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1、嘉兴学院 本科毕业设计(论文)外文翻译题目:君山二期工程施工组织设计 一、外文原文:1. Design project management1.1 Choosing the planning practiceChoosing a suitable planning practice is extremely important. Introducing a pre-qualification process provides essential insights about efficiency, specialist knowledge and quality: three to five

2、applicants receive preliminary design documents and the building programme. Then interviews are held, reference evidence examined and the practices visited on the spot. But the key features are planning quality, knowledge of materials, degree of detail, and CAD and office equipment. The ability to c

3、oordinate building and technical planning is particularly relevant.1.2 Design and authorization planningCoordination and control of the planning process and content are particularly important in this planning phase. In no circumstances should planning in China be left to the design institute alone.

4、Regular planning and coordination meetings examine the planning process in its entirety to ensure that guidelines and standards are being met. It is important to coordinate routing and to check for collision points.1.3 Working plansRegular coordination, control and support are also required at the f

5、inal planning stage. Coordinating building and technical workers within the planning team is often a weak point as well. Important details and technical specifications have to be demanded. It is not usual in China to present details on a scale of 1:20 to 1:5, and these planning features have to be i

6、nsisted on; a great deal of convincing argument will be needed.1.4 Invitation to tender and tender awardsTender documents drawn up to Chinese standards are less detailed than comparable Western tender documents. Considerable importance should be attached to detailed working drawings. Drawings should

7、 be ranked before tender documents. It is not permissible to insist on specific product makes. Materials must be described neutrally in terms of product. This means that the building firm is able to use inferior materials without the clients agreement. This often results in buildings with serious de

8、ficiencies in quality and execution. To avoid these negative consequences, architects try to go beyond the standard guidelines to prevent the use of inferior quality materials. Also, Chinese planning and industrial standards are antiquated and do not yet meet national or international standards.As a

9、 rule, five to ten firms (general contractors or firms offering individual services) are invited to tender. Often foreign firms with branches in China are invited as well. Bids from such firms come out well above those of their Chinese competitors.After the bids have been evaluated, negotiations are

10、 conducted with the most reasonable bidders. Awards are decided on the basis of reference projects, quality of execution and evaluations of special proposals. Because the subsoil is so poor, the use of deep foundations on alluvial land is widespread. To gain time, the underground engineering work ca

11、n be put out to earlier tender and award to specialist building firms.1.5 Building and completion phaseThe legislation requires using local site supervision and a quantity surveyor (see Chapter B 2.2). Site supervision requirements are not the same as the standard German site supervision requirement

12、s laid down in HOAI, Phase 8. Chinese site supervision practices offer the following service pattern under the headings quality monitoring and safety management:- examining the working plans- quality control for building materials- quality control for building plant and equipment- building site safe

13、ty- checking current building progress- examining the qualifications of the building site personnel- demanding and examining inventory documentsOnly building sites that also convey an impression of an orderly approach can produce quality and work effectively. This includes cleanliness and safety. Ch

14、inese building sites need pioneering work in this field. It does not make any sense to compel the contractor to adopt a particular working programme that runs counter to his own ideas. It is in fact advisable to make concessions in order to make best use of the available production and fitting metho

15、ds. Quality control starts even in the planning phase. In the actual building phase, care should be taken to ensure that the required materials are really used, and that product-specific fitting requirements are met.The contractor can make alternative proposals to the tender standards. These are exa

16、mined and approved on the basis of specimens and references. It has turned out to be worthwhile to build specimen rooms before the actual building phase starts, to test the guidelines for details and materials and introduce improvements to materials and details in good time. It is essential to check

17、 and approve the quality of finish in the form of mock-ups before production begins for facades, roof areas and other critical parts of the building.1.6 DocumentationThe quality control process ends with the correction of faults and the start-up phase. Buildings are officially accepted in China at t

18、he point of final acceptance. The quality bureau, the fire prevention department and the environmental health office have to approve in order to ensure successful acceptance. The as-complete plans should be drawn up by the planning practice, as the building firm usually delivers these too late, and

19、in poor quality.1.7 CommunicationIt is a characteristic feature of Chinese building projects that a large number of participants have to work together, under pressure from deadlines and cost factors, on the basis of differing information from various locations. This creates the necessity for a digit

