表格图:以纵横向量为线索,数据内容的罗列,Text 1,Text 2,Text 3,(Day,Month,Year),Text 4,(Day,Month,Year),(Day,Month,Year),(Day,Month,Year),1,2,3,4,饼状图:强调各部分所占总体的比例关系,10%,5%,60%,25%,Your text in here
31、 Your text in here Your text in here,Your text in here Your text in here Your text in here,Your text in here Your text in here Your text in here,Click to add Text,Your text in here Your text in here Your text in here,10%,15%,20%,55%,2011,Web Service&Solution,eBiz Consulting,SI Service&Solution,Netwo
32、rk Integration,拟物图:模拟某种实物或物质以强调对象或关系,Click to add Title,Click to add Title,Click to add Title,Click to add Title,Click to add Title,TEXT,Customer,Partner,Shareholder,Employee,Technology&Communications Infrastructure,eBiz Solutions,eBiz Integration,eBiz Strategy,B2E,B2B,B2C,B2M,Product Leadership,Rel
33、ationship management,e-Business Transformation,组合图:以组合图表形式以强调对象或关系,e-Marketing,E-CRM,e-Marketplace,SCM,Supplier,Customer,Supplier,Customer,Sales Team,System Team,ConsultingTeam,SI MU,NetworkTeam,AutomationSystemTeam,EnterpriseNetworkTeam,NI MU,eBiz,CRM,EIP,R&D,eCRM,WCMS,IRM/PRM,Mailing,MES,CTI,PABX,IBS,Network Integration Automation System Enterprise Network,CRM/DW,EIP/EKP,ERP/SCM,GW/KMS,SI consulting SI development SI management,Web consulting Web development Web management,NI Area,SI Area,Web SI Area,Web SI AreaSI AreaNI AreaSystem Area,