1、模 糊 语 法Fuzzy GrammarChen Wei,Content,Look at an example:Misunderstandings in New College English There is a bum in the restroom.There is a bomb in the restroom.,What caused this misunderstanding?Its the similar pronunciation of words.In English,this is a kind of grammar phenomenon-fuzzy grammar.,Fuz
2、zy Grammar,The semantic meaning of a word has indeterminacy(不确定性).There are three forms:fuzziness(模糊),ambiguity(歧义)and vagueness(含混)Fuzziness There are two cases:intermediate area,open area,1.1 Intermediate area,Taking the word“can”for example.CAN ability possibility permission subjectivity ability+
3、permission objectivity subjectivity+objectivity a.Its subject must be animate.b.Its verb must be a mental or physical action.c.The possibility of this action depends on both the subjects characteristics or learned skills and its objective permission.,e.g.1.ability I can swim across the river.2.possi
4、bility(ability+permission)a.I can swim across the river when it is warm.b.I can swim across the river when the water I shallow.3.permission You can bathe in the swimming pool until its closed.,Some numerals used in both English and Chinese are fuzzy,for example:a.He made a hundred apologies to me fo
5、r his being late.b.三三两两 千军万马 不管三七二十一 Other words:an oblong bar of chocolate an oblong box an oblong melon an oblong leaf rectangular(长方的)oblong(扁长的),1.2.Open area,2.Ambiguity,Its divided into three types:lexical ambiguity,grammatical ambiguity and pragmatic ambiguity(语用歧义).2.1 Lexical ambiguity2.1.1
6、 polysemy(一次多义)The office of the president is vacant.办公室 总统 office president 总裁 职位 大学校长,2.1.2 Homonym(同音异形异义)e.g.Did you get up late?Did you get a plate?2.2 Grammatical ambiguity e.g.Flying planes can be dangerous.which is flying/attributive flying operating/subject,2.3 Pragmatic ambiguity In some c
7、ontext,a language form will become an utterance when a specific person utters in a specific circumstance.e.g.a.We met the spring of 2006.encounter meet await b.父亲:你有几个,儿子?儿子:我有两个,爸爸。c.你有几个儿子?我有两个爸爸。,2.4.1.Avoiding ambiguity An example of a Chinese working as a translator for UNESCO.surplus“balance”d
8、eficit 2.4.2.Maintaining ambiguity in translation 2.4.3.Ambiguity to ambiguity Im going to have my car washed.,2.4.Solutions,Usually vagueness refers to confused reference.e.g.Mary says to Susan that she is a beautiful girl.She may refer to three person:Mary,Susan or another girl.Ways to connect it:
9、direct speech,3.Vagueness,Fuzziness may be embodied in words of different parts of speech,in tenses,passive voices,objects,attributes,stress of words or sentences and the intonation of sentences.e.g.John drives too fast.faster than he should do too fast very fast,This is only an introduction to this kind of grammar.Its not necessary to introduce you all of it.Its not my own idea,but what I learned.,Closing,A Fuzzy Grammar of English Wang Fengxin,Foreign Languages Press 2001,Acknowledgement,Thank you.,