20、al platform that gives those involved in the project access to up-to-date documents and the ability to communicate with the same aims in mind and to keep up with the work as it needs to be done. But the project management team should have access to central scheduling and work monitoring, including r

21、eporting. These systems link those involved in the project, control the workflow, and distribute news, documents and information.2 Planning and building costs2.1 Quantity surveyingChinese quantity surveyors provide the same services as their English model. Quantity surveying is the generic term for

22、cost planning and cost control. Quantity surveying includes tender award and contract management, both of which are part of the cost control process. The quantity surveyor is commissioned by the client directly and assists with planning and controlling project investment. He represents the clients f

23、inancial interests throughout the entire course of the project. During the realization phase the quantity surveyor evaluates the level of work completed so that part payments and supplementary demands can be fixed, assists in warding off complaints, or evaluates and negotiates with the company over

24、justifiable additional demands. Effective cost control is carried out within the project management framework. All the costings are noted in a cost monitoring system. Cost monitoring is not a passive system. Precise project control means that cost changes can be identified even in the initial phase.

25、 Causes and effects of measures affecting costs are conveyed to the project management team at an early stage so that counter-measures can be introduced where necessary.Cost reduction opportunities are largely exhausted by the end of the planning phase.The diagram makes it clear that realization dec

26、isions made in the early planning phases crucially influence fixing the cost framework. The importance of control increases when planning is concluded and during the realization phase.Despite the overwhelming volume of investment by Western standards, professional cost and schedule control rarely oc

27、curs in China. Moreover, clients who are commercially successful and put a great deal of money into building projects often have no knowledge of how to implement and control planning and building work, and often rely on their experience in other industries. Even though the predominant Chinese enterp

28、rise culture is not comparable with the Western world, professional project management will be indispensable in future if building investment is to accomplish its aims.二、外文译文:1.1 选择一个切实可行的规划方式选择一个切实可行的规划方式是很重要的。采用一种资格预审的方式能够给工作效率、专业知识和产品质量提供必要的洞察力:三到五个投标人能够获得项目的初步设计文件和项目规划方案。接着进行面谈,以实证考察和现场勘探表现为依据。但







35、显著的特点:有很多的参与者在为同一个项目共同工作着,他们顶着工期进度和成本费用的压力,可是却接收着来自不同地区的不同信息。这就为数字交流平台的产生创造了条件,数字平台给所有的参与者提供了最新的文档材料信息,也让大家能够在上面自由交流,为了共同的目标做应该做的事。但是该项目的管理团队要接受统一调控和工作监督,包括所有的报告。这个系统把所有参与进项目的人都连接起来,控制着工作流程、及时发布新闻、文档和信息。2规划和建设成本2.1 工程造价估算中国的造价师提供着与榜样(英国测算员)相同的服务。造价估算是成本计划和成本控制的专业术语。造价估算包括招标奖励和合同管理,这些都是成本费用的组成部分。造价员直

36、接接受业主的委托并协助控制规划和项目投资。在整个项目建设过程中,造价员代表了业主的财务利益。在即将完工阶段,造价员需要评估项目的完成程度,这样方便控制部分付款和额外支出,使之稳定不增长。这也有助于避免争端,与有额外补偿要求的公司进行协商。有效的成本控制是建立在成本管理框架上的。所有的支出款项在成本控制系统里面都有记录。成本控制是一个主动过程。真正精确地项目控制,即使在项目的最初阶段就能够识别出后续将要发生变动的成本。影响成本的因素和措施尽早地传递到项目管理团队当中的话,有助于及时有效地采取相对应的措施。随着规划阶段的结束,降低成本的机会也大大地减少了。通过图表,可以很清楚地看出在早期规划阶段做出的实践决定对固定成本框架起到了很大程度的影响。随着规划阶段的结束和实施阶段的开始,成本控制变得越来越重要。尽管受到西方国家巨额投资标准的影响,但是我国的项目管理还是不重视成本和进度控制。更糟糕的是,在生意上取得成功的业主,他们把大量的资金投入到了项目当中,但是却不知道如何实施计划和管理建设工作,还天真的用他们在生意上的经验来处理问题。虽然主要的中国企业文化同西方国家没有可比性,但是在接下来的建设当中,我们若想要实现投资的真正价值,那么专业化的项目管理是必不可少的。三、指导教师审核意见: 达到任务要求 指导教师签字: 贺成龙 2011年11月30日


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